2008-10-20 13:17:28 CEST

2008-10-20 13:18:28 CEST


Eik Banki P/F - Fyrirtækjafréttir

Faroese Eik Banki Suspends Market Making on OMX Iceland

The largest Faroese bank, Eik Banki P/F, has decided to suspend the market
making regarding the Eik Banki share on Nasdaq OMX the Nordic Exchange Iceland
due to severe unstable trading and clearing conditions. The suspension will be
in force until secure trading and clearing conditions can be guaranteed. 

The above suspension will have no effect whatsoever on the trading of the Eik
Banki share on Nasdaq OMX the Nordic Exchange Copenhagen. 

Eik Banki Group is a Faroese bank with activities on the Faroe Islands and
Denmark. Eik Banki Group operates under the Danish Financial Business Act and
is supervised by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authorities. Eik Banki Group
is part of the new Deposit Guarantee Scheme established by the Danish
Government, placing a two-year guarantee on all deposits and unsecured claims
against Danish financial institutions. 


Marner Jacobsen	       Finn Danberg
Group CEO	       Director, Group CFO