2010-05-10 08:00:00 CEST

2010-05-10 08:00:05 CEST


Finnish English
Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement



The ash discharged by the volcanic eruption in Iceland disrupted traffic in     
Europe and Finnair flights were at a total standstill for five whole days. This 
affected all April traffic figures. Due to the ash cloud, more bookings were    
postponed and cancelled than usual, so load factors were lower than usual.      "Finnair's traffic was adversely affected by the ash cloud for over a week,     
which was an unprecedented situation. Within airspace restrictions, we were able
at first to resume flights gradually and the situation returned to normal       
traffic within a few days," says Finnair SVP Communications Christer Haglund.   
Finnair's traffic overall, measured in revenue passenger kilometres, declined by
nearly 23 per cent in April compared with the previous year. Available seat     
kilometres also declined by more than 22 per cent. Scheduled traffic was more   
than 16 per cent lower. The impact of the ash was smallest in Asian traffic,    
which declined by just under six per cent, because it was possible to resume    
long-haul flights more quickly.                                                 

The trend for the early part of the year was positive, however. In              
January-April, Finnair's scheduled traffic grew, measured in revenue passenger  
kilometres, by one and a half per cent. Asian traffic grew by nearly seven per  
cent. Leisure traffic declined by a third in the early part of the year.        
Passenger load factors were also at a good level in the early part of the year. 

TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE APRIL 2010, FINANCIAL YEAR 2010                             

|                                  |   April | %-CHANGE | January-Ap | %-CHANG |
|                                  |    2010 |          |     ril 10 |       E |
| TOTAL TRAFFIC                    |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   442,0 |    -28,4 |    2 281,1 |    -9,0 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   | 1 655,6 |    -22,1 |    8 215,8 |   -13,8 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     | 1 187,8 |    -22,8 |    6 439,0 |    -9,4 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    71,7 |   -0,7 p |       78,4 |   3,8 p |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 7 279,3 |      7,3 |   32 236,9 |    19,3 |
| Available tonne-kilometres mill  |   238,5 |    -25,1 |    1 178,6 |   -17,2 |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill    |   150,9 |    -14,1 |      768,3 |    -2,3 |
| Overall load factor %            |    63,2 |    8,1 p |       65,2 |   9,9 p |
| SCHEDULED TOTAL                  |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   392,2 |    -26,0 |    1 980,7 |    -3,8 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   | 1 425,3 |    -15,5 |    6 548,7 |    -5,8 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     | 1 006,9 |    -16,1 |    4 934,3 |     1,5 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    70,6 |   -0,5 p |       75,3 |   5,4 p |
| EUROPE                           |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   216,9 |    -27,9 |    1 063,4 |    -2,5 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |   485,3 |    -24,8 |    2 213,9 |   -10,2 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |   309,3 |    -28,5 |    1 464,5 |    -3,7 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    63,7 |   -3,4 p |       66,2 |   4,5 p |
| NORTH ATLANTIC                   |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |     9,9 |     -8,8 |       41,6 |    -2,3 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |    93,7 |     -3,8 |      364,0 |     0,6 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    65,5 |     -8,9 |      274,7 |    -2,3 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    70,0 |   -3,9 p |       75,5 |  -2,3 p |
| ASIA                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    79,9 |     -6,6 |      400,2 |     5,1 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |   761,6 |     -7,2 |    3 519,5 |    -1,9 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |   582,6 |     -5,8 |    2 921,3 |     6,5 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    76,5 |    1,2 p |       83,0 |   6,6 p |
| DOMESTIC                         |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    85,5 |    -35,5 |      475,5 |   -12,7 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |    84,7 |    -31,1 |      451,3 |   -15,9 |
| Revenue pax-kilometres mill      |    49,4 |    -35,7 |      273,7 |   -13,1 |
| Passenger load factor %          |    58,4 |   -4,1 p |       60,6 |   1,9 p |
| LEISURE TRAFFIC                  |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    49,8 |    -42,9 |      300,4 |   -33,0 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |   230,4 |    -47,4 |    1 667,1 |   -35,4 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |   180,9 |    -46,6 |    1 504,7 |   -33,0 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    78,5 |    1,1 p |       90,3 |   3,2 p |
| CARGO TRAFFIC                    |         |          |            |         |
| Cargo scheduled traffic total    | 7 209,7 |      9,7 |   31 569,6 |    21,1 |
| tonnes                           |         |          |            |         |
| Europe tonnes                    | 1 286,0 |    -13,0 |    5 981,6 |    -0,3 |
| North Atlantic tonnes            |   674,6 |     44,1 |    2 633,7 |    34,1 |
| Asia tonnes                      | 5 116,2 |     16,0 |   22 203,9 |    29,7 |
| Domestic tonnes                  |   132,9 |    -38,6 |      750,3 |   -23,5 |
| Cargo leisure traffic tonnes     |    69,6 |    -23,2 |      667,4 |    54,0 |
| Scheduled cargo charter tonnes   |     0,0 |   -100,0 |        0,0 |  -100,0 |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 7 279,3 |      7,3 |   32 236,9 |    19,3 |
| Available tonne-kilometres* mill |    56,1 |    -15,9 |      263,4 |   -12,7 |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill    |    44,5 |     17,2 |      191,4 |    27,8 |
| Cargo load factor* %             |    79,2 |   22,4 p |       72,7 |  23,0 p |
| - North-Atlantic cargo load      |    94,4 |   35,5 p |       91,2 |  28,9 p |
| factor* %                        |         |          |            |         |
| - Asia cargo load factor* %      |    95,2 |   27,3 p |       85,4 |  25,2 p |

- * Operational calculatory capacity                                            
- p = Percentage points                                                         
- Change %: Change compared to the figures of the previous year                 
- Revenue passenger kilometres: Number of revenue passengers carried, multiplied
by kilometres flown                                                             
- Available passenger kilometres: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown                                                  
- Available tonne kilometres: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of      
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplies by kilometres flown                      
- Cabin factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available passenger    
- Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne     

Next release on traffic statistics will be released on June 8, 2010.            

Finnair Oyj                                                                     
May 10, 2010                                                                    

Taneli Hassinen                                                                 
VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations                              
Tel. +358 9 818 4976                                                            

Additional information:                                                         
Mr. Lasse Heinonen. EVP & CFO. tel. +358 9 818 4950                             
Mr. Christer Haglund. SVP Corporate Communications. tel. +358 9 818 4007        
Mr. Taneli Hassinen. VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations. tel.   
+358 9 818 4976                                                                 
Mr. Petteri Kostermaa. VP Traffic Planning. tel. +358 9 818 8504