2009-08-28 12:34:11 CEST

2009-08-28 12:35:01 CEST


Føroya Banki P/F - Fyrirtækjafréttir

Føroya Banki in strategic cooperation with DLR Kredit

Company Announcement No. 22/2009

Today P/F Føroya Banki entered into a cooperation with DLR Kredit A/S regarding
intermediation of mortgage loans on the Faroe Islands. At the same time the
Bank becomes a shareholder of DLR Kredit A/S. 

The agreement comprises mortgage lending to retail customers on the Faroe
Islands. P/F Føroya Banki provides the mortgage loans in accordance with
guidelines agreed upon by the parties. 

Until now the Bank has provided mortgage loans, booked on its balance sheet,
with fixed and variable interest as well as with interest caps. With the new
agreement the Bank will have the opportunity to offer mortgage loans funded by
bonds issued by DLR Kredit. 

It is the Bank's objective to offer a wide range of financial services and
based on the agreement with DLR Kredit the Bank widens its range of services. 

Further, the agreement with DLR Kredit reinforces the Bank's funding base. 

The Bank expects to launch the new service in the beginning of September 2009.

Further Information:	Janus Petersen, CEO, tel: (+298) 330 340