2012-04-17 15:00:00 CEST

2012-04-17 15:00:08 CEST


Litauiska Engelska
TEO LT, AB - Interim information

Results for the three months of 2012

On 17 April 2012, the Board of TEO LT, AB (hereinafter - “TEO” or “the
Company”) approved unaudited TEO LT, AB Consolidated Interim Financial
Statements, prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards
as adopted by the European Union, for the three months period ended 31 March

The total consolidated TEO Group's revenue in January-March of 2012 was LTL 190
million (EUR 55.2 million), an increase by 2.5 per cent over the total revenue
of LTL 186 million (EUR 53.8 million) in the first three months of 2011. 

EBITDA for the first three months of 2012 went up by 0.7 per cent to LTL 74.4
million (EUR 21.5 million) over LTL 73.9 million (EUR 21.4 million) in the
first three months of 2011. EBITDA margin amounted to 39.1 per cent (39.8 per
cent in 2011). 

Profit before income tax in the first three months of 2012 was up by 1.4 per
cent and amounted to LTL 42.4 million (EUR 12.3 million). It was LTL 41.8
million (EUR 12.1 million) a year ago. 

Profit for the period amounted to LTL 37.1 million (EUR 10.8 million), while a
year ago it was LTL 37.7 million (EUR 10.9 million), a decline by 1.5 per cent.
The profit margin was 19.5 per cent (20.3 per cent a year ago). 

Management's comment on financial results for January-March 2012:

“Despite uncertainties in the economy, TEO produced good result in the first
quarter of 2012. TEO revenue during the first three months increased by 2.5 per
cent compared to the same period in 2011. Operating expenses were somewhat
higher than a year ago, mostly due to non-recurring items. 

Revision of product pricing in 2011 and 2012 had positive result: revenue from
Internet services increased by 4.5 per cent and from TV services - by 23.8 per
cent, mostly driven by the intake of customers of the next-generation
fiber-optic network and IPTV services respectively. Internet customer base
increased by 6 per cent, while number of IPTV service users was up by 17 per
cent. Loss of voice revenue pace did not increase substantially and was fully
compensated by the increase in IT services revenue. 

TEO capital investments during the first quarter of 2012 amounted to LTL 23
million (EUR 6.7 million) and were higher by 57 per cent compared to the same
period in 2011.” 

- TEO LT, AB Consolidated Interim Financial Statements for the three months
period ended 31 March 2012. 
- Presentation of TEO LT, AB results for the three months of 2012.

         Darius Džiaugys,
         Head of Information Sector,
         tel. +370 5 236 7878