2014-08-14 07:44:53 CEST

2014-08-14 07:45:57 CEST


Finnish English
Olvi Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


The entire Group's sales volume was almost on a par with the previous year.
Extremely cold weather in the early summer took its toll on second-quarter
sales volumes. Olvi's position remained strong in all market areas.
Consolidated operating profit fell short of the previous year but relative
profitability remained good. 

Iisalmi, Olvi plc, 2014-08-14 07:44 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OLVI PLC          


The entire Group's sales volume was almost on a par with the previous year.
Extremely cold weather in the early summer took its toll on second-quarter
sales volumes. Olvi's position remained strong in all market areas.
Consolidated operating profit fell short of the previous year but relative
profitability remained good. The earnings outlook for 2014 remains unchanged:
sales volume and net sales are expected to slightly increase, and operating
profit is estimated to remain at the healthy level of 2013. 

January-June in brief:

- The entire Group's net sales declined by 6.7 percent to 159.3 (170.7) million
euro mostly due to the decline in the parent company's net sales 

- The Group's operating profit declined to 19.3 (22.8) million euro mainly due
to weakened performance in the parent company 

- The Group's equity to total assets ratio remained at a healthy level of 50.5%

- Gross capital expenditure increased to 23.5 (13.3) million euro. The
expenditure was spent on increasing production capacity and improving
production efficiency 

- The entire Group's sales volume diminished slightly by 1.1 percent to 278.9
(282.0) million litres due to a decline in the parent company's sales 

- Business performance in the Baltic states was better than in the previous
year: sales increased by 7.5 percent to 148.8 (138.5) million litres, net sales
improved by 3.3 percent to 79.7 (77.2) million euro and operating profit
improved by 3.6 percent to 10.2 (9.8) million euro 

- Sales in Belarus increased by 4.3 percent to 81.1 (77.8) million litres, net
sales increased by 4.0 percent to 36.7 (35.3) million euro, and operating
profit remained almost at the previous year's level at 5.7 (5.8) million euro 


                                 1-6/2014  1-6/2013  Change %  1-12/2013
Net sales, MEUR                     159.3  170.7         -6.7      327.3
Operating profit, MEUR               19.3   22.8        -15.3       43.2
Gross capital expenditure, MEUR      23.5   13.3        +76.6       35.7
Earnings per share, EUR              0.66   0.79        -16.5       1.61
Equity per share, EUR                8.22   7.39        +11.2       8.14
Equity to total assets, %            50.5   50.0                    58.0
Gearing, %                           38.4   34.8                    26.4

Lasse Aho, Managing Director of Olvi plc, said the following in connection with
the disclosure of the accounts: “Performance from January to June was in line
with the budget. Business developed favourably in the Baltic states and also
sustained a healthy level in Belarus. Factors contributing to the deterioration
of performance in Finland included the impacts of excise tax hikes, the
diminishing Finnish beverage markets, clearly intensified price competition
within the industry, strong growth in tax-free tourist imports, and diminished
exports of soft drinks. Extremely cold weather that lasted all of June impacted
second-quarter sales volumes in all of the Group's operating countries. We
believe that the exceptionally long period of hot weather will have a positive
effect on sales volumes for the late summer. 


In the first half of 2014, Olvi Group's sales volume was 278.9 (282.0) million
litres, a change of -3.1 million litres or 1.1 percent on the previous year. 

The parent company's sales declined by 12.7 million litres, which was mainly
due to diminished sales volumes in soft drink exports. Sales within Finland
declined by slightly less than 3 percent while Olvi was able to increase its
market share in a diminishing market. 

Sales in the Baltic states increased clearly by 10.3 million litres or 7.5
percent to 148.8 (138.5) million litres. Sales in Estonia remained almost on a
par with the previous year. Sales in Latvia increased by 9.0 percent and in
Lithuania by 22.0 percent. 

Sales in Belarus in January-June increased by 3.3 million litres or 4.3 percent
to 81.1 (77.8) million litres. Intra-Group sales increased by 4.1 million
litres on the previous year. 

The Group's net sales from January to June amounted to 159.3 (170.7) million
euro. Net sales declined by 11.4 million euro or 6.7 percent. Finnish net sales
amounted to 52.5 (67.5) million euro. Net sales in the Baltic states increased
by 3.3 percent to 79.7 (77.2) million euro and in Belarus by 4.0 percent to
36.7 (35.3) million euro. Among the Baltic states, Lithuania was the only one
to show a clear net sales increase of 17.3 percent. Net sales in Latvia
increased by 4.1 percent and in Estonia, declined slightly. 

Olvi Group's operating profit for January-June stood at 19.3 (22.8) million
euro, or 12.1 (13.4) percent of net sales. The Group's operating profit
declined by 3.5 million euro or 15.3 percent. 

Operating profit in Finland amounted to 4.2 (7.1) million euro, a decline of
2.9 million euro. Operating profit in the Baltic states declined by 0.4 million
euro to 10.2 (9.8) million euro. Among the Baltic states, the greatest increase
in operating profit was seen in Lithuania. In Estonia, the operating profit
improved slightly and in Latvia there was a slight decline. Operating profit in
Belarus was on a par with the previous year at 5.7 (5.8) million euro.
Eliminations against operating profit increased by 0.7 million euro. 

Olvi Group's profit after taxes in the period under review was 13.9 (16.9)
million euro. Earnings per share calculated from the profit belonging to parent
company shareholders in January-June declined to 0.66 (0.79) euro per share. 


The Group's sales volume in the second quarter was on a par with the previous
year at 171.7 (171.3) million litres. Historically cold weather in June had an
impact on second-quarter sales volumes in all of Olvi Group's operating
countries. Sales in Finland declined by 4.0 million litres to 44.6 (48.6)
million litres. Sales in the Beltic states increased by 5.7 million litres to
89.4 (83.7) million litres and sales in Belarus by 0.6 million litres to 51.2
(50.6) million litres. Among the Baltic states, a clear growth in sales was
seen in Lithuania, 23.5 percent. Intra-Group eliminations increased by 1.9
million litres. 

The Group's net sales from April to June amounted to 98.3 (102.7) million euro.
Net sales declined by 4.4 million euro or 4.3 percent. Net sales in Finland
declined by 6.5 million euro to 31.5 (38.0) million euro. Net sales in the
Baltic states improved slightly on the previous year, amounting to 48.0 (47.6)
million litres. Among the Baltic states, a clear increase in net sales was seen
in Lithuania, while net sales in Estonia and Latvia declined slightly. Net
sales in Belarus increased by 1.3 million euro to 24.0 (22.7) million euro. 

The Group's operating profit for the second quarter stood at 15.9 (17.8)
million euro, or 16.2 (17.4) percent of net sales. The operating profit
declined by 1.9 million euro or 10.9 percent compared to the previous year.
Operating profit in Finland declined by 1.4 million euro and in Belarus by 0.6
million euro, while operating profit in the Baltic states was on a par with the
previous year. Operating profit in Finland amounted to 2.9 (4.3) million euro,
in the Baltic states to 7.8 (7.8) million euro and in Belarus to 5.1 (5.7)
million euro. Among the Baltic states, the greatest increase in operating
profit was seen in Lithuania, while operating profit in Estonia increased
slightly and the corresponding figure in Latvia declined clearly. 


Seasonal nature of the operations

The Group's business operations are characterised by seasonal variation. The
net sales and operating profit from the reported geographical segments do not
accumulate evenly but vary according to the time of the year, the conditions
and and the variation between seasons. Most of the Group's earnings is
accumulated during the second and third quarters. 


January to June 2014

According to statistics by the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks
Industry, the Finnish beverage market in January-June diminished by 15 million
litres or four percent compared to the previous year. Sales declined in all
product groups. The greatest reasons for the sales decline were the excise tax
hikes effective as of the beginning of 2014, increasing private imports and
extremely cold weather in June. Consumer purchasing power has also weakened due
to the poor economic situation and tax hikes. 

Sales of alcoholic beverages declined by more than three percent while sales of
non-alcoholic beverages declined by five percent. The sales volume declined by
three percent in beers, almost six percent in ciders and more than two percent
in long drinks. Total sales of soft drinks in January-June declined by almost
five percent and the sales of mineral waters by almost six percent. (Federation
of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry, June 2014). 

Olvi's domestic sales in the first half of the year were almost on a par with
the previous year, and sales declined less than the entire industry's sales,
thanks to which Olvi's overall market position strengthened in January-June,
from 17.8 percent to 18.2 percent compared to the previous year. 

Olvi's total sales in January-June amounted to 72.4 (85.1) million litres.
Sales declined by 12.7 million litres or 14.9 percent. The major reason for the
substantial decline in sales was that exports of Angry Birds soft drinks into
Russia diminished greatly in comparison to the initial launch in the comparison
period. The decline in soft drink exports was also affected by substantial
devaluation of the Russian rouble. Any decline in the exchange rate of the
rouble will increase the retail prices of imported foodstuffs in Russia.
However, the exports of beer increased in the review period. 

Among Olvi's main product groups in Finland, the sales of beers increased
slightly and the sales of ciders increased clearly, while the entire industry's
sales were declining. The sales of long drinks declined clearly. The sales of
soft drinks declined clearly due to a sales dip in Angry Birds beverages. The
sales of mineral waters declined slightly but the decline was smaller than that
of the industry. 

According to statistics by the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks
Industry, Olvi's market share in alcoholic beverages (beers, ciders and long
drinks) increased in January-June 2014 to 24 (23) percent. The market share in
non-alcoholic beverages was 9 (9) percent. 

Olvi's exports and tax-free sales declined substantially during the review
period, amounting to 4.7 (15.5) million litres. The decline in exports was due
to a halt in soft drink exports into Russia. However, tax free sales to ships
and harbour sales increased clearly in the review period. Exports and tax-free
sales represented 6.6 (18.2) percent of total sales. 

Olvi's net sales from January to June declined to 52.5 (67.5) million euro. Net
sales declined by 15.0 million euro or 22.3 percent. The average price of net
sales was affected by greatly intensified price competition and a change in
consumption habits towards a lower price bracket due to a decline in consumer
purchasing power. 

Olvi's operating profit also declined in the review period. Operating profit
stood at 4.2 (7.1) million euro, which was 7.9 (10.5) percent of net sales. The
operating profit declined by 2.9 million euro or 41.4 percent. Furthermore, the
earnings included 0.7 million euro of write-downs on unsaleable inventories and
package scrapping costs. The company was also unable to adapt its costs to the
diminished sales volume quickly enough. 

Olvi's operating profit in January-June included 0.7 million euro of sales
gains arising from the sales of production machinery to the Lithuanian

April to June 2014

The parent company's sales in the second quarter declined by 4.0 million litres
or 8.3 percent to 44.6 (48.6) million litres. 

Net sales amounted to 31.5 (38.0) million euro, representing a decline of 6.5
million euro or 17.0 percent. 

Operating profit in April-June stood at 2.9 (4.3) million euro, or 9.2 (11.2)
percent of net sales. The operating profit declined by 1.4 million euro or 31.8
percent in the second quarter. 

Reasons for the declines in sales volume, net sales and earnings are described
above in connection with accumulated earnings. 

AS A. LE COQ (A. Le Coq)

January to June 2014

In the Estonian beverage market, the consumption of ciders and waters increased
during the first half of the year. Also the consumption of beers saw a slight
upturn after a long-lasting downward trend. The consumption of long drinks and
soft drinks declined slightly and juices saw a drop of more than 11 percent.
(Nielsen, April-May 2014). 

The Estonian subsidiary A. Le Coq's sales volume from January to June almost
matched the previous year at 66.7 (67.0) million litres. Sales declined by 0.3
million litres or 0.4 percent. 

The sales of A. Le Coq waters increased in the domestic market while the sales
of long drinks and soft drinks were on a par with the previous year. The sales
of beers declined slightly while the sales of ciders and juices saw a clear
drop compared to the previous year. 

A. Le Coq has still retained its good position in the Estonian beverage market.
The company is the clear market leader in long drinks and juices. In the first
half of 2014, the company has become the market leader in beers by a slim
margin. In ciders and soft drinks the company is the clear number two player.
In waters, the company is close to the second position in terms of volume but
the clear market leader in terms of value. (Nielsen, April-May 2014). 

Exports and tourist sales made up 26 percent of the company's total sales.

A. Le Coq's net sales in the first half of the year amounted to 41.1 (42.1)
million euro, a decline of 1.0 million euro or 2.4 percent. 

In spite of the decline in net sales, the company's operating profit for
January-June improved on the previous year. Operating profit stood at 8.3 (8.0)
million euro, which was 20.1 (19.0) percent of net sales. The operating profit
improved by 0.3 million euro or 3.3 percent. 

April to June 2014

A. Le Coq's second-quarter sales increased slightly by 0.4 million litres or
1.1 percent, ending up at 41.5 (41.1) million litres. Net sales from April to
June amounted to 25.3 (26.2) million euro. Net sales declined by 0.9 million
euro or 3.5 percent. 

The company was able to slightly improve its profitability during the second
quarter. A. Le Coq's operating profit was 6.1 (5.9) million euro or 24.1 (22.4)
percent of net sales. The operating profit improved by 0.2 million euro or 3.7

A/S CESU ALUS (Cesu Alus)

January to June

In the Latvian beverage market, there was a healthy upward trend in total sales
of beers and long drinks. However, a decline continued in ciders. (Nielsen,
April-May 2014). 

The company's sales in January-June amounted to 43.2 (39.6) million litres.
Sales increased by 3.6 million litres or 9.0 percent. The sales increase was
mainly attributable to internal sales to other Olvi Group companies. 

During the reporting period, Cesu Alus's domestic sales of beers increased
slightly on the previous year. The sales of long drinks and soft drinks
(including kvass) increased while the sales of ciders declined clearly. 

Cesu Alus is the market leader in the declining cider market. The company is
also the market leader in long drinks. During the first half of 2014, the
company's market share in beers has gradually increased towards the
market-leading position. (Nielsen, May 2014). 

Cesu Alus's net sales from January to June amounted to 19.9 (19.1) million
euro, representing an increase of 0.8 million euro or 4.1 percent. 

Operating profit in January-June stood at 1.3 (1.6) million euro, or 6.6 (8.5)
percent of net sales. The operating profit declined by 0.3 million euro or 19.1
percent. The decline in operating profit was due to deteriorated profitability
caused by the decline in average price of net sales. 

April to June 2014

Cesu Alus's second quarter fell short of the previous year due to intensified
competition in the Latvian beverage market and the record-breaking cold weather
in June. 

Cesu Alus's sales in the second quarter amounted to 24.9 (24.1) million litres,
representing an increase of 0.8 million litres or 3.5 percent. Net sales
amounted to 11.6 (11.9) million euro, representing a decline of 0.3 million
euro or 2.7 percent on the previous year. 

The company's operating profit in April-June stood at 1.0 (1.5) million euro,
or 8.7 (12.7) percent of net sales. The operating profit declined by 0.5
million euro or 33.9 percent. 

AB VOLFAS ENGELMAN (Volfas Engelman)

January to June

In the overall Lithuanian beverage market, the sales of beers increased while
the sales of long drinks declined clearly on the previous year. The decline in
cider sales was substantial. (Nielsen, April-May 2014). 

Volfas Engelman's sales volume, net sales and operating profit developed well
also in the second quarter. Sales amounted to 39.0 (32.0) million litres,
representing an increase of 7.0 million litres or 22.0 percent. 

The sales of the company's beers and long drinks in the domestic market
increased substantially. The drop in cider sales was smaller than that of the
overall cider market. The sales of soft drinks (including kvass) declined
slightly on the previous year. 

Volfas Engelman has further improved its position in the Lithuanian beverage
market. The company is the clear market leader in long drinks and kvass, and it
has clearly improved its market share in comparison with the previous year. In
the beer market, the company shares the number two position with another
player. (Nielsen, April-May 2014). 

Exports made 3.2 (3.4) percent of the company's total sales.

The company's net sales from January to June amounted to 18.8 (16.0) million
euro. Thanks to good sales development, net sales increased by 2.8 million euro
or 17.3 percent. 

Thanks to good performance in the second quarter, operating profit increased to
0.6 (0.2) million euro compared to the previous year. Operating profit came to
3.3 (1.4) percent of net sales. The improvement in operating profit was
attributable to good development in sales volumes and cost-cutting. 

April to June 2014

Volfas Engelman performed well in the second quarter. The company's sales
volume from April to June amounted to 23.0 (18.6) million litres, representing
an increase of 4.4 million litres or 23.5 percent. Second-quarter net sales
increased by 1.7 million euro or 17.5 percent to 11.1 (9.4) million euro. 

The company's operating profit improved substantially during the second
quarter. Operating profit stood at 0.7 (0.4) million euro, which was 6.6 (4.7)
percent of net sales. The operating profit increased by 0.3 million euro. 


January to June 2014

The overall beverage market in Belarus saw an upward trend from January to
June.  The sales of beers remained on the previous year's level while the sales
of juice drinks and waters improved substantially. A good uptrend was also seen
in soft drinks during the first half of the year. The sales of kvass and ciders
declined. (Nielsen, April-May 2014). 

In terms of sales volume, Lidskoe Pivo's year 2014 got a historically good
start but the cold weather in early summer had a substantial impact on
second-quarter earnings. The company's sales in January-June amounted to 81.1
(77.8) million litres. Sales increased by 3.3 million litres or 4.3 percent on
the previous year. 

The sales of waters in the domestic market increased substantially. A clear
increase was also seen in juice drinks. The sales of beers remained on a par
with the previous year but the sales of ciders declined by almost one-fifth.
The sales of soft drinks (including kvass) declined clearly. 

Lidskoe Pivo stepped up to the number two position in the beer market in
April-May. The company is clearly the number two player in juice drinks. Its
market share in soft drinks declined slightly but it is clearly the market
leader in kvass as well as ciders. The company's market share in waters is
gradually increasing. (Nielsen, April-May 2014). 

Lidskoe Pivo's exports increased substantially in the review period, by 39.3
percent. Exports accounted for 19.2 (14.4) percent of total sales. The main
destination for exports was Russia. 

The company's net sales in January-June increased by 1.4 million euro or 4.0
percent on the previous year, amounting to 36.7 (35.3) million euro. 

Operating profit in January-June was almost on a par with the previous year at
5.7 (5.8) million euro, or 15.5 (16.5) percent of net sales. 

April to June 2014

Lidskoe Pivo's sales volume got a good start in the second quarter but the
extremely cold weather in June had a substantial impact on quarterly
performance. The company's second-quarter sales increased to 51.2 (50.6)
million litres. This represents an increase of 0.6 million litres or 1.1

Net sales stood at 24.0 (22.7) million euro, an increase of 1.3 million euro or
5.5 percent. The increase in net sales outperformed the sales volume growth in

The company's profitability remained on a healthy level in the second quarter. 
Operating profit stood at 5.1 (5.7) million euro, which was 21.3 (25.1) percent
of net sales. The operating profit declined by 0.6 million euro or 10.6 percent
on the previous year. 


Olvi Group's balance sheet total at the end of June 2014 was 341.9 (311.3)
million euro. Equity per share stood at 8.22 (7.39) euro, an increase of 0.83
euro per share or 11.2 percent. The equity to total assets ratio improved
slightly to 50.5 (50.0) percent. The amount of interest-bearing liabilities was
72.6 (61.0) million euro, including current liabilities of 36.7 (27.4) million

During the period under review, Olvi Group's gross capital expenditure amounted
to 23.5 (13.3) million euro. The parent company Olvi accounted for 10.5 million
euro and the subsidiaries in the Baltic states for 6.9 million euro of the
total. Lidskoe Pivo's gross capital expenditure in the first quarter was 6.1
million euro. 

The largest investments in Finland in 2014 are an extension and performance
improvement in automated picking, the completion of the new high-rise
storehouse and installations of related equipment, an extension to the dispatch
area, development of packaging options at the production lines, as well as
acquisitions of additional product conveyors. Olvi's investments include 0.7
million euro of shares acquired from minority shareholders of Lidskoe Pivo in
April 2014. 

In the Baltic states, A. Le Coq's largest investments consist of new PET bottle
formats, a reception, storage and handling system for glucose syrup, an
extension to the cold storage rooms of the juice factory, and replacement of
conveyor systems for logistics. Cesu Alus's largest investments consist of the
replacement of the bottle-blowing machine, the acquisitions of pre-mixing
equipment for the juicing facility and a machine for laying PET bottles on
pallets, as well as investments related to logistics performance improvements.
The largest investments in Volfas Engelman consist of the acquisitions of a
bottle-blowing machine and a new canning line. 
Lidskoe Pivo's investments in 2014 include extensions to storage and production
facilities, the construction of a new boiling room, replacement of pipelines in
fermentation and yeast tanks, the acquisition of new pressure tanks, mixing
equipment for fermentation tanks, as well as the acquisition of buffer
conveyors and new formats. 


Research and development includes projects to design and develop new products,
packages, processes and production methods, as well as further development of
existing products and packages. The R&D costs have been recognised as expenses.
The main objective of Olvi Group's product development is to create new
products for profitable and growing beverage segments. 



In December 2013, Olvi entered into a co-operation agreement with the German
company Warsteiner Brauerei Haus Cramer KG established in 1753. Under the
agreement, Olvi introduced high-quality German beers to the market in the
beginning of April: Warsteiner Premium Fresh (0.0%), Warsteiner Premium Verum
(4.7%) and König Ludwig Weissbier (5.5%). 

In April, the Sandels beer range saw the introduction of the first
top-fermented beer made by Olvi, the unfiltered Sandels Wheat Beer. Olvi also
introduced beers from Estonia: A. Le Coq Imperial Gold (4.8%) and A. Le Coq
Imperial Ale (5.0%). A. Le Coq Cocktails Pina Colada and Cuba Libre were also
launched in Finland. 

A new introduction to long drinks just before the Football World Cup was the
Samba long drink. Fruit Circus was a new addition to the Olvi Cider product
range, and a sweet apple cider was introduced to Sherwood ciders. 

The well-known Simpsons characters can now be found also in soft drinks made by
Olvi: Simpsons JaffaX and Simpsons JaffaX Light. Angry Birds soft drinks saw
the introduction of Angry Birds Go with a mango flavour. A new introduction to
TEHO was the Boost Lite energy drink. OLVI Raikas juice drinks were
reintroduced to the juice range. 

During the September product range period, several novelties will be launched,
with the focus on non-alcoholic products. KevytOlo mineral waters will be
complemented with the new Grapefruit flavour with natural grapefruit aroma. All
KevytOlo products are naturally flavoured. KevytOlo Raikas will be available in
new multi-packs of 6 * 0.45 L piccolo bottles. Pineapple Light will be
introduced in Olvi soft drinks. Angry Birds soft drinks will see the new
flavour Stella in cans. In ciders, the Sherwood brand will be expanced with
Oaky Apple and Perry products, both available in cans as well as long neck
glass bottles. In beers, OLVI Halko beer will be accompanied by OLVI Hiili, a
dark lager. A. Le Coq Kvass and OLVI Kotikalja home-style ale will be


A. Le Coq introduced the light beer Radler (2.9%) containing lemon juice. A. Le
Coq Extra Ginger is a beer flavoured with ginger. A new introduction to long
drinks was Sangrina, which is aromatised to achieve the familiar sangria
flavour. The Cocktail range saw the introduction of Margarita with a watermelon
flavour. A new introduction in ciders was strawberry and rhubarb-flavoured FIZZ
Summer Love, which was simultaneously launched also in Latvia and Lithuania. 

Soft drinks saw the introduction of the More Hito mint-lime and Ginger Ale
beverages under the Blue Sheep brand. A novelty in the kvass range was Imperial
Kvass, a darker version. Two new products were launched in vitaminised waters:
Power grapefruit-lemon grass and Mental lingonberry-green tea. 

Cesu Alus launched the strong and dark beer Miezītis Tumšais (7.1%), the
inexpensive Garais Pilzenes beer in 2.35 L PET bottles and the light Radler
beer containing lemon juice already familiar from Estonia (2.5%). The Beer
Shake range saw the introduction of Shandy as a new product. New introductions
in long drinks included Mojito and Margarita with a watermelon flavour, and in
ciders strawberry and rhubarb-flavoured FIZZ Summer Love and plum-flavoured
FIZZ Plum. Also in Latvia, Sangrina was launched, and the Blue Sheep range saw
the introduction of More Hito and Pina Lada soft drinks. Two new flavours were
introduced to soft drinks, Lielbata green tea-pomegranate and Lielbata green

Volfas Engelman launched the FORTAS Max Radler (4.0%) and FORTAS Meister beers.
The Beer Shake range saw the introduction of Shandy, and long drinks were
complemented with Sangria, as in the other Baltic states. In ciders, the
Sherwood brand was expanded with the Blue Plum flavour and the FIZZ brand with
the Summer Love flavour. The A. Le Coq Coctail range saw the introduction of
Margarita Watermelon. Soft drinks saw the introduction of Blue Sheep More Hito,
and cocktails under the Beach brand were complemented with two flavours
Margarita and Irish Cream. Dynami:t energy drinks were expanded with the new
flavour of Mojito, and a dark version of kvass was introduced. Both carbonated
and non-carbonated mineral waters were launched under the Tiche brand. 

Lidskoe Pivo of Belarus introduced two flavours of ciders under the FIZZ brand
(grape and cherry), and Mojito under cocktails. A new flavour of kvass, Kvass
Lidskij White, was introduced. Soft drinks saw the introduction of
orange-flavoured Limpa, and three flavours Mojito, Kinotto and orange were
launched under the Lids brand. New introductions in waters included Aura Aloe
Vera, as well as vitaminised waters with grapefruit + ACE vitamins. 


Olvi Group's average number of personnel in January-June 2014 was 1,985
(2,030). The Group's average number of personnel decreased by 45 people or 2.2
percent. The total number of personnel at the end of June was 2,110 (2,183). 

Olvi Group's average number of personnel by country:

Finland               378        (412)

Estonia                 333        (318)

Latvia                   222        (225)

Lithuania             213        (216)

Belarus          839        (859)

Total        1,985      (2,030)


In the beginning of April 2014, Olvi acquired 2,256 shares from the minority in
Lidskoe Pivo, after which Olvi's holding in the company increased to 94.57

At the end of June 2014, Olvi Group's holding in A. Le Coq was 100.0 percent,
in Cesu Alus 99.76 percent and in Volfas Engelman 99.58 percent. Furthermore,
A. Le Coq has a 49.0 percent holding in AS Karme and a 20.0 percent holding in
Verska Mineraalvee OÜ in Estonia. 


Olvi's share capital at the end of June 2014 stood at 20.8 million euro. The
total number of shares was 20,758,808, of these 17,026,552 or 82.0 percent
being Series A shares and 3,732,256 or 18.0 percent Series K shares. Each
Series A share carries one (1) vote and each Series K share carries twenty (20)
votes. Series A and Series K shares have equal rights to dividends. 

The Olvi A share was quoted on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki (Helsinki Stock Exchange) at
24.81 (26.86) euro at the end of June 2014. In January-June, the highest quote
for the Series A share was 29.90 (27.00) euro and the lowest quote was 23.30
(19.70) euro. The average price was 26.50 (22.42) euro. 

In January-June , a total of 1,088,396 (1,257,113) Olvi A shares were traded,
representing 6.4 (7.4) percent of the total number of Series A shares. The
value of trading was 28.8 (28.1) million euro. 

At the end of June 2014, the market capitalisation of Series A shares was 422.4
(457.3) million euro and the market capitalisation of all shares was 515.0
(557.6) million euro. 

The number of shareholders at the end of June 2014 was 9,973 (9,419). Foreign
holdings plus foreign and Finnish nominee-registered holdings represented 20.8
(20.7) percent of the total number of book entries and 4.7 (6.8) percent of
total votes. 

Foreign and nominee-registered holdings are reported in Table 5, Section 9 of
the tables attached to this interim report, and the largest shareholders are
reported in Table 5, Section 10. 


There were no changes in the number of treasury shares held by Olvi in
January-June 2014. At the end of June 2014, Olvi held 1,124 of its own Series A
shares. Treasury shares held by Olvi plc are reported in the tables section of
this interim report, in Table 5, Section 6. 


Risk management is a part of Olvi Group's everyday management and operations.
It increases corporate security and contributes to the achievement of
operational targets. The objective of risk management is to operate proactively
and create operating conditions in which business risks are managed
comprehensively and systematically in all of the Group companies and all levels
of the organisation. In addition to the company itself, risk management
benefits its personnel, customers, shareholders and other related groups. 

The objective of risk management is to ensure the realisation of the company's
strategy and secure the continuity of business. Olvi Group identifies,
assesses, manages and monitors its crucial risks regularly. With regard to
identified risks, the effects, scope and probability of realisation are
assessed together with the means of eliminating or reducing the risk.
Furthermore, risk management aims to identify and utilise any business
opportunities that may arise. 

Strategic and operational risks

Olvi Group's strategic risks refer to risks related to the characteristics of
the company's business and strategic choices. The Group's operations are
located in several countries that differ substantially in terms of their social
and economic situations and the phases and directions of development. For
example, strategic risks relate to changes in tax legislation and other
regulations, the operating environment and foreign exchange markets. If
realised, strategic risks can substantially hamper the company's operational
preconditions. The Group's most substantial identified strategic risks relate
to Belarus, particularly the situation in the country's economy and politics. 

The Group's most substantial identified operational risks relate to the
procurement and quality of raw materials, the production process, markets and
customers, information security and systems, as well as changes in foreign
exchange rates. 

Financing risks

Olvi Group operates internationally, and its business involves risks arising
from exchange rate fluctuations. Foreign exchange risks arise from the cash
flows of purchases and sales in foreign currency, as well as investments in
foreign subsidiaries and the conversion of their balance sheet items into euro.
Foreign exchange risk is reduced by the fact that most of the Group's product
sales and raw material purchases are denominated in euro. 

The objective of financing risk management is to minimise the adverse effects
of changes in the financial markets on the Group's financial performance,
shareholders' equity and liquidity. The general principles of the Group's risk
management are approved by the Board of Directors of the parent company, and
the parent company's management together with the management of subsidiaries is
responsible for their practical implementation. Responsibility for Olvi Group's
financing tasks is centralised in the parent company Olvi. The objectives of
centralisation include optimisation of cash flows and financing costs, as well
as efficient risk management. 

There have not been any significant changes in Olvi Group's business risks
since the closing of the accounts 2013. A more detailed description of the
risks is provided in the Board of Directors' report and the notes to the
financial statements. Financing risks are also described in more detail in the
Investors section of the corporate Web site. 


The economic situation in Europe has turned more positive even though
instability is still seen in individual countries. However, the unemployment
rate is still high. Weakened consumer purchasing power leads to a choice of
less expensive products. Demand in Finland is also held back by the highest
excise tax rates within the European Union. 

The continuation of the Ukrainian crisis and increased tension affect the
development of the Russian rouble and therefore exports to Russia. Olvi is
putting effort to increasing exports into Russia particularly from Belarus,
which is in a customs union with Russia. 

Another substantial factor hampering the predictability of Olvi Group's
business still relates to Belarus and its economic outlook for the next few
years. The IAS 29 standard “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies”
will be applied at least until the end of 2014. 


The full-year sales volumes and net sales in 2014 are expected to grow slightly
in the current accounting period. The operating profit for 2014 is expected to
be on a par with the healthy level of 2013. 


Board of Directors

Further information:

Lasse Aho, Managing Director, Olvi plc

Phone +358 290 00 1050 or +358 400 203 600


- Statement of comprehensive income, Table 1

- Balance sheet, Table 2

- Changes in shareholders' equity, Table 3

- Cash flow statement, Table 4

- Notes to the interim report, Table 5


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OLVI GROUP                                                               TABLE 1
INCOME STATEMENT                                                                
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                         4-6/    4-6/     1-6/     1-6/    1-12/
                                         2014    2013     2014     2013     2013
Net sales                               98307  102705   159310   170700   327256
Other operating income                    640     138      743      321      983
Operating expenses                     -79494  -81597  -133631  -141367  -271391
Depreciation and impairment             -3575   -3427    -7078    -6823   -13627
Operating profit                        15878   17819    19344    22831    43221
Financial income                          962    -255     2105     1831     3105
Financial expenses                       -928     271    -2033    -1734    -4501
Share of earnings of associates             0       0        0        0      -11
Earnings before tax                     15912   17835    19416    22928    41814
Taxes *)                                -4758   -5291    -5534    -5988    -7628
NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD               11154   12544    13882    16940    34186
Other comprehensive income items:                                               
Translation differences related to                                              
foreign subsidiaries                     -950   -1563    -1954      318    -2858
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE      10204   10981    11928    17258    31328
Distribution of profit:                                                         
- parent company shareholders           10938   12142    13639    16479    33520
- non-controlling interests               216     402      243      461      666
Distribution of comprehensive profit:                                           
- parent company shareholders            9991   10703    11779    16795    30886
- non-controlling interests               213     278      149      463      442
Earnings per share calculated from the profit belonging                         
to parent company shareholders, EUR                                             
-   undiluted                            0.53    0.58     0.66     0.79     1.61
-   diluted                              0.53    0.58     0.66     0.79     1.61
*) Taxes calculated from the profit for the review period.                      

OLVI GROUP                                                            TABLE 2   
BALANCE SHEET                                                                   
EUR 1,000                                       30.6.2014  30.6.2013  31.12.2013
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                                    182189     154804      165783
Goodwill                                            18081      18141       17805
Other intangible assets                              2647       2628        2701
Interests in associates                              1077       1077        1077
Financial assets available for sale                   549        549         549
Loan receivables and other non-current                349        401         349
Deferred tax receivables                              189        214          87
Total non-current assets                           205081     177814      188351
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                         47110      45480       41178
Accounts receivable and other receivables           83224      81063       57705
Income tax receivable                                 338         50         848
Other non-current assets available for sale             4        163         124
Liquid assets                                        6192       6761        7507
Total current assets                               136868     133517      107362
TOTAL ASSETS                                       341949     311331      295713
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders                        
Share capital                                       20759      20759       20759
Other reserves                                       1092       1092        1092
Treasury shares                                        -8         -8          -8
Translation differences                            -22180     -17371      -20321
Retained earnings                                  171018     148828      167420
                                                   170681     153300      168942
Share belonging to non-controlling interests         1927       2486        2597
Total shareholders' equity                         172608     155786      171539
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Financial liabilities                               35875      33559       28483
Other liabilities                                       0        250           0
Deferred tax liabilities                             4864       3896        3761
Current liabilities                                                             
Financial liabilities                               36683      27435       24348
Accounts payable and other liabilities              91011      88751       66704
Income tax liability                                  908       1654         878
Total liabilities                                  169341     155545      124174
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES         341949     311331      295713

OLVI GROUP                                                               TABLE 3
EUR 1,000       Share   Other   Treasury  Translat   Retained   Share of   Total
               capita  reserv     shares       ion   earnings  non-contr        
                    l      es    account  differen                olling        
                                               ces             interests        
Shareholders'   20759    1092         -8    -17687     141317       1939  147412
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Adjustments for                                          1411        130    1541
Adjusted        20759    1092         -8    -17687     142728       2069  148953
' equity 1                                                                      
 Jan 2013                                                                       
Net profit for the                                      16479        461   16940
Other comprehensive income items:                                               
Translation                                    316                     2     318
Total comprehensive income for the             316      16479        463   17258
Transactions with                                                               
Payment of dividends                                   -10379        -46  -10425
Total transactions with shareholders                   -10379        -46  -10425
Shareholders'   20759    1092      -8       -17371     148828       2486  155786
 equity 30                                                                      
 June 2013                                                                      
EUR 1,000       Share   Other  Treasu  Translation   Retained   Share of   Total
               capita  reserv      ry  differences   earnings  non-contr        
                    l      es  shares                             olling        
                               accoun                          interests        
Shareholders'   20759    1092      -8       -20321     167420       2597  171539
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Adjustments for                                          2781        160    2941
Adjusted        20759    1092      -8       -20321     170201       2757  174480
' equity 1                                                                      
 Jan 2014                                                                       
Net profit for the                                      13639        243   13882
Other comprehensive income items:                                               
Translation                                  -1859                   -94   -1953
Total comprehensive income for the           -1859      13639        149   11929
Transactions with shareholders:                                                 
Payment of dividends                                   -13492        -72  -13564
Total transactions with shareholders                   -13492        -72  -13564
Changes in holdings in subsidiaries:                                            
Acquisition of shares from                                                      
non-controlli                                            -237               -237
ng interests                                                                    
Change in share belonging to non-controlling                                    
interests                                                 907       -907       0
Total changes in holdings in subsidiaries                 670       -907    -237
Shareholders'   20759    1092      -8          -22180  171018       1927  172608
 equity 30                                                                      
 June 2014                                                                      

Other reserves include the share premium account, legal reserve and other

OLVI GROUP                                                               TABLE 4
CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                                   1-6/2014  1-6/2013  1-12/2013
Net profit for the period                             13882     16940      34186
Adjustments to profit for the period                  12169     13137      24214
Change in net working capital                         -7742     -5892       2451
Interest paid                                         -1872     -1092      -4246
Interest received                                       130       195        530
Taxes paid                                            -1344     -2324      -7126
Cash flow from operations (A)                         15223     20964      50009
Investments in tangible and intangible                                          
assets                                               -22412    -12053     -31975
Sales gains from tangible and intangible                                        
assets                                                   42       326        220
Expenditure on other investments                       -250         0          0
Cash flow from investments (B)                       -22620    -11727     -31755
Withdrawals of loans                                  27751      9587       5541
Repayments of loans                                   -8024     -7063     -11180
Dividends paid                                       -13532    -10549     -10541
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in current interest-                                
bearing business receivables                            -15        -1          1
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in long-term                                        
loan receivables                                          0         8         55
Cash flow from financing (C)                           6180     -8018     -16124
Increase (+)/decrease (-) in liquid assets            -1217      1219       2130
Liquid assets 1 January                                7507      5698       5698
Effect of exchange rate changes                         -98      -155       -321
Liquid assets 30 June/31 December                      6192      6762       7507

OLVI GROUP                                                                     


The accounting policies used for this interim report are the same as those used
for the annual financial statements 2013. 

The accounting policies are presented in the Annual Report 2013 which was
published on 20 March 2014. The information disclosed in the interim report is

The information in the interim report is presented in thousands of euros (EUR
1,000). For the sake of presentation, individual figures and totals have been
rounded to full thousands, which causes rounding differences in additions. 

The Group has adopted the following new or revised standards and
interpretations in 2014: 

  -- Amendment to IFRSs 10, 11 and 12 on transition guidance
  -- IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements”
  -- IFRS 11 “Joint Arrangements”
  -- IFRS 12 “Disclosures of Interests in Other Entities”
  -- IAS 27 (Revised 2011) “Separate Financial Statements”
  -- IAS 28 (Revised 2011) “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures"
  -- Amendment to IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Presentation” concerning the
     offset of assets and liabilities
  -- Amendment to IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets” concerning the disclosure of
     recoverable amounts
  -- Amendment to IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”
     concerning the novation of derivatives

The above changes in standards and their interpretations have no substantial
effect on the income statement or balance sheet. Some changes in standards may
affect the scope of disclosure of notes. 

1. SEGMENT INFORMATION                                         
SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT (1,000 litres)                              
                                4-6/       4-6/       1-6/    1-6/   1-12/
                                2014       2013       2014    2013    2013
Olvi Group total              171670     171300     278920  282004  557232
Finland                        44612      48628      72429   85125  159909
Estonia                        41545      41080      66669   66960  129314
Latvia                         24931      24087      43174   39592   79724
Lithuania                      22956      18580      38988   31953   69554
Belarus                        51164      50603      81125   77763  156523
- sales between segments      -13538     -11678     -23465  -19389  -37792

                           4-6/    4-6/    1-6/    1-6/   1-12/
                           2014    2013    2014    2013    2013
Olvi Group total          98307  102705  159310  170700  327256
Finland                   31547   38028   52464   67535  123608
Estonia                   25301   26210   41058   42080   81261
Latvia                    11623   11940   19931   19147   37571
Lithuania                 11074    9425   18751   15987   34139
Belarus                   24002   22746   36734   35306   68319
- sales between segments  -5240   -5644   -9628   -9355  -17642

                       4-6/     4-6/    1-6/    1-6/  1-12/
                       2014     2013    2014    2013   2013
Olvi Group total      15878    17819   19344   22831  43221
Finland                2912     4269    4168    7112  12844
Estonia                6096     5876    8258    7994  15998
Latvia                 1006     1522    1322    1634   2458
Lithuania               733      447     623     221   1264
Belarus                5113     5716    5689    5838  10665
- eliminations           18      -11    -716      32     -8

2. PERSONNEL ON AVERAGE  1-6/2014  1-6/2013  1-12/2013
Finland                       378       412        401
Estonia                       333       318        314
Latvia                        222       225        215
Lithuania                     213       216        216
Belarus                       839       859        853
Total                        1985      2030       1999

3.  RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                   
Employee benefits to management                                  
Salaries and other short-term employee benefits to the Board of Directors and   
 Managing Director                                                              
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                           1-6/2014      1-6/2013      1-12/2013
Managing Director                               185           170            340
Chairman of the Board                            41            43             85
Other members of the Board                       64            66            130
Total                                           290           279            555

4. SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                       
                                 30.6.2014       %
Number of A shares                17026552    82.0
Number of K shares                 3732256    18.0
Total                             20758808  100.00
Total votes carried by A shares   17026552    18.6
Total votes carried by K shares   74645120    81.4
Total number of votes             91671672  100.00
Votes per Series A share                 1        
Votes per Series K share                20        

The registered share capital on 30 June 2014 totalled 20,759 thousand euro.

Olvi plc's Series A and Series K shares received a dividend of 0.65 euro per
share for 2013 (0.50 euro per share for 2012), totalling 13.5 (10.4) million
euro. The dividends were paid on 30 April 2014. The Series K and Series A
shares entitle to equal dividend. The Articles of Association include a
redemption clause concerning Series K shares. 


Olvi plc's Board of Directors decided on 29 April 2014 on a share-based
incentive scheme for Olvi Group's key personnel. 

The purpose of the scheme is to combine the objectives of shareholders and key
personnel to improve the Company's value, make key personnel committed to the
Company and provide them with a competitive bonus scheme based on earning
shares in the company. 

The scheme has one vesting period of three calendar years, the years 2014 to
2016. Any bonus from the scheme for the vesting period 2014 to 2016 is based on
the Group's accumulated operating profit (EBIT). 

Furthermore, the share-based incentive scheme has a three-year vesting period
starting on 1 July 2014 and ending on 30 June 2017. Receiving a bonus for this
vesting period requires that the key person purchases shares in the company to
the amount decided by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, entitlement to a
bonus is bound to the validity of the key person's employment or service
contract at the time the bonus is paid. 

The bonuses for both vesting periods will be paid in 2017 partially in Olvi plc
Series A shares and partially in cash. The purpose of the cash portion is to
cover taxes and other statutory fees levied on the key person due to the bonus.
If the key person's employment or service contract terminates before the
payment of the bonus, the principal rule is that no bonus will be paid. 

The members of the company's Management Group must hold one-half of the shares
received on the basis of the vesting period 2014-2016 for the duration of their
employment or service contract. 

The target group of the share-based incentive scheme includes approximately 50
people. The total bonuses paid on the basis of the scheme amount to an
approximate maximum of 40,000 Olvi plc Series A shares and the amount of cash
required to pay the taxes and other statutory fees arising from the shares. 

No accounting entries associated with the 2014-2016 vesting period were
recognised in January-June 2014. 

Olvi Group has no warrants or options.


Olvi plc held a total of 1,124 of its own Series A shares on 1 January 2014.

Olvi plc has not acquired more treasury shares or transferred them to others in
January-June 2014, which means that the number of Series A shares held by the
company was unchanged on 30 June 2014. The purchase price of the Series A
shares held as treasury shares totalled 8.5 thousand euro. 

Series A shares held by Olvi plc as treasury shares represented 0.005 percent
of the share capital and 0.001 percent of the aggregate number of votes. The
treasury shares represented 0.007 percent of all Series A shares and associated

On 16 April 2014, the General Meeting of Shareholders of Olvi plc decided to
revoke any unused authorisations to acquire treasury shares and authorise the
Board of Directors of Olvi plc to decide on the acquisition of the company's
own shares using distributable funds. The authorisation is valid for one year
starting from the General Meeting and covers a maximum of 500,000 Series A

The Annual General Meeting also decided to revoke all existing unused
authorisations for the transfer of own shares and authorise the Board of
Directors to decide on the issue of a maximum of 1,000,000 new Series A shares
and the transfer of a maximum of 500,000 Series A shares held as treasury

In January-June 2014, the Board of Directors of Olvi plc has not exercised the
authorisations granted by the General Meeting. 

7. NUMBER OF SHARES *)  1-6/2014  1-6/2013  1-12/2013
- average               20757684  20757684   20757684
- at end of period      20757684  20757684   20757684

*) Treasury shares deducted.

                                       1-6/2014     1-6/2013  1-12/2013
Trading volume of Olvi A shares         1088396      1257113    2601699
Total trading volume, EUR 1,000           28834        28119      63938
Traded shares in proportion to                                         
all Series A shares, %                      6.4          7.4       15.3
Average share price, EUR                  26.50        22.42      24.26
Price on the closing date, EUR            24.81        26.86      28.60
Highest quote, EUR                        29.90        27.00      28.75
Lowest quote, EUR                         23.30        19.70      19.70

                                  Book entries         Votes        Shareholders
                                     qty       %       qty       %   qty       %
Finnish total                   16447495   79.23  87360359   95.29  9907   99.34
Foreign total                     435476    2.10    435476    0.48    58    0.58
Nominee-registered (foreign)       14313    0.07     14313    0.02     3    0.03
Nominee-registered (Finnish)     3861524   18.60   3861524    4.21     5    0.05
Total                           20758808  100.00  91671672  100.00  9973  100.00


                           Series   Series A  Total     %       Votes     %     
1. Olvi Foundation         2363904    890613   3254517   15.68  48168693   52.54
2. Hortling Heikki          903488    103280   1006768    4.85  18173040   19.82
 Wilhelm *)                                                    
3. The Heirs of Hortling    187104     25248    212352    1.02   3767328    4.11
 Kalle Einari                                                                   
4. Hortling Timo Einari     165824     35308    201132    0.97   3351788    3.66
5. Hortling-Rinne Laila     102288      2100    104388    0.50   2047860    2.23
6. Pohjola Bank plc, nominee         1902900   1902900    9.17   1902900    2.08
7. Nordea Bank Finland plc,          1318624   1318624    6.35   1318624    1.44
 nominee register                                                               
8. Ilmarinen Mutual Pension           849218    849218    4.09    849218    0.93
 Insurance Company                                                              
9. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab (Publ)                                      
Helsinki branch, nominee register     586848    586848    2.83    586848    0.64
10. Varma Mutual Pension Insurance    511586    511586    2.46    511586    0.56
Others                        9648  10800827  10810475   52.08  10993787   11.99
Total                      3732256  17026552  20758808  100.00  91671672  100.00

*) The figures include the shareholder's own holdings and shares held by
parties in his control. 

EUR 1,000                               
           1-6/2014  1-6/2013  1-12/2013
Increase      22475     12503      34509
Decrease      -2659      -335      -1087
Total         19816     12168      33422

12. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                            
EUR 1,000                                                             
                                      30.6.2014  30.6.2013  31.12.2013
Pledges and contingent liabilities                                    
For own commitments                        3152       5150        2715
Leasing and rental liabilities:                                       
Due within one year                        1209       1136        1238
Due within 1 to 5 years                     880        737         637
Due in more than 5 years                      5          7           6
Leasing and rental liabilities total       2094       1880        1881
Package liabilities                        3349       4121        2781
Other liabilities                          2000       2000        2000


Equity to total assets, % = 100 * (Shareholders' equity held by parent company
shareholders + non-controlling interests) / (Balance sheet total - advances

Earnings per share = Profit belonging to parent company shareholders / Average
number of shares during the period, adjusted for share issues 

Equity per share = Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders /
Number of shares at end of period, adjusted for share issues 

Gearing, % = 100 * (Interest-bearing debt - cash in hand and at bank) /
(Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders + non-controlling
