2024-04-26 10:05:00 CEST

2024-04-26 10:05:06 CEST

Kesko Oyj - Managers' transactions

Kesko Oyj - Managers' Transactions (Peter Fagernäs)

Kesko Oyj - Managers' Transactions
Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Peter Fagernäs
Position: Member of the Board/Deputy member
Issuer: Kesko Oyj
Reference number: 59899/5/8
Transaction date: 2024-04-25
Venue: AQED
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 300 Unit price: 15.7975 EUR
Aggregated transactions (1):
Volume: 300 Volume weighted average price: 15.7975 EUR
Transaction date: 2024-04-25
Venue: AQEU
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 182 Unit price: 15.79 EUR
Aggregated transactions (1):
Volume: 182 Volume weighted average price: 15.79 EUR
Transaction date: 2024-04-25
Venue: CEUD
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 213 Unit price: 15.7975 EUR
Aggregated transactions (1):
Volume: 213 Volume weighted average price: 15.7975 EUR
Transaction date: 2024-04-25
Venue: CEUX
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI0009000202
Nature of transaction: ACQUISITION
Transaction details
(1): Volume: 48 Unit price: 15.72 EUR
(2): Volume: 164 Unit price: 15.72 EUR
(3): Volume: 1480 Unit price: 15.725 EUR
(4): Volume: 514 Unit price: 15.725 EUR
(5): Volume: 514 Unit price: 15.73 EUR
(6): Volume: 514 Unit price: 15.735 EUR
(7): Volume: 2 Unit price: 15.725 EUR
(8): Volume: 91 Unit price: 15.725 EUR
(9): Volume: 300 Unit price: 15.725 EUR
(10): Volume: 561 Unit price: 15.745 EUR
(11): Volume: 5 Unit price: 15.745 EUR
(12): Volume: 432 Unit price: 15.745 EUR
(13): Volume: 514 Unit price: 15.75 EUR
(14): Volume: 450 Unit price: 15.755 EUR
(15): Volume: 537 Unit price: 15.78 EUR
(16): Volume: 305 Unit price: 15.78 EUR
(17): Volume: 492 Unit price: 15.77 EUR
(18): Volume: 514 Unit price: 15.77 EUR
(19): Volume: 114 Unit price: 15.775 EUR
(20): Volume: 400 Unit price: 15.775 EUR
(21): Volume: 296 Unit price: 15.77 EUR
(22): Volume: 296 Unit price: 15.8 EUR
(23): Volume: 310 Unit price: 15.8 EUR
(24): Volume: 178 Unit price: 15.8 EUR
(25): Volume: 274 Unit price: 15.795 EUR

Aggregated transactions (25):
Volume: 9305 Volume weighted average price: 15.75311 EUR

Further information is available from Lasse Luukkainen, Group General Counsel,
tel. +358 105 322 818.