2010-04-08 10:33:51 CEST

2010-04-08 10:34:59 CEST


English Lithuanian
Pramprojektas AB - Annual information

CORRECTION: Audited information for the year ended 31 12 2009

Pramprojektas AB corrects typing  errors at the annual report: 

1.page 46, item 9.5  “On 22/10/2009 Klaipėda court  ordered to UAB Lokys
company that are  restructured at present to pay the debt in amount of
79,030.00 LTL, interest in the amount of 2,493.12 LTL and  stamp duty 611.00

2.In the Explanatory Notes page 29, table 4.8 the row “Value to diminish at the
end of year” is removed and data in the row “Results from disposal of current
financial assets is following: 1,841,100.0 for the year 2009, 519,253 for the
year 2008”. 

Audrone Vaiciulyte
Specialist of securities
+370 37 404151
