2016-02-15 15:01:01 CET

2016-02-15 15:01:01 CET


English Lithuanian
Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB - Notification on material event

LESTO results of 2015: the company’s EBITDA reached EUR 125 million, EBITDA margin increased to 21.5%

Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB, identification code 304151376, registered
office placed at Aguonu str. 24, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total
number of registered ordinary shares issued by company is 894 630 333; ISIN
code LT0000130023. 

In 2015 the sales revenues of the power distribution company LESTO were
reported at EUR 581.783 million, by 10.6% down as compared to 2014. The sales
revenues of the Company dropped due to lower electricity prices. 

In 2015 LESTO generated EUR 125.130 million in EBITDA (earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation), 2.9% less than in 2014 when
EBITDA was reported at EUR 128.889 million. In the course of the period being
compared the EBITDA margin increased by 1.7 percentage points up to 21.51%. 

According to the data of the preliminary unaudited financial statements, in
2015 the net profit of LESTO was EUR 72.847 million. In the meantime, adjusted
for the value of the property, plant and equipment, the net loss of LESTO in
2014 was EUR 164,601 million. 

“LESTO continued to increase its operational efficiency, enhance the network
reliability with further implementation of the power distribution network
modernization programme and increased customer satisfaction which in the course
of the year went up by 4 points – to 80. New customers assessed positively the
simplified procedure of the connection to the power distribution networks,
furthermore, the progress was also noted by the World Bank. This year we will
continue to improve this process to make it even faster and simpler”, says
Liudas Liutkevičius, the CEO and the Chairman of the Board of ESO. 

The interim report for the 12 months of 2015 of LESTO group will be published
on 26 February 2016. 

         Representative for Public Relations Martynas Burba, tel. (8~5) 2514516.