2015-11-05 08:50:00 CET

2015-11-05 08:50:07 CET


Finska Engelska
eQ Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)



5 November 2015 at 9:50 a.m.

January to September 2015 in brief

  -- During the period under review, the Group's net revenue totalled EUR 21.7
     million (EUR 16.4 million from 1 Jan. to 30 Sept. 2014).

  -- The Group's net fee and commission income totalled EUR 20.1 million (EUR
     15.6 million).
  -- The Group's net investment income from own investment operations was EUR 1.6 million (EUR 0.1 million).

  -- The operating profit of client operations (Asset Management and Corporate
     Finance) was EUR 9.2 million (EUR 6.9 million).
  -- The Group's operating profit was EUR 9.5 million (EUR 5.6 million).
  -- Earnings per share were EUR 0.21 (EUR 0.12).
  -- The assets under management totalled EUR 7.4 billion at the end of the
     period (EUR 7.5 billion on 31 Dec. 2014).
  -- The net cash flow from own investment operations was EUR 6.2 million (EUR
     4.8 million from 1 Jan. to 31 Sept. 2014) and the change in fair value was
     EUR 0.3 million (EUR 4.4 million).

July to September 2015 in brief

  -- In the third quarter, the Group's net revenue totalled EUR 6.7 million (EUR
     5.2 million from 1 July to 30 Sept. 2014).

  -- The Group's net fee and commission income totalled EUR 6.0 million (EUR 5.3
  -- The Group's net investment income from own investment operations was EUR
     0.7 million (EUR -0.1 million).

  -- The operating profit of client operations (Asset Management and Corporate
     Finance) was EUR 2.9 million (EUR 2.4 million).
  -- The Group's operating profit was EUR 3.2 million (EUR 2.0 million).
  -- Earnings per share were EUR 0.07 (EUR 0.04).

Key ratios                1-9/15  1-9/14  Change  7-9/15  7-9/14  Change  1-12/1
                                               %                       %       4
Net revenue, Group, M€      21.7    16.4     33%     6.7     5.2     28%    24.4
-------------------------                                                -------
Net revenue, Asset          16.2    12.9     25%     5.0     4.4     14%    17.6
 Management, M€                                                                 
-------------------------                                                -------
Net revenue, Corporate       4.2     3.6     17%     1.1     1.0     11%     6.3
 Finance, M€                                       
-------------------------                                                -------
Net revenue,                 1.4    -0.2    981%     0.6    -0.1    579%     0.5
 Investments, M€                                                                
-------------------------                                                -------
Net revenue, Group                                                              
-------------------------                                                -------
and eliminations, M€         0.0     0.0      0%     0.0     0.0      0%     0.0
-------------------------                                                -------
-------------------------                                                -------
Operating profit, Group,     9.5     5.6     68%     3.2     2.0     59%     9.0
-------------------------                                                -------
Operating profit, Asset      7.3     5.4     35%     2.4     2.0     19%     7.1
 Managem., M€                                                                   
-------------------------                                                -------
Operating profit,            1.9     1.5     27%     0.5     0.4     14%     2.9
 Corporate Finance, M€                                                          
-------------------------                                                -------
Operating profit,            1.4    -0.2    981%     0.6    -0.1    579%     0.5
 Investments, M€                                                                
-------------------------                                                -------
Operating profit, Group     -1.1    -1.1      2%    -0.2    -0.3     -8%    -1.5
 admin. M€,                                                 
-------------------------                                                -------
-------------------------                                                -------
Profit for the period,       7.5     4.4     70%     2.6     1.6     60%     7.1
Key ratios                1-9/15  1-9/14  Change  7-9/15  7-9/14  Change  1-12/1
                                               %                       %       4
Earnings per share, €       0.21    0.12     75%    0.07    0.04     75%    0.20
-------------------------                                                -------
Equity per share, €         1.82    2.04    -11%    1.82    2.04    -11%    2.11
-------------------------                                                -------
-------------------------                                                -------
Liquid assets and           18.1    16.4     11%    18.1    16.4     11%    21.3
 liabilities, M€                                                                
-------------------------                                                -------
Private equity fund         23.0    30.3    -24%    23.0    30.3    -24%    27.3
 investments, M€                                                                
-------------------------                                                -------
Interest-bearing             0.0     0.0      0%     0.0     0.0      0%     0.0
 liabilities, M€                                                                
-------------------------                                                -------
-------------------------                                                -------
Assets under management,     7.4     7.4      1%     7.4     7.4      1%     7.5
 € billion                                                                      

Janne Larma, CEO

At the beginning of the year, share prices were on a positive trend, but after
the first quarter the development turned into negative. The price fall was at
its steepest in August due to, e.g. the devaluation of the Chinese yuan and the
investors' fear that economic growth in China would not meet expectations. The
equity market in Europe and the US fell by almost 10 per cent in the third
quarter, but the nine-month return still remained a few percentage points
positive. In emerging markets, the equity market fell, however, considerably
more between July and September, and for its part, the fall in the nine month
period has been -8.4% (MSCI Emerging Markets Eur). In Finland, investors
remained fairly calm in August even though equity markets fell markedly and
volatility increased. Net subscriptions were made in equity funds registered in
Finland in August, and fairly little fund units were redeemed from emerging
markets. The same trend continued in September. After the period under review,
in October, share prices rose and volatility decreased. 

eQ succeeded relatively well in the difficult capital market. We succeeded
especially well in selling our real estate funds, and subscriptions in them
totalled EUR 32 million in the third quarter. Net subscriptions in the eQ funds
registered in Finland since the beginning of the year exceeded EUR 100 million.
The interest in real estate asset management products and private equity asset
management has continued to be active during the entire year. The growth and
excellent result development of eQ's Asset Management segment continued. From
January to September, its net revenue grew by 25 per cent to EUR 16.2 million
and operating profit by 35 per cent to EUR 7.3 million from the previous year.
The improvement of the result is due to the growth in management fees, above
all in real estate asset management, as well as higher performance fees. 

The volatility of the capital market and the fall in share prices had no impact
on Advium's business operations. The number of transactions and assignments has
increased from the previous year, and during the nine-month period, Avdium
acted as advisor in eleven transactions. In the third quarter, Advium acted,
e.g. as advisor to Forcit as it acquired Bergsäker AB. In the real estate
sector, Advium acted as advisor to NV Kiinteistösijoitus, for instance, as a
fund that it manages sold a production and office facility in Oulu to the
Swedish company Sagax AB. From January to September, Advium's net revenue grew
by 17 per cent to EUR 4.2 million and operating profit by 27 per cent to EUR
1.9 million. 

All segments of the Group grew and improved their operating results from the
previous year. The net revenue of the Group grew by 33 per cent to EUR 21.7
million and the operating profit by 68 per cent to EUR 9.5 million. The profit
of the Group increase by 70 per cent to EUR 7.5 million. The operating profit
of the Investments segment was EUR 1.4 million and its net cash flow was EUR
6.2 million. 

The balance sheet of the Group is strong. At the end of September, the Group's
liquid assets totalled EUR 18.1 million, and the balance sheet value of the
private equity fund investments was EUR 23.0 million. 


eQ's interim report 1 January to 30 September 2015 is enclosed to this release
and it will also be available on the company website at www.eQ.fi. 

Additional information: Janne Larma, CEO, tel. +358 9 6817 8920

Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, www.eQ.fi, media

eQ Group is a Finnish group of companies specialising in asset management and
corporate finance business. eQ Asset Management offers a wide range of asset
management services (including private equity funds and real estate asset
management) for institutions and individuals. The assets managed by the Group
total approximately EUR 7.4 billion. Advium Corporate Finance, which is part of
the Group, offers services related to mergers and acquisitions, real estate
transactions and equity capital markets. 

More information about the Group is available on our website at www.eQ.fi.