2008-11-10 08:00:00 CET

2008-11-10 08:00:26 CET


Finnish English
Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement


FINNAIR OYJ   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   10 NOVEMBER 2008   AT 09:00              
Finnair's Asian traffic grew 18.1% compared to October of the previous year.    
Number of passengers carried on Finnair's Asian flights in October was 124 289, 
which is 18.1% more than a year ago. Finnair increased its capacity and         
succeeded to fill the aircraft in a quiet market situation, but due to the      
world's financial crisis the amount of business travel decreased. Compared to   
last year Finnair has opened a new Asian destinations, Soul, in June.           

Finnair traffic altogether increased by 11.7% in October, while the capacity was
up by 9.2%, resulting in a passenger load factor of 78.2% or 1.7 points higher  
than last year. Finnair transported altogether 751 916 passengers, which is 4.8%
more than a year ago.                                                           

Finnair scheduled traffic increased by 12.6% compared to October last year.     
Number of passengers carried on scheduled flights was 630 908, which is 3.7%    
more than in 2007. Passenger load factor in scheduled passenger traffic was     
76.8%, 1.9 percentage points higher than last year. RPKs in European traffic    
increased by 5.9% and passenger load factor increased by 1.1 percentage points  
to 68.2%.                                                                       

Leisure flights' passenger load factor increased by 1.0 percentage points to    
84.2% compared to the previous year.                                            

Arrival punctuality of Finnair flights was 85.4%, which is 3.0 percentage points
higher than in October 2007. Arrival punctuality of scheduled flights went up   
3.0 points and was 87.1%                                                        

Scheduled traffic                                                               
In scheduled traffic (international + domestic) revenue passenger kilometres    
increased by 12.6%. The change in capacity was 9.8%. Passenger load factor was  
76.8%, 1.9 percentage points higher than last year.                             

In scheduled international traffic, total number of passengers was up by 8.8%.  
Capacity in ASKs was 11.4%, while RPKs increased by 13.8%.                      

In European scheduled traffic, ASKs increased by 4.1%, and as RPKs increased by 
5.9%, the passenger load factor was 68.2%, up 1.1 points from previous year.    

In North Atlantic scheduled traffic, capacity increased by 20.0%. Change in RPKs
was 20.1%, and passenger load factor for was 91.8%, 0.1 points higher than      
previous year.                                                                  

In Asian scheduled traffic, capacity increase was 16.2%. The passenger traffic  
was up by 18.1%. Passenger load factor was 82.9%, 1.3 percentage points up.     

Domestic scheduled traffic decreased by 9.6% on a capacity decrease of 13.8%.   
Passenger load factor increased by 2.8 percentage points to 59.5%.              

Leisure traffic                                                                 
ASKs for leisure traffic increased in October by 6.8%, and RPKs increased by    
8.0%, resulting in a passenger load factor of 84.2%, 1.0 points higher than last

Cargo traffic decreased by 4.5% in terms of cargo tonnes carried. Decrease in   
scheduled traffic was 2.7%. Increase in Asian traffic was 1.1%. Volume in       
European traffic decreased by 17.4%. In North-Atlantic traffic cargo volume     
increased by 9.6%. Cargo traffic carried on chartered cargo flights decreased by
58.9%. The cargo load factor in the Far Eastern traffic was 69.4% and in the    
North Atlantic traffic 76.1%.                                                   

|                               |   Oct08   | %-CHANG | Jan08-Oct0 |        %- |
|                               |           |       E |          8 |    CHANGE |
| TOTAL TRAFFIC                 |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     751,9 |     4,8 |    7 000,1 |       2,1 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |   2 505,4 |     9,2 |   24 207,5 |      12,2 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |   1 958,9 |    11,7 |   18 183,2 |      10,5 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      78,2 |   1,7 p |       75,1 |    -1,2 p |
| Cargo tonnes total            |   8 879,2 |    -4,5 |   87 103,9 |       8,3 |
| Available tonne-kilometres    |     388,5 |    11,4 |    3 745,9 |      13,6 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill |     226,2 |     8,5 |    2 127,6 |      10,9 |
| Overall load factor %         |      58,2 |  -1,5 p |       56,8 |    -1,4 p |
| SCHEDULED TOTAL               |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     630,9 |     3,7 |    5 898,2 |       0,7 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |   2 027,7 |     9,8 |   19 618,0 |      13,0 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |   1 556,7 |    12,6 |   14 133,2 |       9,9 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      76,8 |   1,9 p |       72,0 |    -2,1 p |
| EUROPE                        |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     370,9 |     5,6 |    3 458,7 |       2,7 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     750,4 |     4,1 |    7 163,0 |       6,3 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |     511,5 |     5,9 |    4 770,0 |       2,4 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      68,2 |   1,1 p |       66,6 |    -2,6 p |
| NORTH ATLANTIC                |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |      15,5 |    20,1 |      129,5 |       7,0 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     111,7 |    20,0 |    1 007,2 |       6,1 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |     102,5 |    20,1 |      854,7 |       7,0 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      91,8 |   0,1 p |       84,9 |     0,7 p |
| ASIA                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     124,3 |    18,1 |    1 088,8 |      15,5 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |   1 065,3 |    16,2 |   10 292,9 |      21,8 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |     883,0 |    18,1 |    7 824,7 |      17,5 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      82,9 |   1,3 p |       76,0 |    -2,8 p |
| DOMESTIC                      |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     120,2 |   -13,5 |    1 221,3 |     -14,4 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     100,3 |   -13,8 |    1 154,9 |      -5,6 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue pax-kilometres mill   |      59,6 |    -9,6 |      683,9 |      -8,3 |
| Passenger load factor %       |      59,5 |   2,8 p |       59,2 |    -1,8 p |
| LEISURE TRAFFIC               |           |         |            |           |
| Passengers  1000              |     121,0 |    10,6 |    1 102,0 |      10,3 |
| Available seat-kilometres     |     477,7 |     6,8 |    4 589,5 |       8,9 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue passenger kilometres  |     402,2 |     8,0 |    4 049,9 |      12,8 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Passenger load factor %       |      84,2 |   1,0 p |       88,2 |     3,0 p |
| CARGO TRAFFIC                 |           |         |            |           |
| Cargo scheduled traffic total |   8 655,5 |    -2,7 |   84 315,8 |      12,8 |
| tonnes                        |           |         |            |           |
| Europe tonnes                 |   1 769,1 |   -17,4 |   17 452,5 |      -4,3 |
| North Atlantic tonnes         |     758,5 |     9,6 |    6 303,0 |       0,4 |
| Asia tonnes                   |   5 826,1 |     1,1 |   57 954,5 |      22,1 |
| Domestic tonnes               |     301,8 |     2,0 |    2 605,9 |      -6,7 |
| Cargo leisure traffic tonnes  |      71,7 |   124,8 |      352,6 |      -8,1 |
| Scheduled cargo charter       |     152,1 |   -58,9 |    2 435,5 |     -53,9 |
| tonnes                        |           |         |            |           |
| Cargo tonnes total            |   8 879,2 |    -4,5 |   87 103,9 |       8,3 |
| Available tonne-kilometres*   |      81,5 |     7,8 |      808,1 |      10,6 |
| mill                          |           |         |            |           |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill |      50,6 |    -1,3 |      498,6 |      12,1 |
| Cargo load factor* %          |      62,1 |  -5,8 p |       61,7 |     0,9 p |

p= percentage points                                                            
Definitions to the terms used:                                                  
Change % refers to the change of the figures of the previous year               
Revenue passenger kilometres: Number of revenue passengers carried, multiplied  
by kilometres flown.                                                            
Available passenger kilometres: Total number of seats available, multiplied by  
the number of kilometres flown.                                                 
Available tonne kilometres: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of        
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplies by kilometres flown.                     
Cabin factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available passenger      
Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne       

Next release on traffic statistics will be released on December 9, 2008.        

Finnair Oyj                                                                     
November 10, 2008                                                               

Taneli Hassinen                                                                 VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations                              
Tel. +358 9 818 4976                                                            

For further information please contact:                                         
Mr. Christer Haglund, SVP Corporate Communications, tel. +358 9 818 4007        
Mr. Taneli Hassinen, VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations, tel.   
+358 9 818 4976                                                                 
Mr. Petteri Kostermaa, VP Traffic Planning, tel. +358 9 818 8504                
Mr. Timo Riihimäki, Vice President, Cargo, tel. +358 9 818 5487