2008-02-08 07:05:00 CET

2008-02-08 07:05:00 CET


English Finnish
YIT - Notice to general meeting


YIT CORPORATION                  FEBRUARY 8, 2008 at 08:05                      
CORPORATE RELEASE                ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                         


The shareholders of YIT Corporation are invited to attend the Annual General    
Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 13, 2008, starting at 13:00 p.m. (Finnish 
time) in Finlandia Hall, Conference Wing, Hall A, located at the address:       
Mannerheimintie 13, Helsinki (entrance through doors M1 and K1).                

The check-in of those who have signed up for the meeting and the distribution of
ballots will start at 12:00 p.m. (Finnish time). Coffee will be served after the

Matters to be considered at the meeting                                         

The matters specified as being the business of Annual General Meetings in       
Article 9 of the Articles of Association. The agenda is available on the        
company's Internet site at www.yitgroup.com/agm.  
1. Dividend payout                                                              
The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting that it decide
on the payment of a dividend of EUR 0.80 per share. The right to a dividend     
rests with a shareholder who, by the record date of March 18, 2008, has been    
entered as a shareholder in the company's shareholder register that is kept by  
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. The Board of Directors proposes that 
the dividend be paid on April 2, 2008.                                          

2. Board of Directors                                                           
It has been brought to the company's attention that shareholders representing   
more than 20% of the company's shares and votes will propose to the Annual      
General Meeting that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and three ordinary members of  
the Board of Directors be elected, namely: Reino Hanhinen as Chairman, Eino     
Halonen as Vice Chairman and Kim Gran, Antti Herlin and Teuvo Salminen as       
members. These same parties will also propose to the Annual General Meeting that
the Board of Director's meeting fees be kept unchanged, i.e. that the following 
fees be paid to the Board of Directors: Chairman EUR 6,000/month (EUR           
72,000/year), Vice Chairman EUR 4,500/month (EUR 54,000/year), member EUR       
3,500/month (EUR 42,000/year) plus a meeting fee of EUR 500 for each meeting,   
and that similarly EUR 500 be paid to the members of the Audit Committee for    
each committee meeting. Per diems for trips in Finland and abroad are paid in   
accordance with the State's travelling compensation regulations.                

3. Auditor                                                                      
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors proposes that                     
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, be elected as the     
company's auditor.                                                              

Annual General Meeting documents  
Financial statements data for 2007 will be available for inspection by          
shareholders for a week before the meeting at the company's head office, located
at Panuntie 11, Helsinki, Finland, and on the company's Internet site           
www.yitgroup.com. Printed copies of the company's Annual Report for 2007 will be
mailed to shareholders before the Annual General Meeting. The Annual Report will
be available on the company's Internet site as from the week starting February  
18, 2008.                                                                       

Participation right 
In order to have the right to participate in the Annual                         
General Meeting, the shareholder must be registered in the company's shareholder
register, which is maintained by Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd, by  
no later than March 3, 2008.                                                    
A shareholder whose shares are nominee registered and who wishes to participate 
in the Annual General Meeting and use his right of vote, must temporarily       
register in the shareholder register by no later than March 3, 2008.            


Shareholders must register for the meeting by no later than March 6, 2008, using
one of the following methods:                                                   
On YIT Corporation's Internet site www.yitgroup.com/agm, following the          
instructions therein                                                            
By sending a telefax to +358 20 433 2077                                        
By telephoning Marja Salo, +358 20 433 2470 or Pirkko Pesonen, +358 20 433 2453 
By sending a letter to YIT Corporation, Marja Salo, P.O. Box 36, FI-00621       
Helsinki, Finland.                                                              

When the shareholder registers for the meeting through the Internet or by       
telephone, letter or telefax, the message must reach the company prior to the   
end of the registration period on March 6, 2008 at 16:00 p.m. (Finnish time).   

It is requested that the company be notified of any proxies at that time and    
that any proxies be sent to YIT Corporation, Marja Salo, P.O. Box 36, FI-00621  
Helsinki, Finland, before the expiry of the registration period.                

Helsinki, February 7, 2008                                                      

YIT CORPORATION                                                                 
Board of Directors                                                              

Distribution: OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, principal media, www.yitgroup.com