2017-04-24 09:59:08 CEST

2017-04-24 09:59:08 CEST


Lithuanian English
Grigiskes - Notification on material event

AB Grigeo Grigiškės group sales for the first quarter of 2017 grew 16%

During the three months of 2017, the AB “Grigeo Grigiškės” Group (the Group) achieved the consolidated sales turnover of EUR 30.2 million. It is by 16% more than during the same period of 2016, when consolidated Group’s turnover was EUR 26 million.

At this moment the Group consisting of AB “Grigeo Grigiškės”, UAB „Grigeo Baltwood“, AB „Grigeo Klaipėdos Kartonas“, PAT „Mena Pak“ and UAB „Grigeo Recycling“.

During the same period in question, the AB “Grigeo Grigiškės” (the Company) sales amounted to EUR 16.3 million, which is by 22% more than in the same period last year – EUR 13.4 million.

During the reporting period, the Group earned EUR 1.5 million profit before taxes, which is by 7% more than in the same period last year.

During the first quarter of 2017, the Company earned EUR 1.1 million profit before taxes, which is by 2.75 times more than in the same period last year.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of the Group and Company, if compared with the three months of 2016, increased by 22% and 43%, respectively: during the three months of 2017, EBITDA of the Group was EUR 5 million, of the Company EUR 3 million.

More information about AB Grigeo Grigiškės performance at first quarter of 2017 will be provided in the interim consolidated report at 8th of May 2017.