2008-02-05 08:00:00 CET

2008-02-05 08:00:06 CET


Kesko Oyj - Financial Statement Release

Financial statements for the period 1 January-31 December 2007


Financial statements for the period 1 January-31 December 2007

The Group's net sales in October-December 2007 were €2,455
million, up 6.5% on the corresponding period of the previous year
(€2,304 million). In October-December, the operating profit
excluding non-recurring items was €74.5 million (€71.4 million).
The pre-tax profit was €68.9 million (€31.3 million). The
consolidated earnings per share were €0.41 (€0.21). The Group's
net sales in 2007 were €9,534 million, up 9.0% on 2006 (€8,749
million). In 2007, the operating profit excluding non-recurring
items was €325.1 million (€279.8 million). The pre-tax profit was
€369.3 million (€357.8 million). The consolidated earnings per
share were €2.90 (€3.76).

Net sales and profit, continuing operations

Net sales and profit in October-December
The Group's net sales in October-December 2007 were €2,455
million, which is 6.5% up on the corresponding period of the
previous year (€2,304 million). The Group's net sales increased by
4.6% in Finland and by 13.2% abroad. Excluding business
acquisitions and disposals, the Group's net sales increase was
6.1%. Exports and foreign operations accounted for 23.3% (21.9%)
of net sales.

In October-December, the K-Group's (i.e. Kesko's and the chain
stores') retail sales were €3,125.9 million, an increase of 8.8%
on the corresponding period of the previous year.

The Group's profit before taxes for October-December was €68.9
million (€31.3 million). The operating profit excluding non-
recurring items was €74.5 million (€71.4 million), representing
3.0% of net sales (3.1%). Especially Rautakesko improved its
profit excluding non-recurring items. The operating profit was
€70.8 million (€37.6 million), decreased by a net total of €-3.7
million (€-33.8 million) in non-recurring gains and losses from
disposal of fixed assets and businesses, and impairment charges.
The non-recurring items include €4.3 million of costs relating to
the discontinuation of Asko Möbler AB's operations.

The consolidated earnings per share from continuing operations
were €0.41 (€0.21). Equity per share was €19.53 (€17.94).

Net sales and profit in January-December 2007
The Group's net sales in January-December 2007 were €9,534
million, which is 9.0% up on the previous year (€8,749 million).
The Group's net sales increased by 6.0% in Finland and by 20.4%
abroad. Excluding business acquisitions and disposals, the Group's
net sales increase was 8.9%. Exports and foreign operations
accounted for 22.8% (20.7%) of net sales.

In the whole of 2007, the K-Group's (i.e. Kesko's and the chain
stores') retail sales were €11,575.6 million, an increase of 9.7%
on the previous year.

The Group's profit before taxes for January-December was €369.3
million (€357.8 million). The Group's profit before taxes included
€37.1 million in non-recurring gains on the sale of SATO
Corporation shares. The operating profit excluding non-recurring
items was €325.1 million (€279.8 million), up €45.3 million on the
previous year. Especially Kesko Food and Rautakesko improved their
operating profits excluding non-recurring items. The operating
profit excluding non-recurring items represented 3.4% (3.2%) of
net sales.

The Group's operating profit was €331.9 million (€362.6 million).
The operating profit included a net total of €6.8 million (€82.8
million) in non-recurring gains and losses from disposal of fixed
assets and businesses, and impairment charges. In 2006, the gains
from disposal of fixed assets included €99.3 million received by
Kesko from selling its retail store properties to Niam Retail
Holding Finland AB.

The consolidated earnings per share from continuing operations
were €2.61 (€2.45). Equity per share was €19.53 (€17.94).

The Group's investments in October-December totalled €69.9 million
(€88.0 million), which is 2.8% (3.8%) of net sales. Investments in
retail store sites amounted to €62.1 million (€71.4 million).
Investments in acquisitions were €0.9 million (€6.9 million) of
total investments. The Group's other investments were €6.8
million. Investments in foreign operations represented 24.3% of
total investments.

The Group's investments in January-December totalled €233.9
million (€250.5 million), which is 2.5% (2.9%) of net sales.
Investments in retail store sites amounted to €189.0 million
(€186.6 million). Investments in acquisitions were €6.0 million
(€16.2 million) of total investments. The Group's other
investments were €38.9 million. Investments in foreign operations
represented 24.1% of total investments.

In October-December, the cash flow from operating activities was
€70.2 million (€118.5 million) and the cash flow from investing
activities was €-71.0 million (€146.9 million). The latter
included €5 million in proceeds received from the disposal of
fixed assets.

In January-December, the cash flow from operating activities was
€248.4 million (€327.9 million) and the total cash flow from
investing activities was €-84.7 million (€202.7 million). The
latter included €50 million received from the disposal of food
store properties in the Baltic countries, and €46 million from
selling SATO Corporation shares. The comparable cash flow from
investing activities was increased by the over €200 million amount
received in March 2006 from selling real estate, and the €190
million amount received in December 2006 from the sale of Rimi
Baltic AB shares.

At the end of the period, liquid funds totalled €351 million (€398
million). The amount was affected by the disposal of food store
properties in the Baltic countries and the disposal of SATO
Corporation shares mentioned above. Interest-bearing net debt was
€275 million (€212 million). At the end of the period, equity
ratio was 48.5% (47.0%) and gearing 14.0% (11.9%).

In October-December, the Group's net financial expenses were €1.9
million (€5.9 million). In January-December, the Group's net
financial income was €37.0 million (€-5.5 million). They were
increased by the €37.1 million non-recurring gain on the sale of
SATO shares and interest income from liquid funds, and decreased
by the costs of currency risk hedging.

In October-December, the Group's taxes were €21.4 million (€8.4
million). The effective tax rate was 31.1% (26.8%). In January-
December, the Group's income taxes were €90.2 million (€107.1
million), corresponding to an effective tax rate of 24.4% (29.9%).

The taxes for October-December include €5.8 million relating to
Rautakesko Ltd's fiscal year 2001 in consequence of the Helsinki
Administrative Court's decision. The taxes for January-December
2006 included taxes from prior periods to the amount of €24.5
million. Rautakesko Ltd and Kesko Corporation apply for leave to
appeal against the Administrative Court's decisions from the
Supreme Administrative Court.

Discontinued operations
The sale to Rimi Baltic AB of food store properties that had been
leased to it was concluded in January. The gain on the disposal
was €28.2 million.

Seasonal nature of operations
The Group's operating activities are affected by seasonal
fluctuations. The net sales and operating profits of its business
segments are not earned evenly throughout the year. Instead they
vary by quarter depending on the characteristics of each business

In October-December, the average number of personnel in the Kesko
Group was 22,023 (23,534) converted into full-time employees.
There was a decrease of 1,511 employees compared with the
corresponding period of the previous year. In Finland, the average
decrease was 68 employees, while outside Finland it was 1,443.

In January-December, the average number of personnel in the Kesko
Group was 21,180 (23,767) converted into full-time employees.
There was a decrease of 2,587 employees compared with the
corresponding period of the previous year. In Finland, the average
decrease was 244 employees, while outside Finland it was 2,343.
The number of personnel mainly decreased as a result of the
disposal of the joint venture Rimi Baltic AB in December 2006.

At the end of December 2007, the total number of personnel was
25,890 (23,755), of whom 14,192 (14,149) worked in Finland and
11,698 (9,606) in other countries. Compared with the end of
December 2006, there was an increase of 43 employees in Finland
and 2,092 in other countries.

Market review
In 2007, the Finnish economy continued its strong growth at a rate
of about 4.0%. Towards the end of the year, however, the growth
slowed down. In Finland, the strong growth of private consumption
continued. It is forecast that the growth rate of the Finnish
economy will decelerate in 2008 compared with 2007, mainly as a
result of weakening export demand. The worsened outlook for the US
economy will affect the growth of the whole euro zone economy. In
Finland, private consumption is forecast to grow by some 3% and
investments by about 3.6%. The increase in consumer prices is
forecast to reach 2.7%. Housing production is expected to shrink
during this year (Nordea).

According to the preliminary data of Statistics Finland, in
January-November 2007, the volume of Finnish retail trade
increased by 8.0% compared with the corresponding period of the
previous year. The increase in the wholesale trade volume was 12%
in the same period.

According to Statistics Finland's consumer survey of January 2008,
consumers' confidence in the economy has been waning steadily
since summer 2007, and Finland's economic growth is estimated to
slow down further in the near future. Consumers also anticipate
that inflation will clearly speed up over the next 12 months.
Consumers' views concerning their saving possibilities continue to
be bright, although in other respects their views concerning their
own finances are more cautious than before. Buying durable goods
was considered particularly cost-effective in January.

In 2008, the Estonian economy is forecast to grow by 4.0%, the
Latvian economy by 5.6% and the Lithuanian economy by 7.4%.
Private consumption is estimated to grow by about 6.0% in Estonia,
by 7.0% in Latvia and by 14.0% in Lithuania. Consumer prices are
forecast to rise by 7.9% in Estonia, by 12.0% in Latvia and by
7.0% in Lithuania (Nordea).

The Swedish economy is forecast to grow by 2.1% and private
consumption by 2.7% in 2008. Consumer prices are expected to
increase at a rate of 3.2% (Nordea). The increase in investments
is forecast to slow down and that of housing construction to level
off (Nordea).

The Norwegian economy is forecast to grow by 2.9% and private
consumption by 3.0% in 2008.  Consumer prices are expected to
increase by about 3.3% (Nordea).

The Russian economy is forecast to grow by 7.0% in 2008. Private
consumption is estimated to increase by 10% and investments by
21%. Consumer prices are expected to increase by 12% (Nordea).

The market and outlook for each of Kesko's business divisions are
discussed in the division reviews of this financial statements


Kesko Food
In October-December, Kesko Food's net sales totalled €1,046
million, up 7.7%. In January-December, the net sales were €3,871
million, an increase of 7.1%.

In October-December, Kesko Food's operating profit excluding non-
recurring items was €39.8 million (3.8% of net sales), up by €2.8
million and relatively at the same level as in the previous year.
Kesko Food's operating profit was €40.0 million (€36.9 million).

In January-December, Kesko Food's operating profit excluding non-
recurring items was €151.4 million (3.9% of net sales), i.e. €22.8
million, or 0.4 percentage points, more than in the previous year.
The operating profit increased as a result of good retail sales
growth and improved cost efficiency. The operating profit was
€151.3 million (€173.2 million). The comparable operating profit
was increased by non-recurring gains on the disposal of real
estate and businesses.

In October-December, Kesko Food's investments totalled €37.8
million (€36.4 million), of which investments in retail store
sites were €36.7 million (€34.6 million). In January-December,
investments totalled €117.6 million (€82.2 million), of which
investments in retail store sites were €104.8 million (€74.2

In October-December, the retail sales of the K-food stores
increased by 10.8%, totalling €1,387 million (incl. VAT). In
January-December, the retail sales increased by 7.4% to €5,046
million (incl. VAT). At the end of December, there were a total of
1,070 K-food stores.

Kesko Food continued the intensive development of the K-food store
network. In October-December, a K-citymarket was opened in Kerava,
K-supermarkets in downtown Lahti and Mikkeli, in Muhos and
Kiiminki, and K-markets in Aurinkolahti, Helsinki, in downtown
Kuopio, in Aittaranta, Joensuu, in the rural municipality of
Jyväskylä, in Mouhijärvi and Ii. The K-citymarket in Rauma was
reopened after extension. Other renovations and extensions were
also implemented.

The most important store sites being built are K-citymarkets in
Päiväranta, Kuopio, in Pori, Tornio, Jämsä, Klaukkala, Ylöjärvi,
and in the Skanssi shopping centre in Turku, as well as the
transformation of a K-supermarket into a K-citymarket in Rusko,
Oulu, and K-supermarkets being built in Hämeenlinna and
Hämeenkyrö, in the Anttila shopping centre in Joensuu, in
Kuninkoja, Raisio, in Mustasaari, Alavus, Haukipudas, Viitasaari,
Rauma and Konala, Helsinki.

The growth rate of the total grocery trade market in Finland for
January-December is estimated at about 5% up on the previous year.
Prices increased at an average monthly rate of about 2% compared
with the previous year (Statistics Finland).

Kesko Food's net sales are expected to grow in 2008. Owing to
major investments in store sites and information systems, Kesko
Food's operating profit excluding non-recurring items in 2008 is
expected to match the level of 2007.

In October-December, Rautakesko's net sales amounted to €622.3
million, an increase of 15.1%. The contribution of acquisitions
excluded, the net sales growth was 12.3%. Net sales in Finland
were €195.4 million, an increase of 7.1%. The net sales of foreign
subsidiaries were €426.1 million, up 19.1%. Foreign subsidiaries
contributed 68.5% to Rautakesko's net sales.

In Sweden, the net sales of K-rauta AB increased by 10.2% to €42.3
million in October-December. In Estonia, Rautakesko's net sales
were up by 11.9% to €21.8 million. In Lithuania, the net sales of
UAB Senuku Prekybos Centras (Senukai), in which Rautakesko has a
majority interest, increased by 35.6% to €139.9 million, of which
the contribution of the Belorussian OOO OMA, acquired by Senukai
in July, was €15.4 million. In Latvia, Rautakesko's net sales
increased by 13.3% to €21.4 million. In Russia, Stroymaster's net
sales grew by 32.8% to €42.3 million. In Norway, Byggmakker's net
sales grew by 8.2% and were €155.4 million.

In January-December, Rautakesko's net sales amounted to €2,537.3
million, an increase of 19.2%. The contribution of acquisitions
excluded, the net sales growth was 17.7%. Net sales in Finland
were €909.3 million, an increase of 10.7%. The net sales of
foreign subsidiaries were €1,625.0 million, up 24.4%. Foreign
subsidiaries contributed 64.0% to Rautakesko's net sales.

In Sweden, in January-December, the net sales increased by 19.3%
to €184.3 million. In Estonia, the net sales were up by 24.7% to
€92.1 million. The net sales of Senukai, operating in Lithuania,
increased by 34.9% to €485.8 million, of which the contribution of
its Belorussian subsidiary, OOO OMA, was €32.3 million. In Latvia,
the net sales increased by 40.0% to €84.8 million. In Russia,
Stroymaster's net sales grew by 47.4% to €150.6 million. In
Norway, the net sales grew by 12.9% and were €617.7 million.

In October-December, Rautakesko's operating profit excluding non-
recurring items was €21.9 million (3.5% of net sales), i.e. €5.4
million, or 0.5 percentage points more than in the previous year.
Rautakesko's operating profit for October-December was €22.1
million (€16.5 million). During the review period, one store was
opened in St. Petersburg.

In January-December, Rautakesko's operating profit excluding non-
recurring items was €115.9 million (4.6% of net sales), i.e. €24.8
million, or 0.3 percentage points, more than in the corresponding
period of the previous year. The operating profit excluding non-
recurring items increased due to good sales growth and regardless
of the fact that a total of 16 new stores, of which 11 abroad,
were opened in January-December. Rautakesko's operating profit for
January-December was €117.8 million (€139.3 million). During the
comparable period, the operating profit was increased by non-
recurring gains on disposal of real estate.

In October-December, Rautakesko's investments totalled €21.2
million (€31.1 million), of which 75.5% (74.9%) was abroad. In
January-December, the investments were €77.0 million (€75.8
million), of which 59.3% (65.4%) was abroad.

At the end of December, the K-rauta chain in Finland comprised 41
stores and the Rautia chain 104 stores. In October-December, the
sales of the K-Group's building and home improvement stores in
Finland increased by 5.2% to €277.6 million (incl. VAT). The sales
of the Rautakesko B-to-B Service increased by 5.1%. In January-
December, the sales of the K-Group's building and home improvement
stores in Finland increased by 8.8% to €1,199.8 million (incl.
VAT). The sales of the Rautakesko B-to-B Service increased by

Rautakesko operates 17 K-rauta stores in Sweden, one of which is
owned by the retailer. The latest K-rauta was opened in Växjö in
April. A new K-rauta was opened in Gävle in August 2007 to replace
the outlet destroyed in a fire in August 2006. In Estonia,
Rautakesko has five K-rauta stores, the latest of which opened in
Tallinn in March. In Latvia, Rautakesko has seven stores of its
own and two partner stores. A new K-rauta was opened in Tukums in
June and another in Daugavpils in September.

In Lithuania, UAB Senuku Prekybos Centras (Senukai) operates 14
Senukai stores and 76 Partnershops. On 12 July 2007, Senukai
signed an agreement to acquire an approximately 21% ownership
interest in the Lithuanian UAB Romos Holdingas, the owner of
99.99% of the shares of the Belorussian DIY operator, OOO OMA.
According to the vote transfer agreement included in the deal,
Senukai has the majority of voting rights in Romos Holdingas. The
total price of the acquisition is €4 million, of which €2 million
was paid for the ownership interest acquired in 2007. According to
the terms and conditions of the deed, the buyer has the right to
cancel the transaction if the terms and conditions are not

In Norway, Rautakesko owns Byggmakker Norge AS, a company managing
the Byggmakker chain of building and home improvement stores. The
chain comprises 120 stores, 22 of which are owned by Byggmakker.
The other stores of the chain are owned by retailer-entrepreneurs
who have signed a chain agreement with Byggmakker. Byggmakker
Norge AS opened a new Byggmakker store in Oslo in March and
another in Haugesund in September. There are eight K-rauta stores
in St. Petersburg, Russia, three of which are new and operate in
conformity with the K-rauta concept. The latest K-rauta in St.
Petersburg opened in December.

The building and home improvement trade market is anticipated to
grow in all countries in which Rautakesko operates. In 2008, a
growth rate of about 3-5% is forecast for the Nordic countries and
5-7% for the Baltic countries. The growth forecast for the St.
Petersburg area is about 10%. (Own estimate)

In 2008, Rautakesko will continue to invest in new store sites,
employee competencies and a uniform information system. It is
expected that Rautakesko's net sales will grow in 2008. Its
operating profit excluding non-recurring items is expected to grow
slightly in 2008.

In October-December, VV-Auto's net sales totalled €143.7 million,
down by 5.3%. The net sales trend was significantly affected by
the change in the car tax, announced by the Finnish government on
2 November 2007. In January-December, VV-Auto's net sales totalled
€804.8 million, up 2.0%. The new Volkswagen and Audi retail
businesses acquired by VV-Auto at the beginning of March 2006
contributed 0.6 percentage points to the growth of VV-Auto's net
sales in January-December.

In October-December, the operating profit excluding non-recurring
items was €-0.5 million (-0.4% of net sales), down €2.1 million,
or 1.4 percentage points, compared with the corresponding period
of the previous year. The operating profit excluding non-recurring
items was negatively affected by the amendment of the Car Tax Act,
which postponed sales to 2008 and caused an impairment charge of
€3.6 million to be recognised for the total of all vehicles. In
January-December, the operating profit was €26.1 million (3.2% of
net sales), down €3.4 million, or 0.5 percentage points, compared
with the corresponding period of the previous year.

Investments totalled €1.3 million (€4.6 million) in October-
December. In January-December, investments were €6.3 million
(€34.2 million).

In January-December, first registrations of new passenger cars
totalled 125,608 in Finland, down by 13.8% on the previous year.
Compared with the previous year, first registrations of vans were
up by 10.6% to 16,885. During the first months of the year, the
sale of new cars was constrained by the car tax debate, the fall
of used car prices and a rise in interest rates. The amendment of
car tax legislation announced by the government nearly stopped
passenger car sales in November-December and postponed a
significant number of car deliveries to customers to 2008. In
October-December, the first registrations of passenger cars
dropped by 34.6% compared with the previous year.

In October-December, VV-Auto's retail sales volume decreased by
8.0% in consequence of the new Car Tax Act. In January-December,
the retail sales grew by 7.6% compared with the corresponding
period of the previous year. The growth is mainly attributable to
the business acquisition completed in March 2006.

In January-December, the registrations of Volkswagen passenger
cars totalled 12,772 and their market share was 10.2%, compared
with 10.3% in the previous year. The number of Volkswagen vans
registered was 3,042, while the market share was 18.0% (17.0%). In
January-December, the first registrations of Audis were 4,161, and
the market share was 3.3% (3.3%). The registrations of new Seat
passenger cars totalled 1,497 in Finland, 697 in Estonia and 261
in Latvia. The market share in Finland was 1.2%, compared with
0.8% in the previous year.

It is estimated that Finland's total market for passenger cars
will grow compared with 2007. The total market for vans is
expected to decrease slightly compared with the previous year
(Road Transport Forecasting Group).

In 2008, VV-Auto's net sales and the operating profit excluding
non-recurring items are expected to markedly exceed the previous
year's level.

In October-December, Anttila's net sales totalled €189.5 million,
up 2.7% (€4.9 million). The net sales for the whole year were
€563.7 million, an increase of 2.9%. Anttila's sales growth and
result for 2007 were affected by the closing down of the City
department store in Helsinki due to the expiry of the lease in

In October-December, Anttila's operating profit excluding non-
recurring items was €21.6 million (11.4% of net sales), showing an
increase of €0.2 million, but a relative decrease  of 0.2
percentage points, on the corresponding period of the previous
year. Anttila's operating profit was €21.6 million (€21.4

In January-December, the operating profit excluding non-recurring
items was €25.2 million
(4.5% of net sales), showing a decrease of €1.2 million, or 0.4
percentage points, on the corresponding period of the previous
year. Anttila's operating profit was €27.2 million (€38.7
million). Non-recurring items included €1.9 million in gains on
the disposal of real estate. In the corresponding period of the
previous year, the gains on the disposal of real estate were €12.2

In January-December, the retail sales of the Anttila department
stores were €397.9 million, up 1.7%, which was affected by the
closing down of the City department store in Helsinki in January
and the opening of the department store in Mikkeli in October. The
retail sales of the Kodin Ykkönen department stores for home goods
and interior decoration were €183.7 million, up 6.7%. Distance
retail sales in Finland were €88.9 million, up 5.5%. In line with
strategy, the number of illustrated catalogues in distance sales
was reduced while concentrating on the development of online
sales. Online sales increased by 22.1%, with the biggest growth in
home electronics and information technology.

Trends in the home and speciality goods sales vary by product
line. The growth is forecast to average 3-5% in 2008 (own

In 2008, Anttila's net sales are expected to grow, and its
operating profit excluding non-recurring items is expected to
match the level of 2007.

Kesko Agro
In October-December, Kesko Agro's net sales were €212.9 million,
an increase of 3.5%. The net sales from foreign operations were
€82.9 million, accounting for 38.9% of net sales.

In October-December, Kesko Agro's net sales in Finland were €130.0
million, up 7.4%, which is attributable to the positive trend in
the grain and tractor trade. In October-December, the net sales
from foreign operations dropped by 2.0%, which is due to the
discontinuation of the grain, animal feed and chemicals trade in

In January-December, Kesko Agro's net sales were €793.4 million,
an increase of 5.1%. The net sales from foreign operations were
€294.6 million, accounting for 37.1% of net sales.

In January-December, Kesko Agro's net sales in Finland were €498.7
million, up 3.5%, which is mostly attributable to the successful
grain trade. The net sales from foreign operations increased by
7.9% in January-December, which is in line with the trend in the
agricultural and earthwork machinery trade.

In October-December, Kesko Agro's operating profit excluding non-
recurring items was €2.1 million (1.0% of net sales), i.e. €1.8
million, or 0.9 percentage points, bigger than in the
corresponding period of the previous year.

In January-December, the operating profit excluding non-recurring
items was €12.4 million (1.6% of net sales), which was €4.6
million, or 0.5 percentage points bigger than in the corresponding
period of the previous year. The operating profit, non-recurring
items excluded, was affected by sales growth, and cost savings in
Finland. In January-December, Kesko Agro's operating profit was
€12.9 million (€9.2 million), positively affected by the €0.5
million (€0.8 million) non-recurring gain on the disposal of

In October-December, investments totalled €0.9 million, 21.2% of
which were in projects abroad. In January-December, investments
totalled €7.6 million, 67.1% of which were in projects abroad.

At the end of the period under review, the K-maatalous chain
comprised 95 agricultural stores in Finland. The sales of the K-
maatalous chain increased by 19.7% in October-December to €192
million (incl. VAT). In January-December, the sales increased by
12.0% to €674 million. Kesko Agro has six stores in Estonia, four
in Latvia and three in Lithuania.

It is estimated that in 2008, Finland's total agricultural trade
market will increase slightly on the previous year. The total
Baltic market is anticipated to grow by about 5-10% (own

In 2007, Kesko Agro discontinued its grain, animal feed and
chemicals trade in Lithuania because of its poor profitability.
With the company concentrating on the machinery trade in
Lithuania, the profitability of the business is expected to

Regardless of the structural changes taking place in the sector,
it is expected that in 2008,  Kesko Agro's net sales and operating
profit excluding non-recurring items will match the level of 2007.

Other operating activities
Other operating activities comprise the reporting for Konekesko,
Intersport Finland, Indoor, Musta Pörssi, Kenkäkesko, Tähti
Optikko and Kauko-Telko.

In October-December, the aggregate net sales from other operating
activities were €247.9 million, down 3.7%. Net sales from foreign
operations were €48.3 million, contributing 19.5% to the net

In January-December, the net sales were €997.3 million, up 5.4%.
Net sales from foreign operations were €191.7 million,
contributing 19.2% to the net sales.

In October-December, the aggregate operating profit from other
operating activities, non-recurring items excluded, was €-1.9
million (-0.8% of net sales), which was down by €4.6 million, or
1.8 percentage points, on the corresponding period of the previous
year. The decline in operating profit excluding non-recurring
items is mainly attributable to the weakened profitability of the
furniture trade. The operating profit from other operating
activities was €-4.9 million (€-17.4 million) and includes €4.3
million in costs relating to the discontinuation of Asko Möbler
AB. The operating profit of the comparable period was negatively
affected by €30.3 million in impairment charges for intangible
rights relating to Indoor Group Ltd.

In January-December, the operating profit excluding non-recurring
items was €24.0 million (2.4% of net sales), which was €2.4
million, or 0.1 percentage points bigger than in the corresponding
period of the previous year. The operating profit was €21.2
million (€4.9 million). The operating profit was improved by the
€0.4 million non-recurring gain on the disposal of fixed assets.
The operating profit for the comparable period included €3.7
million in non-recurring gains on the disposal of businesses and
fixed assets.

In October-December, investments totalled €5.7 million. In January-
December, investments were €14.6 million.

Konekesko's net sales in October-December were €42.8 million
(€46.4 million), a decrease of 7.7% on the previous year. In
Finland, sales were €36.1 million, down by 7.2% in October-
December. Konekesko's export sales totalled €6.7 million, a
decrease of 10.0%. In January-December, the net sales were €229.3
million (€200.7 million), an increase of 14.3%. In Finland, sales
were €193.5 million, up by 13.2% in January-December. Konekesko's
export sales totalled €35.8 million, an increase of 20.5%.

Intersport Finland's net sales in October-December were €41
million (€43 million), down 3.7%. The net sales in January-
December were €147 million, (€142 million), an increase of 3.4%.

Indoor's net sales in October-December were €50.6 million (€50.8
million), down 0.5%. In October-December, the aggregate net sales
of the furniture trade in the Baltic countries and Sweden were
€12.2 million, a decrease of 1.2%. In January-December, the net
sales were €196.5 million (€182.2 million), up 7.9%. In January-
December, the aggregate net sales of the furniture trade in the
Baltic countries and Sweden were €51.2 million, an increase of
28.3%. In 2007, Indoor's profitability weakened significantly
because of the unprofitability of the business in Sweden. A
decision has been made to discontinue Indoor's operatings in
Sweden during the spring of 2008.

Musta Pörssi Ltd's net sales in October-December were €41.8
million (€43.6 million), down 4.2%. In January-December, the net
sales were €147.5 million (€132.0 million), up 11.8%.

Kenkäkesko Ltd's (former WellStep Ltd) net sales in October-
December were €5 million (€5 million), an increase of 14.3%. In
January-December, the net sales dropped by 3.4% to €23 million
(€24 million).

Tähti Optikko's net sales in October-December were €4.8 million
(€4.5 million), up 7.6%. In January-December, the net sales were
€20.8 million (€19.4 million), an increase of 7.3%.

Kauko-Telko's net sales in October-December were €62 million (€65
million), down 5%. In October-December, foreign operations
contributed €30 million, or 46%, to the net sales. In January-
December, the net sales were €234 million (€248 million), down by
5.8% from the previous year. In January-December, foreign
operations contributed €113 million, or 48%, to the net sales.
Kauko-Telko's profitability improved.

In May, Kesko announced that it would look into opportunities to
sell Kauko-Telko (stock exchange release on 23 May 2007). Kauko-
Telko will be classified as a discontinuing operation in
compliance with the IFRS 5 when it meets the criteria of the

It is expected that in 2008, the net sales of other operating
activities will increase somewhat. The operating profit excluding
non-recurring items is expected to grow mainly as a result of the
discontinuation of Indoor's loss-making business in Sweden.

Changes in Group structure
No significant changes took place in the Group structure during
the period under review.

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting
Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting held on 26 March 2007
adopted the financial statements for 2006 and discharged the
members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director from
liability. The Annual General Meeting also decided to distribute a
dividend of €1.50 per share, as proposed by the Board of
Directors, or total dividends of €146,314,669.50.

The Annual General Meeting decided to leave the number of Board
members unchanged at seven. The members of the Board of Directors
elected by the Annual General Meeting of 27 March 2006 are Pentti
Kalliala, Ilpo Kokkila, Maarit Näkyvä, Seppo Paatelainen, Keijo
Suila, Jukka Säilä and Heikki Takamäki. The Board Chairman is
Heikki Takamäki and the Deputy Chairman is Keijo Suila. The term
of office of each Board member, in accordance with the Articles of
Association, is three years, with the term starting at the close
of the General Meeting electing the member and expiring at the
close of the third Annual General Meeting after the election (in

The Annual General Meeting elected PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy,
Authorised Public Accountants, as the company's auditor. The
auditor with principal authority has been Pekka Nikula, B.Sc.
(Econ.), APA.

The decisions of the Annual General Meeting were published in more
detail in a stock exchange release on the day of the meeting and
in the 3-month interim financial report.

Corporate governance
Kesko Food Ltd and Rautakesko Ltd, major subsidiaries fully owned
by Kesko Corporation, elected the members of their Boards of
Directors at their Annual General Meetings held on 23 March 2007.
The compositions of the Boards were announced in a stock exchange
release on 23 March 2007.

The organising meeting of Kesko Corporation's Board of Directors
held after the Annual General Meeting on 26 March 2007 decided to
leave the compositions of its committees unchanged. The Board
elected Maarit Näkyvä as the Chairman of its Audit Committee, and
Seppo Paatelainen and Keijo Suila as its members. The Board
elected Heikki Takamäki as the Chairman of its Compensation
Committee, and Pentti Kalliala and Keijo Suila as its members. The
committees' terms of office always expire at the Annual General
Meeting. On the basis of the evaluation of independence carried
out by the Board of Directors, all members of the Audit Committee
are independent of the company and its significant shareholders.
The decisions of the organising meeting of the Board of Directors
were published in a stock exchange release on the day of the

Juhani Järvi resigned from the positions of Kesko's Corporate
Executive Vice President and Deputy to the President and CEO as of
1 June 2007. He also gave up membership in the Corporate
Management Board and in the Boards of Kesko Food Ltd and
Rautakesko Ltd. Järvi's duties have been divided between the other
Corporate Management Board members. His responsibility areas
included corporate development, IT management, real estate
services, and corporate responsibility and business development. A
more detailed stock exchange release about the matter was
published on 24 May 2007.

Shares, securities market and Board authorisations
At the end of the review period, Kesko Corporation's share capital
totalled €195,535,530. Of all shares 31,737,007 or 32.5% are A
shares and 66,030,758 or 67.5% B shares. The aggregate number of
shares was 97,767,765. Each A share entitles to ten (10) votes and
each B share to one (1) vote. During the review period, the share
capital was increased six times by share subscriptions with the
stock options of the year 2003 option scheme. The increases were
made on 12 February 2007 (€46,376), 26 April 2007 (€86,800), 29
May 2007 (€298,572), 24 July 2007 (€9,000), 26 September 2007
(€39,032) and on 19 December 2007 (€15,900), and were announced in
stock exchange notifications on the respective dates. The
subscribed shares were included on the main list of the Helsinki
Stock Exchange for public trading with the old B shares on 13
February 2007, 27 April 2007, 30 May 2007, 25 July 2007, 27
September 2007 and 20 December 2007.

The price of a Kesko A share was €38.43 at the end of 2006 and
€37.85 at the end of 2007, representing a decrease of 1.5%. The
price of a B share was €40.02 at the end of 2006 and €37.72 at the
end of 2007, down 5.7%. During the period under review, the
highest A share quotation was €53.44 and the lowest was €34.52.
For B shares, they were €54.85 and €34.40 respectively. During
2007, the Helsinki Stock Exchange All Share index (OMX Helsinki)
rose by 20.5%, the weighted OMX Helsinki CAP index by 3.8%, while
the Consumer Staples Index dropped by 5.4% during the review
At the end of the review period, the market capitalisation of A
shares was €1,201 million, while that of B shares was €2,491
million. Their combined market capitalisation was €3,692 million,
a decrease of €159 million from the beginning of the year. In
2007, about 3.6 million A shares were traded on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange at a total value of €161 million, while 122.4 million B
shares were traded at a total value of €5,294 million.

The 2003D stock options of the year 2003 option scheme were
included on the main list of the Helsinki Stock Exchange on 1
April 2005. The number of 2003D options traded during the review
period was 87,888 at a total value of €3.4 million.

The 2003E stock options were included on the main list of the
Helsinki Stock Exchange on 3 April 2006. The number of 2003E
options traded during the review period was 169,108 at a total
value of €5.7 million.

The 2003F stock options were included on the main list of the
Helsinki Stock Exchange on 2 April 2007. The number of 2003F
options traded during the review period was 243,637 at a total
value of €7.8 million.

The Board of Directors was authorised by the Annual General
Meeting of 26 March 2007 to issue a maximum of 20,000,000 new B
shares against payment. The authorisation also includes a right to
deviate, for a weighty financial reason, from the shareholders'
pre-emptive right with a rights issue so that the issued shares
can be used as consideration in possible company acquisitions,
other arrangements concerning the company's operations, or to
finance investments. The authorisation is valid for two years from
the decision of the Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting of 26 March 2007 decided to grant new
stock options for no consideration to the Kesko Group management,
other key Kesko personnel, and to Sincera Oy, a subsidiary wholly
owned by Kesko Corporation. The stock options are marked with the
symbols 2007A, 2007B and 2007C, and their total number is
3,000,000 at the maximum. Each option entitles its holder to
subscribe for one B share, so that a maximum of 3,000,000 new B
shares can be subscribed for with the options in compliance with
the terms and conditions of the stock option plan.

The Board's share issue authorisation and the year 2007 stock
option scheme were disclosed in more detail in a stock exchange
release on 26 March 2007. The Board's decision to grant the year
2007 stock options to persons in the Kesko Group management, other
key personnel and Sincera Oy, a subsidiary wholly-owned by Kesko
Corporation, was announced in a stock exchange release on 18 July

The Board has no other valid authorisation concerning an issue of
shares, options or other special rights entitling to shares.

Flagging notifications
Under Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Finnish Securities Market Act,
Kesko Corporation was notified by Barclays Plc, that the aggregate
ownership interest of Barclays Plc's fund management companies in
Kesko Corporation shares had exceeded 5% on 4 April 2007. The
matter was disclosed without delay after receipt of the
notification in a stock exchange notification on 4 October 2007.

Under Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Finnish Securities Market Act,
Kesko Corporation was notified by Barclays Plc and Barclays Global
Investor UK Limited on 13 December 2007 that the ownership
interest of Barclays Plc in Kesko Corporation had fallen below 5%
of the total number of shares on 11 December 2007, whilst Barclays
Global Investor UK Limited holds over 5% of the total number of
Kesko Corporation shares (stock exchange notification on 13
December 2007).
Main events
Fiesta Real Estate AS, an Estonian subsidiary of Kesko
Corporation, sold the food trade properties leased by Rimi Baltic
AB in Estonia to Rimi Baltic for €50 million. The €28.2 million
gain on the disposal was recognised in discontinued operations for
the first quarter of 2007 (stock exchange release on 4 January

On 16 February 2007, Kesko Corporation and Varma Mutual Pension
Insurance Company completed a deal in which Kesko sold its SATO
Corporation shares to Varma. Kesko's ownership interest in SATO
was approximately 16.5%. The price of the shares was about €46
million and the gain on the disposal (€37.1 million) was
recognised for the first quarter of 2007 (stock exchange releases
on 7 and 16 February 2007).

In its meeting, Kesko Corporation's Board of Directors specified
the company strategy. Based on the expansion of the Group's
international operations and the current business outlook, the
targets for return on capital were raised. The target value for
return on equity was raised from 12% to 14% and that of invested
capital from 12% to 16%. Large-scale store site investments in
Finland and the other operating countries are expected to be made
during the next few years. The Board also decided to look into
possibilities to dispose of Kauko-Telko (stock exchange release on
23 May 2007).

During the summer, Kesko Food Ltd looked into opportunities to
sell its HoReCa wholesaling subsidiary, Kespro Ltd, and its
sourcing operations. The investigation of sales opportunities
carried out during the summer showed that the selling price would
be low in relation to the sales and profit expectations of Kespro.
Therefore, it was decided that Kespro will continue to be
developed as an independent subsidiary of Kesko Food (stock
exchange release on 12 October 2007).

On 2 November 2007, VV-Auto announced that its net sales and
profit for the last months of 2007 would remain below earlier
expectations, as a significant number of passenger car deliveries
would be postponed to 2008 in consequence of the change in the
Finnish car taxation (stock exchange release on 2 November 2007).

The Administrative Court of Helsinki decided not to accept the
€22.5 million write-down made by Rautakesko Ltd on the shares of
its Swedish subsidiary, K-rauta AB, in its taxation for the year
2001. The impact of the Administrative Court's decision on the
Kesko Group's result for the financial year 2007, consequences for
default included, was approximately €-6.4 million (stock exchange
release on 14 November 2007).

Indoor Group Ltd started an extensive development programme aimed
to strengthen the company's market position in the home furniture
and interior decoration trade in Finland and the Baltic countries.
At the same time Indoor Group will dispose of its operations in
Sweden. The disposal was treated as a non-recurring item, and it
had no effect on the future outlook previously published by Kesko
(stock exchange release on 13 December 2007).

Kesko Corporation and OKO Bank plc signed an agreement by which
OKO Bank will acquire the share capital of K-Rahoitus Oy, a
subsidiary wholly owned by Kesko. The purchase price was estimated
at about 30 million euros. The final price will be established
based on the amount of equity at the transaction closing date and
a fixed amount of goodwill. The transaction will be concluded
after clearance from the authorities during the first part of 2008
(stock exchange release on 21 December 2007).

Events after the end of the review period
The deal between Kesko Corporation and OKO Bank plc to sell K-
Rahoitus Oy's share capital to OKO Bank was concluded on 31
January 2008. The preliminary price paid in connection with the
conclusion of the deal was about 30 million euros. The final price
will be established based on the amount of equity at the
transaction closing date and a fixed amount of goodwill. The cash
inflow from the transaction will be about €240 million, which is
attributable to financial liabilities repayable to Kesko (stock
exchange release on 31 January 2008).

Future outlook
In 2008, the Kesko Group divisions are expected to perform as
described in the above division reviews.

The Group's operating activities are affected by the economic
outlook in its different market areas and especially by the growth
rate of private consumption and any changes therein. Markets in
the Baltic countries and in Russia are expected to continue to
grow more rapidly than markets in the Nordic countries, although
there are clear signs of a slow-down in construction in Finland,
the Baltic countries and the other Nordic countries. In Finland,
consumer demand in other respects is expected to remain at a good
level, which is attributable to the growth of consumers' real

Although the peak of the economic cycle has passed, the sales from
the Group's continuing operations are expected to grow during the
next six months, which is partly attributable to the significant
increase in car sales forecast for the first part of 2008. Due to
the more rapid market growth and the expansion of the retail store
network, the Group's sales will grow more strongly in other
countries than Finland.

It is estimated that the Kesko Group's profitability will remain
good regardless of the fact that the result will be negatively
affected by the intensive expansion and renovation of the retail
store network carried out especially during the first months of
the year. The operating profit for the next six months, non-
recurring items excluded, is expected to remain at a level
slightly lower than in the corresponding period of the previous

Proposal for profit distribution
Parent's distributable earnings are €931,252,452.88 of which net
profit for the period is €194,273,776.22.
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
the distributable earnings be used as follows:
To be paid to shareholders as dividends €1.60 per share,
To be reserved for charitable donations at the discretion of the
Board of Directors €300,000.00.
To be carried forward as retained earnings €774,523,860.88.
Annual General Meeting
The Board of Directors decided to convene the Annual General
Meeting at the Helsinki Fair Centre on 31 March 2008 at 13.00 hrs
to handle the matters that fall under its authority according to
the Articles of Association.
In addition to the proposal for profit distribution, the Board of
Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that Public
Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be elected as Kesko
Corporation's auditor, and that the auditor's fee be paid as per
invoice presented by them. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy has announced
Johan Kronberg, APA, to be the auditor with principal

Helsinki, 4 February 2008
Kesko Corporation
Board of Directors
The figures of these financial statements are unaudited.

Further information is available from Arja Talma, Senior Vice
President, CFO, telephone +358 1053 22113, and Jukka Erlund, Vice
President, Corporate Controller, telephone +358 1053 22338. A
Finnish-language webcast from the media and analyst briefing on
the financial statements can be accessed at www.kesko.fi at 11.00.
An English-language web conference on the financial statements
will be held today at 14.30 (Finnish time). The web conference
login is available at www.kesko.fi.


Paavo Moilanen
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Responsibility

Consolidated income statement
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Consolidated cash flow statement
Group indicators
Net sales by division
Operating profit by division, incl. non-recurring items
Operating profit by division, excl. non-recurring items
Divisions' operating profits as % of net sales, excl. non-
recurring items
Investments by division
Group contingent liabilities
Group indicators by quarter
Calculation of indicators
Divisions' net sales by quarter
Divisions' operating profits by quarter, incl. non-recurring items
Divisions' operating profits by quarter, excl. non-recurring items
Personnel, average number, and number at 31 December
The K-Group retail sales

Kesko Corporation's interim financial report for January-March
will be published on 22 April 2008. In addition, the Kesko Group
sales figures will be published each month. News releases and
other company information are available at www.kesko.fi.

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Main news media


These annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with the IAS 34 standard. The annual financial statements have
been prepared in accordance with the same principles as the annual
financial statements for 2006.
income statement
(€ million)
                     2007   2006 Change  10-12  10-12 Change
                                      %   2007   2006      %
Net sales           9,534  8,749    9.0  2,455  2,304    6.5
Cost of sales      -8,142 -7,474    8.9 -2,074 -1,954    6.2
Gross profit        1,392  1,275    9.1    381    351    8.5
Other operating       578    661  -12.6    155    154    1.1
Staff cost           -576   -544    5.9   -163   -150    8.6
Depreciation and     -119   -160  -25.4    -32    -70  -53.5
impairment charges
Operating expenses   -942   -869    8.4   -269   -247    9.1
Operating profit      332    363   -8.5     71     38   88.3
Financial income*      87     38   (..)     12      9   35.2
Financial expenses    -50    -44   14.8    -14    -15   -4.7
Income from             0      1  -35.6      0      0  -98.8
Profit before         369    358    3.2     69     31   (..)
Income tax**          -90   -107  -15.8    -21     -8   (..)
Net profit from       279    251   11.3     47     23   (..)
Net profit from        28    129  -78.1      -    132   (..)
Net profit            307    379  -19.0     47    155  -69.4
Attributable to:                                            
  Equity holders      285    369  -22.7     41    153  -73.4
of the
  parent company
  Minority             22     11   (..)      7      2   (..)
Earnings per share                                          
(€) for profit
attributable to
the equity holders
of the parent
  Basic              2,63   2,47    6,4   0,42   0,21   93,9
  Diluted            2,61   2,45    6,6   0,41   0,21   94,2
Whole Group                                                 
  Basic              2,92   3,80  -23,1   0,42   1,57  -73,6
  Diluted            2,90   3,76  -23,0   0,41   1,56  -73,5
* Change over 100%
** Income tax has been calculated on the profit for the review
period as a proportion of
the estimated tax for the whole financial year.

Consolidated balance sheet                                
(€ million)
                             31.12.200 31.12.200 Change, %
                                     7         6
Non-current assets                                        
Intangible assets                  252       248       1.7
Tangible assets                  1,153     1,115       3.4
Non-current financial assets        31        38     -17.4
Loans and receivables               45       126     -64.6
Pension assets                     262       220      19.2
Total                            1,743     1,746      -0.2
Current assets                                            
Inventories                        922       789      16.9
Trade and other receivables        840       852      -1.4
Current financial assets           261       341     -23.4
Cash and cash equivalents           90        57      58.7
Total                            2,113     2,039      14.0
Non-current assets held for        237        22      (..)
Total                            4,093     3,807       7.5
* Change over 100%

Consolidated balance sheet                                
(€ million)
                             31.12.200 31.12.200 Change, %
                                     7         6
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                    
Equity                           1,909     1,750       9.1
Minority interest *                 55        27      (..)
Total equity                     1,964     1,777      10.5
Non-current liabilities                                   
Pension obligations                  4         4      16.5
Interest-bearing                   314       317      -0.8
Non-interest-bearing                12        18     -37.0
Deferred tax liabilities           126       113      11.2
Provisions                          15        18     -12.3
Total                              471       469       0.4
Interest-bearing                   311       293       6.2
Non-interest-bearing             1,320     1,254       5.3
Provisions                          23        14      60.5
Total                            1,654     1,561       6.2
Liabilities for available-           3         -      (..)
for-sale assets
Total equity and liabilities     4,093     3,807       7.5
* Change over 100%

Consolidated statement of changes in equity (€ million)

           Share Issue Share  Other Curre Reval Re-   Minor  Total
           capit of    premi- reser n-cy  u-    taine ity
           al    share um     ves   trans-ation d     inter
                 capit              latio surpl earni est
                 al                 n     us    ngs
Balance at                                                        
1.1.2006     193     1    189   246    -4     0   857     27 1,508
subscribed     2    -1      5                                    6
for with
Option                      2                                    2
Currency                               -3          -1           -4
interest                                                  -4    -4
Fair value                                                        
changes                                       0                  0
changes                                 1           1            2
Dividend                                         -106     -6  -112
Net profit                                                        
for the                                           369     10   379
Balance at                                                        
31.12.2006   195     0    196   246    -6     0 1,120     27 1,777
Balance at                                                        
1.1.2007     195     0    196   246    -6    -1 1,120     27 1,777
subscribed     1     0      2                                    3
for  with
Option                      2                                    2
Currency                                2           1            3
interest                                                  15    15
Fair value                                                        
changes                                      10                 10
changes                           1                 1            2
Dividend                                         -146     -9  -156
Net profit                                                        
for the                                           285     22   307
Balance at                                                        
31.12.2007   195     0    200   247    -3     9 1,260     55 1,964

Consolidated cash flow
statement (€ million)
                          2007  2006 Change  10-  10- Change        
                                          %   12   12     %
Cash flow from operating                                      
Profit before tax          398   487 -18.4   69   164 -57.9     
Planned depreciation       119   142 -16.1   32    42 -23.2     
Financial income and       -37     7  (..)    2     6 -69.1     
Other adjustments          -75  -215 -65.1  -21   -94 -77.7     
Working capital                                                    
Current non-interest-      -37   -85 -56.0   65    18  (..)     
bearing trade
increase (-)/ decrease
Inventories               -123   -36  (..)  -39   -20  94.3     
increase (-)/ decrease
Current non-interest-       95   142 -32.8   -9    36  (..)     
bearing liabilities,
increase (+)/decrease (-
Financial items and        -91  -114 -20.1  -29   -33 -14.7     
Net cash from operating    248   328 -24.3   70   119 -40.8     
Cash flow from investing              
Investments               -237  -237   0.0  -73   -71   2.5     
Disposals of fixed         146   450 -67.5    5   193 -97.3     
Increase of long-term        0   -10  (..)    0    25  (..)     
Decrease of long-term        6     0  (..)   -3     0  (..)     
Net cash used in           -85   203  (..)  -71   147  (..)     
investing activities*
Cash flow from financing                                           
Debt increase               16    18 -14.6   10    23 -57.4     
Debt decrease              -20  -134 -85.4   -6   -13 -56.1     
Increase (-)/decrease      -52   -25  (..)   -3    11  (..)     
(+) in short-term
Dividends paid            -156  -113  37.6    0     0 -38.1     
Equity increase              3     6 -58.6    0     1  (..)     
Short-term money market     35  -140  (..)    4  -140  (..)     
Other items*                 1    -3  (..)   -1    -2 -74.2     
Net cash used in          -173  -390 -55.7    4  -121  (..)     
financing activities
Change in cash and cash     -9   141  (..)    4   145 -97.3     
Cash and cash
at 1 Jan. * (1. Oct)       257   115  (..)  244   112  (..)     
Currency translation         0     1  (..)    0     0   0.0     
Cash and cash                2     0  (..)    2     0  (..)     
equivalents relating to
assets *
Cash and cash              245   257  -4.5  245   257  -4,5     
equivalents at 31 Dec.
* Change over 100%

Group indicators                                  
                                12/2007 12/2006 Change,
Return on invested capital, %      17.4    22.6    -5.2
Return on equity, %                16.4    23.1    -6.7
Equity ratio, %                    48.5    47.0     1.5
Investments, € million*           233.9   250.5    -6.6
Earnings per share, basic, €*      2.63    2.47     6.4
Earnings per share, diluted, €*    2.61    2.45     6.6
Earnings per share, basic, €**     2.92    3.80   -23.1
Earnings per share, diluted,       2.90    3.76   -23.0
Equity per share, €               19.53   17.94     8.8
Personnel, average               21,176  23,767   -10.9
*  Continuing operations
** Whole Group


Net sales by            2007     2006 Change       10-      10- Change
division,                  €        €      ,   12/2007  12/2006      ,
continuing           million  million      %         €        €      %
operations                                     million  million
Kesko Food, Finland    3,854    3,597    7.1     1 041      967    7.6
Kesko Food, other         17       17   -3.1         5        4   23.3
Kesko Food, total      3,871    3,615    7.1     1 046      971    7.7
Rautakesko, Finland      909      821   10.7       195      182    7.1
Rautakesko, other      1,628    1,308   24.5       427      358   19.2
Rautakesko, total      2,537    2,129   19.2       622      541   15.1
VV-Auto, Finland         779      769    1.3       139      146   -4.4
VV-Auto, other            26       20   27.1         5        6  -26.2
VV-Auto, total           805      789    2.0       144      152   -5.3
Anttila, Finland         544      527    3.1       185      180    2.8
Anttila, other            20       20   -2.3         4        4   -3.1
Anttila, total           564      548    2.9       189      185    2.7
Kesko Agro, Finland      499      482    3.5       130      121    7.4
Kesko Agro,              295      273    7.9        83       85   -2.0
other countries*
Kesko Agro, total        793      755    5.1       213      206    3.5
Other operating          806      776    3.8       200      210   -4.8
activities, Finland
Other operating          192      170   12.9        48       48    1.2
foreign countries*
Other operating          997      946    5.4       248      257   -3.7
activities, total
Common operations        -34      -32    5.7        -8       -7   12.3
and eliminations
Finland, total         7,357    6,941    6.0     1,883    1,799    4.6
Other countries,       2,177    1,808   20.4       572      505   13.2
Group, total           9,534    8,749    9.0     2,455    2,304    6.5
* Exports and net sales in other countries than Finland

Operating profit by    2007    2006  Change  10-12/   10-12/  Change
division incl. non-                            2007     2006        
recurring items,          €       €       €       €        €       €
continuing           millio  millio million  millio  million  millio
operations                n       n               n                n
Kesko Food            151.3   173.2   -21.9    40.0     36.9     3.1
Rautakesko            117.8   139.3   -21.5    22.1     16.5     5.6
VV-Auto                26.1    29.4    -3.4    -0.5      1.5    -2.1
Anttila                27.2    38.7   -11.5    21.6     21.4     0.2
Kesko Agro             12.9     9.2     3.7     2.1      0.3     1.8
Other operating        21.2     4.9    16.2    -4.9    -17.4    12.4
Common operations     -24.5   -32.1     7.7    -9.5    -21.6    12.1
and eliminations
Group's operating     331.9   362.6   -30.8    70.8     37.6    33.2

Operating profit by    2007    2006  Change  10-12/  10-12/ Change
division excl. non-                            2007    2006       
recurring items,          €       €       €       €       €      €
continuing           millio  millio  millio  millio  millio millio
operations                n       n       n       n       n      n
Kesko Food            151.4   128.6    22.8    39.8    37.0    2.8
Rautakesko            115.9    91.2    24.8    21.9    16.5    5.4
VV-Auto                26.1    29.5    -3.4    -0.5     1.5   -2.1
Anttila                25.2    26.5    -1.2    21.6    21.4    0.2
Kesko Agro             12.4     7.8     4.6     2.1     0.3    1.8
Other operating        24.0    21.6     2.4    -1.9     2.7   -4.6
Common operations     -29.9   -25.3    -4.6    -8.5    -8.0   -0.5
and eliminations
Total                 325.1   279.8    45.3    74.5    71.4    3.1

Operating profit as    2007    2006  Change  10-12/  10-12/ Change
% of net sales                         , pp    2007    2006   , pp
excl. non-recurring    % of    % of            % of    % of
items, continuing       net     net             net     net
operations            sales   sales           sales   sales
Kesko Food              3.9     3.6     0.4     3.8     3.8    0.0
Rautakesko              4.6     4.3     0.3     3.5     3.1    0.5
VV-Auto                 3.2     3.7    -0.5    -0.4     1.0   -1.4
Anttila                 4.5     4.8    -0.4    11.4    11.6   -0.2
Kesko Agro              1.6     1.0     0.5     1.0     0.1    0.9
Other operating         2.4     2.3     0.1    -0.8     1.0   -1.8
Common operations      89.2    79.8     9.4   112.6   118.6   -6.0
and eliminations
Total                   3.4     3.2     0.2     3.0     3.1   -0.1

Investments by      2007    2006  Change,  10-12/   10-12/ Change,
division,                               €    2007     2006       €
continuing             €       €  million       €        € million
operations       million million          million  million
Kesko Food           118      82       35      38       36       1
Rautakesko            77      76        1      21       31     -10
VV-Auto                6      34      -28       1        5      -3
Anttila                6       5        1       1        1       1
Kesko Agro             8      12       -4       1        5      -4
Other operating       15      36      -21       6        5       0
Common                 5       6       -1       1        5      -3
operations and
Group, total         234     250      -17      70       88     -18

Group's contingent liabilities     2007    2006 Change, %
(€ million)
For own commitments                 216     263     -18.1
For associates                        -       -         -
For shareholders                      1       1       0.0
For others                            9      13     -26.7
Lease liabilities                    13      12      11.4
Liabilities arising from                                 
derivative financial                                     
                                                 value at
Values of underlying               2007    2006 31.12.200
instruments                                             7
at 31 Dec.                                               
Interest rate derivatives                                
  Forward and future contracts       34      26      -0.1
  Interest rate swap contracts      207     206       4.9
Currency derivatives                                     
  Forward and future contracts      366     272       0.2
  Currency swap contracts           100     100     -18.9
Commodity derivatives                                    
  Electricity derivatives            37      38       7.9
  Grain derivatives                   5       1      -0.4
* Change over 100%

Figures by quarter

Group indicators by  1-3/  4-6/  7-9/   10-  1-3/  4-6/  7-9/  10-
quarter              2006  2006  2006   12/  2007  2007  2007  12/
                                       2006                   2007
Net sales, €         1,97  2,27  2,19  2,30  2,19  2,46  2,42 2,45
million                 1     7     6     4     3     4     1    5
Change in net        15.6  12.8   6.2   8.2  11.3   8.2  10.2  6.5
sales, %
Operating profit, €  150.  91.6  82.6  37.6  62.4  103.  95.4     
million                 8                             2       70.8
Operating profit, %   7.7   4.0   3.8   1.6   2.8   4.2   3.9  2.9
Operating profit     36.6  89.4  82.4  71.4  59.8  96.8  94.0 74.5
excl. non-recurring
items, € million
Operating profit      1.9   3.9   3.7   3.1   2.7   3.9   3.9  3.0
excl. non-recurring
items, %
Financial            -1.5   0.4   1.5  -5.9  37.9  -1.7   2.8 -1.9
€ million
Profit before tax,    150    92    84    31   101   101    98   69
€ million
Profit before tax,    7.6   4.0   3.8   1.4   4.6   4.1   4.1  2.8
Return on invested   27.8  17.7  16.5  30.4  23.5  18.6  17.4 12.4
capital, %
Return on equity, %  29.4  11.3  17.4  36.4  24.4  17.3  16.2  9.8
Equity ratio, %      41.2  41.7  43.8  47.0  44.6  46.5  47.4 48.5
Investments, €       56.6  60.1  45.8  88.0  51.6  62.8  49.6 69.9
Earnings/share, €*   1.14  0.42  0.67  0.21  0.77  0.72  0.70 0.41
Equity/share, €      15.4  15.7  16.4  17.9  17.5  18.3  19.0 19.5
                        3     9     6     4     2     2     8    3
* Continuing operations

Calculation of indicators

Return on invested Profit before tax + interest and other
capital =          financial expenses x 100/
                   Balance sheet total - non-interest-
                   bearing debt (average)
Return on equity = Profit before tax - income tax x 100/
                   Shareholders' equity + minority
                   interest (average)
Equity ratio =     Equity + minority interest x 100/
                   Balance sheet total - advances received
Earnings/share,    Profit before taxes - income tax -
diluted =          minority interest/
                   Average number of shares adjusted for
                   dilutive effect of options
Equity/share =     Equity/
                   Number of shares at end of period

Divisions' net      1-3/  4-6/  7-9/   10-  1-3/  4-6/  7-9/   10-
sales by quarter,   2006  2006  2006   12/  2007  2007  2007   12/
€ million                             2006                    2007
Kesko Food           814   931   899   971   883   983   959 1,046
Rautakesko           428   572   588   541   534   687   694   622
VV-Auto              230   221   186   152   248   218   195   144
Anttila              120   112   132   185   120   111   143   189
Kesko Agro           162   212   174   206   168   216   196   213
Other operating      225   238   225   257   248   259   243   248
Common operations    -10    -9    -6    -7    -7    -9    -9    -8
and eliminations
Group's net sales  1,971 2,277 2,196 2,304 2,193 2,464 2,421 2,455
Divisions'          1-3/  4-6/  7-9/   10-  1-3/  4-6/  7-9/   10-
operating profits   2006  2006  2006   12/  2007  2007  2007   12/
by quarter incl.                      2006                    2007
items, € million
Kesko Food          64.8  38.9  32.6  36.9  29.2  40.9  41.2  40.0
Rautakesko          56.5  32.1  34.3  16.5  18.6  37.6  39.5  22.1
VV-Auto             11.1  11.9   5.0   1.5  11.7   8.1   6.8  -0.5
Anttila             10.8  -0.7   7.1  21.4  -0.9   0.1   6.3  21.6
Kesko Agro          -0.1   8.1   1.0   0.3  -0.6   7.9   3.5   2.1
Other operating      8.4   7.7   6.2 -17.4  10.7  10.1   5.3  -4.9
Common operations   -0.6  -6.3  -3.6 -21.6  -6.1  -1.6  -7.3  -9.5
Group's operating  150.8  91.6  82.6  37.6  62.4 103.2  95.4  70.8

Divisions'           1-3/  4-6/  7-9/  10-  1-3/  4-6/  7-9/   10-
operating profits    2006  2006  2006  12/  2007  2007  2007   12/
excl. non-recurring                   2006                    2007
items, by quarter,
€ million
Kesko Food           20.5  38.7  32.5 37.0  29.0  41.4  41.1  39.8
Rautakesko            8.8  31.7  34.2 16.5  16.3  38.7  39.0  21.9
VV-Auto              11.1  11.9   5.0  1.5  11.7   8.1   6.8  -0.5
Anttila              -1.5  -0.6   7.1 21.4  -0.9  -1.8   6.3  21.6
Kesko Agro           -1.6   8.1   1.0  0.3  -0.6   7.9   3.0   2.1
Other operating       5.5   7.2   6.2  2.7  10.6   9.9   5.3  -1.9
Common operations    -6.2  -7.5  -3.6 -8.0  -6.3  -7.5  -7.6  -8.5
Group's operating    36.6  89.4  82.4 71.4  59.8  96.8  94.0  74.5

Personnel,                   10-       10-   Change
average number           12/2007   12/2006
Kesko Food                 5,972     5,947       25
Rautakesko                 9,959     8,322    1,637
VV-Auto                      715       720       -5
Anttila                    2,132     2,065       67
Kesko Agro                   748       865     -117
Other operating            2,497     2,514      -17
activities and common
Group companies, total    22,023    20,433    1,590
Kesko Food's joint             0     3,101   -3,101
Kesko Group, total        22,023    23,534   -1,511
Personnel at 30 Sept.*      2007      2006   Change
Kesko Food                 7,889     7,713      176
Rautakesko                10,963     8,867    2,096
VV-Auto                      740       732        8
Anttila                    2,885     2,868       17
Kesko Agro                   771       882     -111
Other operating            2,642     2,693      -51
activities and common
Group companies, total    25,890    23,755    2,135
Kesko Food's joint             0         0        0
Kesko Group, total        25,890    23,755    2,135

* Total number including part-time employees

The K-Group's retail sales (incl. VAT) (preliminary data):

                              1.1.-31.12.2007  1.10.-31.12.2007
                                    €  Change,       €   Change,
                              million        % million         %
K-Group food stores                                             
K-citymarket                  1,808.3      6.4    517.9      6.3
K-supermarket                 1,477.9      8.7    396.6     12.5
K-market and other K-food     1,759.5      7.3    472.7     14.6
Finland, total                5,045.9      7.4  1,387.4     10.8
Food stores, total            5,045.9      7.4  1,387.4     10.8
K-Group building and home                                       
improvement stores
K-rauta                         652.9      8.6    152.0      5.8
Rautia                          546.9      9.1    125.6      4.5
Finland, total                1,199.8      8.8    277.6      5.2
K-rauta, Sweden                 231.8     19.4     54.2     10.3
K-rauta, Estonia                108.7     25.6     25.7     11.7
K-rauta, Latvia                 100.2     40.1     25.3     12.0
Senukai, Lithuania              537.6     25.7    147.9     19.7
OMA, Belarus                     38.1              18.1         
Stroymaster, Russia             177.7     47.0     49.9     31.6
Byggmakker, Norway            1,194.3     10.6    336.3     10.2
Other countries, total        2,388.4     20.6    657.5     17.1
                              3,588.2     16.4    935.1     13.3
Building and home
improvement stores, total
Kesko Group car stores                                     
Helsingin VV-Auto and Turun    425.6      7.6     87.1     -8.0
Finland, total                 425.6      7.6     87.1     -8.0
Anttila department stores                                      
Kodin Ykkönen department       397.9      1.7    142.8      2.9
stores for home goods
and interior decoration
Distance sales (Mail Order     183.7      6.7     60.7      6.8
and NetAnttila)
Finland, total                  88.9      5.5     26.1      2.3
Anttila Mail Order, Estonia    670.5      3.5    229.6      3.8
and Latvia
Other countries, total          18.8     -5.1      3.6     -7.8
Anttila, total                  18.8     -5.1      3.6     -7.8
                               689.3      3.3    233.2      3.6
K-Group agricultural stores                                    
Finland, total                 674.1     12.0    191.7     19.7
Kesko Agro, Estonia            674.1     12.0    191.7     19.7
Kesko Agro, Latvia              81.1      9.6     24.4     37.5
Kesko Agro, Lithuania          127.4     10.9     29.9    -17.9
Other countries, total          84.2    -19.8     15.9    -60.3
Agricultural stores, total     292.7     -0.4     70.2    -25.6
                               966.8      8.0    261.9      2.9
Other operating activities                                     
Kesko Group machinery                                          
Yahama Center                   17.4     -8.3      1.8    -24.4
Finland, total                  17.4     -8.3      1.8    -24.4
K-Group home and speciality                                    
goods stores
Intersport                     244.8      6.2     63.2      7.7
Kesport                         29.3     11.3      7.4     20.9
Asko                            94.9      2.2     23.9     -0.7
Sotka                          116.6      2.4     29.8     -4.0
Musta Pörssi                   202.5     10.1     56.1     -6.2
Andiamo and K-kenkä             45.9     -6.6     13.1     -6.5
Kenkäexpertti                   12.9     -6.2      3.5     -3.7
Tähti Optikko chain             48.2      0.6     11.1     -4.4
Finland, total                 795.1      4.9    208.2     -0.4
Furniture sales, Sweden,        47.3     36.8     11.2      3.6
Estonia and Latvia
Other countries, total          47.3     36.8     11.2      3.6
Home and speciality goods      842.4      6.3    219.4     -0.2
stores, total
Other operating activities,    859.8      5.9    221.2     -0.5
Finland, total               8,828.5      7.4  2,383.4      8.2
Other countries, total       2,747.1     18.0    742.5     10.7
Retail sales, total         11,575.6      9.7  3,125.9      8.8
