2016-12-09 15:52:18 CET

2016-12-09 15:52:18 CET

BankNordik P/F - Financial Calendar

Financial Calendar

Date:                                                                 Event:

6 February 2017 - 26 February 2017                Silent Period

27 February 2017                                             Fourth Quarter and
Year-end Results 2016 

31 March 2017                                                 Annual General
Meeting 2017 

3 April 2017                                                      Ex-dividend

4 April 2017                                                      Record day

5 April 2017                                                      Dividend

11 April 2017 - 1 May 2017                              Silent Period

2 May 2017                                                      First Quarter
Results 2017 

13 July 2017 - 2 August 2017                          Silent Period

3 August 2017                                                 Second Quarter
Results 2017 

5 October 2017 - 25 October 2017                 Silent Period

26 October 2017                                             Third Quarter
Results 2017 

Year-end Results and Results for each Quarter will be announced at 8 am, CET.

Deadline for shareholders to submit motions and/or proposals to be discussed at
the Annual General Meeting 2017 is 17 February 2017, cf. clause 7.1 of the
Articles of Association of P/F BankNordik. 

Further information, please contact Investor Relations at cho@banknordik.fo or
(+298) 330 467.