2017-02-08 07:20:01 CET

2017-02-08 07:20:01 CET


English Lithuanian
AUGA group - Notification on material event

Resolutions of AUGA group, AB, with regard election of Chairman of Supervisory Board, election of members of Management Board and Chairman of Management Board

Resolution of Supervisory Board of AUGA group, AB with regard to  election of
Chairman of Supervisory Board: 

1. To elect Vladas Lašas as Chairman of Supervisory Board.

Resolution of Supervisory Board of AUGA group, AB, with regard to  election of
members of Management Board: 

1. To recall the management Board of the Company in corpore with regard changes
of Articles of Association (change number of members of the management Board
from 7 to 5). 

2. To elect members of the management Board of the Company for the new  term of

Kęstutis Juščius

Marijus Bakas;

Linas Bulzgys;

Linas Strėlis ;

Agnė Jonaitytė.

Resolution of Management Board of AUGA group, AB, with regard Chairman of
Management Board: 

1. To elect Kęstutis Juščius as Chairman of the Management Board of the Company.

         Vladas Bagavičius
         8 5 233 53 40