2010-03-05 10:15:00 CET

2010-03-05 10:15:03 CET


Suomių Anglų
Tiimari Oyj Abp - Financial Statement Release

Correction release to stock exchange release published 5 March at 8.30

Tiimari Plc	Financial Statement Release 5 March 2010 at 11.15
Correction release to stock exchange release published 5 March at 8.30          

The comparison data column in the table section of the press release was missing
and has been added in this release 
2009 in brief   
- Revenue decreased 5 % and was EUR 80.1 million (84.6) 
- Gross margin % with comparable figures was 61 % (60) 
- EBITDA excluding non-recurring items was EUR 0.5  million (2.7), (see 
  specification in key figures) 
- Operating profit excluding  EUR 4.6 million (5.0) non-recurring items was EUR 
  -2.9 million (-0.8) 
- Operating profit was EUR 7.5 million (-5.8) 
- Operating cash flow was EUR 3.8 million (1.9) and cash flow from investment 
  activities was  EUR -0.8 million (-4.2) 
- Net interest-bearing liabilities decreased and were EUR 22.6 million (32.0)
  and net gearing was 86 % (105) 
- Earnings per share were  EUR -0.73 (-0.94) 

4th quarter 2009 in brief                                                       

- Revenue decreased 4 % and was EUR 31.9 million (33.4) 
- Gross margin % with comparable figures was 61% (63) 
- EBITDA excluding non-recurring items was EUR 6.8 million (5.8) 
- Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 5.9 million (4.7) 
- Operating profit was EUR 1.3 million (-0.3) 
- Operating cash flow was EUR 15.3 million (11.3) and cash flow from investment 
  activities was EUR 0.2 million (-2.3) 
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.05 (-0.19) 

Tiimari Managing Director Hannu Krook:
“Tiimari's end of year sales developed better than the beginning of the year and
the operating profit was clearly positive and significantly better than last    
year. The fourth quarter operative cash flow was EUR 15.3 million and about EUR 
4 million better than the review period. The whole of 2009 was for Tiimari      
exceptionally challenging when consumer demand turned into a decline. The cost  
savings from our profit improvement program were recognized according to plan,  
but the increase in gross margin did not because the sales had a more negative  
effect on the margin than the activities in reducing purchase costs and price   
increases for some products had a positive effect. The gross margin decreased   
additionally due to our reduced sales campaigns, by which we reduced the amount 
of stock units and inventory levels. 
The priority for 2009 was to strengthen the company balance sheet and increase  
cash flow. In May we strengthened our balance sheet and solidity with a EUR 6.1 
million share emission. The optimization of our product offering started in the 
spring and the related aggressive reduction in stock keeping units as well as   
optimization of inventory levels played a central role in achieving the         
reduction targets in working capital. The number of units decreased from 37.000 
in the beginning of the year to 7.000 by the end of the financial year. Our net 
debt decreased by EUR 9.4 million and our net gearing improved from 105 % to 86 
The key issue in the improvement of the 2010 result is the abolishment of       
operations with negative profitability and cash flow. During 2009 we withdrew   
from Russia and Norway as well as initiated our withdrawal from Poland. In      
addition to these we integrated our Tiimari operations in Sweden into our       
Gallerix operations and by the end of March this year we have relieved ourselves
from all Tiimari shops in Sweden. In Finland, we are focusing our improvement   
efforts in to the development of the Tiimari concept, hence we decided to cease 
the Gallerix operations in Finland - part of the Gallerix offering has been     
transferred into the Tiimari product offering.
The focus of the operational development during the coming year is allocated to 
improve the efficiency of shop operations and cost structure. Our long-term goal
is to reduce the share of personnel and rent expenses down below 40 % of        
revenue; about half of our shops achieved this level of cost efficiency during  
2009. During 2009 personnel and rent expenses totalled 50 % of revenue. During  
2010 we are critically examining and orderly reducing our shop network as well  
as attempting to optimise shop size. We will also continue the efficiency       
improving activities in relation to working capital turnover, to which the over 
70 % reduction of stock units serves as strong foundation. 
We initiated the piloting of the party concept in February 2010 and during the  
spring our party concept will be launched across Finland. Tiimari will offer    
everything for party organising, from table settings to decorations and small   
surprises, also in the biggest shops gas inflated balloons. The party concept is
expected to balance out our customer flows throughout the calendar year. During 
2010 we will expand the product offering of the Gallerix segment in Sweden with 
products tangent to the concept.”   
The full year numbers presented in the financial statement release have been    
KEY FIGURES                                                                     
|                                       |  Q4/09 |   Q4/08 |    2009 |    2008 |
| Revenue                               | 31 879 |  33 417 |  80 113 |  84 550 |
| Operating profit                      |  1 303 |    -326 |  -7 516 |  -5 793 |
| Operating profit %                    |  4.1 % |  -1.0 % |  -9.4 % |  -6.9 % |
| EBITDA                                |  3 787 |   5 801 |  -2 513 |   2 722 |
| Non-recurring items                   |        |         |         |         |
| Write down of inventory, Tiimari      |  2 818 |         |   2 818 |         |
| Finland                               |        |         |         |         |
| Reorganisation costs related to       |    535 |         |     535 |         |
| closing of foreign subsidiaries       |        |         |         |         |
| Income on sale of property            |   -480 |         |    -480 |         |
| Change of Managing Director           |    180 |         |     180 |         |
| Non-recurring EBITDA items total      |  3 053 |         |   3 053 |         |
| Operative EBITDA                      |  6 840 |   5 801 |     540 |   2 722 |
| Impairments                           |  1 529 |   5 000 |   1 529 |   5 000 |
| Non-recurring costs total             |  4 582 |   5 000 |   4 582 |   5 000 |
| Result for review period, cont. ops.  |  1 024 |  -1 909 | -10 116 |  -9 824 |
| Result for review period              |    938 |  -2 142 | -10 789 |  -9 929 |
| Earnings per share                    |   0.05 |   -0.19 |   -0.73 |   -0.94 |
| Operative cash flow                   | 15 315 |  11 311 |   3 763 |   1 937 |
| Equity ratio                          |        |         |  34.7 % |  34.6 % |
| Net gearing                           |        |         |  85.6 % | 105.0 % |
| Total assets                          |        |         |  75 995 |  87 925 |

Further information:                                                            
Managing Director Hannu Krook, tel: +358 3 812 911  
Tiimari has today released a corporate governance statement for 2009. The       
statement can be found attached to this release and is also available on the    
company web site www.tiimari.com. 
The Group's result development  
The Groups revenue decreased in the fourth quarter by 4 % and was EUR 31.9      
million (33.4). Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 5.9      
million (4.7). As part of the improvements in the product offering and reduction
of stock units, a EUR 3.0 million non-cash flow related impairment on inventory 
was booked at the end of the review period. After this there were 7.000 stock   
keeping units. In addition to the write down of inventory, a EUR 0.9 million    
non-cash flow related impairment booking was made on Tiimari Sweden's goodwill  
and a EUR 0.6 million on the total fixed assets in Poland. The operating profit 
was EUR 1.3 million (-0.3). 
Financing expenses were reduced and were EUR 0.7 million (1.6). The financing   
expenses for the comparison period included foreign exchange currency losses.   
The result for the gift merchandiser sold in the end of September is reported as
discontinued operations and its result was EUR -0.1 million (-0.2).             
The net result for the review period increased significantly and was EUR 0.9    
million (-2.1). Earnings per share were EUR 0.05 (-0.19). 
The capital expenditure amounted to EUR 0.3 million (2.5) and consisted mainly  
of capital expenditure related to efficiency measures. 
The cash flow for the fourth quarter was positive.  
The revenue for the Tiimari segment during the fourth quarter was EUR 28.0      
million (28.9). In the main market in Finland the revenue for the review period 
grew by EUR 0.3 million, but fell behind in all other markets: in the Baltic due
to a decline in demand, in Poland due to developments in the currency exchange  
rate and in Sweden due to the biggest shop being transferred over to a          
franchisee. Russia and Norway had no sales during the fourth quarter, last year 
they sold EUR 0.2 million.   
The operating profit was EUR 0.9 million (1.0). The operating profit includes   
EUR 4.6 million of non-recurring items (5.0), of which the EUR 3.0 million write
down of inventory and the impairments in Tiimari Sweden and Tiimari Poland on   
goodwill and fixed assets totalling EUR 1.5 million are the most significant.   
During the review period two shops were closed in Sweden and one in Finland.    
Three shops were opened in Finland and two in Poland during the review period.  
The opening of shops was based on previous commitments. 
The revenue for the Gallerix segment during the review period was EUR 4.0       
million (4.7). The decline in revenue was affected especially by the development
in the exchange rate for the Swedish currency, with comparable exchange rates   
the revenue would have grown by 1.6 %. The operating profit was EUR 0.5 million 
(0.2). In Finland one Gallerix shop was closed and negotiations were initiated  
to close the three remaining shops. Gallerix Finland's revenue for 2009 was EUR 
0.8 million and operating profit EUR -0.6 million. 
The company started as part of its focus strategy to map non-profitable         
operations and investigate ways by which to cease the creation of losses. The   
investigation focused on the non-profitable Polish market as well as the        
non-profitable shops in Finland and Sweden.   
In order to improve the differentiation of the Tiimari business operations as   
well as balance out the seasonality of the business, a new product concept was  
developed, a party concept.
To streamline the logistics, purchasing and product management, a decision was  
made to continue the cut-down on stock keeping units and during the end of the  
financial year the inventory value for removable items was written off. 
The fourth quarter is significant for the company cash flow generation and      
financial position. The operative cash flow for the review period was           
strengthened and was EUR 15.3 million (11.3). The company's loan covenants      
included a working capital related so called clean-down clause, which the       
company complied with.                                                          

Financial year 2009 in brief  
The general economic development during the financial year was weak and the     
related decline in consumer demand decreased Tiimari's revenue, which was EUR   
80.1 million (84.6). The company's profitability fell behind targets set. The   
revenue decreased and the profitability fell due to both the drop in revenue and
the reduction in stock keeping units. Additionally, a rise in salaries and rent 
levels had a negative effect on profitability.  
In order to mend the cost structure the Group focused on the profitable core    
business segments and the main markets of Finland and Sweden. The product       
offering was also renewed, partly by reducing old stock units and partly by     
introducing new product categories. The operative EBITDA (EBITDA excluding      
non-recurring items) were EUR 0.5 million. The operating profit of EUR -7.5     
million (-5.8) included non-recurring reorganisation costs and impairments of   
EUR 4.6 million (5.0). The operating profit excluding non-recurring items was   
EUR -2.9 million (-0.8). 
The operative cash flow grew to EUR 3.8 million (1.9). The reduction in         
inventory levels had a significant positive effect on the cash flow. 
The financial position of the Group was strengthened by a EUR 6.1 million share 
emission and a EUR 5.0 million convertible capital loan.   
GROUP KEY FIGURES                                                               
|                                         |      2009 |      2008 |       2007 |
| Revenue                                 |    80 113 |    84 550 |     74 570 |
| Operating profit                        |    -7 516 |    -5 793 |      4 329 |
| Operating profit %                      |    -9.4 % |    -6.9 % |      5.8 % |
| Operating EBITDA (excl. non-recurring   |       540 |     2 722 |      6 732 |
| items)                                  |           |           |            |
| Non-recurring items                     |    -4 582 |    -5 000 |          0 |
| Earnings per share                      |     -0.73 |     -0.94 |       0.32 |
| Return on equity                        |   -38.0 % |   -28.3 % |      8.4 % |
| Return on investments                   |   -13.0 % |    -8.3 % |      5.9 % |
| Equity ratio                            |    34.7 % |    34.6 % |     40.8 % |
| Net gearing                             |    85.6 % |   105.0 % |     79.0 % |
| Total assets                            |    75 995 |    87 925 |     97 365 |
| Personnel expenses                      |    21 765 |    19 154 |     15 708 |
| Average no. Personnel                   |       730 |       680 |        634 |

Additional key figures are presented in the notes to the financial statements   

Revenue development of the Group  
Tiimari's revenue fell by 5 % and was EUR 80.1 million (84.6). With comparable  
exchange rates the drop would have been 3 %. The gross margin was EUR 45.5      
million (50.5), that is 56.8 % (59.7). The operative EBITDA before non-recurring
items was EUR 0.5 million (2.7). EBITDA of EUR -2.5 million (2.7) included      
withdrawal related costs from Poland, Sweden, Norway and Russia totalling EUR   
0.5 million, inventory write downs in Tiimari Finland totalling EUR 2.8 million,
income on sales of property totalling EUR 0.5 million and costs related to the  
change of Managing Director totalling EUR 0.2 million. The write downs of       
inventory had a negative EUR -3.0 million or 3.8 % effect on gross margin. The  
Group's operating profit was EUR -7.5 million (-5.8). The operating profit      
included non-recurring items totalling EUR 4.6 million (5.0), of which EUR 1.5  
million (5.0) related to impairment of fixed assets. Of the non-recurring items 
EUR 4.6 million had no effect on cash flow. 
Net financing expenses were EUR 3.1 million (4.1). The improvement in financial 
position and the decline in the general interest rates resulted in reduced      
interest expenses, but additional costs occurred due to reorganisation of       
financing during the financial year.
The taxes for the financial year were EUR 0.5 million (0.1), mainly due to the  
reduction of deferred tax liabilities related to purchase price allocations.    
In the end of September the gift merchandiser reported under the Tiimore segment
was sold and its result is reported as discontinued operations. The result for  
Tiimore segment was EUR -0.7 million (-0.1). 
The net profit was EUR -10.8 million (-9.9).  
Earnings per share were EUR -0.73 (-0.94). 
Profit improvement program    
In the beginning of the financial year a EUR 8.0 million profit improvement     
program was initiated. Nearly EUR 4.0 million cost savings were sought after    
from reductions in working hours, marketing expenses, in-sourcing of the        
financial management and other expenses. These programs were recognised         
according to plan. In Finland the reduction of 66 thousand working hours were   
executed and new shops increased the working hours by 35 thousand hours. The    
savings concentrated mainly on the utilisation of hired personnel and these     
costs were reduced significantly. These are reported as other operating         
expenses. Salary expenses were increased in Finland in May by 3.5 % due to the  
collective labour agreement and on an annual basis the collective agreement     
increased personnel expenses by 4.7 %. By streamlining operations in Gallerix   
and withdrawing from Russia and Norway a total of EUR 1 million savings in cost 
were sought after. Of these, the losses in Russia and Norway decreased by EUR   
0.6 million. The impacts relating to the efficiency measures in Gallerix will be
recognised in full during 2010.   
A EUR 3 million improvement in gross margin was sought after by reductions in   
purchasing cost for products and price increases for certain products. The      
general decline in consumer demand lead to a reduction in revenue and an        
intensifying competition and the gross margin targets were not achieved despite 
the executed measures. Even though the comparable gross margin percentage       
increased by one percent, we still fell clearly behind this particular target in
the profit improvement program. The product offering was also expanded with new 
branded products, which gross margin is lower than the company average.  
Part of the program also included the strengthening of cash flows. Capital      
expenditure was restrained and even though the number of shops increased during 
the review period, the capital expenditure remained at EUR 1.3 million (5.2).   
The inventory levels were reduced during the financial year by EUR 8.5 million  
(2.8), of which EUR 3.0 million related to write downs. The turnover rate of    
inventory was raised by optimising purchases and by developing logistics        
management. The number of stock keeping units was reduced significantly during  
the financial year and product management was developed in order to raise the   
turnover rate of the inventory. 
Organisational structure 
The Group comprises two business segments: Tiimari and Gallerix. The Tiimari    
segment consisted of shops consistent with the Tiimari retail shop concept and  
purchasing, logistics and marketing support functions in Finland, the Baltic    
states, Poland, Sweden, Russia and Norway.  The Gallerix segment consisted of   
franchising operations consistent with the Gallerix retail shop concept and own 
shops in Sweden and Finland. The reported number from the business segments also
include income statement and balance sheet items caused by the purchase of the  
companies that is depreciation related to purchase price allocations,          
intangible assets and goodwill. 
The gift merchandiser sold 30th September 2009, which previously comprised the  
Tiimore segment, is reported as discontinued operations. Group Management       
belongs to other operations.   
The revenue for the Tiimari segment fell by 5.9 % and was EUR 66.9 million      
(71.1). The revenue development was affected by the current economic climate,   
which deteriorated especially in the Baltic and Polish markets. The sales also  
decreased in Finland. Tiimari withdrew from the Russian market during the       
beginning of the financial year and from Norway during the summer. These        
comprised EUR 0.3 million of the sale drop or 0.4 %. 
The gross margin was EUR 40.4 million and 60.3 % (45.4 and 63.8 %). The gross   
margin fell by 4.5 % due to the EUR 3.0 million non-recurring inventory         
write-downs; by excluding the non-recurring items the gross margin would have   
been better than last year. The gross margin was also negatively affected by the
reduced sales campaigns held in order to reduce the product offering. Tiimari   
put effort in renewing its product offering and old units with low inventory and
sales levels were removed from the product offering during the end of the       
financial year. The number of active product titles fell by about 7.000 from the
previous 37.000.     
Rent and personnel expenses were 50 % of revenue. Rents totalled EUR 14.9       
million (13.0), the rise in expenses was mainly due to opening new shops and an 
increase in the rent level in Finland as well as opening new shops in Poland and
Lithuania and Sweden included in the Group for a full financial year. The total 
personnel expenses resulting from own personnel and utilisation of hired        
personnel was EUR 18.5 million (18.1). The reduction in working hours netted of 
the increase in expenses caused by the collective labour agreement in Finland,  
but the increase was caused by Sweden being included in the Group for a full    
financial year. The share of expenses relating to own personnel increased       
because working hour reductions were primarily allocated towards hired          
The operating profit of Tiimari segment was EUR -4.9 million (-3.8). The        
operating profit includes non-recurring items totalling EUR 4.4 million (5.0).  
The non-recurring items comprise mainly of EUR 3.0 million inventory write downs
and EUR 1.5 million impairments of fixed assets, of which EUR 0.9 million was   
impairment of goodwill in Tiimari Sweden. Additionally, EUR 0.3 million         
non-recurring items were booked relating to withdrawals from Poland, Russia and 
Norway. Last year an impairment booking on Tiimari's goodwill was executed.     
Operating profit before non-recurring items was EUR -0.6 million (1.2). 
Developments in the segment were targeted to reducing non-profitable operations 
and improving profitability in already profitable operations. The positive      
effect of these measures will be recognised during 2010. The reductions were    
allocated to geographical markets, individual shops as well as the product      
offering. During the end of the financial year a decision was made to withdraw  
from the Polish market and close Tiimari shops in Sweden or consolidate them    
with the operations of Gallerix franchisees. During the financial year two shops
were closed in Sweden and after the end of the year agreements have been reached
to sell the rental agreements for the rest of the shops. Furthermore, during the
year withdrawals were made from the non-profitable markets in Norway and Russia.
The share of the closed markets in Poland, Norway and Russia of Tiimari's       
revenue was EUR 1.1 million or 1.7 % and EUR -2.1 million of the operating      
profit (the numbers include non-recurring items).  
During the financial year 13 new shops were opened and 13 were closed. At the   
end of the financial year Tiimari had 208 shops (208) and during the financial  
year there were an average of 208 shops (191).  
NUMBER OF SHOPS                                                                 
| Number of shops                    |            12/2009 |            12/2008 |
| Finland                            |                170 |                166 |
| Estonia                            |                 16 |                 16 |
| Latvia                             |                  4 |                  4 |
| Lithuania                          |                  2 |                  1 |
| Norway                             |                  0 |                  1 |
| Poland                             |                 10 |                  8 |
| Russia                             |                  0 |                  4 |
| Sweden                             |                  6 |                  8 |
| Total shops                        |                208 |                208 |

The assets of the segments were reduced significantly during the financial year 
and were at the end EUR 63.1 million (74.3). The reduction was due to capital   
expenditure being smaller than depreciation and the reduction in inventory      
levels. By optimising purchases and organising reduced sales for product titles 
that were to be excluded from the product offering, the inventory levels were   
reduced by about EUR 5 million. Furthermore, a write down of about EUR 3.0      
million was booked on inventory. The capital expenditure for the financial      
period was EUR 1.0 million (4.2). The investments were made into new shops and  
the development of the inventory check system and logistics. The investment for 
the comparison year also included the purchase of Tiimari Sweden.  
The average number of personnel for the segment during the financial period was 
648 (600). The average number of personnel is calculated based on normal working
The revenue for the Gallerix segment was EUR 13.4 million (13.6). With unchanged
currency rates Gallerix revenue grew by 7 %. The gross margin was EUR 4.9       
million or 36.3 % (5.3 and 38.8). The operating profit fell and was EUR -0.8    
million (-0.5). The operating profit include EUR 0.5 million (0.5) depreciation 
relating to purchase price allocations. The profitability was especially        
oppressed by the non-profitable operations of Gallerix Finland.   
Gallerix's rent and personnel expenses totalled 35 % of revenue. The cost       
structure and gross margin level of the franchising business differs from the   
ones in the Tiimari segment. Rent expenses were EUR 1.2 million (1.0) and       
personnel expenses EUR 3.2 million (3.0). The increase in expenses was due to   
the opening of new shops in Finland.    
Gallerix also initiated activities to focus on its core business and reduction  
of non-profitable shops and operations. The business administration was         
streamlined. During the end of the financial year Gallerix had 10 own shops in  
Sweden (13) and 3 shops in Finland (6). It was decided to cease the operations  
of Gallerix Finland in different shops as non-profitable and during the         
financial year 4 shops were closed. The revenue in Finland was EUR 0.8 million  
(0.4) and operating profit EUR -0.6 million (-0.3). In Sweden, the number of own
shops was reduced by four. The chain included 79 franchise shops (79), all in   
Sweden. A profitability and payment problem relating to some franchisees had a  
negative effect on the segment's profitability because the franchisees were     
supported financially by granting marketing support or prolonging payment       
periods. In order to improve the profitability of the franchisees tools were    
developed to monitor profitability and quickly identify liquidity issues for the
The product offering was developed, old product titles were reduced and the     
Gallerix and Tiimari frame and card offering was unified. Gallerix services were
expanded to include the construction of a painting from the customers own       
materials. In Luleå, a trial commenced with the local franchisee where the      
Gallerix and Tiimari shop were integrated under the same roof.  
The segment assets at the end of the financial year totalled EUR 8.8 million    
(9.0). Capital expenditure was EUR 0.2 million (0.7). The average number of     
personnel during the financial year was 66 (61).  The increase in numbers was a 
result from the larger number of own shops during the financial year. 
The Group's gift merchandiser was sold 30th September 2009 to its operative     
management. Tiimari remained as a shareholder in Tiimari Promotion Ltd with a 10
% share. The sale did not have a significant impact on the Group result. The    
result reported as discontinued operations was EUR -0.7 million (-0.1).         
The other segment comprises Group Management. The segment revenue was EUR 0.4   
million (1.2) and operating profit EUR -1.8 million (-1.5). The number of       
personnel at the end of the review period was 2 (17), the average number during 
the financial year was 10 (13). The capital expenditure of the segment was EUR  
0.0 million (0.3). 
The Group's net working capital decreased and was EUR 0.3 million (10.7). The   
inventory level by EUR 8.4 million and was EUR 15.0 million (23.4). The         
reduction was due to the optimisation of purchases and the intentional          
improvement in inventory turnover rate as well as the booking of non-recurring  
write downs. Short-term receivables totalled EUR 3.5 million (4.3) and fell by  
EUR 0.8 million. Short-term non-interest bearing liabilities totalled EUR 18.2  
million (17.0). Long-term assets totalled EUR 54.5 million (58.1).              
In May the shareholder's equity of Tiimari Plc was strengthened by a EUR 6.1    
million directed share emission. In October a EUR 5.0 million convertible       
capital loan was released.    
Equity ratio was 34.7 % (34.6) and net gearing improved and was 85.6 % (105.0). 
Quick ratio was 0.30 (0.17). Shareholder's equity per share was EUR 1.60 (2.69).
The amount of interest bearing liabilities at the end of the financial year was 
EUR 25.6 million (34.2). Of these EUR 22.2 million (0) were long-term. Cash and 
bank totalled EUR 3.0 million (2.2) at the end of the financial year.           
The net operating cash flow was EUR 3.8 million (1.9) and cash flow from        
investment activities was EUR -0.8 million (-4.2). Investments in tangible      
assets were EUR 1.3 million (4.5) and business acquisitions were EUR 0.0 million
(0.7). Sales of fixed assets totalled EUR 0.5 million (1.0). 
The debt financing includes loan covenants governing the company's financial    
position, cash flow, EBITDA and capital expenditure levels. EBITDA requirements 
are monitored on a quarterly basis. The Company rearranged its loan contracts   
during the financial year and before the end of the financial year due to EBITDA
The Group operations are characterised by seasonality and the first quarters of 
the financial year have usually been non-profitable, the result and cash flow   
accumulating mostly during the last quarter. Therefore, the financial position  
is still strained and to balance this, a significant increase in operational    
profitability compared to 2009 is required as well as special attention to      
working capital turnover and capital expenditure.
Considering the financing situation and the company's financial position, the   
Board has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend is  
to be paid for the financial year 2009.    
The average number of personnel in the Group during the review period was 730   
(690) and at the end of the financial year 894 (855). Of these 704 (576) were in
Finland. The Group employs, typical to its operations, a large number of        
part-time employees. In addition to own personnel, in Finland hired personnel   
has especially been utilised due to the seasonality and during holiday periods. 
During the beginning of the financial year a cost savings program for working   
hours was initiated, as part of the profit improvement program. The reduction in
working hours were recognised according to plan and were allocated primarily    
towards hired personnel. The opening of new shops increased the need for labour 
force during the financial year. 
Hannu Krook was appointed Managing Director for Tiimari Plc 19th January 2009   
and commenced in the position 7th April 2009. 
Kristiina Illi left Tiimari 7th April 2009. 
Markku Breider commenced as Director for Shop Operations and member of the      
Management Group 3rd June 2009.   
Ville Linna left the Management Group 30th September 2009 in conjunction with   
the sale of the gift merchandising operations. 
The ending of the employment for Jaakko Syrjänen, Director for International    
Operations was agreed 29th January 2010.   
Tiimari Plc complies with the Corporate Governance Code for Finnish listed      
companies coming into force 1st January 2009 published by the Securities Market 
Association. According to the Corporate Governance Code recommendation 51, a    
separate Corporate Governance Statement was released 5th March 2010. The        
Statement is available on the Group web site www.tiimari.com. Tiimari also      
complies with the updated guidelines for insiders published by Nasdaq OMX       
Helsinki Plc 9th October 2009 and the Company's own insider guidelines.  
The Group revenue and result development is affected by several uncertainties   
related to the business operations. The main risks relate to the following      
- the development of the general consumer demand and its deterioration
  especially in Finland and Sweden 
- the management's success in operational development  and profitability 
  improvement in initiated activities: renewal of product offering and
  eradication of non-profitable operations 
- the periodisation of accumulation of the seasonal operative cash flow and its 
  impact on the financial position, loan covenants as well as the
  predictability of both cash flow and result 
- the development of foreign exchange rates for goods purchases outside the
  euro currency area and the gross margin received from these goods 
- the choice of business premises in the long-term 
- the availability of seasonal products and the functionality of the supply
- the general development of salaries, rents and transport expenses 
- the valuation of goodwill and Tiimari and Gallerix brands 
- general changes in interest rate levels  
The Company is a defendant and a plaintiff in some ongoing property and rental  
agreement related disputes as well as in one other contract termination related 
dispute. The financial statements do not include any significant reservations   
for these because according to the management's assessment the Company does not 
have any compensation liabilities. The claims presented by the Company have     
neither been recognized in the financial statements. 
The Tiimari Group does not have any manufacturing operations hence the          
operations are not subject to any significant environmental risks or impacts.   
The environmental impact of the supply chain is minimised by optimising delivery
rates from external suppliers as well as to own shops. The cost related to      
managing and minimising environmental risks are related to standard business    
operations and are therefore not monitored separately.
Tiimari's share capital at the end of the review period was EUR 7.686.200. The  
amount of shares and votes assigned to the former was 16.474.755. Further       
information on shares and share ownership has been reported in the notes of the 
parent company financial statements.
The Board exercised their share emission empowerment 20th April 2009 and emitted
a directed share emission to Finnish institutional and professional investors.  
The biggest subscribers were Atine Group Ltd. and Keskinäinen                   
Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varma. 5.175.535 shares were subscribed in the emission   
and their exercise price was EUR 1.25 per share. The full subscription proceeds 
was EUR 6.1 million and was paid 29th April and it was booked in the            
distributable equity fund. The new shares were listed 25th May 2009.   
The Extraordinary General Meeting authorised the Board 19th  October 2009 to    
decide on a maximum of 4.000.000 share emission and/or releasing special rights 
entitling to shares in accordance with Chapter 10 §1 of the Finnish Companies   
Act in one or several instalments. The authorisation is valid until 30th April  
2013. The Board has not utilised its authorisation.                             

In accordance with the decision taken by the Extraordinary General Meeting 19th 
October 2009 the Company released a convertible capital loan. The loan amount   
was EUR 4.980.000. The loan was divided into EUR 60.000 loan obligations, its   
emission rate is 100 %, interest rate 8 % per annum and the loan is exchangeable
at an approximate exchange rate of EUR 1.4746. The Company share amount could as
a result of the conversion of the loan obligations increase by a maximum of     
3.377.713 new shares. Conversion rate is the weighted average price of the share
in trading Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Plc during 22nd September - 7th October 2009     
increased by 5 percent. The year-end accumulated interest of the loan will be   
paid from the distributable funds of Tiimari Plc after the confirmation of the  
financial statements on 31st March 2010. No part of the loan has been converted 
into share during the financial year. 
The Board exercised its share emission authorisation, given by the Annual       
General Meeting, on 24th April 2009 by emitting option rights. A total of       
480.000 option rights were emitted to the new board members chosen at the Annual
General Meeting and the newly appointed Managing Director to commit and as      
incentives. The option rights are divided into five series and their exercise   
period is split between 1st June 2009 and 30th April 2014. The exercise prices  
are series specific and range from EUR 1.35 to 1.84. No options have been       
exercised during the financial year.
OWN SHARES                                                                      
The Company annu
lled the 11.850 own shares 29th April 2009 that it possessed.   
The Company does not hold any own shares at the end of the financial year. The  
Board does not have authorisation to purchase or sell own shares.   
Tiimari's share is listed at Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd. small cap list. Tiimari's 
share price at the end of the financial year was EUR 1.29 (31st December 2008 it
was EUR 1.41).    
The market value was EUR 21.5 million (31st December 2008 it was 15.9). The     
number of shareholders at the end of the financial year was 2.818 (2.560). Other
information related to shares, shareholders and share ownership can be found in 
the notes to the parent company financial statements. 
During the financial year the Company was informed of the following changes in  
the share ownership of shareholders: 
- Primate Ltd. voting power and share ownership exceeded the flag limit of 1/20
  on 27th April 2009 when the final allocation of the subscriptions of the
  share emission was decided 24th April 2009 
- Virala Ltd. indirect voting power and share ownership exceeded the flag limit
  of 1/5 on 27th April 2009 when the final allocation of the subscriptions of
  the share emission was decided 24th April 2009. The shares are owned by Atine
  Group Ltd. and Vimpu Intressenter Ab, subsidiaries of Virala Group 
- Virala Ltd. indirect voting power and share ownership fell below the flag
  limit of 1/5 on 23rd June 2009 
- Virala Ltd. direct ownership exceeds 1/20 and indirect ownership exceeds 1/4 
  flag limit on 22nd October 2009. The limits are exceeded should the Virala
  Group exercise its right to convert the subscribed and to Virala allocated
  convertible capital in full. The conversion of the loan into shares is
  subject to the decision of the loan subscriber. 

The Annual General Meeting of Tiimari Plc approved the financial statements for 
2008 and discharged the Board and the Managing Director from liability. The     
Meeting decided that the loss for the period -1.585.287,88 is booked into       
retained earnings and that no dividend is paid.   
The Board was decided to include six members. Peter Seligson, Arja Hautanen,    
Sven-Olof Kulldorff, Juha Mikkonen, Alexander Rosenlew and Hannu Ryöppönen were 
elected as board members. The term of office will end at the end of the 2010    
Annual General Meeting.           
KPMG Ltd was elected as Group Auditor, who named Sixten Nyman, APA, as auditor  
with main responsibility.  
The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board to decide on the emission and/or
releasing special rights entitling to shares in accordance with Chapter 10, §1  
of the Finnish Companies Act (including option rights) for a maximum of         
5.655.535 shares in one or several instalments. The Board can decide on emitting
new shares or potential own shares held by the Company. The maximum amount of   
the authorisation is equal to 50 % of all the company shares at the date of the 
notice to summon the Annual General Meeting. The authorisation could be         
exercised to potential business acquisitions or financing and execution of other
arrangements, strengthening the balance sheet and financial position, execution 
of commitment and incentive programs for new board members, management and other
personnel or other purposes decided by the Board. Within the bounds of          
commitment and incentive programs a maximum of 500.000 option rights could be   
granted to new board members and the new Managing Director. The authorisation   
revoked previous share emission authorisations and the authorisation will end by
the next Annual General Meeting or by 30th June 2010 at the latest. The Board   
exercised its right during the financial year by emitting shares and granting   
share options.        
The Extraordinary General Meeting decided on releasing a directed convertible   
capital loan for a maximum of 4.980.000 to a maximum of one hundred professional
or institutional investors.      
The General Meeting authorised the Board to decide on a maximum 4.000.000 share 
emission and/or releasing special rights entitling to shares in accordance with 
Chapter 10, §1 of the Finnish Companies Act. The authorisation is valid until   
30th April 2013.         
The Extraordinary General Meeting decided to increase the amount of board       
members to seven and elect Markku Pelkonen as a new member.
In the organising meeting held after the Annual General Meeting 7th  April 2009 
the Board elected Peter Seligson as its chairman and Hannu Ryöppönen as vice    
chairman. Peter Seligson was elected chairman of the nomination and compensation
committee and Alexander Rosenlew and Arja Hautanen were elected members of this 
committee. Hannu Ryöppönen was elected chairman of the audit committee and Juha 
Mikkonen and Peter Seligson were elected members.  
In the organising meeting held after the Extraordinary General Meeting 19th     
October 2009 the Board elected Hannu Ryöppönen as its chairman and Peter        
Seligson as vice chairman. Hannu Ryöppönen was elected chairman of the          
nomination and compensation committee and Peter Seligson and Alexander Rosenlew 
were elected members of this committee. Juha Mikkonen was elected chairman of   
the audit committee and Hannu Ryöppönen and Peter Seligson were elected members.
In the Extraordinary General Meeting 19th October 2009 Markku Pelkonen was      
elected as new member of the Board. Arja Hautanen resigned from the Board 2nd   
November 2009.  
Cooperation negotiations were initiated in Finland for Tiimari Retail Ltd. and  
Gallerix Finland Ltd. on 20th January 2010. The negotiations concerned 25       
positions as well as reducing the working hours in shops in Tiimari Retail by   
7-8 %.     
The Company decide to cease its non-profitable operations in Poland, close or   
integrate Tiimari shops in Sweden with Gallerix operations and close individual 
Gallerix shops in Finland. 
The Annual Generla Meeting for Tiimari Plc will be held on 30th March 2010 at   
13.00 in Scandic Hotel Marski, Mannerheimintie 10, Helsinki.  
At the end of the financial year the parent company distributable shareholder's 
equity was EUR 15.479.392,30 (21.576.449,93). The Board proposes to the Annual  
General Meeting that the loss for the period 2009 12.564.191,24 is left as      
retained earnings and that no dividend is paid. 
The Company has decided to focus on developing its profitable core business. The
Company withdrew from the non-profitable markets in Russia and Norway during    
2009 and at the end of the financial year decisions were taken to stop          
non-profitable operations in Poland, Gallerix in Finland and Tiimari in Sweden. 
The revenue for these markets in 2009 was EUR 4.0 million and operating profit  
EUR -4.1 million including the related non-recurring items of EUR 2 million.    
The product offering was honed during the financial year. During the autumn the 
product offering was expanded with new product categories and branded goods. The
new party concept product offering will be introduced starting spring 2010.     
Forecasting the development of consumer demand is challenging. The general      
economic climate is not expected to revive quickly, but the consumer demand is  
expected to revive somewhat during the end of the coming financial year in the  
Swedish and Finnish markets. No growth in demand is expected in the Baltic      
markets during the forecasted period. 
The most important targets for 2010 are improving profitability, increasing     
operative cash flow and reducing the level of interest bearing net debt. The key
measures in achieving the aforementioned targets are focusing on profitable core
business operations by ending non-profitable operations, sharpening the         
attractiveness of the product offering of the Tiimari and Gallerix concepts,    
increasing inventory turnover and streamlining the cost structure of the shop   
network. The reduction of inventory product titles executed in 2009 serves as a 
good foundation in renewing the product offerings in the shops.   
The Board estimates that by focusing on the profitable core business and by     
developing its product offering, the Company has potential for improvements in  
operational profitability (EBITDA excluding non-recurring items) and a clearly  
positive operative cash flow (operative cash flow before financing items and    
taxes) in 2010.     
This financial statement release has been prepared in accordance with IFRS      
accounting standards, following the same accounting policies and methods of     
computation as in the previous financial statements as well as applicable IFRS  
standards and interpretations introduced 1st January 2009. In the preparation   
all IAS 34 standard requirements have not been fulfilled. 
All figures in the accounts have been rounded and consequently the sum of       
individual figures may deviate from the presented total figure. The figures in  
the tables are presented in thousands of euro.      
The Group reported the gross margin and gross margin percentage from the        
beginning of 2009. Gross margin is a net sum, which arises when purchases for   
the period are deducted from the revenue and adjusted by the change in          
inventory. The purchases include the purchasing prices of products including    
freights and haulage, distribution cost to shops, rent expenses charged from the
franchisees (charges are included in revenue), adjustment items related to      
purchases and change in inventory. Gross margin percentage is gross margin      
divided by revenue.     
The segment division for the Group has been changed starting 1st January 2009.  
The comparison numbers for 2008 have been adjusted to reflect the new reporting 
structure. Tiimari introduced the application of IFRS 8 (Operating segments)    
starting 1st January 2008.    
The Group has introduced the following new or updated IFRS standards and        
interpretations 1st January 2009:  
- Revised IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements 
- Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures - Improving
  Disclosures About Financial Instruments 
- IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes 
- Improvements to IFRS (Annual Improvements) 
- IAS 23 (revised) Borrowing costs 

The renewed standards and interpretations did not have a significant impact on  
the reported result or financial position.
Introduction of new IFRS standards and interpretations 1st January 2010:  
The below standards have been published, but the Group has not applied them     
before they come into effect. Tiimari applies them, when they come into effect  
or if they come into effect after the first day of the financial year, they will
be applied from the beginning of the next financial year.
- Revised IFRS 3 Business Combinations 
- Amended IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements 
- IFRS 9 Financial Instruments 

Several other IFRS changes and interpretations are coming in 2010. The changes  
will not however have an impact on these financial statements.   
Use of estimates:   
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires the    
management to use estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of     
assets and liabilities on the balance sheet, disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities and the amount of income and expenses. Although the estimates are   
based on the management's best knowledge of current events and actions, actual  
results may ultimately differ from the estimates used.                          

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT      |         |         |          |          |
| eur 1 000                          | 10-12/09| 10-12/08|  1-12/09 |  1-12/08 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| SALES                              |  31 879 |  33 417 |   80 113 |   84 550 |
| Cost of goods sold                 | -15 420 | -12 654 |  -34 601 |  -34 037 |
| Gross profit                       |  16 459 |  20 763 |   45 512 |   50 513 |
| Gross profit, %                    |  51.6 % |  62.1 % |   56.8 % |   59.7 % |
| Other operating income             |     959 |     127 |    1 824 |      539 |
| Employee                           |         |         |          |          |
| benefit costs                      |  -6 075 |  -5 849 |  -21 765 |  -19 154 |
| Depreciation                       |    -988 |  -1 127 |   -3 507 |   -3 515 |
| Goodwill impairment                |  -1 496 |  -5 000 |   -1 496 |   -5 000 |
| Other operating expenses           |  -7 556 |  -9 240 |  -28 084 |  -29 176 |
| OPERATING PROFIT                   |   1 303 |    -325 |   -7 516 |   -5 793 |
| Operating profit, %                |     4 % |    -1 % |     -9 % |     -7 % |
| Financial income                   |       1 |      91 |       47 |      154 |
| Financial expenses                 |    -669 |  -1 715 |   -3 181 |   -4 262 |
| Net financial income               |    -668 |  -1 623 |   -3 134 |   -4 108 |
| INCOME BEFORE TAXES                |     635 |  -1 949 |  -10 650 |   -9 901 |
| Taxes                              |     391 |      41 |      535 |       77 |
| NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD,         |   1 025 |  -1 908 |  -10 116 |   -9 824 |
| continuing operations              |         |         |          |          |
| Net income for the period from     |     -87 |    -234 |     -674 |     -104 |
| discontinuing operations           |         |         |          |          |
| NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD          |     937 |  -2 142 |  -10 790 |   -9 929 |
| Equity holders of the company      |     937 |  -2 143 |  -10 790 |   -9 929 |
| Earnings per share                 |         |         |          |          |
| for profit attributable            |         |         |          |          |
| to the equity holders of the Company         |         |          |          |
| Basic earnings per share, EUR      |         |         |          |          |
| Continuing operations              |    0,06 |   -0,17 |    -0,69 |    -0,93 |
| Discontinued operations            |   -0,01 |   -0,02 |    -0,05 |    -0,01 |
| Total                              |    0,05 |   -0,19 |    -0,73 |    -0,94 |
| NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD          |     937 |  -2 143 |  -10 790 |   -9 929 |
| Translation diffrences             |     301 |         |      282 |     -726 |
| Other                              |       0 |      -8 |        0 |      -21 |
| Comprehensive income for the       |   1 238 |  -2 928 |  -10 508 |  -10 676 |
| period net of tax                  |         |         |          |          |
| Comprehensive income for the period attributable to:   |          |          |
| Equity holders of the company      |   1 238 |  -2 928 |  -10 508 |  -10 676 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL         |              |                 |
| POSITION                                    |              |                 |
| eur 1 000                        |          |              |                 |
|                                  | 31.12.09 |   31.12.08   |                 |
|                                  |          |              |                 |
| ASSETS                           |          |              |                 |
| Goodwill                         |   32 525 |       33 287 |                 |
| Other intangible assets          |   16 876 |       18 950 |                 |
| Tangible assets                  |    4 904 |        5 616 |                 |
| Other financial assets           |      104 |          105 |                 |
| Receivables                      |       35 |          114 |                 |
| Deferred tax assets              |       29 |            1 |                 |
| Total non-current assets         |   54 473 |       58 073 |                 |
| Inventories                      |   15 044 |       23 409 |                 |
| Trade and other receivables      |    3 454 |        4 255 |                 |
| Cash and bank                    |    3 024 |        2 188 |                 |
| Total current assets             |   21 523 |       29 852 |                 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                     |   75 995 |       87 925 |                 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND         |          |              |                 |
| LIABILITIES                      |          |              |                 |
| Emoyrityksen omistajille kuuluva oma pääoma |              |                 |
|   Share capital                  |    7 686 |        7 686 |                 |
|   Own shares                     |        0 |          -55 |                 |
|   Distributable equity fund      |   23 010 |       16 921 |                 |
|   Translation differences        |     -663 |         -945 |                 |
|   Retained earnings              |   -3 667 |        6 836 |                 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY       |   26 366 |       30 444 |                 |
| LIABILITIES                      |          |              |                 |
| Deferred tax liabilities         |    5 834 |        6 330 |                 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities     |   22 203 |       12 297 |                 |
| Provisions                       |       32 |           31 |                 |
| Total non-current liabilities    |   28 068 |       18 658 |                 |
| Interest bearing liabilities     |    3 398 |       21 864 |                 |
| Account payable and other        |   18 163 |       16 960 |                 |
| payable                          |          |              |                 |
| Total current liabilities        |   21 561 |       38 824 |                 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                |   49 629 |       57 482 |                 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND   |   75 995 |       87 926 |                 |
| LIABILITIES                      |          |              |                 |
| Consolidated Statement of Cash   |          |              |                 |
| Flows                            |          |              |                 |
| eur     |                                         |              |           |
| 1000    |                                         |              |           |
|         |                                         |    1-12/2009 | 1-12/2008 |
| Cash flow from operations                         |              |           |
| Profit/loss for financial period                  |      -10 790 |    -9 929 |
| Adjustments:                                      |              |           |
|         | Depreciation and impairment             |         5003 |      8622 |
|         | Gain (+) and loss (-) on sale of fixed  |         -542 |      -690 |
|         | assets                                  |              |           |
|         | Financial income and expenses           |         3135 |      4116 |
|         | Taxes                                   |         -544 |       -80 |
|         | Other adjustments                       |           41 |       173 |
| Change in working capital:                        |              |           |
|         | Change in inventories                   |        8 476 |     2 799 |
|         | Change in short-term receivables        |          772 |     2 732 |
|         | Change in short term liabilities        |        1 002 |    -2 026 |
| Interest paid                                     |        -2191 |     -3104 |
| Interest income received                          |           22 |        58 |
| Other financing expenses paid                     |         -706 |      -347 |
| Taxes   |                                         |           85 |      -387 |
| paid    |                                         |              |           |
| Net cash flow from operations                     |        3 764 |     1 937 |
| Cash flow from investment activities              |              |           |
|         | Acquisition of subsidiary companies                    |           |
|         | net cash of acquired                    |            0 |      -736 |
|         | Investments in                          |              |           |
|         | tangible and intangible assets          |        -1251 |     -4505 |
|         | Capital gains from tangible and         |          520 |       985 |
|         | intangible assets                       |              |           |
|         | Repayment of loan receivables           |          -52 |        65 |
|         | Income on sale of investments           |            1 |         0 |
| Net cash flow from investments                    |         -782 |     -4191 |
| Cash flow from financing activities               |              |           |
|         | Proceeds from share issue               |         6089 |      3100 |
|         | Long-term loans, increase               |         8480 |         0 |
|         | Long-term loans, decrease               |        -1000 |     -2000 |
|         | Short-term loans, net change            |      -15 342 |     2 722 |
|         | Financial lease loans, decrease         |         -421 |      -397 |
|         | Dividends paid                          |            0 |     -1648 |
| Net cash flow from financing                      |       -2 193 |     1 777 |
| Change in liquid assets                           |          789 |      -477 |
|         | Liquid assets, beginning of review      |        2 188 |     2 852 |
|         | perios                                  |              |           |
|         | Effect of exchange rate changes on      |           48 |      -187 |
|         | liquid assets                           |              |           |
|         | Liquid assets, end of review period     |        3 024 |     2 188 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN |      |            |           |       |
| EQUITY                               |      |            |           |       |
| eur 1 000          |      |          |      |            |           |       |
|                            Attributable to the equity holders of the company |
|                 |   Share | Distribu |  Own | Transl |  Retained |     Total |
|                 | capital |    table | shar |  ation |  earnings |           |
|                 |         |   equity |   es | differ |           |           |
|                 |         |     fund |      |  ences |           |           |
| Shareholders'   |   7 686 |   13 821 |  -55 |   -219 |    18 434 |    39 667 |
| equity 1.1.2008 |         |          |      |        |           |           |
| Comprehensive   |         |          |      |        |           |           |
| income          |         |          |      |        |           |           |
|  for the period |         |          |      |   -726 |    -9 929 |   -10 655 |
| Dividends paid  |         |          |      |        |    -1 648 |    -1 648 |
| Share issue     |         |    3 100 |      |        |           |     3 100 |
| Other items     |         |          |      |        |       -21 |       -21 |
| Equity on       |   7 686 |   16 921 |  -55 |   -945 |     6 836 |    30 443 |
| 31.12.2008      |         |          |      |        |           |           |
|                 |         |          |      |        |           |           |
| Shareholders'   |   7 686 |   16 921 |  -55 |   -945 |     6 836 |    30 443 |
| equity 1.1.2009 |         |          |      |        |           |           |
| Comprehensive   |         |          |      |        |           |           |
| income          |         |          |      |        |           |           |
|  for the period |         |          |      |    282 |   -10 790 |   -10 508 |
| Anullment of    |         |          |   55 |        |       -55 |         0 |
| own shares      |         |          |      |        |           |           |
| Share based     |         |          |      |        |        41 |        41 |
| benefits        |         |          |      |        |           |           |
| Share issue     |         |    6 089 |      |        |           |     6 089 |
| Conveertible loan, equity |          |      |        |       292 |       292 |
| share                     |          |      |        |           |           |
| Other items        |      |          |      |        |         9 |         9 |
| Equity on          |    7 |   23 010 |    0 |   -663 |    -3 667 |    26 366 |
| 31.12.2009         |  686 |          |      |        |           |           |

| SEGMENT INFORMATION      |           |          |              |             |
| NET SALES                |           |          |              |             |
| eur 1 000                |      2009 |     2008 |         2009 |        2008 |
|                          |     10-12 |    10-12 |         1-12 |        1-12 |
| Tiimari                  |    27 958 |   28 746 |       66 903 |      70 926 |
| Gallerix                 |     3 970 |    4 671 |       13 396 |      13 624 |
| Other operations         |         0 |   -1 800 |          400 |       1 223 |
| Eliminations             |       -50 |    1 800 |         -586 |      -1 223 |
| Group                    |    31 878 |   33 417 |       80 113 |      84 550 |
|                          |           |        0 |              |             |
| OPERATING PROFIT         |           |          |              |             |
| eur 1 000                |      2009 |     2008 |         2009 |        2008 |
|                          |     10-12 |    10-12 |         1-12 |        1-12 |
| Tiimari                  |       910 |    1 168 |       -4 945 |      -3 602 |
| Gallerix                 |       458 |      188 |         -755 |        -526 |
| Other operations         |       -65 |   -1 682 |       -1 816 |      -1 665 |
| Group                    |     1 303 |     -327 |       -7 516 |      -5 793 |
| DEPRECIATION AND GOODWILL IMPAIRMENT            |              |             |
| eur 1 000                |      2009 |     2008 |         2009 |        2008 |
|                          |     10-12 |    10-12 |         1-12 |        1-12 |
| Tiimari                  |     2 266 |    5 876 |        4 111 |       7 669 |
| Gallerix                 |       196 |      216 |          807 |         791 |
| Other operations         |        22 |       35 |           85 |          55 |
| Group                    |     2 484 |    6 127 |        5 003 |       8 515 |
| CAPITAL EXPENDITURE      |           |          |              |             |
| eur 1 000                |      2009 |     2008 |         2009 |        2008 |
|                          |     10-12 |    10-12 |         1-12 |        1-12 |
| Tiimari                  |       355 |    3 161 |        1 076 |       4 205 |
| Gallerix                 |       -45 |      386 |          161 |         747 |
| Other operations         |         0 |       42 |           14 |         289 |
| Group                    |       310 |    3 589 |        1 251 |       5 241 |
| NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA       |          |              |             |
| eur 1 000                |      2009 |     2008 |         2009 |        2008 |
|                          |     10-12 |    10-12 |         1-12 |        1-12 |
| Finland                  |    25 917 |   25 483 |       60 767 |      63 896 |
| Sweden                   |     4 400 |    5 381 |       14 578 |      14 317 |
| ROW                      |     1 561 |    2 554 |        4 768 |       6 337 |
| Group                    |    31 878 |   33 417 |       80 113 |      84 550 |
| EXPORT FROM FINLAND      |           |          |              |             |
|                          |           |          |         2009 |        2008 |
|                          |           |          |         1-12 |        1-12 |
| Export                   |           |          |        1 683 |       2 185 |
| INTANGIBLE ASSETS        |           |          |              |             |
| eur 1 000                |           |          |   31.12.2009 |  31.12.2008 |
| Book value at 1 January  |           |          |       52 237 |      57 145 |
| Changes in exchange      |           |          |          310 |        -294 |
| rates                    |           |          |              |             |
| Additions                |           |          |          504 |       2 000 |
| Depreciation and         |           |          |       -3 550 |      -6 598 |
| impairment               |           |          |              |             |
| Disposals and            |           |          |         -100 |         -16 |
| intra-balance sheet      |           |          |              |             |
| transfer                 |           |          |              |             |
| Book value at the end of |           |          |       49 401 |      52 237 |
| period                   |           |          |              |             |
| TANGIBLE ASSETS          |           |          |              |             |
| eur 1 000                |           |          |   31.12.2009 |  31.12.2008 |
| Book value at 1 January  |           |          |        5 616 |       4 650 |
| Changes in exchange      |           |          |           14 |         -56 |
| rates                    |           |          |              |             |
| Additions                |           |          |          765 |       3 677 |
| Depreciation and         |           |          |       -1 480 |      -2 024 |
| impairment               |           |          |              |             |
| Disposals and            |           |          |          -12 |        -631 |
| intra-balance sheet      |           |          |              |             |
| transfer                 |           |          |              |             |
| Book value at the end of |           |          |        4 904 |       5 616 |
| period                   |           |          |              |             |
| KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES    |           |          |              |             |
|                          |      2009 |     2008 |         2009 |        2008 |
|                          |     10-12 |    10-12 |         1-12 |        1-12 |
| Net sales                |    31 879 |   33 417 |       80 113 |      84 550 |
| EBITDA                   |     3 787 |    5 801 |       -2 513 |       2 721 |
| Operating profit         |     1 303 |     -326 |       -7 516 |      -5 794 |
| Profit/loss for the      |     1 026 |   -1 909 |      -10 115 |      -9 825 |
| financial period         |           |          |              |             |
| Profit/loss,             |       -87 |     -234 |         -674 |        -104 |
| discontinued operations  |           |          |              |             |
| Earnings per share       |      0,06 |    -0,17 |        -0,69 |       -0,93 |
| continuing operations,   |           |          |              |             |
| EUR                      |           |          |              |             |
| Earnings per share       |     -0,01 |    -0,02 |        -0,05 |       -0,01 |
| discontinued operations, |           |          |              |             |
| EUR                      |           |          |              |             |
| Earnings per share       |      0,05 |    -0,19 |        -0,73 |       -0,94 |
| total, EUR               |           |          |              |             |
| Shareholders' equity per |           |          |         1,60 |        2,69 |
| share, EUR               |           |          |              |             |
| Solvency ratio           |           |          |       34,7 % |      34,6 % |
| Gearing                  |           |          |       85,6 % |     105,0 % |
| Net working capital      |           |          |          335 |      10 704 |
| Operating cash flow      |           |          |        6 486 |         985 |
| Net Interest-bearing     |           |          |       22 577 |      31 973 |
| liabilities              |           |          |              |             |
| Balance sheet total      |           |          |       75 995 |      87 925 |
| Average number of shares |    16 475 |   11 299 |       14 749 |      10 549 |
| (pcs)                    |           |          |              |             |

| CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                        |              |               |
|                                               |              |               |
|                                               |   31.12.2009 |    31.12.2008 |
| Loans from financial institutions             |              |               |
| against the following securities              |        8 333 |        14 724 |
| Real estate mortgages                         |            0 |         1 062 |
| Corporate mortgages                           |       31 137 |        31 137 |
| Pledged shares                                |        1 476 |         1 476 |
| Other own liabilities                         |              |               |
| Bank quarantees                               |        2 821 |         1 914 |
| Othet liabilities                             |            5 |           405 |
|                                               |              |               |
| Leasing liabilities                           |              |               |
| Due within one year                           |          133 |            90 |
| Due after one year                            |          115 |           131 |
|                                               |              |               |
| OTHER RENT LIABILITIES                        |              |               |
| Due within one year                           |       12 147 |         9 858 |
| Due after one year                            |       13 687 |        14 380 |
|                                               |              |               |
|                                               |              |               |
| RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (EUR 1 000)        |         2009 |          2008 |
|                                               |         1-12 |          1-12 |
| CEO salaries and benefits *)                  |          444 |           225 |
| Board of directors fees and benefits          |          112 |           117 |

CEO salaries include benefits paid to both Hannu Krook (7th April 2009 onwards) 
and Kristina Illi during 2009. 
Kristina Illi was the Managing Director until 7th April; total benefits were EUR
218 thousand during 2009.  
The Managing Director and new members of the Board of Directors Ryöppönen and   
Kulldorff have received option rights in the Company.  
The Board members and the Managing Director subscribed shares in the directed   
emission in April, personally or via the companies where they exercise control. 

The major shareholder of the Company, Atine Group Ltd subscribed shares in the  
share emission and subscribed to the convertible capital loan. 
| MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS                            |       Shares |      Shares % |
| Major shareholders 31.12.2009                 |              |               |
| Atine Group Oy                                |    3 292 198 |         19,98 |
| Assetman Oy                                   |    1 740 645 |         10,57 |
| Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company        |      828 912 |          5,03 |
| Primate Oy                                    |      825 000 |          5,01 |
| Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company    |      789 221 |          4,79 |
| Baltiska Handels A.B.                         |      716 483 |          4,35 |
| Aktia Capital Fund                            |      600 000 |          3,64 |
| Cumasa Oy                                     |      407 625 |          2,47 |
| Arvo Finland Value Fund                       |      300 000 |          1,82 |
| Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj (Administrative reg.) |      295 129 |          1,79 |