2015-10-13 10:02:26 CEST

2015-10-13 10:03:26 CEST


Lithuanian English
Kauno Energija - Notification on material event

Regarding the approval of essential conditions of the peace agreement with UAB Kauno termofikacijos elektrinė

The management of AB Kauno Energija, pursuing the decision No. 2015-21-1 of AB
Kauno Energija Management Board of October 9, 2015 “Regarding approval for the
project of peaceful agreement with UAB Kauno Termofikacijos Elektrinė in the
case No. 268 of Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court, submitted on October 12,
2015 the essential terms of peaceful agreement with UAB Kauno Termofikacijos
Elektrinė regarding termination of Investment agreement concluded on March 31,
2003 and termination of litigation in the case No. 268 in Vilnius Commercial
Arbitration Court for the next session of Kaunas city municipality council. 

         Loreta Miliauskienė, Head of the Economics and Planning Department,
tel. +370 37 305 855