2008-02-11 07:00:00 CET

2008-02-11 07:00:09 CET


Amer Sports - Notice to general meeting

Invitation to the Amer Sports Corporation Annual General Meeting

Amer Sports Corporation shareholders are hereby summoned to the
Company's Annual General Meeting to be held at 2 pm on Wednesday,
March 5, 2008 at its headquarters at Mäkelänkatu 91, Helsinki,

The following matters will be dealt with at the meeting:

1. Matters pertaining to the Annual General Meeting as stated in
Article 8 of the Company's Articles of Association and in Chapter 5,
Section 3 of the Companies Act

Board Composition

The Nomination Committee of the Board proposes that the number of
Board members is confirmed to be seven (7) and that Felix Björklund,
Ilkka Brotherus, Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Timo Maasilta, Roger Talermo,
Anssi Vanjoki and Pirjo Väliaho be re-elected as a members of the
Board of Directors. The Board's term of service will run through the
2009 Annual General Meeting.


According to Article 8 of the Articles of Association, the Annual
General Meeting elects an Auditor that shall be a firm of Certified
Public Accountants approved by the Central Chamber of Commerce, for a
term of one financial year. The Audit Committee of the Board proposes
to the AGM that Authorised Public Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers
Oy be elected to act as an auditor of the Company. The Board proposes
that the auditor in charge of the audit is Jouko Malinen, Authorised
Public Accountant.

Documents for the AGM

Copies of the annual accounts as well as the Board of Directors'
proposals and appendices thereto will be available for inspection by
shareholders from Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at Amer Sports
Corporation's headquarters and company's internet pages,
www.amersports.com. Copies of these documents will be sent to
shareholders on request (tel. +358 9 7257 8266/Katariina Tauru,
e-mail katariina.tauru@amersports.com).

Right of Attendance

Shareholders who are registered on the list of the Company's
shareholders maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository
Ltd on Friday, February 22, 2008 are entitled to attend the Annual
General Meeting.

Attendance of a Shareholder Holding Nominee-registered Shares

A shareholder, whose shares have been recorded in his book-entry
account, is also entered in the Company's Shareholder Register. A
shareholder holding nominee-registered shares and wishing to attend
the AGM can, at a request to be made not later than ten days before
the AGM, temporarily be registered in the Shareholder Register.

Notice of Attendance

Shareholders wishing to attend the meeting must inform the Company of
their intention not later than 4 pm on Friday, February 29, 2008
either by writing to Amer Sports Corporation, Share Register, P.O.
Box 130, FI-00601 Helsinki, or by telephoning (+358 9 7257 8320), or
by e-mail to amersports@yhteyspalvelut.elisa.fi. Notifications must
be received before the end of the notification period. Proxies should
be submitted in connection with the notifications of attendance.

Dividend Payment

The Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share
be paid for the financial year ended December 31, 2007. The dividend
will be paid to shareholders who are registered on the list of
shareholders maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository
Ltd as of Monday, March 10, 2008, which is the record date for the
dividend payment. The dividend will be paid on Tuesday, March 18,

Helsinki, February 6, 2008

Board of Directors


Ms Maarit Mikkonen
Communications Manager
Tel. +358 9 7257 8306, e-mail: maarit.mikkonen@amersports.com

OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is the world's leading sports
equipment company with internationally recognized brands including
Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic and Suunto. All Amer Sports companies
develop and manufacture technically advanced products that improve
the performance of active sports participants. The Group's business
is balanced by its broad portfolio of sports and presence in all
major markets.