2008-03-28 09:07:16 CET

2008-03-28 09:08:01 CET


SSH Communications Security - Decisions of general meeting


March 28, 2008

The Annual General Meeting of SSH was held 27 March 2008, and the
Meeting has unanimously confirmed the financial statements and has
decided that the Board of Directors and the President and CEO are
discharged from liability for the financial year 1 January 2007 - 31
December 2007.

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to
decide on dividend distribution and/or on distribution of assets from
the invested unrestricted equity fund. By virtue of the
authorization, the distributed assets can be a maximum of 0.15 euro
per share and 4,350,000.00 euros in total. The authorization is valid
until 31 December 2008. Further, the Board of Directors was
authorized to lower the subscription price of shares that can be
subscribed on the grounds of the stock option plans released by the
Company between years 2000 and 2003, at an amount which equates the
distribution of assets.

In the Annual General Meeting, Mr. Tomi Laamanen, Mr. Pyry Lautsuo,
Mr. Juha Mikkonen, Mr. Timo Ritakallio and Mr. Tatu Ylönen were
elected as the directors in the Board of Directors. Immediately after
the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors held an organizing
meeting and re-elected Tomi Laamanen as the chairman of the Board.

The Annual General Meeting re-elected the Authorized Public
Accounting Firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as the auditor of the
company, with Mr. Henrik Sormunen as the main responsible auditor.

The Annual General Meeting decided to amend the Articles of
Association by deleting Section 3 concerning the minimum and maximum
share capital and by deleting the minimum and maximum number of
shares from Section 4, by deleting information about personal deputy
members and about the quorum of the Board of Directors from Section
5, by amending Section 7 concerning the authorization to sign for the
company so that the wording corresponds to the terminology in the new
Finnish Companies Act, by extending the maximum time for the
invitation to the Annual General Meeting to three months before the
Meeting in Section 11, by amending Section 12 concerning the Annual
General Meeting to correspond to the terminology in the new Finnish
Companies Act and by adding the mentions concerning the relations in
the group of companies, by simplifying Section 13 concerning the
book-entry system of securities, and by deleting Section 14
concerning the record date procedure. It was also decided, that the
section numbering in the Articles of Association will be changed to
correspond to the changes mentioned above.

2009 The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board of
Directors to decide on the issuing of a maximum of 5,500,000 shares
in one or more tranches. The shares can be issued against payment or
by giving stock options or other special rights defined in Chapter 10
Section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, with or without the
shareholders' pre-emptive right to share subscriptions. The
authorization is valid until the next Annual General Meeting, and
will expire on 30 June at the latest.

The Annual General Meeting decided to renounce the share premium
reserve by transferring the whole amount from the share premium
reserve to the invested unrestricted equity fund of the Company. The
decreasing of the share premium reserve still requires the procedure
of protecting the creditors as defined in Chapter 14 of the Finnish
Companies Act. The Annual General Meeting further decided that with
new shares that will be subscribed on the grounds of option plans
emitted by the Company between years 2000 and 2003, the part of the
share subscription price exceeding the par value will be registered
to the invested unrestricted equity fund.


Arto Vainio

Further information:
Arto Vainio, CEO, tel: +358 20 500 7400
Mika Peuranen, CFO, tel: +358 20 500 7419

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