2021-03-04 09:05:31 CET

2021-03-04 09:05:31 CET


Lithuanian English
Amber Grid - Notification on material event

Regarding Judgment of the Court

AB Amber Grid, legal entity code: 303090867. Address: Savanorių pr. 28, LT-03116 Vilnius, Lithuania.

AB Amber Grid informs that on March 3rd 2021 the Supreme Court of Lithuania decided to annul the decision of the Vilnius Regional Court and the decision of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal according to the cassation appeal of UAB MT Group in the civil case under UAB MT Group legal action regarding the decisions of the AB Amber Grid commission of the Gas Interconnection between Poland and Lithuania (GIPL) procurement and to transfer the case to the court of first instance for retrial.

The Supreme Court of Lithuania found that the lower courts had properly assessed the arguments of Amber Grid regarding the re-evaluation of the bids, the national security assessment and the calculation of the score of the most economically advantagious criteria, after which the evaluation of the bid submitted by the plaintiff was reduced. These claims of MT Group are rejected. The case was referred to the court of first instance for a retrial regarding the part of the claims of MT Group in the scope of the claim submitted by the plaintiff and which were left not examined.

‘We respect the court's decision and are ready to re-submit Amber Grid reasoned position to the Court of First Instance. To the date, we have implemented 71 percent of GIPL construction works. We plan to complete the entire project by 31 December 2021’ says Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid.

As of the beginning of construction of the GIPL interconnection, the most complex technological solutions have already been implemented, the remaining section of the pipeline up to the Lithuanian-Polish border is being further constructed, and the Santaka gas metering and pressure regulation station is being built. 102 km of the installed new gas interconnection underwent maximum pressure load testing. The pipeline is already connected to the Lithuanian gas transmission system.

More information:
Laura Šebekienė, Head of Communications of Amber Grid,
+370 699 61 246, l.sebekiene@ambergrid.lt