2013-10-25 08:11:46 CEST

2013-10-25 08:12:59 CEST


Linas Agro Group AB - Notification on material event

Results of voting of the Annual General Meeting of AB Linas Agro Group, held on 24 of October, 2013

Panevezys, Lithuania, 2013-10-25 08:11 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Decisions of
the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AB Linas Agro Group (hereinafter
- the Company), held on 24 of October, 2013: 

  1. Presentation of the Company's Audit committee activity report

Decision: Presented (enclosed). No voting.

  2. Presentation of the independent auditors' report

Decision: Presented (enclosed). No voting.

  3. Presentation of the consolidated annual report of the Company for the
financial year 2012/2013 

Decision: Presented (enclosed). No voting.

  4. Approval of the consolidated and the Company's set of financial statements
for the financial year ended 30 June, 2013 

Decision: To approve the consolidated and the Company‘s set of financial
statements for the financial year ended 30 June, 2013 (enclosed). 

  5. Acquisition of own shares by the Company.


  -- To purchase up to 1,589,403 (one million five hundred eighty nine thousand
     four hundred and three) ordinary registered shares of the Company with the
     nominal value of 1 (one) litas, i.e. up to 1 percent of all Company shares;
  -- Purpose of acquisition of own shares is to maintain and increase the price
     of the Company's shares;
  -- Period during which the Company may purchase own shares is 18 months from
     approval of the decision;
  -- Maximal purchase price per one share set as EUR 0.868 (LTL 3.00), and
     minimal purchase price per one share set equally to nominal value of one
     share, i.e. EUR 0.290 (LTL 1.00);
  -- Minimal sales price per share of the treasury shares is equal to the price
     at which the shares were purchased;
  -- When selling own shares it should be established equal opportunities for
     all shareholders to acquire the Company's shares. Also it shall be provided
     the opportunity to annul own shares;
  -- To authorize the Board of the Company to organize purchase and sales of the
     own shares, establish an order for purchase and sales of the own shares,
     time, as well as their price and number, also complete all other related
     actions pursuing the decision and requirements of the Law on Companies of
     the Republic of Lithuania.

  6. Formation of the reserve to acquire own shares.

Decision: To form reserve in amount of LTL 4,700,000 (four million seven
hundred thousand litas) (EUR 1,361,214) to acquire own shares. 

  7. Approval of the Distribution of the Company's Profit

Decision: To approve the Distribution of the Company's Profit:

 1)  Retained earnings - profit (loss) of the previous financial year        LTL
      at the end of the accounting financial year                       64,254,0
 2)  Net profit (loss) of the financial year                                 LTL
 3)  The profit (loss) of the accounting financial year not recognized         -
      in the profit (loss) account                                              
 4)  The transfers from the reserves                                           -
 5)  The shareholder‘s contributions to cover the losses of the                -
      Company (if shareholders decided to cover all or part of losses)          
 6)  The total profit (loss) available for appropriation                     LTL
 7)  The part of the profit allocated to the legal reserve                   LTL
 8)  The part of the profit allocated to the reserve of the own share        LTL
      acquisition                                                       4,700,00
 9)  The part of the profit allocated to the other reserves                    -
10)  The part of the profit allocated for the payment of dividends*          LTL
11)  The part of the profit allocated for payment of annual bonuses to         -
      the Board, employees and other purposes                                   
12)  Retained earnings - profit at the end of the financial year             LTL
      carried forward to the next financial year                        59,194,5

* to allocate LTL 6,000,000.00 (EUR 1,737,720) for the dividend payment for the
financial year ended on 30 June, 2013, which consist LTL 0.0377 (EUR 0.0109)
with taxes per one share of the Company. 

Whereas the Company owns 790,972 own shares and the Company has no right to
exercise property and non-property rights carried by the shares, so the actual
amount of dividend paid for one share of the Company shall be LTL 0.0379 (EUR
0.011) with taxes. 

  8. Election of the Company‘s auditor for the financial year 2013/2014 OF THE
COMPANY and establishment of the payment for the services 


  -- To elect Auditor of the Company “ERNST & YOUNG BALTIC“ (code 110878442,
     address Subaciaus St. 7, Vilnius);
  -- To establish the payment for services not more than 30,000 (thirty
     thousand) euro (VAT excluded) for the audit of the Company's and
     consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2013/2014;
  -- To charge the Managing Director of the Company to conclude and sign the
     agreement with elected Auditor.

  9. Election of the Company's Board member

Decision: To elect Arturas Pribusauskas (personal number, residing at
[address]) as a new member of the Company's board until the end of term of
office of the current board. 

  Arturas Pribusauskas elected as a new member of the Board is not considered
to be an independent member. 

         Managing Director Darius Zubas