2013-09-19 16:00:07 CEST

2013-09-19 16:01:07 CEST


Finnish English
Biohit Oyj - Company Announcement

GastroPanel-screening results from Kazahkstan 2012-2013

Biohit Oyj September 19, 2013 at 5 P.M. local time (EET)

In collaboration with the Medical Center of the President's affairs
Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Biohit Oyj, a population-based
screening with the GastroPanel test was conducted in Astana (2012-2013), of
which the final results are now available.  A hospital-derived cohort of over
800 subjects were tested using the GastroPanel assay, which is a simple blood
test measuring the serum levels of four stomach-specific biomarkers. This test
is designed for two purposes: 1) as the first-line diagnostic tool for all
patients complaining dyspeptic symptoms, and 2) for screening of the specific
stomach conditions associated with an increased risk for developing gastric
cancer.  Gastric cancer remains to be  among the leading causes of cancer
mortality worldwide, and Kazakhstan belongs among the high-incidence countries
of gastric cancer. 

The scientific report on these Kazakhstan screening results has been accepted
for publication in a widely distributed international cancer journal:
Anticancer Research 2013;33(10). The results of this Kazakhstan study are
markedly different from those previously reported in similar type of studies
e.g. in the Nordic countries.  Whereas in Finland, nearly 80% of the
individuals at the same age groups had perfectly normal results in GastroPanel
test, the corresponding proportion in Kazakhstan was only 23%. Similarly, the
proportion of Helicobacter pylori infection in Kazakhstan was remarkably high
(62.3%), as contrasted to Finland, where Helicobacter prevalence currently
falls below 10%. 

Most alarming, however, in these results was the unexpectedly high prevalence
(14.1%) of atrophic gastritis (atrophy of the stomach mucosa), which is a
well-established precursor lesion of gastric cancer. As compared with the
figures in Finland, this prevalence of atrophic gastritis in Kazakhstan is
several-fold higher, states CEO Semi Korpela, Biohit Oyj. 

Chief medical Director Kari Syrjänen, Biohit Oyj: ”The authors concluded that
in countries like Kazakhstan where the annual incidence of gastric cancer (>20
cases per 100.000 inhabitants; vs. 8/100.000 in Finland) is alarmingly high,
the GastroPanel test developed by Biohit Oyj should be the cost-effective
diagnostic tool for large-scale, population-based screening of gastric cancer.” 

Additional information:

CEO Semi Korpela, Biohit Oyj
tel. +358 9 773 861

Biohit in brief

Biohit Oyj is a globally operating Finnish biotechnology company established in
1988. Biohit's mission is "Innovating for Health". The purpose of the company
is to take social responsibility and produce innovation, new technologies and
analysis systems for use in medicine, research institutions and industry,
helping to promote research and diagnostics and to improve the quality of life
of people by preventing disease, human suffering and financial loss. We are
committed to social responsibility and it is our duty to spread knowledge about
the Group I human carcinogen, acetaldehyde, and innovate and develop the
marketing and availability of our products and services. Biohit is
headquartered in Helsinki, Finland and its subsidiaries are located in China,
Italy and the United Kingdom. Since 1999, Biohit's series B shares (BIOBV) have
been listed in the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy Small cap/Healthcare sector.