2010-08-18 07:12:59 CEST

2010-08-18 07:13:55 CEST


Zemaitijos Pienas AB - Notification on material event


        Following the AB “Žemaitijos pienas” Board initiative and the decision
as of 17th September, 2010,3 PM, is called General annual meeting of
Shareholders of AB “Žemaitijos pienas” company code 300041701, former address
Sedos str. 35, Telšiai. 

Registration starts on 17th September, 2010 and lasts from 2.30 PM till 2.55
PM, the the meeting starts at 3 PM. 

The place of the meeting is at the Company's headquarter, Sedos str. 35,

Meeting's record date: 10th September, 2010. The right to take part and to vote
at the General meeting of Shareholders shall be entitled only those persons,
who stay shareholders at the end the record day of General meeting of

Meeting Agenda:

1.	Regarding the cancellation of the Company's Supervisory Board and the
election of new members for Supervisory Board. 
2.	Other issues

The company does not allow to attend and to vote at the meeting by electronic
The Shareholders for whom owned shares entitle no more votes than in accordance
with the Law, shall have the right to suggest the questions for the agenda
supplement. Together with the proposal must be submitted the draft decisions
for the suggested questions or, when the decision is not required, the
explanation for each issue of General meeting's agenda is required. The
proposal for the supplement of agenda issues must be submitted in writing and
sent by the registered mail to the above mentioned address. The agenda is added
if the proposal is received not later than 14 days before the General
Shareholders' meeting. 

All Shareholders shall have the right to submit in advance to the company
meeting-related issues, where stating the shareholder's name, surname, personal
identity code and the presentation of data showing that the person is a
shareholder and send it by registered mail. The company undertakes to answer
questions, if the questions are received not later than 8 working days before
the General meeting of Shareholders. 
In accordance with the law, each Shareholder shall have the right to authorize
another person (natural or legal) to attend the meeting and to vote on his
behalf.  At the meeting the representative shall have the same rights as it's
assigner, unless the rights of representative are limited by the issued Power
of Attorney or the applied laws. An authorized person must submit in accordance
with the law issued Power of  Attorney. 
In foreign countries issued Power of Attorney must be translated into
Lithuanian language and legalized according to law. 

The completed general voting bulletin together with the document confirming the
right to vote must be submitted in writing to the company not later than before
the last working day of the meeting's beginning and send it by registered mail
to the company's office at the above mentioned address. 

All information regarding the Meeting and its agenda related documents,
decisions drafts on each agenda issue, documents, which must to be submitted to
the meeting and other information related with the implementation of
shareholder rights will be available during working hours at the headquarter of
AB “Žemaitijos pienas”, situated in Seda Str. 35, Tešiai and /or at the
company's Website: http://www.zpienas.lt/. 

Gintaras Keliauskas
Tel. +370 444 222 08