2008-02-18 09:00:00 CET

2008-02-18 09:00:01 CET


Finnish English
Elcoteq - Company Announcement


Elcoteq SE  Stock Exchange Release	February 18, 2008 at 10.00 am (EET)


Elcoteq SE's shareholders are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting
scheduled to take place at 3.00 pm CET (4.00 pm EET) on Tuesday, March 25,
2008. The meeting will be held in Luxembourg, at the premises of Elcoteq SE,
19, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg. Shareholders can also participate in
the meeting through a video conference or a teleconference held at the Ballroom
of the Hotel Scandic Continental, Mannerheimintie 46, Helsinki, Finland.
Registration of the participants and distribution of voting coupons will begin
at both locations at 2.00 pm CET (3.00 pm EET). 

The meeting will be held before a public notary.

The following items are on the agenda of the meeting:

1	The proposal of the Board of Directors to amend the first sentence of Article
30 of the Articles of Association as follows: 
“The number of directors shall not be less than four (4) and not more than ten

2	The proposal of the Board of Directors to amend the second paragraph of
Article 54 of the Articles of Association as follows: 
“The Company shall hold each year an Annual General Meeting of shareholders on
the March 23 in the city of Luxembourg at such time and place as the Board of
Directors shall determine and specify in the convening notice. If said day is a
legal or bank holiday in Luxembourg or Finland, the meeting shall be held on
the second following business day.” 

Standard items stated in Article 58 of the Articles of Association as follows:

3	Annual accounts as at December 31, 2007 (consisting of the income statement,
balance sheet, consolidated income statement, consolidated balance sheet and
management report issued by the Board of Directors); 

4	Statutory and/or independent auditors' report as at December 31, 2007;

5	Approval of the annual accounts and of the consolidated accounts as at
December 31, 2007; 

6	Allocation of the result and retained earnings;

7	Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and of the statutory

8	Remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the statutory

9	Number of the members of the Board of Directors;

10	Election of the members of the Board of Directors;

11	Election of the statutory and/or independent auditor.

Other matters:

12	Presentation and approval of the Final Accounts relating to the transfer of

Payment of Dividend

The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Meeting that no dividend
will be distributed for the financial year January 1 - December 31, 2007. 

Composition of the Board of Directors

The Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors will propose to the Meeting
that the following persons be re-elected to the Board: President Martti
Ahtisaari; Mr. Heikki Horstia, Vice President, Treasurer, Wärtsilä Corporation;
Mr. Eero Kasanen, Rector of the Helsinki School of Economics; Mr. Antti Piippo,
founder and principal shareholder of Elcoteq SE; Mr. Henry Sjöman,
founder-shareholder of Elcoteq SE; Mr. Juha Toivola, Master of Arts; and Mr.
Jorma Vanhanen, founder-shareholder of Elcoteq SE. The individuals proposed
have given their consent to re-election. 

Appointment of the Auditor

The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors will propose to the Meeting that
the firm of authorized public accountants KPMG Audit S.à.r.l. under the
supervision of Mr. Philippe Meyer be appointed as the Company's auditors for
the financial year ending on December 31, 2008. 


Copies of the Board's proposals, and their enclosures, and the documents
related to the financial statements will be available for inspection by the
shareholders from 9.00 am CET (10.00 am EET) on February 29, 2008 on the
company's website at www.elcoteq.com. Copies of the aforementioned documents
will be mailed to shareholders upon request and will be available at Elcoteq SE
offices in Luxembourg and in Espoo, Finland. 

Right to Participate in the Meeting

Shareholders who are in the Company's shareholder register maintained by the
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on March 14, 2008 shall have the
right to participate in the Annual General Meeting. 

How to Participate 

The registered shareholders shall notify the Company of their attendance by
March 17, 2008, 4.00 pm CET (5.00 pm EET) either through the Company's website
www.elcoteq.com, or in writing to Elcoteq SE, Finnish Branch, Ms. Katri
Kemppinen, P.O. Box 8, FI-02631 Espoo, Finland, or by telefax +358 10 413 1804,
or by telephone +358 10 413 2081 between the hours of 8.00 - 10.00 am or 12.00
am - 3.00 pm CET (9.00 - 11.00 am or 1.00 - 4.00 pm EET). Shareholders are
kindly requested to provide their name, address and telephone number as well as
indicate whether they will participate in the meeting in Luxembourg or in
Helsinki. Notification of participation must reach the Company before the
notification period expires. 


Shareholder shall exercise his right at the Annual General Meeting either in
person or through a representative on the basis of a duly signed and dated
proxy or other reliable documentation proving his authorization. Any powers of
attorney, correctly detailed and dated, must reach the Company at the above
address for inspection before the notification period expires on March 17,

Language of the Meeting

The meeting will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation from
English to Finnish available in Helsinki. 

February 18, 2008


Board of Directors 

About Elcoteq
Elcoteq SE is a leading electronics manufacturing services (EMS) company in the
communications technology field. Elcoteq's global service offering covers the
entire lifecycle of products, from product development to after-market
services. By further combining mechanics expertise into its service offering,
Elcoteq's vision is to be a leading integrated electronics manufacturing
services (IEMS) company. 

Elcoteq provides global end-to-end solutions consisting of product development
services, supply chain management, NPI, manufacturing, and after-market
services for the whole lifecycle of its customers' products. These products
include Personal Communications products such as mobile phones and their parts,
Home Communications products such as set-top boxes and electronics for flat
screen TVs as well as Communications Networks products such as base-stations,
tower-top amplifiers, and microwave systems. 

Elcoteq operates in 15 countries on four continents and employs some 24,000
people. The Group's consolidated net sales for 2007 totaled 4.0 billion euros.
Elcoteq SE is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.  For more information
visit the Elcoteq website at www.elcoteq.com.