2010-08-31 15:42:39 CEST

2010-08-31 15:43:38 CEST


Vilniaus Degtine AB - Interim information

Financial results of joint stock company „Vilniaus degtinė“, during the first six months of 2010

One of the biggest alcohol producers in Lithuania joint stock company 
„Vilniaus degtinė“, whose range of production includes „Sobieski“, „Bajorų“,
„Karvedys“, „Renaissance“ remains stable after the first six months of year
2010, by optimizing the process of production, investing into creation of the
new products and investigating new opportunities in Lithuanian and
international markets. 
During the period of January-June, 2010 sales revenue was 22 128 000 LTL (6409
000 EUR). Sales revenue decreased by 7, 4 percent comparing to the same 
period of previous year (23 895 000 LTL (6 920 000 EUR). 
„Vilniaus degtinė“ sold 3993, 9 thousand liters of spirits during January-June,
2010, which is 11, 6 percent more than the same period of 2009 (3 579, 1
thousand liters). The growth of sales in liters was influenced by the growth of
sales of ethanol, produced by the only spirit distillery in Lithuania - Obelių
Spirit Distillery. 
Pretax profit of „Vilniaus degtinė“, during January-June, 2010 reached 146 200
LTL (42 340 EUR), at the same period of year 2009 the company suffered a loss
of 278 300 LTL (80 600 EUR). 
Seeking for compensation of Lithuanian market shrinkage, the company started to
export production to Israel and Great Britain this year. Latvian market
receives great attention. Advertising campaign of „Sobieski“ brand was started
in Latvia, moreover, the face of one of BELVEDERE SA owners, Hollywood actor
Bruce Willis, is being used in this campaign. Currently, the geography of 
„Vilniaus degtinė“ production sales consists of  Latvia, Estonia, Byelorussia,
Poland, Spain, France, Denmark, Great Britain, Israel. 
During the first six months of this year, the company invested into
modernization of the production 3 550 000 LTL (1 028 000 EUR). 
In spring of this year, new product was presented to consumers of Lithuania -
vodka „Sobieski Platinum“. This vodka is exceptional for its mild taste and
unique producing technology: the only vodka in Lithuania that is filtrated
through platinum filters. 
About „Vilniaus degtinė“:
Joint stock company „Vilniaus degtinė“ is one of the oldest and biggest liqueur
producers in Lithuania. It started in 1907, in the region of Rokiškis at the
Obelių Spirit Distillery. 
In 1995 “Vilniaus degtinė” was reorganized into a special purpose joint stock
company. In November of 2003, more than 80% of the company's stock was
purchased by the French company BELVEDERE SA, which has joint companies or
subsidiaries in more than 25 countries. Currently, BELVEDERE SA owns 150
worldwide recognized brands of alcohol drinks. 
Vodka makes the major part of the company's production sales. The most popular
brands are “Bajorų”, “Sobieski” and “Karvedys”. Besides vodka, the company also
produces bitters as well as fine liqueurs. The company's production is made
from natural ingredients including nuts, berries, fruits, juices, honey and
Maintaining deep Lithuanian traditions, the products of “Vilniaus degtinė” have
won numerous awards for quality and exceptional recipes. Products of „Vilniaus
degtinė“ won numerous gold medals of „Lithuanian Product of the year“. In 2009
„Sobieski“ coffee flavored and „Bajorų Premium“ vodkas have been awarded with
gold of „Lithuanian Product of the year“. Last year „Bajorų Premium“ was the
only non-flavored Lithuanian vodka which has won gold in the category of
alcoholic drinks. 
More information:
Renaldas Barauskas
„Vilniaus degtinė“ AB, deputy of CEO
Tel. +370 5 231 02 74
Mob. +370 686 93 896
El. P. renaldas@degtine.lt 