2009-03-10 08:30:00 CET

2009-03-10 08:32:25 CET


Kemira Oyj - Company Announcement

Voluntary share-purchasing program for Kemira's Management Board members

Kemira Group
Stock Exchange Release
March 10, 2009 at 9.30 am (CET+1)

Kemira's Strategic Management Board members are being given the
opportunity to participate in a voluntary share-purchasing program.
Program participants use their own resources to buy Kemira shares at
around the value of their gross annual salary or less from the stock
exchange. Share purchases will be performed in a centralized manner
and completed before the end of March 2009.

The voluntary share-purchasing program aims to align the goals of
shareholders and key personnel in increasing the value of the company
as well as ensuring the dedication of key personnel to the
corporation. In order to achieve this, Kemira's single largest
shareholder, Oras Invest Oy, offers loan guarantees to participating
Management Board members to ensure possible loan arrangement
capabilities for the share purchases. The guarantee is a maximum of
30% of the value of the loan, and participants pay a market-rate
premium on the guarantee.

Kemira Oyj
Päivi Antola, Senior Manager, Investor Relations and Financial

For more information, please contact:

Kemira Oyj

Päivi Antola, Senior Manager, Investor Relations and Financial
Tel. +358 (0)10 862 1140

Jukka Hakkila, Secretary of the Board of Directors, Group General
Mobile: +358 (0)40 544 2303

Kemira is a focused company, best in water and fiber management

In 2008, Kemira recorded revenue of approximately EUR 2.8 billion and
had a staff of 9,400. Kemira operates in 40 countries.
