2009-02-05 15:26:07 CET

2009-02-05 15:26:58 CET


Føroya Banki P/F - Fyrirtækjafréttir

P/F Føroya Banki commences negotiations with Skandinavisk Data Center (SDC) regarding future IT cooperation

Announcement 03/2009

In announcement 13/2008 dated June 26th 2008, P/F Føroya Banki informed of the
signing of a letter of intent with the Danish IT provider Bankernes EDB Central
(BEC) to become P/F Føroya Banki's primary IT provider. 

After further negotiations, it has become clear that the initial conditions for
the planned cooperation do no longer exist. Therefore, further negotiations
have provisionally ceased. 

As a result P/F Føroya Banki has decided to commence negotiations with
Skandinavisk Data Center (SDC) regarding future IT cooperation. 

Further information:

Janus Petersen, CEO, Telephone (+298) 330 330