2008-07-15 09:00:00 CEST

2008-07-15 09:00:00 CEST


Enska Finnska
Stromsdal - Company Announcement


STROMSDAL CORPORATION		                                                         
STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 	                                                        
15 July 2008 at 10:00 hrs (Finnish time)                                        

STROMSDAL CORPORATION TO INCREASE PRICES WITH 10%                               

Stromsdal Corporation is aiming at increasing prices with 10% for all its       
paperboard products on all its market areas as of September 1, 2008. On some    
market areas the price increase has already been effective as of July 1, 2008.  

Reasons for the price increase are; improved quality of Stromsdals paperboards  
and the continues increasing production costs. Electricity, energy, pulpwood,   
labour and transportation costs have all continued to increase.                 

During the last 12 months Stromsdal has made three large and successful         
investment projects, and thanks to those investments Stromsdals quality- and    
service level have improved. Made investments, enables us to satisfy the        
increasing demand for our specialty food packaging product TECTA. Due to        
improved surface and printability properties we have been able to increase our  
market share for graphical paperboard.                                          

According to the Company the much improved quality and service level will make  
it possible to push through the price increase on all market areas.             

STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
Managing Director                                                               

Further information:                                                            
Mikael Åbacka                                                                   
Managing Director                                                               
Tel. +358 400 737 452                                                           

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main Media                                                                      

STROMSDAL is a forest based industry company and its board mill is located in   
Juankoski, Finland. Stromsdal's sales and customer service network covers more  
than 30 countries, mainly in Europe.                                            

For demanding printing jobs Stromsdal offers its customers premium-quality      
graphical boards - GraphiArt Duo and GraphiArt Pro - with excellent combination 
of printability, brightness and stiffness. For food-packaging Stromsdal offers  
its speciality environmentally friendly product - Tecta - a dispersion coated   
barrier board, which is 100 per cent plastic-free, bio degradable and fully     

Stromsdal's shares are listed on the Small Cap segment of the Helsinki Stock    
Exchange (OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy) under the company code STM1V.        

STROMSDAL CORPORATION                                                           
Juankoskentie 7 A, P.O.Box 33, FI-73501 Juankoski                               
Tel. +358 20 7109 200, Fax. +358 20 7109 210                                    