2009-10-22 16:33:37 CEST

2009-10-22 16:34:37 CEST


Englanti Liettua
Lietuvos Energija AB - Notification on material event

Performance of Lietuvos Energija AB in the first three quarters of 2009

Preliminary unaudited consolidated business results of Lietuvos Energija AB
group in the first three quarters of 2009: 

- income - LTL 1163.5 million (EUR 337 million ) (Q3 2008 - LTL 1186 million
(EUR 343.5 million)); 
- pre-tax profit - LTL 47.2 million (EUR 13.7 million) (Q3 2008 - pre-tax
profit LTL 102.6 million (EUR 29.7 million )); 
- net profit - LTL 36.5 million (EUR 10.6 million) (Q3 2008 - net profit LTL
86.7 million (EUR 25.1 million)). 

The respective comparative period of 2008 has been revised due to the changed
principle of cost accounting regarding public service obligations, which
provides for a different redistribution of costs in the course of the year with
regard to seasonality. 

A decrease in profit was mainly determined by a reduction of accounting value
of non-current tangible assets to its fair value, having evaluated the fall of
construction prices. The profit also decreased following a considerable decline
in electricity consumption during the reporting period of 
2009, and an increase in depreciation and amortization costs. 

During nine months of this year, acting as the transmission system operator,
Lietuvos Energija AB through its high-voltage grid transmitted 6.73 billion kWh
of electricity for domestic needs. Export sales accounted for 2.52 billion kWh. 

Financial controller 
Financial planning and treasury Division
Rimantas Sukys, +370 5 2782315