2015-01-30 15:00:00 CET

2015-01-30 15:00:01 CET


Lithuanian English
Utenos Trikotazas - Notification on material event

Sales for the of 2014

AB “Utenos trikotažas” sales for the IV quarter of 2014 reached LTL13.7 million
(EUR4.0 million), 1,4% less than during the same period in 2013. The company
sales of 2014 reached LTL54.9 million (EUR15.9 million), 4,3 % less than during
the same period in 2013. 

Consolidated “Utenos trikotažas” Group sales for the IV quarter of 2014 reached
LTL16.7million (EUR4.8 million), 4,9% less than during the same period in 2013.
Consolidated sales of the Group in 2014 reached LTL67.8 million (EUR19.6
million), 2,6% less than during the same period in 2013. 

After changing the structure of sales and focusing on progressive products that
create a greater added value, “Utenos trikotažas” is presently gaining

“Our very active operations include creation of innovative materials and their
subsequent presentation to new markets. For example, we recently created a
material containing carbon fibre that protects the person from the possible
dangers of electrostatic discharge - this material will be heading to Austria.
The products made of wool as well as woollen materials and manufactured silk,
as well as Merino wool products containing higher microns are all a part of a
new and growing market segment of “Utenos trikotažas”, allowing to ensure a
higher profitability of operations. Our own ABOUT brand is also being
successfully developed further. The first ABOUT shop in Vilnius which opened
last November, together with the already working website
http://www.aboutwear.com allowed to increase the sales of this trademark by 76
% in comparison with the Q4 of 2013, and by 60 % when compared to last year“,
Gintautas Bareika, the Chief Executive Officer of the company, said. 

For more information please contact Mr. Gintautas Bareika, Chief Executive
Officer of AB Utenos Trikotažas, tel. No. 370 389 51445. 

Chief Executive Officer of AB “Utenos trikotažas”  Gintautas Bareika