2012-11-07 07:21:22 CET

2012-11-07 07:22:21 CET

Englanti Liettua
Lietuvos energija, AB - Other information

Territory of Kruonis industrial park being developed for investment

Elektrėnai, Lithuania, 2012-11-07 07:21 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lietuvos
Energija, AB a stakeholder in the project of the Kruonis industrial park to be
set up at the site of Kruonis Pump Storage Plant (PSP), is calling a tender for
engineering infrastructure design services. When an access road to the site,
water supply and a sewage system are built in 2013, land plots will be ready
for foreign direct investments. 

It is believed that investors will find the Kruonis industrial park, which is
being developed by Lithuanian Economy Ministry and the public institution
“Investuok Lietuvoje”, suitable for setting up large data centres and
developing high-tech, energy production and research projects. The park's
territory is particularly suitable for implementing this kind of projects
thanks to the already-deployed infrastructure of Kruonis PSP, which includes
reliable telecommunications and stable electricity supply. 

Lietuvos Energija, AB which is purchasing engineering infrastructure design
services, plans to build a lit up access road in the park's territory and
install water supply and a sewage system. These improvements are hoped to save
potential investors' time and allow them to launch construction works

“The detailed plan of the Kruonis industrial park has been developed and
screening conclusion on environmental impact assessment has been received. The
building of infrastructure will make the park more attractive for investors'
arrival and the development of the project. This may increase Lithuania's
chances to attract big foreign investors, who invest in the field of
information technologies, into the region,” Dalius Misiūnas, CEO of Lietuvos
Energija, AB outlined the project's perspectives. 

In 2010, the Lithuanian government declared the project of the Kruonis
industrial park as extremely significant for Lithuanian economy and included it
into the list of state industrial park infrastructure projects. For the
developing of the project's engineering infrastructure, Lietuvos Energija, AB
will seek to get LTL 9 million support from EU structural funds. The company
also plans to allocate its own funds. 

Depending on investors' needs, they will be offered a few land plots of 30
hectares in the territory of the Kruonis industrial park. The winners of the
tender of supplying engineering infrastructure design services should be known
in January 2013. Once the project is ready for implementation, a tender on
construction works will be announced as well. The construction works should be
completed by the end of 2013. 

         Ernesta Dapkienė
         Lietuvos energija, AB
         Head of Communications
         Tel. +370 528 33696
         e-mail: ernesta.dapkiene@le.lt