2022-11-03 12:50:03 CET

2022-11-03 12:50:03 CET

Lithuanian English
Linas Agro Group - Other information

Dividend Payment Procedure

The General meeting of shareholders held on 28 October 2022 approved the allocation of the profit of AB Linas Agro Group, which included a pay-out of dividends - 0.0313 euro shall be paid for each ordinary registered share with a nominal value of 0.29 euro. Dividends shall be paid out to persons who were the shareholders of AB Linas Agro Group at the end of the dividend record day - 15 November 2022.

The first Ex-Date from which the shares of AB Linas Agro Group (ISIN code LT0000128092) acquired on a regulated market (i.e., a stock exchange) with a settlement cycle of T+2 do not entitle the holder to receive dividends for the financial year 2021/2022 shall be 14 November 2022.

The dividends will be paid to the securities account managers of the AB Linas Agro Group shareholders through Nasdaq CSD SE Lithuanian branch. After the tax deduction, the dividend amount will be transferred to the shareholders’ accounts held with a respective financial brokerage company or credit institution.

Taxation of dividends:

  • Dividends of natural persons residents of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign countries shall be subject to 15 % of the Personal Income Tax rate;
  • Dividends of legal entities residents of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign countries shall be subject to 15 % of the Corporate Profit Tax rate unless otherwise provided for in the laws.

Additional information:

Mažvydas Šileika

CFO of AB Linas Agro Group

Mob. +370 619 19 403

E-mail m.sileika@linasagro.lt