2012-03-19 17:59:25 CET

2012-03-19 18:00:27 CET


Finnish English
Innofactor Oyj - Total number of voting rights and capital

Results from the Innofactor Personnel Issue

Innofactor Plc Stock Exchange Release March 19, 2012 at 18:30 Finnish time

The Board of Directors of Innofactor Plc has today accepted the subscriptions
made in full in connection with the Personnel Issue. 

The Board of Directors of Innofactor Plc decided on its meeting on January 1,
2012 on a new share-based incentive plan for all Innofactor Group's personnel
on the basis of an authorization granted by the General Meeting of
Shareholders, allowing deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive
subscription rights for all Innofactor Group's personnel. Key conditions of the
issue were informed on a stock exchange release on January 2, 2012. 

A total of 904,100 shares were subscribed by the Personnel. As a result of the
Personnel Issue the number of Innofactor's shares will increase with 904,100
shares to total of 30,165,900 shares. The new shares will correspond to 3.0
percent of Innofactor Corporation's post-issue share capital and votes.
Personnel were granted loans totaling EUR 371,118.78. 

The subscription price will be credited as an increase in the Company's Fund
for Invested Unrestricted Equity. 

The new shares will be registered in the Trade Register without delay. Trading
with the issued Personnel Shares on the Helsinki Stock Exchange (NASDAQ OMX) is
estimated to start on March 30, 2012. However, the Personnel Shares are subject
to sale and transfer restriction for 12 months starting from the date of the
registration of the issue in the Trade Register. 


Board of Directors

Additional information:

Sami Ensio, CEO
Innofactor Plc
Tel. +358 50 584 2029


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