2013-03-29 14:30:00 CET

2013-03-29 14:30:12 CET


Lithuanian English
SEB Bankas AB - Notification on material event

Notification on Material Event

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2013-03-29 14:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 1. AB SEB bankas,
code 112021238, Gedimino av. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius. 

2. On the 29th of March 2013 the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB
SEB bankas (hereinafter - the Bank) took place and decisions on all issues on
the agenda were adopted: 

2.1. Bank Group‘s year 2012 Consolidated Annual Report and its Annex
“Disclosure form concerning the compliance with the Corporate Governance Code
for the Companies Listed on NASDAQ OMX Vilnius“ have been familiarized with; 

2.2. Report of the audit company UAB “PricewaterhouseCoopers”, which has
performed the audit, has been familiarized with; 

2.3. Comments and proposals of the Supervisory Council of the Bank regarding
the Bank's Activity Strategy, its Annual Consolidated Financial Statements,
Draft Profit (Loss) Appropriation and the Bank's Consolidated Annual Report as
well as the activities of the Bank's Management Board and President have been
familiarized with; 

2.4. Bank's and Bank Group's year 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements
produced in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards
(enclosed) were approved; 

 2.5. Appropriation of the year 2012 profit (loss) of the Bank was approved

2.6. the audit company UAB “PricewaterhouseCoopers” was appointed to verify the
Bank‘s Financial Statements of current and no more than 2 (two) upcoming
financial years and the President of the Bank was authorized to enter into an
agreement with UAB “PricewaterhouseCoopers” regarding rendering of audit
services and to establish the terms of payment for the services therein; 

2.7. pursuant to part 1 of article 63 and part 1 of article 70 of the Law on
Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, reorganization of AB “SEB lizingas”, a
company established and acting pursuant to the laws of the Republic of
Lithuania, which data is kept at the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic
of Lithuania, with code 123051535, and with registered office address
Saltoniškių street 12, Vilnius, was approved by merging AB “SEB lizingas” into
the Bank. The Management Board of the Bank was assigned to prepare the Terms of
Reorganization whereby AB “SEB lizingas” would be merged into the Bank. The
Management Board of the Bank and the chairman of the Management Board (the
President) were authorized to take any and all actions related thereto. 

3. This notification is non-confidential.

4. Jonas Iržikevičius, Vice President of AB SEB bankas, Head of Business
Support Division and Chief Financial Officer, tel. +370 5 268 2355, is
authorized to provide additional information regarding the material event. 

5. Jonas Iržikevičius, Vice President of AB SEB bankas, Head of Business
Support Division and Chief Financial Officer. 

29 March 2013, Vilnius