2014-11-24 11:47:47 CET

2014-11-24 11:48:39 CET


Íslandsbanki hf. - Company Announcement

Islandsbanki hf. : EFTA court - advisory opinion

Today the EFTA court published an advisory opinion on how the indexation of
consumer loans, granted under the terms of the now expired act on consumer
loans, was practiced in Iceland. The EFTA court found that it is not compliant
with EU's Directive on Consumer Credit to calculate the total cost of the credit
and the annual percentage rate of charge on the basis of 0% inflation if the
known rate of inflation at the time of the credit agreement is different. The
court does not give instructions on the consequences, but states that it is for
the national courts to decide. The advisory opinion will be used in a court case
that is being tried before the Reykjavik District court. At this point in time
Íslandsbanki cannot predict if the advisory opinion will affect the outcome of
the court case or the impact of the ultimate judgment in that case.

Should the ultimate judgments of Icelandic courts impact the enforceability of
CPI-linked consumer loans Íslandsbanki may be affected. The bank has evaluated
the potential impact and finds that the bank, will in any event meet the
regulator's capital target for the bank. Íslandsbanki's capital base is strong,
with equity in excess of ISK 200 billion, and the bank's equity ratio is now
29.4%, well above the regulator's capital target.

For further information:

Investor Relations - Guðbjörg Birna Björnsdóttir, ir@islandsbanki.is  and tel:
+354 440 4752.

Media Relations - Guðný Helga Herbertsdóttir, pr@islandsbanki.is and tel:
+354 440 3678.
