2016-03-18 10:24:18 CET

2016-03-18 10:24:18 CET


Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj - Company Announcement

Nordea cuts its Prime rate and DepositRate in Finland

Nordea will cut its Prime rate by 0.15 percentage points to 0.80 per cent.
Nordea DepositRate will also be cut by 0.15 percentage points to 0.75 per cent.
These changes will become effective as of 1 April 2016.

Nordea applies the Prime rate as a reference rate both in deposits and in
housing loans. The popularity of Prime as the reference rate for housing loans
has steadily declined over the years. However, in deposits its position has
remained more stable.

Nordea DepositRate is a floating reference interest rate which follows the
market rates. The DepositRate is used as the reference rate for the
CurrentAccountPlus. The deposit interest payable on the account is calculated by
deducting the margin defined for the interest tiers of the account from the
deposit rate.

The value of the deposit rate is based on the market rates' performance, but it
is supposed to change slower than the market rates.

The rate cuts are based on the very low level of the market rates. The interest
rates were last cut on 1 January 2016.

For further information:
Aki Kangasharju, Chief Economist, +358 9 165 59952
Jussi Mekkonen, Deputy Head of Banking Finland, +358 9 5300 7054
Nordea's vision is to be a Great European bank, acknowledged for its people,
creating superior value for customers and shareholders. we are making it
possible for our customers to reach their goals by providing a wide range of
products, services and solutions within banking, asset management and insurance.
Nordea has around 11 million customers, approximately 900 branch office
locations and is among the ten largest universal banks in Europe in terms of
total market capitalisation. The Nordea share is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic
Exchange in Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen.
