2009-01-19 11:00:00 CET

2009-01-19 11:00:01 CET


Finnish English
Tiimari Oyj Abp - Changes board/management/auditors

Hannu Krook elected new Managing Director of Tiimari Plc

Tiimari Plc       Stock Exchange Release   January 19, 2009 at 12.00 


Tiimari Plc board of directors has today nominated MSc Econ. Hannu Krook (44) as
the new managing director of Tiimari Plc. He will assume his duties on April 7th

Hannu Krook works presently as the deputy managing director at Oy Otto Brandt   
Ab. His  experience also includes assignments as the managing director in Sonera
Zed Oy, Sonera Plaza Oy and Coca-Cola Juomat Oy.                                

Kristina Illi who has been the managing director of Tiimari -group as from 2004 
will leave the company at the annual general meeting in order to move ahead     
towards new challenges.                                                         

“On behalf of the personnel and the Board of Directors I want to thank Kristina 
for her remarkable input in building up Tiimari to the public company with a    
retail chain of over 300 shops covering eight countries. I wish her the very    
best and success in her future challenges.” the chairman of the Board Peter     
Seligson remarks.                                                               

“Tiimari´s concept has developed a lot and has become international during the  
last 5 years. I am proud and grateful for the commitment of Tiimari´s personnel 
and the good co-operation we have had. I have enjoyed my time at Tiimari and I  
am happy that I had the possibility to work with the personnel. The business    
environment is today demanding and retail business finds itself in a challenging
situation. Tiimari concept has again shown success in the Christmas sales       
compared to general retail sales development. I am also very confident about    
Tiimari´s future.”, comments Kristina Illi.                                     

Tiimari Board of Directors                                                      

Additional information:                                                         
Peter Seligson , Chairman of the Board                                          
firstname.lastname@seligson.fi, phone +358 9 6817 8201                          
Kristina Illi, managing director                                                
phone + 358 400 408 889