2015-11-05 07:15:00 CET

2015-11-05 07:15:32 CET


Anglų Suomių
Bittium Oyj - Changes board/management/auditors

Election of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Members of the Audit and Financial Committee of Bittium Corporation

Stock exchange release

Free for publication on November 5, 2015 at 8.15 am (CET+1)

Election of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Members of the Audit
and Financial Committee of Bittium Corporation

Bittium Corporation's new Board of Directors has today commenced their term that
will continue until the close of the next Annual General Meeting.

The  Extraordinary General Meeting held  on September 14, 2015 elected Ms. Kirsi
Komi,  Mr. Juha Putkiranta and Mr. Seppo Mäkinen  as new members of the Board of
Directors. The new members of the Board of Directors replace Jorma Halonen, Juha
Hulkko  and Seppo Laine,  who had notified  their resignation from  the Board of
Directors  when the term of the new members of the Board of Directors commences.
Mr.  Staffan Simberg and Mr.  Erkki Veikkolainen chosen earlier  to the Board of
Directors  continue in  their positions  with the  new members  of the  Board of

In  the assembly  meeting held  today the  Board of  Directors has elected Erkki
Veikkolainen  as  the  Chairman  of  the  Board. Further, the Board of Directors
resolved  to elect Staffan Simberg (Chairman of the committee) and Kirsi Komi as
members  of the Audit and Financial Committee  and to invite the former Chairman
of  the  Board  of  Directors  Seppo  Laine  external  advisor  of  the Board of

Oulu, November 5, 2015

Bittium Corporation
The Board of Directors

Further information

Hannu Huttunen
Tel. +358 40 344 5466

Kari Jokela
Chief Legal Officer
Tel. +358 40 344 5258


NASDAQ Helsinki
Main media


Bittium  is  specialized  in  developing  reliable and secure communications and
connectivity solutions using the latest technologies and deep knowledge on radio
technology.  Bittium provides innovative products and customized solutions based
on  its product platforms, and R&D services for customers in various industries.
Bittium  also  offers  high  quality  information  security solutions for mobile
devices  and portable computers. Net sales  of continuing operations in 2014 was
EUR  52.7 million and operating profit was EUR 0.8 million. Bittium is listed on
Nasdaq Helsinki. www.bittium.com
