2010-03-31 08:00:00 CEST

2010-03-31 08:02:57 CEST


Elcoteq - Company Announcement

Elcoteq SE's Financial Statements Bulletin January - December 2009 (Audited)

Elcoteq SE
Financial Statements Bulletin
March 31, 2010, at 9.00 am (EET)

Elcoteq SE's net sales in 2009 declined about 56.3% on the previous year and
amounted to 1,503.2 million euros (3,443.2 million euros in 2008). Operating
loss totaled -76.5 million euros (-20.4), mainly due to increased restructuring
expenses of 37.0 million euros, excluding which the operating loss was -39.5
million euros (-6.9). The company has been able to offset to a great extent the
effects of the sales decline with the strong cost savings actions carried out
throughout the year. Cash flow after investing activities was clearly positive
at 52.9 million euros (-99.7). Interest-bearing net debt decreased significantly
and was 187.5 million euros (238.5). Net sales declined in the fourth quarter of
2009 by about 20% on the previous quarter and amounted to 265.5 million euros
(331.7 million euros in the third quarter of 2009). Operating loss totaled -23.4
million euros (-11.8) and excluding restructuring expenses it amounted to -2.1
million euros (1.7 in the third quarter of 2009).

Financial Year 2009
- Net sales were 1,503.2 million euros (3,443.2)
- Operating loss was -76.5 million euros (-20.4), excluding restructuring
expenses -39.5 million euros (-6.9)
- Loss before taxes was -117.1 million euros (-52.9)
- Earnings per share (EPS) were -3.22 euros (-2.02)
- Cash flow after investing activities was 52.9 million euros (-99.7)
- Rolling 12-month return on capital employed (ROCE) was -18.9% (-3.1%)
- Interest-bearing net debt amounted to 187.5 million euros (238.5), and gearing
was 5.8 (1.8)
- The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend will be paid for 2009

October-December 2009
- Net sales were 265.5 million euros (889.1 million euros in the fourth quarter
of 2008)
- Operating loss was -23.4 million euros (-11.8). Operating loss includes
restructuring costs amounting to 21.3 million euros (13.5), excluding which the
operating loss was -2.1 million euros (1.7)
- Loss before taxes was -36.4 million euros (-25.2)
- Earnings per share (EPS) were -0.96 euros (-0.89)
- Cash flow after investing activities was -11.3 million euros (46.6)

Major Events After the End of the Financial Year
- Hybrid bond of 29 million euros issued and proceeds from hybrid issue used to
redeem debentures of 105 million euros in January 2010
- Term sheet signed for a 100 million euros committed revolving credit facility
maturing in June 2011

Elcoteq SE's consolidated financial statements for 2009 have been prepared using
IFRS recognition and measurement principles. The comparative figures given in
the body text of this report are the figures for the corresponding period of the
previous year, unless stated otherwise.

Market Review

The estimated total assembly value of the global electronics market declined by
roughly 15 % at the annual level, amounting to 840 billion US dollars in 2009.
The combined value of electronic manufacturing services (EMS) and original
design manufacturing (ODM), including all the electronics segments, was roughly
250 billion US dollars in 2009, according to data from Electronics Trend
Publications (ETP), iSuppli, and InForum. EMS alone was valued at roughly 150
billion US dollars in 2009, with a market decline of approximately 15% from the
previous year. The After Market Services (AMS) market declined roughly 13% in
2009 and was valued at 170 billion US dollars in 2009.

Financial Year 2009

Elcoteq's 2009 net sales declined on the previous year and amounted to 1,503.2
million euros (3,443.2). Operating loss was -76.5 million euros (-20.4),
representing -5.1% (-0.6%) of net sales. Loss before taxes was
 -117.1 million euros (-52.9) and net loss was -105.0 million euros (-65.9).
Earnings per share (EPS) amounted to -3.22 euros (-2.02). Earnings include 37.0
million euros (13.5) in restructuring expenses.

Net sales declined in both Consumer Electronics and System Solutions compared to
the previous year. The decline in net sales was due to the combined effect of
the overall decline in electronics equipment demand and the company's weak
balance sheet. From time to time, the EMS business may involve temporary working
capital fluctuations, which the electronics manufacturing service provider is
expected to finance. This lacking financing capacity prevented the company from
absorbing all the business opportunities available in the market.

Operating loss increased in 2009 from the previous year. Results were affected
by non-recurring costs of 37.0 million euros (13.5) arising from the
restructuring actions implemented to mitigate the effects of lower net sales.
The cost savings from restructuring actions mainly became visible in the second
half of 2009 and thus could not fully offset the significant net sales decline
throughout 2009. On an annualized basis, fixed costs were 165 million euros or
48% lower in the last quarter of 2009 compared to the last quarter of 2008.
The company has continued to adjust its operations to lower volumes, but it has
at the same time maintained its excellent operational performance and global
platform to serve customers close to their end markets.Among the
efficiency-boosting actions carried out in 2009 were the streamlining of the
factory network, increasing capacity utilization, aligning the organization to
support the adjusted strategy and decreasing operational costs. The company
closed production sites in St. Petersburg (Russia), in Arad (Romania), in
Richardson (the United States) and in Shenzhen (China).

The Group's net financial expenses amounted to 40.5 million euros (32.4). The
increase was mainly due to a loan receivable write-off of 13.4 million euros.

Fourth-quarter Net Sales and Earnings

Fourth-quarter net sales in 2009 declined compared to the third quarter, as
expected, and amounted to 265.5 million euros (889.1 million euros in the fourth
quarter of 2008 and 331.7 million euros in the third quarter of 2009). Net sales
were affected by the divestment of the majority of operations in Tallinn to
Ericsson at the end of July 2009 and lower demand in Consumer Electronics,
mainly in handsets. Deliveries in home communications products such as flat TVs
and set-top boxes increased significantly from the third quarter of 2009.

Operating loss in the fourth quarter was -23.4 million euros (-11.8 million
euros in the fourth quarter of 2008 and -3.3 in the third quarter of 2009).
Operating income exclusive of restructuring expenses in the fourth quarter was
slightly negative at -2.1 million euros (1.7). Restructuring expenses in the
fourth quarter of 2009 were related mainly to unused asset write-offs. Loss
before taxes was -36.4 million euros (-25.2 million euros in 2008).

Financing and Cash Flow

At the end of December 2009, Elcoteq had cash totaling 87.9 million euros (201.0
million euros in the third quarter of 2009 and 95.1 million euros at the end of
2008). In November 2009, the company used 100 million euros cash to repay part
of its revolving credit facility, of which a total of 200 million euros were
outstanding at the end of the third quarter of 2009.

At the end of 2009, the company had a syndicated, committed credit facility of
100 million euros that was fully utilized. The facility matures on April
30, 2010 and the company signed a committed term sheet with the same bank
syndicate in March 2010 for a new facility maturing at the end of June 2011.

At the end of December, the Group's interest-bearing net debt amounted to 187.5
million euros (238.5). The solvency ratio was 6.3% (14.2%) and gearing was 5.8
(1.8). Elcoteq had no sold accounts receivable at the end of December 2009
(101.1 million euros at the end of 2008). Rolling 12-month return on capital
employed (ROCE) was -18.9% (-3.1%).

Cash flow after investing activities in 2009 was 52.9 million euros (-99.7)
while it was -11.3 million euros negative in the fourth quarter due to an
increase in working capital.

Capital Expenditures

The Group's gross capital expenditures on fixed assets in 2009 amounted to 6.4
million euros (71.4), or 0.5% of net sales. Depreciation was 60.1 million euros
(78.9), representing 4.0% of net sales. Investments were primarily earmarked for
production machinery and test equipment. In 2009, investment activity was
reduced to a minimum in order to increase the capacity utilization of existing
assets. In the fourth quarter, investments amounted to 1.8 million euros (9.9).
No new operating lease contracts were made in 2009 (and in 2008).


At the end of December, the Group employed 10,101 (18,830) people: 139 (217) in
Finland and 9,963 (18,613) elsewhere. The geographical distribution of the
workforce was as follows: Europe 3,940 (8,607), Asia-Pacific 2,664 (5,027) and
the Americas 3,497 (5,196). The average number of Elcoteq employees on the
company's direct payroll in 2009 was 11,271 (17,401).

Wages, salaries and other personnel expenses in 2009 amounted to 126.3 million
euros (193.0).

Corporate Responsibility

Elcoteq's corporate responsibility includes economic, social and environmental
aspects. The company's environmental management system corresponds with the
requirements of the ISO 14001:2004 standard. All Elcoteq units operate within a
multisite certificate for quality and environmental management. In 2009, Elcoteq
continued systematic group-level internal audits of environmental, social
accountability as well as occupational health and safety standards. Further
details on Elcoteq's corporate responsibility activities will be presented in
the Corporate Responsibility Report, which will be published as a part of the
Annual Report 2009 during the week commencing on April 5, 2010.

Research and Development

Elcoteq's research and development costs in 2009 totaled approximately 0.9
million euros (1.8), or 0.06% of net sales. The company's R&D activities cover,
among other things, equipment and process development for production and
production testing needs as well as development related to the platforms,
software, electronics, mechanics and testing of mobile phones.

Strategic Business Units

Since the beginning of 2008, Elcoteq has had three Business Areas: Personal
Communications, Home Communications and Communications Networks. They have been
reported as separate segments. The Personal Communications and Home
Communications Business Areas were combined during the third quarter of 2009,
and the company now has only two Strategic Business Units (SBUs): Consumer
Electronics and System Solutions. Both SBUs are responsible for managing and
developing their existing customer relationships and applicable service
offerings, while Group Operations and Sourcing is responsible for the supply
chain and production.

Consumer Electronics covers products such as mobile and wireless phones, their
parts and accessories, set-top boxes, flat panel TVs and other consumer
products. System Solutions covers wireless and wireline infrastructure systems
and modules, enterprise network products and various other industrial segment

By combining the Home Communications and Personal Communications segments under
the Consumer Electronics SBU, the company can better utilize the synergies
between these businesses. The company also aims to reduce costs further by
streamlining and simplifying the organization by removing organizational layers
and overlapping roles.

More emphasis is also put on new sales activities, which are now under a
separate global function, New Sales and Business Development. The function
focuses on identifying new business opportunities, acquiring new customers and
exploring new service segments for the company.

In 2009, Elcoteq's largest customers (in alphabetical order) were EADS,
Ericsson, Funai, Huawei, Humax, Nokia Devices, Nokia Siemens Networks, Philips,
Research in Motion (RIM) and Sony Ericsson.

Consumer Electronics

Net sales of the Consumer Electronics SBU in 2009 were 1,127.3 million euros
(2,739.5), contributing 75% of the Group's net sales. The segment's operating
loss was -38.2 million euros (15.0), and -13.9 million euros excluding
restructuring costs (23.1). Fourth-quarter net sales in 2009 amounted to 211.1
million euros (684.0). The segment's operating loss amounted to -11.2 million
euros (2.7). Excluding restructuring costs the operating profit was 4.4 million
euros (10.8)

In the Consumer Electronics SBU, 2009 was characterized by drastically lower
orders from its high-volume mobile phone customers. The flat TV manufacturing
business acquired in Juarez, Mexico in 2008 was transformed in early 2009 from a
turnkey (TV panel owned by Elcoteq) to a consigned material (TV panel owned by
the customer) business model, which also impacted on net sales. In the EMS
market, the decline in customer demand and excess capacity also led to greater
competition among EMS companies.

Lower customer volumes impacted the profitability of the segment. Significant
cost reduction activities were implemented in 2009 but those could not yet fully
offset the significant sales decline. Restructuring costs arising from capacity
adjustments also had a negative effect on profitability.

However, at the same time Elcoteq made strong progress in growing its service
content in the Consumer Electronics business, especially in increasing its after
sales services business. The company was also successful in acquiring new
customers in the Consumer Electronics business. These new customers include
Emporia, a special-purpose mobile phone manufacturer, Cinterion, a wireless
module manufacturer, TCL, a leading Chinese consumer electronics company, and
Philips Lighting, a leading provider of solutions and applications for both
professional and consumer markets.

System Solutions

Net sales of the System Solutions SBU in 2009 were 375.9 million euros (703.7),
contributing 25% of the Group's net sales. The segment's operating loss was -2.0
million euros (1.6), and excluding restructuring costs its operating income was
9.9 million euros (7.0). Fourth-quarter net sales in 2009 amounted to 54.5
million euros (205.2). The segment's operating loss amounted to -0.1 million
euros (-5.1). Excluding restructuring costs the operating profit was 5.6 million
euros (0.3).

The decline in net sales was mainly due to the sale of the majority of
operations in Tallinn to Ericsson in July 2009. Despite the decline in net
sales, System Solutions was able to improve its efficiency and further reduce
costs to offset the volume decline. However, its operating income was negative.

During 2009, growth in the outsourcing of communications equipment
underperformed forecast. The top key players in traditional communications
network technology infrastructure were in-sourcing their business, thereby
decreasing the share of business accounted for by outsourcing. The overall
market for System Solutions nevertheless showed slight growth.

System Solutions was also successful in alluring new customers. In Tallinn, the
remaining manufacturing capacity has been in utilization and the SBU has managed
to gain new customers for its specialized business operations. Elcoteq's plant
in India also attracted new customers and expanded its operations pipeline.
Furthermore, one of the SBU's major customers successfully relocated its
manufacturing of communications network equipment to central Europe and
proceeded to ramp up its business to a significantly higher level in accordance
with the plan agreed with Elcoteq.

Geographical Areas

Elcoteq has three geographical areas: Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Americas.
Elcoteq's net sales in 2009 were derived from these areas as follows: Europe
47% (48%), Asia-Pacific 14% (22%) and the Americas 38% (30%).

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting

Elcoteq SE's Annual General Meeting took place on March 23, 2009, in Luxembourg.
The Meeting confirmed the consolidated and parent company's income statements
and balance sheets for the financial year 2008 and discharged the members of the
Board of Directors and the statutory auditor from liability for the financial
year. The Meeting approved the Board's proposal that no dividend will be
distributed for the financial year January 1 - December 31, 2008.

The Meeting re-elected the following persons to the Board of Directors:
President Martti Ahtisaari; Mr. Eero Kasanen, Executive Dean of Aalto University
School of Economics; Mr. Heikki Horstia, B.Sc.; Mr. François Pauly, General
Manager of Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie S.C.A; Mr. Antti Piippo, principal
shareholder of Elcoteq SE; Mr. Henry Sjöman, founder-shareholder of Elcoteq SE;
Mr. Juha Toivola, M.Sc.; and Mr. Jorma Vanhanen, founder-shareholder of Elcoteq
SE. President Ahtisaari, Mr. Horstia, Mr. Kasanen, Mr. Pauly and Mr. Toivola are
independent Board members, and they represent more than half of the Board's

The Meeting approved the proposal of the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors to appoint the firm of authorized public accountants KPMG Audit
S.à.r.l under the supervision of Mr. Philippe Meyer as the company's auditors
for the financial year ending on December 31, 2009. The fees of the auditors
will be paid as per the appropriate invoice.

Convening after the Annual General Meeting in Luxembourg, the Board of Directors
elected Mr. Antti Piippo as its Chairman and Mr. Juha Toivola as the Deputy
Chairman. Mr. Piippo was elected Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the
Working Committee and Mr. Henry Sjöman, Mr. Juha Toivola and Mr. Jorma Vanhanen
as members of these committees. Mr. Toivola was elected Chairman of the
Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee and President Martti Ahtisaari,
Mr. Heikki Horstia, Mr. Eero Kasanen and Mr. Pauly as members of these

Balance Sheet Strengthening

In January, the company commenced a project to strengthen its balance sheet by
means of an equity investment. In July, the company announced the signing of a
conditional letter of intent for an equity increase with Shenzhen Kaifa
Technology Limited, a Chinese industrial company, but after a mutual
re-assessment the negotiations ended in September. In October, Elcoteq announced
that it had signed a non-binding letter of intent with Videocon Industries Ltd,
an Indian company. The negotiations with Videocon were terminated in March

Another integral part of this balance sheet strengthening is the restructuring
of the company's interest-bearing debt. As a part of this project, Elcoteq
announced in October its plan to collect irrevocable, voluntary selling
commitments from the holders of its subordinated debenture bonds. In January
2010, the company proceeded to exercise these selling commitments by issuing
hybrid securities valued at 29 million euros and using the proceeds directly to
repay outstanding debenture bonds with a nominal amount of 105 million euros.
After redeeming the debentures of 105 million euros at a price of 25% of the
nominal value, reversing the relevant deferred tax assets and recognizing the
29 million euro hybrid securities as equity according to IFRS, the Company's
equity increases approximately by 85 million euros.

In November, Elcoteq signed a new agreement to replace the revolving credit
facility of 230 million euros signed five years ago. The new credit facility was
agreed with the same bank syndicate and it is for 100 million euros. The loan
will mature at the end of April 2010 and the company has signed in March 2010 a
committed term sheet with the same lender group to extend the 100 million euro
facility until the end of June 2011.

Restructuring Plan

Elcoteq has reduced its manufacturing capacity through the Restructuring Plan
launched in January 2009 to adapt to the radical changes in the market
situation. The restructuring actions have proceeded according to the plan. The
plan consists of a number of measures such as closing several plants and
reducing personnel globally. During the year, Elcoteq closed down its plants in
Arad (Romania), Richardson (USA) and St. Petersburg (Russia). The plant in
Shenzhen (China) was consolidated into the plant in Beijing.

A further step in this process was taken on June 17, when Elcoteq and Ericsson
concluded an agreement whereby Elcoteq sold the majority of the machinery,
equipment and materials of its Tallinn manufacturing operations to Ericsson.
Cost-saving measures have continued at other factories as well.

Shares and Shareholders

At the end of 2009, the company had altogether 128,132,185 shares divided into
22,362,185 Series A shares and 105,770,000 Series K founders' shares. All the
series K Founders' shares are held by the company's three principal owners.

Elcoteq had 10,213 registered shareholders on December 31, 2009. There were a
total of 5,307,833 foreign and nominee registered shares, representing some
4.14% of the votes.

Incentive Schemes

The company has had a share subscription plan from 2007 that allows the company
to issue shares to key personnel on the basis of the set operational targets.
Based on the target achievement in 2008 the actual number of shares issued on
November 12, 2009 for this share subscription plan was 336,266.
The company also has a fairly similar share subscription plan from 2009, where
the potential reward is based on reaching the targets regarding consolidated
income before taxes for the first and second half of 2009. Based on the achieved
targets, the company would issue a maximum of 1,500,000 new series A shares, of
which 50% would be issued during June 2010 and the remaining 50% during January
2011. Based on the actual results for 2009, the targets for the first and second
half of 2009 have not been met and thus no shares will be issued.

In October 2009, the Board of Directors amended the 2009 Share Subscription
Plan. The amendments concerned the issuance of shares in case of a public tender
offer and, secondly, a situation where the company's registered share capital
value would increase at least 50% during the second half of 2009. If such
situations occur, a maximum of 750,000 shares will be issued. Neither of these
cases occurred during the second half of 2009.

Changes in Elcoteq's Management

As of August 27, 2009, and as a result of the changes in the organization, the
Elcoteq Management Team consists of the following persons:

Mr. Jouni Hartikainen, President and CEO
Mr. Sándor Hajnal, Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Mr. Vesa Keränen, Senior Vice President, Consumer Electronics
Mr. Markus Kivimäki, Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs (until March 31, 2010)
Mr. Tommi Pettersson, Senior Vice President, System Solutions
Mr. Mikko Puolakka, CFO
Mr. Tomi Saario, Senior Vice President, New Sales and Business Development
Mr. Roger Taylor, Senior Vice President, Group Operations and Sourcing

Events After the Financial Year

In December 2009, Elcoteq decided to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting
(EGM) of shareholders to decide on actions supporting the execution of balance
sheet restructuring and the equity investment project. The first EGM took place
on January 22, 2010, in Luxembourg. Since the quorum requirement (at least half
of the series A shares and half of the series K shares need to be present or
represented in the meeting) was not met at this first meeting, the company
convened a second EGM that was held on February 23, 2010.

The EGM held on February 23, 2010, rejected the Board's proposals to decrease
the share capital of the company from its current amount of EUR 8,944,874 and to
decrease the current par value of series A shares (EUR 0.40) and series K shares
(EUR 0.04). The Board of Directors made its proposal to the EGM prior to the
recent positive development in the company's equity. In light of the stronger
balance sheet, the EGM deemed that the size of the proposed authorization to
increase the share capital up to EUR 200,000,000 was too high and it is not
necessary to decrease the par value of shares.

The EGM decided to increase the authorized share capital of the company from its
current amount of twenty million euros (EUR 20,000,000) up to forty million
euros (EUR 40,000,000). The EGM authorized the Board of Directors to issue new
shares and convertible debt instruments within the authorized share capital of
the company without reserving preferential subscription rights for the existing
shareholders, up to an amount of twelve million euros (EUR 12,000,000) of the
authorized share capital, corresponding to a maximum of 30,000,000 new series A
shares. The EGM also authorized the Board of Directors to issue new shares and
convertible debt instruments within the remainder of the authorized share
capital of nineteen million fifty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-six euros
(EUR 19,055,126), respecting the existing shareholders' preferential
subscription rights. A maximum of approximately 47,000,000 new series A shares
can be issued under this authorization.

The EGM deleted from the company's Articles of Association the right of a
shareholder to request a redemption of shares in case a change or changes in the
ownership of the company result in a shareholder holding more than thirty-three
and one third (33 1/3) percent or, as the case may be, fifty (50) percent of the
shares in the company. Finally, the EGM changed the date of the Annual General
Meeting of the shareholders from 23 March to 28 April each year. The company's
Articles of Association were reworded in order to reflect these changes voted
upon at the EGM of the shareholders of the company.

On January 27, 2010, Elcoteq issued EUR 29 million in hybrid securities in a
private placement as a part of its previously announced balance sheet
restructuring. The proceeds from the hybrid securities issue were used directly
to repay Elcoteq's outstanding debenture bonds with a nominal amount of 105
million euros. As a result of this transaction, the company estimates that it
will recognize a one-time gain of approximately EUR 75 million in the first
quarter of 2010. The announced restructuring will significantly improve the
company's indebtedness and solidity. If this transaction had taken place on
December 31, 2009, the company's solvency would have been 23.7%, gearing 0.7 and
net debt 82.1 million euros.

On January 27, 2010, Elcoteq and Nokia Corporation signed an agreement that
qualifies Elcoteq as a partner to provide Nokia's customers with After Market
Services for their Nokia devices. It is expected that Elcoteq will start these
operations gradually during the second quarter of 2010. The companies also
intend to explore other opportunities for cooperation.

On March 1, 2010, Elcoteq commenced statutory personnel negotiations regarding
possible temporary lay-offs or the termination of employee contracts in the
operations of Elcoteq SE Finnish Branch, Elcoteq Finland Oy and Elcoteq Design
Center Oy on production or financial grounds. As a result of these negotiations
the companies decided to make altogether seven persons redundant and temporarily
lay off seven persons on March 16, 2010.

On March 4, 2010, Mr. Markus Kivimäki, member of the Elcoteq Management Team and
Senior Vice President of Group Legal Affairs, announced that he will pursue his
career outside Elcoteq. Mr. Jari Hakkarainen, Legal Counsel at Elcoteq will be
heading the legal function as of April 1, 2010.

On March 15, 2010, Elcoteq announced that Philips Lighting has chosen Elcoteq as
a global growth partner for its Solid-State Lighting (SSL) business. Under the
agreement, Elcoteq will provide Philips Lighting with global manufacturing
services and related sourcing and supply chain management as well as product
development services. Elcoteq has already started the production of SSL products
at its factory in Dongguan, China. Production will expand to other Elcoteq
locations including Mexico and Hungary during 2010.

On March 30, 2010, Elcoteq and the lenders of its EUR 100 million revolving
credit facility agreed on extending the facility from April 30, 2010 until June
30, 2011. The parties have signed a committed term sheet for the extended
facility and aim at finalizing the loan documentation during April 2010.

On March 30, 2010, Elcoteq and Videocon Industries Limited (Videocon) decided
after mutual re-assessment to terminate the negotiations started in September
2009 regarding a major equity investment which would have made Videocon a major
single shareholder in Elcoteq.

In addition, to enhance possibilities for further balance sheet strengthening,
the three founder shareholders of the company, Mr. Antti Piippo, Mr. Henry
Sjöman and Mr. Jorma Vanhanen, have informed the Board of Directors that they
will exercise their right to convert all of their series K founders´ shares to
series A shares after which the company will have only one series of shares, A

At the same time Mr. Antti Piippo and Mr. Henry Sjöman, the founder shareholders
and board members of Elcoteq as well as Mr. Juha Toivola, an independent board
member of Elcoteq have announced that they will not be available for re-election
as Board Members. Mr. Jorma Vanhanen, the third founder shareholder, and all
other independent board members (Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, Mr. Heikki Horstia, Mr.
Eero Kasanen and Mr. François Pauly) have announced their availability for
re-election to the Board. In addition, the Board will be strengthened by two
independent board members to be proposed to the Annual General Meeting.

The Company continues to explore further ways to strengthen its balance sheet
through equity and long-term financing arrangements. Furthermore, the Company
will arrange a rights issue during 2010. The three founder shareholders have
undertaken to support such balance sheet strengthening arrangements in
shareholders' meetings.

Short-Term Risks and Uncertainty Factors

The Company operates in a working capital intensive business environment where
the access to and availability of sufficient financing represents a risk factor.
The Board of Directors has assessed the Company's financing requirements against
the business plan. The Company's ability to implement its business plan is
highly dependent on the availability of financing and ability to stabilize the
financing structure, including the strengthening of shareholders' equity and to
increase financial flexibility.

The company's key short-term operative challenges are to increase sales,
proactively manage fixed costs according to sales fluctuations, significantly
improve profitability as well as avoid generating excess working capital to
preserve cash reserves. The Company has significant part of its purchases and
sales in other currencies than euro and the inability to fully or partly hedge
the foreign currency exposure can result to deviations from business plan.
Ability to offer the right service offering to customers is a key element in
keeping existing customers and winning new customers. Under the changing market
conditions the failure to identify and respond to the customer requirements may
prevent the Company from achieving the strategic objectives and the above
operative targets.


The total assembly value of the global electronics market is expected to
increase again in 2010 and reach the 1,000 billion US dollar milestone in 2011.
According to industry research data providers, the EMS market is expected to
grow approximately 6 percent and After Market Services (AMS) spending roughly
14 percent in 2010. The operator and OEM revenue streams are increasingly coming
from various services where usage is highly dependent on well functioning
devices. Therefore, the uninterrupted usage of the devices becomes more
important, creating more demand for After Market Services.

Within the Consumer Electronics market, handset production amounted to
approximately 1.1 billion units in 2009 and is expected to increase slightly in
2010. In spite of the global economy worries, the set-top box (STB) and flat TV
markets (FTV) are expected to see further growth in the coming years, STB
approximately 7 percent annually during the next five years and FTV even higher.
System Solutions' electronics assembly market amounted to 150 billion US dollars
in 2009 and is expected to increase only slightly in 2010 according to the
industry research data providers.

First-quarter net sales are expected to be somewhat lower than the fourth
quarter of 2009. Company expects that the operating income in the first half of
2010 remains negative. Based on the impact of implemented cost reduction
actions, the stabilization of underlying business and the contribution of
recently won new customer contracts the Company expects the operating profit to
turn positive for the second half of 2010. Due to the restructuring of
subordinated debt in January 2010, the net income for 2010 will be clearly

The company's key operational focus area for 2010 is to generate positive cash
from operations by further significantly improving factory utilization ratio
through reduced cost base and gaining new customer contracts. It is the focus of
the Board and operative management to further strengthen the balance sheet
through equity related transactions and long-term financing arrangements.
Company seeks to further reduce tied-up capital through fixed asset divestments,
working capital financing arrangements and operational improvements in inventory

Board's Dividend Proposal

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting to be held on
April 28, 2010, that no dividend will be paid for the financial year 2009.

Annual General Meeting 2010

Elcoteq's Annual General Meeting will be held in Luxembourg on April 28, 2010. A
separate Shareholder Information Meeting will be held before the Annual General
Meeting in Helsinki, on April 20, 2010.

March 30, 2010
Board of Directors

Further information:
Jouni Hartikainen, President and CEO, +358 10 413 11
Mikko Puolakka, CFO, tel. +358 10 413 1287

Press Conference and Webcast

Elcoteq will hold a combined press conference, conference call and webcast in
English at 2.30 pm (EET) on Wednesday, March 31, in the Bulsa-Freda room at
Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä (address: Simonkatu 9, Helsinki, Finland).

To participate via a conference call, please dial in 5-10 minutes before the
beginning of the event: +44 (0)20 7162 0025 (Europe) or +1 334 323 6201 (USA).
When dialing in, the participants should quote 855863 as the conference ID. The
password is Elcoteq.

The press conference can also be followed as a live webcast or later as a
recording via Elcoteq's website www.elcoteq.com.

The presentation material used at the press conference (pdf file) will be
available on the company's website www.elcoteq.com on March 31, 2010.

Elcoteq will publish its Interim Report for January-March 2010 at 9.00 am (EET)
on Wednesday, May 19, 2010.

1 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
2 Consolidated Balance Sheet
3 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
4 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
5 Segment reporting
6 Personnel
7 Formulas for the calculation of key figures
8 Key figures for five years
9 Restructuring expenses
10 Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale
11 Assets pledged and contingent liabilities
12 Quarterly figures

The Group adopted the following standards on January 1, 2009:

- IFRS 8 Operating Segments. The adoption of the standard has impacted the
presentation of segment information.
- Revised IAS 23 Borrowing Costs. The adoption of the standard causes a change
in the accounting principles used in the consolidated financial statements. The
adoption of the standard does not currently have a material impact on the Group.
- Revised IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. The change of the standard
has an impact on the presentation of the Statement of Comprehensive Income and
the Statement of Changes in Equity.
-IFRS 2 Share-based Payments. The change of the standard does not currently have
a material impact on the Group.

Other new interpretations or amendments to standards effective as of January
1, 2009 have not been relevant to the Group.

- IFRS 1 First-Time Adoption
- IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate


                                                       Jan. 1 -      Jan. 1 -
 EUR 1,000                                        Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008

 NET SALES                                            1,503,205     3,443,199

 Change in work in progress

 and finished goods                                     -44,420       -35,516

 Other operating income                                  13,337        11,182

 Production materials and services                   -1,225,529    -2,989,012

 Personnel expenses                                    -126,328      -192,982

 Depreciation and amortization                          -60,143       -78,921

 Restructuring expenses                                 -37,049       -13,496

 Other operating expenses                               -99,620      -164,851

 OPERATING LOSS                                         -76,545       -20,399

 Financial income, total                                  3,322         6,381

 Financial expenses, total                              -43,813       -38,784

 Share of the losses of associated companies (net
 of income tax)                                             -68          -105

 LOSS BEFORE TAXES                                     -117,105       -52,908

 Income taxes                                             8,139       -11,109

 NET LOSS                                              -108,966       -64,017

 Other comprehensive income

 Effective portion of changes in fair value of
 cash flow hedges                                         3,465        -2,492

 Net gain/loss on hedges of net

 investments in foreign operations                        2,988        -4,654

 Foreign currency translation

 differences for foreign operations                       1,149         9,479

 Income tax relating to components of

 other comprehensive income                                -405           400
 Other comprehensive income for the

 period, net of tax                                       7,197         2,733


 FOR THE YEAR                                          -101,769       -61,284


 Owners of the parent company *                        -105,045       -65,872

 Non-controlling interests                               -3,920         1,856

                                                       -108,966       -64,017


 Owners of the parent company                           -98,434       -64,730

 Non-controlling interests                               -3,335         3,447

                                                       -101,769       -61,284

 Earnings per share calculated on loss attributable

 to owners of the parent company

 Basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS), A
 shares EUR                                               -3.22         -2.02

 Basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS), K
 founders' shares EUR                                     -0.32         -0.20

 * Net loss reported by the company.



 EUR 1,000                                          Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008


 Non-current assets

 Intangible assets

   Goodwill                                                21,510        21,510

   Other intangible assets                                  3,882         6,134
                                                           25,392        27,644

 Tangible assets

   Land                                                       772           742

   Buildings                                               33,063        37,522

   Machinery and equipment                                 45,744       128,484

   Advance payments and

   construction in progress                                 1,375         1,017
                                                           80,954       167,765


   Investments in associated companies                         77         1,637

   Receivables from associated companies                       87            87

   Available-for-sale financial assets                        511           513
                                                              676         2,238

 Long-term receivables

   Deferred tax assets                                     41,906        32,943

   Loans receivable                                             0        13,408
                                                           41,906        46,352

 Non-current assets, total                                148,928       243,999

 Current assets


   Raw materials                                           64,675       205,524

   Work in progress                                           693        10,593

   Finished goods                                           4,062        40,038

   Advance payments                                             0             1
                                                           69,431       256,157

 Current receivables

   Accounts receivable                                    155,280       306,107

   Other receivables                                       24,773        17,270

   Prepaid expenses and accruals                            9,864        12,048

   Current tax assets                                           3           851
                                                          189,919       336,276

 Cash and cash equivalents                                 87,941        95,099

 Current assets, total                                    347,291       687,532

 Assets classified as held for sale                        19,049        23,898

 ASSETS, TOTAL                                            515,268       955,429

 EUR 1,000                                          Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008


 Equity attributable to owners of the parent

   Share capital *)                                        13,176        13,041

   Additional paid-in capital                             225,011       225,011

   Other reserves                                           8,224         5,163

   Translation differences                                  6,779         3,227

   Retained earnings                                     -123,372       -58,086

   Net loss for the year                                 -105,045       -65,872

 Equity attributable to owners of the parent
 company, total                                            24,772       122,484

 Non-controlling interests                                  7,832        12,728
 Total equity                                              32,603       135,212


 Non-current liabilities

   Subordinated notes                                     139,794       139,517

   Medium-term notes                                       19,986        19,980

   Loans from pension plans                                     -           210

   Other debt                                                 287           376

   Deferred tax liability                                   2,496         5,253
                                                          162,563       165,336

   Payments due within one year                           -50,015          -386
 Non-current liabilities, total                           112,548       164,951

 Current liabilities

   Loans from financial institutions                      115,429       173,647

   Subordinated notes                                      49,925             -

   Loans from pension plans                                     -           210

   Advances received                                          174           780

   Accounts payable                                       165,207       422,892

   Other current liabilities                                8,063        11,556

   Accrued expenses                                        26,454        37,278

   Current tax liabilities                                    151         1,415

   Provisions                                               4,713         7,488
 Current liabilities, total                               370,117       655,266

 Liabilities, total                                       482,664       820,217

 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES, TOTAL                            515,268       955,429

*) Share capital includes both A shares listed in Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Exchange
and K founders' shares.



                                                         Jan. 1 -      Jan. 1 -

 EUR 1,000                                          Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008


   Net loss                                              -108,966       -64,017


     Depreciation, amortization and impairments            60,143        78,921

     Unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses           4,104            10

     Other non-cash income and expenses                    14,161           631

     Financial income and expenses                         35,056        39,859

     Income taxes                                          -8,139        11,109

     Other adjustments                                     17,631         5,343
   Cash flow before change in working capital              13,989        71,857

   Change in working capital :

     Change in non-interest bearing current
     receivables                                          136,328        20,798

     Change in inventories                                184,431       128,867

     Change in non-interest bearing current
     liabilities                                         -270,219      -209,864
   Cash flow from operating activities before
   financial items and taxes                               64,528        11,658

   Interest and other financial expenses                  -23,819       -28,825

   Operations-related interest income                         707         1,240

   Income taxes paid                                       -1,060        -6,127
 Cash flow from operating activities                       40,356       -22,054


   Purchases of tangible and intangible assets             -4,357       -61,849

   Proceeds from disposal of tangible and
   intangible assets                                       16,644         7,846

   Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash
   acquired                                                   253       -23,941

   Repayment of loans receivable                                -           279
 Cash flow from investing activities                       12,541       -77,665


   Proceeds from the revolving credit facility            100,000       160,000

   Loan transactions costs                                 -3,000             -

   Repayment of current debt (including loans from
   the revolving credit facility)                        -153,137       -40,304

   Repayment of non-current debt                                -       -20,420

   Dividends paid                                          -2,442        -2,025
 Cash flow from financing activities                      -58,580        97,251

 CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                       -5,683        -2,469

 Cash and cash equivalents on January 1                    95,099        92,691

 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash held              -1,475         4,877

 Cash and cash equivalents on December 31                  87,941        95,099





                Attributable to equity holders of the parent      trol-


                                                                 inter-   Total

                                                                   ests  equity



                  Addi-                        ve

                 tional          Hed- Trans-  for  Retai-

          Share   paid-  Other   ging lation  own     ned

            ca-      in reser-    re-    re- sha-    ear-

 1,000    pital capital    ves  serve  serve  res   nings  Total


 1, 2009  13041  225011   8369  -3139   3227  -68 -123958 122484  12728  135212

 issue      135                                 1    -135      1              1




 income                          3060   3552      -105045 -98433  -3335 -101768



 payments                                             720    720            720


 dends                                                            -2442   -2442



 of non-


 interest                                                           880     880



 31, 2009 13176  225011   8369    -78   6779  -67 -228418  24772   7832   32603





                                                                 inter-   Total

                Attributable to equity holders of the parent       ests  equity


                   Addi                      ser-

                    tio                        ve

                    nal  Other  Hedg- Trans-  for      Re

          Share   paid-    re-    ing lation  own  tained

            ca-      in   ser- reser- reser-  sha   earn-

 1,000    pital capital    ves     ve     ve  res    ings  Total


 1, 2008  13041  225011   8369  -1047     -7  -68  -58717 186584  11307  197891




 income                         -2092   3234       -65872 -64730   3447  -61283



 payments                                             631    631            631


 dends                                                            -2025   -2025



 31, 2008 13041  225011   8369  -3139   3227  -68 -123958 122484  12728  135212



Since the beginning of 2008, Elcoteq has had three Business Areas: Personal
Communications, Home Communications and Communications Networks. Personal
Communications and Home Communications Business Areas were combined during the
third quarter of 2009 under a new Strategic Business Unit, Consumer Electronics.
Communications Networks Business Area has been changed into a new Strategic
Business Unit, System Solutions. At the end of 2009 the Group has two Strategic
Business Units (SBUs): Consumer Electronics and System Solutions. Both SBUs are
responsible for managing and developing their existing customer relationships
and applicable service offerings, while Group Operations and Sourcing is
responsible for supply chain and production.

From 2009, Elcoteq has applied IFRS 8 Operating Segments in its segment
reporting. The comparative information of 2008 has been changed to correspond to
the new reporting structure. The presented segment information is based on the
information provided to the Group's management.

Accounting Principles

There are no sales between the segments.
The items shown for the segments are those that are either directly attributable
to the segments or that can be reasonably allocated to them.
The segment's interest income and interest expenses are reported as net
financial charges.
Income taxes are not allocated to the segments.
The segment's assets comprise of intangible and tangible assets, investments in
associated companies, inventories, accounts receivable and allocatable prepaid
expenses and accruals.
The segment's liabilities include accounts payable and accrued expenses
allocated to them.

Non-Allocated Items

Non-allocated expenses in the income statement consist of the expenses of the
Group office.
Non-allocated assets consist mainly of cash and bank receivables as well as
prepaid expenses and accruals not allocated to the segments.
Non-allocated liabilities are mainly interest-bearing liabilities, deferred tax
liabilities and accrued expenses not allocated to the segments.
Investments in associated companies that cannot be allocated to the segments are
entered under non-allocated assets.

Strategic Business Units

Strategic Business Unit Consumer Electronics covers products such as mobile and
wireless phones, their parts and accessories, set-top boxes, flat panel TVs and
other consumer products as well as related after market services.
Strategic Business Unit System Solutions covers wireless and wireline
infrastructure systems and modules, enterprise network products and various
other industrial segment products as well as related after market services.

 STRATEGIC                                          Total
 BUSINESS UNITS                         System reportable                 Group
 IN 2009, MEUR   ConsumerElectronics Solutions   segments Non-Allocated   total
 Net sales                   1,127.3     375.9    1,503.2             - 1,503.2

 amortisation                  -48.5      -9.8      -58.3          -1.9   -60.1

 income/loss                   -38.2      -2.0      -40.2         -36.3   -76.5

 expenses*                     -24.3     -11.9      -36.2          -0.8   -37.0

 charges                       -21.4      -8.8      -30.2         -10.3   -40.5

 Share of
 results                           -      -0.1       -0.1           0.0    -0.1

 Income before
 taxes                         -59.6     -10.8      -70.4         -46.7  -117.1

 Assets**                      273.4      93.6      367.0         148.3   515.3

 in associated
 companies***                      -       0.1        0.1           0.0     0.1

 expenditures                    3.9       1.6        5.5           0.9     6.4

 Liabilities                   116.1      65.4      181.6         301.1   482.7

*) A total of 28.0 million euros in restructuring expenses with no cash flow
effect have been recognized, of which 19.5 million euros are included in the
restructuring expenses of the Consumer Electronics Strategic Business Unit, 8.5
million euros in the restructuring expenses of the System Solutions Strategic
Business Unit and 0.1 million euros in the restructuring expenses of the Group's
non-allocated costs.
**) The assets of the segments include a total of 19.0 million euros assets
classified as held for sale, of which 12.9 million are allocated to the Consumer
Electronics Strategic Business Unit and 6.2 million to the System SolutionsStrategic Business Unit.
***) Included also in the segment's assets.

 STRATEGIC BUSINESS     Consumer    System reportable
 UNITS IN 2008, MEUR Electronics Solutions   segments Non-Allocated Group total
 Net sales               2,739.5     703.7    3,443.2             -     3,443.2

 Depreciation and
 amortization              -58.7     -17.8      -76.5          -2.4       -78.9

 income/loss                15.0       1.6       16.6         -37.0       -20.4

 expenses*                  -8.1      -5.4      -13.5             -       -13.5

 Financial charges         -19.4     -12.1      -31.4          -1.0       -32.4

 Share of associated
 companies' results            -      -0.1       -0.1           0.0        -0.1

 Income before taxes        -4.3     -10.5      -14.8         -38.1       -52.9

 Assets**                  553.4     248.3      801.7         153.7       955.4

 Investments in
 companies***                  -       1.6        1.6           0.0         1.6

 expenditures               63.4       6.7       70.1           1.3        71.4

 Liabilities               324.5     133.0      457.5         362.7       820.2

 Sold accounts
 receivable****             36.9      64.1      101.1             -       101.1

*) A total of 9.2 million euros in restructuring expenses with no cash flow
effect have been recognized, of which 4.3 million euros are included in the
restructuring expenses of the Consumer Electronics Strategic Business Unit and
5.0 million euros in the restructuring expenses of the System Solutions
Strategic Business Unit.
**) The assets of the segments include a total of 23.9 million euros assets
classified as held for sale, of which 2.2 million are allocated to the Consumer
Electronics Strategic Business Unit and 21.7 million to the System Solutions
Strategic Business Unit.
***) Included also in the segment's assets.
****) Not included in the segment's assets.

 Geographical Areas

Consumer Electronics and System Solutions segments are managed on a worldwide
basis. Elcoteq's service network covers countries in Europe, Asia-Pacific and
Americas. It includes high-volume manufacturing plants, units specializing in
smaller series, as well as product development units and new product
introduction (NPI) centers. All of the company's high-volume plants are located
close to the main end-markets of customers' products and in low-cost countries:
in Hungary, Estonia, China, Mexico, India and Brazil.

In presenting information on the basis of geographical segments, segment revenue
and non-current assets are based on the geographical location of the
manufacturing unit.
 Net sales by countries are presented according to geographical location of the
manufacturing unit under "Breakdown of net sales by country".
Group has no non-current assets in its country of domicile in Luxembourg.

 2009, MEUR              Europe Asia-Pacific Americas Non-Allocated Group total
 Net sales                710.4        217.7    575.1             -     1,503.2

 Non-current assets        51.3         31.3     15.7           8.7       107.0

 2008, MEUR              Europe Asia-Pacific Americas Non-Allocated Group total
 Net sales              1,665.0        755.1  1,023.2             -     3,443.2

 Non-current assets        78.8         71.2     43.9          17.1       211.1

Major customers
Revenues from customer X of Consumer Electronics segment represents
approximately 45% (39% in 2008) and customer Y 18% (12% in 2008) of the Group's
total revenues. Revenues from customer Z of System Solutions segment represent
approximately 18% (12% in 2008) of the Group's total revenues.


 MEUR                          2009    2008
 Hungary                      578.7 1,335.1

 Mexico                       521.5   966.8

 Estonia                      129.4   305.1

 China                        125.3   698.9

 India                         92.5    56.2

 Brazil                        50.7    39.9

 Luxembourg                     0.0     0.0

 Other countries                5.1    41.1
                            1,503.2 3,443.2



 The Group had on average 11,271 (17,401) employees during the year,

 distributed geographically as follows.

             At Dec. 31 At Jan. 1 Change                            Average

 Brazil             861       790     71                                797

 China            2,046     4,086 -2,040                              2,750

 Estonia            165     1,992 -1,827                              1,118

 Finland            139       220    -81                                168

 Germany              4         4      0                                  4

 Hong Kong           30        50    -20                                 39

 Hungary          2,056     2,991   -935                              2,492

 India              583       885   -302                                721

 Japan                4         3      1                                  4

 Luxembourg           5         4      1                                  5

 Mexico           2,529     3,633 -1,104                              2,892

 Romania              0       301   -301                                 66

 Russia              20       384   -364                                134

 Sweden               4         7     -3                                  5

 Switzerland          8        10     -2                                  9

 USA                 35       133    -98                                 67
 Total            8,489    15,493 -7,004                             11,271

 On December 31, 2009 the Group employed 10,101 people, of whom 8,489 were
 on Elcoteq's payroll.



Return on equity (ROE) =
Net income x 100
Total equity, average of opening and closing balances

Return on investments (ROI/ROCE) =
(Income before taxes + interest and other financial expenses +
income from discontinued operations before taxes and
financial expenses) x 100
Total assets - non-interest bearing liabilities, average of opening
and closing balances

Return on investment (ROI/ROCE) for trailing 12 months =
(Income before taxes + interest and other financial expenses +
 income from discontinued operations before taxes and
 financial expenses) x 100
Total assets - non interest-bearing liabilities, average of opening
and closing balances

Current ratio =
Current assets + assets classified as held for sale
Current liabilities + liabilities classified as held for sale

Solvency =
Total equity x 100
Total assets - advance payments received

Gearing =
Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and equivalents
Total equity

Equity per share (2005-2007) =
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company
Adjusted average number of shares outstanding end of the

Equity per share =
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company
Adjusted average number of A shares outstanding end of the
period + (adjusted average number of K founders´ shares
outstanding end of the period/10)

Earnings per share, A shares (EPS) =
Net income attributable to equity holders of the parent, A shares
Adjusted average number of A shares outstanding during the period

Earnings per share, diluted, A shares (EPS) =
Net income attributable to equity holders of the parent, A shares
Adjusted average number of A shares outstanding during the
Period + effect of dilution on the number of shares

Earnings per shares, K shares (EPS) (2005-2007) =
Net income attributable to equity holders of the parent,
K shares
Adjusted average number of K shares outstanding
during the period

Earnings per shares, K founders´ shares (EPS) =
Net income attributable to equity holders of the parent,
K founders´ shares
Adjusted average number of K founders' shares outstanding
during the period

Dividend per share =
Dividends paid for the fiscal year
Adjusted average number of shares outstanding end of the period

Payout ratio =
Dividend per share x 100
Earnings per share

Dividend yield =
Dividend per share x 100
Average share price at the end of the period

P/E ratio=
Average share price at the end of the period
Earnings per share (EPS)

Operating income before depreciation
and amortization (EBITDA) =
Operating income/loss +
Depreciation, amortization and impairment



                                      2009      2008     2007     2006     2005


 Net sales                  MEUR   1,503.2   3,443.2  4,042.9  4,284.3  4,169.0

              of which
              Finland       %         97.9      95.2     93.9     89.7     81.4

 Gross capital expenditures MEUR       6.4      71.4     67.2    116.9    123.6

              (does not

 Employees, average                 11,271    17,401   19,131   16,651   15,242


 Operating income before

 and amortization (EBITDA)  MEUR     -16.4      58.5    -16.6    126.6    155.0

 Operating income           MEUR     -76.5     -20.4    -96.3     43.9     76.5

              % of net
              sales         %         -5.1      -0.6     -2.4      1.0      1.8

 Income before taxes        MEUR    -117.1     -52.9   -122.8     19.2     59.3

              % of net
              sales         %         -7.8      -1.5     -3.0      0.4      1.4

 Net income                 MEUR    -105.0     -65.9   -108.4     12.1     41.3

              % of net
              sales         %         -7.0      -1.9     -2.7      0.3      1.0

 Return on equity (ROE)     %       -129.9     -38.4    -42.5      4.8     14.1

 Return on investment
 (ROCE/ROI)                 %        -18.9      -3.1    -19.6      9.1     17.6


 ratio                                 1.0       1.1      1.1      1.2      1.2

 Solvency                   %          6.3      14.2     18.1     26.1     26.0

 Gearing                               5.8       1.8      0.7      0.4      0.3

 liabilities                MEUR     275.4     333.6    237.2    210.3    191.7

 Interest-bearing net debt  MEUR     187.5     238.5    144.5    128.0     90.3


 Earnings per share A
 shares (EPS)               EUR      -3.22     -2.02    -3.37     0.38     1.34

 Earnings per share K
 shares (EPS)               EUR          -         -    -3.37     0.38     1.34

 Earnings per share K
 founders' shares (EPS)**   EUR      -0.32     -0.20        -        -        -

 Diluted earnings per
 share, A shares (EPS)      EUR          -         -    -3.37     0.37     1.28

 Shareholders' equity per
 share                      EUR       0.75      3.76     5.72     9.31     9.55

 Share price at the end of
 the year                   EUR       0.91      1.21     4.06     9.78    20.15

 Dividend per share *       EUR       0.00      0.00     0.00     0.20     0.66

 Payout ratio *             %          0.0       0.0      0.0     52.3     49.7

 Dividend yield*            %          0.0       0.0      0.0      2.0      3.3

 P/E ratio                            -0.3      -0.6     -1.2     25.7     15.0

 Adjusted weighted average
 number of

 shares in issue during the

 A shares                         22071983  22017819 21601081 20761611 20187705

 K founders' shares**            105770000 105770000 10577000 10577000 10577000

 Adjusted number of shares
 in issue

 at the end of the period

 A shares                         22352684  22017819 22017819 20962327 20526577

 K founders' shares              105770000 105770000 10577000 10577000 10577000

* The dividend in 2009 is the proposal of the Board of Directors to the Annual
General Meeting.
** In the transfer of domicile on January 1, 2008 the company K shares were
converted into K founders' shares and their number increased ten-fold while at
the same time reducing their par value to one-tenth of the par value of the A

 Financial ratios for 2009 assuming that the January 27, 2010 transactions
 (repayment of the debenture loans

 and receipt of the hybrid loans) had taken place on
 Dec. 31st, 2009


 Solvency***                 %     23.7

 Gearing***                         0.7

 liabilities***              MEUR 170.1

 Interest-bearing net
 debt***                     MEUR  82.1

 *** The December 31, 2009 balance sheet is adjusted by using the
 following assumptions:

 - In January 2010, debenture loans were repurchased with balance
 sheet values of
 105.3 million euros. The after tax income is included in equity.

 - The Hybrid securities of EUR 28.7 million, issued in January
 2010, is included in equity.



During the first quarter of 2009, Elcoteq launched a restructuring plan that
applies to whole Group. Some part of the costs relating to the plan was
recognized already in 2008. The plan targets to prepare the company for the
exceptionally uncertain market situation and general economic development. This
plan is the next step in the Group's drive to increase profitability,
cost-efficiency and operational excellence. The plan has contained several
elements such as the closure of the plants in Arad (Romania), Richardson (USA)
and St. Petersburg (Russia) as well as to merge the plant in Shenzhen (China) to
the plant in Beijing. Processes with the target to reduce personnel at several
plants globally have been carried out.
In addition the Group has reduced other operating costs.

In August 2009 Elcoteq announced further organizational changes and decided to
consolidate the Personal Communications and Home Communications Business Areas
under Consumer Electronics Strategic Business Unit. The target is to better
utilize the synergies between businesses and to aim for further cost reductions.
Consequently personnel reductions have been and will be carried out at several
Elcoteq sites. Addtionally Elcoteq has booked a non-cash impairment charge of
25,109 thousand euros from various assets at the end of 2009.

The Group´s restructuring expenses, 37,049 thousand euros, comprise the
following items:

 EUR 1,000                                2009   2008
 Personnel expenses                      9,401  2,722

 Impairments                            25,109  6,074

 Production materials and services       1,107  3,170

 Gains on the disposals of fixed assets -1,418      -

 Other operating expenses                2,849  1,530
 Restructuring expenses, total          37,049 13,496

 Impairments of non-current assets:

 EUR 1,000                                2009   2008
 Goodwill                                    -    248

 Buildings                               1,244  1,837

 Machinery and equipment                22,396  3,871

 Computer software                          31    118

 Investments in associated companies     1,438      -
 Impairments, total                     25,109  6,074

Impairments of goodwill in 2008 are related to the closing of the Richardson
plant. Impairments of buildings as well as machinery and equipment are primarily
due to plant closures.



Assets classified as held for sale amounting to 19,049 thousand euros relate to
real estates on sale. The company did not have liabilities classified as held
for sale at the end of the reporting period.



 EUR 1,000                                               2009          2008

 BUSINESS MORTGAGES                                   100,000             -

 PLEDGED OTHER RECEIVABLE                               3,000             -

 PLEDGED CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                     56,158             -

 PLEDGED ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                                -        26,901

 PLEDGED LOAN RECEIVABLES                                  81           764


   Guarantees                                           1,008         1,008


   Operating leases, production machinery (excl. VAT)   1,244         9,014

   Operating leases, real-estate (excl. VAT)           12,262        15,386

   Operating leases, others (excl. VAT)                   919         1,854


   Currency forward contracts, transaction risk,

   hedge accounting not applied

     Nominal value, open                               43,222       118,315

     Nominal value, closed                            130,136             -

     Fair value                                            38          -224

   Currency forward contracts, transaction risk,

   hedge accounting applied

     Nominal value, open                               70,632        69,389

     Nominal value, closed                             11,400             -

     Fair value                                           -74        -3,539

   Currency option contracts, transaction risk,

   hedge accounting applied, bought options

     Nominal value                                          -        17,000

     Fair value                                             -           341

   Currency forward contracts, translation risk

     Nominal value                                          -        20,243

     Fair value                                             -          -819

   Currency forward contracts, financial risk

     Nominal value                                    110,689       172,329

     Fair value                                          -239        -3,116

   Interest rate and foreign exchange swap contracts

     Nominal value                                          -         1,500

     Fair value                                             -           225

The derivative contracts are measured using the market prices and the exchange
reference rates of the European Central Bank on the balance sheet date.
Group has pledged part of its assets for syndicated credit facility and for
arbitration. Assets pledged for syndicated credit facility are in the free use
of the company. Assets pledged for arbitration can be freely used by the Company
immediately after it has terminated the contract with the service provider.



                           Q4/    Q3/    Q2/    Q1/    Q4/    Q3/    Q2/    Q1/
 INCOME STATEMENT, MEUR   2009   2009   2009   2009   2008   2008   2008   2008

 NET SALES               265.5  331.7  436.0  470.0  889.1  740.5  904.8  908.7

 Change in work in

 and finished
 goods                    -9.9   -8.2   -4.4  -21.9  -23.9   -4.4  -10.1    2.9

 Other operating
 income                    4.2    5.5    1.4    2.3    2.2    4.4    3.1    1.6

 expenses               -250.2 -317.2 -428.0 -456.1 -842.6 -719.7 -878.9 -905.6

 Restruc-                -21.3

 turing expenses                 -1.7   -0.4  -13.6  -13.5      -      -      -


 ciation and

 ments                   -11.7  -13.5  -16.0  -18.9  -23.2  -20.5  -18.2  -17.1

 INCOME                  -23.4   -3.3  -11.5  -38.3  -11.8    0.3    0.6   -9.5

 % of net sales           -8.8   -1.0   -2.6   -8.2   -1.3    0.0    0.1   -1.0

 Financial income and
 expenses                -12.9   -4.1  -11.9  -11.5  -13.3   -7.0   -6.1   -6.0

 Share of profits and
 losses of associates      0,0   -0.1    0.0    0.0    0.0   -0.1      -      -

 INCOME BEFORE TAXES     -36.4   -7.5  -23.4  -49.9  -25.2   -6.8   -5.5  -15.4

 Income taxes              2.2    0.7    1.5    3.7   -4.0   -4.0   -7.3    4.2
 THE PERIOD              -34.2   -6.8  -21.8  -46.1  -29.2  -10.7  -12.8  -11.3


 Equity holders of the
 parent company          -31.3   -6.3  -21.8  -45.6  -29.1  -11.5  -13.7  -11.6

 interests                -2.9   -0.5    0.0   -0.5   -0.1    0.8    0.9    0.3
                         -34.2   -6.8  -21.8  -46.1  -29.2  -10.7  -12.8  -11.3

 BA-                             Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/    Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
 LANCE SHEET, MEUR              2009  2009  2009  2009  2008   2008  2008  2008



                gible assets    25.4  25.9  26.6  27.4  27.6   28.4  28.5  29.5


                gible assets    81.0 110.3 129.8 149.7 167.8  190.0 184.0 182.0



                ments            0.7   2.1   2.2   2.3   2.2    2.2   2.1   2.1


                term re-


                ables           41.9  46.8  45.8  53.0  46.4   49.2  48.5  47.3

 total                         148.9 185.1 204.3 232.4 244.0  269.8 263.2 260.9



                tories          69.4 101.1 113.7 174.2 256.2  358.2 322.5 321.7


                rent re-


                ables          189.9 193.4 221.4 221.9 336.3  326.4 320.0 271.7

                Cash and equi-


                lents           87.9 201.0 154.8  98.0  95.1   59.5  50.5  91.9
 assets, total                 347.3 495.5 489.8 494.1 687.5  744.0 692.9 685.3

 Assets classi-

 fied as
 held for
 sale                           19.0  21.0  41.0  20.7  23.9   28.7  30.5  30.2

 TOTAL                         515.3 701.6 735.1 747.1 955.4 1042.6 986.6 976.4


 Equity attri-
 butable to equity holders of the parent company

                Share capital   13.2  13.0  13.0  13.0  13.0   13.0  13.0  13.0

                Other share-
                ders´ equity    11.6  43.5  48.7  64.5 109.4  139.7 152.4 162.8
 Equity attri-
 butable to equity holders

 of the parent com-
 pany, total                    24.8  56.6  61.8  77.5 122.5  152.8 165.4 175.9

 rity inte-
 rests                           7.8  11.1  12.0  12.8  12.7   13.4  12.5  11.3
 Total equity                   32.6  67.7  73.7  90.3 135.2  166.2 177.9 187.2

 term liabi-

                term loans     109.8 110.1 159.6 158.9 159.3  159.4 159.3 159.4

                Other long-
                term debt        2.8   2.8   5.7   6.7   5.6    5.5   5.2   5.0
 term liabi-
 lities, total                 112.5 113.0 165.2 165.6 165.0  164.9 164.5 164.4

 rent liabi-

                rent loans     165.4 263.8 210.7 225.4 173.9  187.2 111.2  75.7

                Other cur-
                rent liabi-
                lities         200.0 250.2 279.0 257.4 473.9  519.9 526.8 544.7

                sions            4.7   6.9   5.7   8.4   7.5    4.4   4.8   3.7
 rent liabi-
 lities, total                 370.1 520.9 495.4 491.2 655.3  711.5 642.8 624.1

 lities classi-
 fied as held
 for sale                        0.0   0.0   0.8     -     -      -   1.4   0.7


 LITIES, TOTAL                 515.3 701.6 735.1 747.1 955.4 1042.6 986.6 976.4

 nel on ave-
 rage during the period         8882  9877 11693 14446 17050  17304 17543 17894

 Gross capi-
 tal expen-
 ditures, MEUR                   1.8   1.1   1.5   2.0   9.9   17.2  16.6  27.7

 ROCE from 12 prece-
 ding months, %                -18.9 -14.4 -14.4 -11.3  -3.1   -5.6  -6.2 -10.7

 nings per share (EPS),
 A-shares, EUR                 -0.96 -0.19 -0.67 -1.40 -0.89  -0.35 -0.42 -0.35

 vency, %                        6.3   9.7  10.0  12.1  14.2   15.9  18.0  19.2


                                  Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                                 2009  2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008

 Cash flow before change in
 working capital                 20.5   7.0  -6.4  -7.1  21.5  32.8  16.2   1.3

 Change in working capital      -25.8  34.1  81.1 -38.8  46.6 -65.2 -66.3  24.7

 Financial items and taxes       -9.5  -5.0  -3.9  -5.8 -13.0  -7.6  -5.6  -7.5
 Cash flow from operating
 activities                     -14.8  36.1  70.7 -51.7  55.2 -39.9 -55.8  18.4

 Purchases of non-current
 assets                          -0.8  -1.1  -0.4  -2.1  -4.4 -12.8 -24.6 -20.0

 Acquisitions                     0.3     -     -     -  -8.4 -15.5     -     -

 Disposals of non-current
 assets                           3.9   7.8   1.8   3.1   4.1   1.5   1.8   0.5

 Cash flow before financing
 activities                     -11.3  42.7  72.2 -50.7  46.6 -66.7 -78.5  -1.1

 Change in current debt        -100.5   5.2 -12.2  51.4   8.9  72.2  36.3   2.4

 Repayment of long-term debt        -     -     -     - -20.2     -  -0.2     -

 Dividends paid                  -2.4     -     -     -  -1.0  -1.0     -     -
 Cash flow from financing
 activities                    -103.0   5.2 -12.2  51.4 -12.3  71.1  36.1   2.4

 Change in cash and
 equivalents                   -114.3  48.0  59.9   0.7  34.2   4.4 -42.4   1.3

 Cash and equivalents at the
 beginning of the period        201.0 154.8  98.0  95.1  59.5  50.5  91.9  92.7

 Cash and cash equivalents
 classified as held for sale        -     -     -     -     -     -   0.2  -0.2

 Effect of exchange rate
 changes on cash held             1.1  -1.7  -3.1   2.2   1.4   4.6   0.9  -1.9

 Cash and equivalents at the
 end of period                   87.9 201.0 154.8  98.0  95.1  59.5  50.5  91.9


                                  Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                                 2009  2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008
 Net sales


 sumer Elec-

 tronics                        211.1 243.5 328.1 344.6 684.0 564.2 721.5 769.8


 tem Solu-

 tions                           54.5  88.2 107.9 125.3 205.2 176.3 183.3 139.0
 Net sales, total               265.5 331.7 436.0 470.0 889.1 740.5 904.8 908.7


 rating income


 sumer Elec-

 tronics                        -11.2  -2.3  -4.6 -20.1   2.7   1.0   6.5   4.8

  System Solu-

 tions                           -0.1   6.9   1.5 -10.3  -5.1   7.6   3.3  -4.2

  Group's non-


 cated expen-

 ses/ income


            neral & Admi-



            tive ex-


            ses                 -12.1  -7.6  -8.2  -7.2  -9.5  -8.3  -9.2 -10.1

            Other ex-


            ses                   0.0  -0.3  -0.1  -0.7   0.2  -0.1     -     -

 ting inco-

 me, total                      -23.4  -3.3 -11.5 -38.3 -11.8   0.3   0.6  -9.5

 Restructuring expenses recognized in segment's operating income


 sumer Elec-

 tronics                        -15.6  -1.5   0.0  -7.2  -8.1     -     -     -


 tem Solu-

 tions                           -5.7   0.0  -0.4  -5.8  -5.4     -     -     -

  Group's non-


 cated expen-

 ses/ income                      0.0  -0.2   0.0  -0.6     -     -     -     -

 turing expen-

 ses, total                     -21.3  -1.7  -0.4 -13.6 -13.5     -     -     -


 cial income and ex-

 penses                         -12.9  -4.1 -11.9 -11.5 -13.3  -7.0  -6.1  -6.0

 Share of profits and losses of

 ciates                           0.0  -0.1   0.0   0.0   0.0  -0.1     -     -
 Income before taxes            -36.4  -7.5 -23.4 -49.9 -25.2  -6.8  -5.5 -15.4
