2012-02-23 16:38:29 CET

2012-02-23 16:39:31 CET


Klaipedos Baldai AB - Notification on material event

Interim non audited turnover of AB ”Klaipėdos baldai” during period 2011

Interim non audited turnover of AB ”Klaipėdos baldai”  during period 2011
January - December was 188,672 million LTL (54,643 million EUR), i.e. 26,2 %
increase compared with the same period of the previous year. Turnover during
period of twelve months of 2010  was 149,479 million LTL (43,292 million EUR). 

Ramunas Marozas


For supplementary information contact

Ernesta Dapkienė

Public Relations Manager of Concern “SBA”

Phone no. +370 611 43548