2017-10-17 13:30:19 CEST

2017-10-17 13:30:19 CEST


English Finnish
Terveystalo Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Terveystalo Plc's ten largest shareholders after the completion of the Initial Public Offering

TERVEYSTALO  PLC            STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE           October 17, 2017 at
2:30 p.m.


Terveystalo  Plc's ten largest shareholders after  the completion of the Initial
Public Offering

The ten largest registered shareholders of Terveystalo Plc ("Terveystalo" or the
"Company")  and their shares of ownership after the Initial Public Offering (the
"Offering")  are  shown  in  the  table  below. Shareholders' holdings have been
retrieved  from the shareholders'  register maintained by  Euroclear Finland Ltd
(situation as at October 16, 2017).

 Shareholder                         Number of shares     % of shares and votes
 1. Varma  Mutual  Pension Insurance       19,223,816                      15.0

 2. Lotta Holding I S.à r.l.               14,510,320                      11.3

 3. Helsinki   Deaconess   Institute       13,470,705                      10.5
 Foundation sr

 4. Hartwall Capital                       12,931,690                      10.1

 5. Rettig Group AB                        12,931,690                      10.1

 6. Ilmarinen     Mutual     Pension        6,450,000                       5.0
 Insurance Company

 7. Elo   Mutual  Pension  Insurance        5,122,951                       4.0

 8. Mandatum Life Unit-Linked               1,238,351                       1.0

 9. Odco Oy                                 1,225,000                       1.0

 10. OP-Suomi -sijoitusrahasto              1,090,000                       0.9
 Ten largest((1)), in total                88,194,523                      68.9
 Other shareholders                        39,842,008                      31.1

 of which nominee-registered shares        20,876,188                      16.3
 Total                                    128,036,531                     100.0


 ((1))  Terveystalo's  CEO  Yrjö  Närhinen  holds  in  total  1,316,459 shares,
 consisting  of 556,353 shares owned by Närhen  pesä Oy, which he controls, and
 760,106 shares  held by Mandatum Life  Insurance Company Limited, Mr. Närhinen
 being the ultimate beneficiary.

The  following  table  sets  forth  for  illustrative  purposes  the ten largest
shareholders  of Terveystalo before the execution  of the Offering but after the
Company's  share class combination and issuance of new shares without payment in
proportion to shareholdings (share split) completed on October 10, 2017, as well
as  taking  into  account  the  review  of  shareholdings  to  correspond to the
principles  of  the  share  class  combination  contained  in  the  Articles  of
Association effective until October 10, 2017, as agreed between shareholders.

 Shareholder                        Number of shares      % of shares and votes
 1. Lotta Holding I S.à r.l.              90,832,836                       77.1

 2. Helsinki   Deaconess  Institute                                        12.7
 Foundation sr                            14,967,450

 3. Varma  Mutual Pension Insurance                                         4.0
 Company                                   4,755,687

 4. Yrjö Närhinen((1))                     1,316,459                        1.1

 5. Juha Tuominen((2))                       556,353                        0.5

 6. Ilkka Laurila                            308,923                        0.3

 7. Fredrik Cappelen((3))                    267,795                        0.2

 8. Olli Jurvainen                           134,370                        0.1

 9. Kari Kangasniemi                         134,370                        0.1

 10. Juha-Pekka Lyytikkä                     134,370                        0.1
 Ten largest, in total                   113,408,613                       96.3

 Other shareholders                        4,346,669                        3.7
 Total                                   117,755,282                      100.0


 ((1))  Yrjö Närhinen's ownership  consisted of 556,353 shares  owned by Närhen
 pesä Oy, which he controls, and 760,106 shares held by Mandatum Life Insurance
 Company Limited, Mr. Närhinen being the ultimate beneficiary.

 ((2))  Juha Tuominen's ownership consisted  of 556,353 shares held by Mandatum
 Life Insurance Company Limited, Mr. Tuominen being the ultimate beneficiary.

 ((3))  Fredrik  Cappelen's  ownership  consisted  of  267,795 shares  owned by
 Baskina AB, which he controls.

Terveystalo Plc

Further enquiries

Yrjö Närhinen, CEO, Terveystalo

Susanna Kinnari, SVP Communications, Marketing and Brand, Terveystalo
Tel. +358 (50) 5458333

Kati Kaksonen, Director, Investor Relations & Finance Communications,
Tel. +358 (50) 3931561


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd

Principal media


Terveystalo in brief

Terveystalo is a leading private healthcare service provider in Finland offering
primary  and outpatient secondary healthcare  services to corporate, private and
public  sector  customers.  The  Company's  healthcare service offering includes
general  practice and  specialist medical  care, diagnostic services, outpatient
surgery,  dental  services  and  other  adjacent  services,  which  comprise its
integrated  healthcare care  chain. The  Company also  offers a suite of digital
healthcare services. Terveystalo is able to provide nationwide reach through its
approximately 180 clinics, covering all 20 of Finland's largest cities, together
with its digital platforms.

Terveystalo's  operations are driven  by its scale  and supported by centralized
functions  and standardized  operating practices.  At the  core of Terveystalo's
strategy  is  a  focus  on  providing  medical  quality  and  positive  customer
experiences,   maintaining   a   competent  and  satisfied  base  of  healthcare
professionals and developing a variety of customized digital tools.

In  2016, the Company had approximately 1.0 million individual customers as well
as  approximately 2.7 million  doctor visits,  accounting for  12 percent of the
total  doctor visits in Finland. The  Company's customers are divided into three
groups:  corporate  customers,  who  the  Company  partners with to provide, for
example,  occupational healthcare services to their employees, private customers
and public customers, who the Company partners with to provide public healthcare
services   and   occupational   healthcare   services  to  municipal  employees.
Terveystalo  had approximately  4,445 employees (including  part-time employees)
and approximately 4,400 private practitioners as at June 30, 2017.


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