2009-11-26 12:03:11 CET

2009-11-26 12:04:10 CET


Føroya Banki P/F - Fyrirtækjafréttir

- Føroya Banki's ratings reviewed by Moody's: Unchanged ratings

Moody's yesterday published a new credit opinion of P/F Føroya Banki: 

Long term deposit rating:  A3

Short-term deposit rating:  P-2

Financial strength rating:  C-

Outlook:  Stable"The rating reflects Føroya Banki's strong local franchise and good financial
fundamentals, particularly its high capital adequacy and good core
profitability", says Moody's in their published Credit Opinion. 

Further information:
Janus Petersen, CEO, Tel. (+298) 330330; 
Johnny í Grótinum, Head of IR, Tel. (+298) 330380 or E-Mail: ir@foroya.fo 