2015-12-09 08:00:13 CET

2015-12-09 08:00:13 CET


Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement

Finnair Traffic Performance in November 2015

Number of passengers grew 13.4% year-on-year

Finnair Plc     Stock Exchange Release     9 December 2015 at 09:00 EET

In November, Finnair's overall capacity measured in Available Passenger
Kilometres grew by 9.2 per cent and traffic measured in Revenue Passenger
Kilometres grew by 9,0 per cent year‐on‐year. The passenger load factor
decreased by 0.1%-points to 76.2 per cent.

In late October, airlines shifted into the winter season, entailing among other
things the end of Finnair’s summer traffic to Chicago, Toronto and Xi’an. In
turn, frequencies were increased for example to Miami, Bangkok and Delhi, while
Phuket, Krabi and several Southern European destinations were opened for the
winter season. The new A350 aircraft operated for the first three weeks of
November primarily in Europe, until shifting to the Shanghai route on

The capacity in Asian traffic increased in November by 4.4 per cent, while
traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres increased by 2.7 per cent
year‐on‐year. In particular, the capacity increase reflects the above changes in
the traffic programme and the additional capacity due to the A350. Meanwhile,
the pronounced growth in American traffic was due to the fact that, in contrast
with last November when Finnair only flew to New York, this year there were also
flights to Miami.

The capacity in European traffic grew by 8.4 per cent and traffic measured in
Revenue Passenger Kilometres grew by 10.5 per cent year‐on‐year. In addition to
the increased weekly frequencies and new destinations, European capacity was
temporarily boosted by the flights operated on the A350. At the same time, the
growth in domestic traffic is mainly attributed to the inclusion of the routes
previously operated at Norra’s own commercial risk as Finnair’s purchased

In November, the cargo capacity in scheduled traffic measured in Available Tonne
Kilometres grew by 31.6 per cent, and Revenue Tonne Kilometres increased by 7.1
per cent year-on-year. The cargo load factor in scheduled traffic was 62.5 per
cent. Finnair’s capacity also included two shared freighter flights on a weekly
basis with IAG between Helsinki and London commencing in mid-September.

In November, 92.1 per cent of all Finnair flights arrived on schedule (89.1).

Traffic statistics for December are published on Monday, 11 January 2016.

Finnair Traffic Performance November 2015

                      November 2015  %-Change  Year-to   date 2015  %-Change

Total Traffic
Passengers   1000     807,3          13,4      9 502,8              6,7
Available   seat      2 526,8        9,2       29 236,4             2,6
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   1 925,4        9,0       23 594,2             2,9
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      76,2           -0,1 p    80,7                 0,2 p
factor %
Cargo   tonnes total  12 160,0       -2,2      120 205,2            -12,8
Available   tonne     366,1          5,5       4 256,6              -0,6
kilometres mill
Revenue   tonne       244,2          4,2       2 834,8              -2,1
-kilometres mill
Overall   load        66,7           -0,8 p    66,6                 -1,0 p
factor %

Passengers   1000     473,8          11,1      5 946,7              6,6
Available   seat      984,8          8,4       11 956,8             5,3
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   739,5          10,5      9 399,3              4,9
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      75,1           1,4 p     78,6                 -0,3 p
factor %

North Atlantic
Passengers   1000     18,6           43,8      244,3                20,0
Available   seat      171,8          53,6      2 011,7              24,4
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   132,0          54,3      1 688,6              21,5
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      76,8           0,4 p     83,9                 -2,0 p
factor %

Passengers   1000     128,1          3,5       1 549,9              -1,0
Available   seat      1 232,1        4,4       13 968,8             -2,5
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   963,3          2,7       11 628,2             -1,4
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      78,2           -1,3 p    83,2                 1,0 p
factor %

Passengers   1000     186,9          25,4      1 761,9              13,1
Available   seat      138,1          21,5      1 299,0              9,6
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   90,7           24,8      878,0                12,2
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      65,6           1,7 p     67,6                 1,6 p
factor %

Cargo Traffic
Cargo   scheduled     10 438,1       7,1       104 844,3            -1,4
traffic total tonnes
Europe   tonnes       2 204,9        7,3       20 025,8             -9,2
North   Atlantic      724,9          6,7       7 400,8              6,0
Asia   tonnes         7 358,7        7,3       75 837,7             0,2
Domestic   tonnes     149,6          -4,9      1 580,0              -4,2
Cargo   flights,      1 721,9        -35,8     15 360,9             -51,2
Cargo   tonnes total  12 160,0       -2,2      120 205,2            -12,8
Available   tonne     109,5          14,3      1272,5               -2,7
kilometres* mill
Revenue   tonne       72,0           -5,6      723,9                -14,1
kilometres mill
Available             101,8          31,6      1188,1               11,8
sched.cargo tonne
kms*, mill.
Revenue               63,6           7,1       647,6                -0,1
sched.cargo tonne
kms, mill.
Cargo load   factor*  65,8           -13,9 p   56,9                 -7,6 p
-   North-Atlantic    39,3           -18,2 p   39,5                 -12,9 p
cargo load factor* %
- Asia   cargo load   70,2           -12,9 p   59,0                 -4,7 p
factor* %
Scheduled traffic     62,5           -14,3 p   54,5                 -6,5 p
Cargo load factor*,

* Operational calculatory capacity

** Including purchased traffic

– Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the
previous year (p = percentage points)

– Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown

– Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried,
multiplied by kilometres flown

– Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat

– Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

– Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers,
cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

– Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne
Further information:
Finnair communications, 358 9 818 4020, comms(a)finnair.com

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