2016-07-12 08:00:01 CEST

2016-07-12 08:00:01 CEST


Lithuanian English
Agrowill Group - Notification on material event

Regarding suspension of trade of shares of Agrowill Group AB

Agrowill Group AB informs that according to decision of Department of market
operations of Nasdaq Vilnius AB, which followed after a request of Bank of
Lithuania, the trading of Company shares in the regulated market is suspended.
The decision was initiated as Company‘s  annual information for 2015 (annual
report and financial statements) is not yet dislosed to the public. 

The Company informs that annual information is not disclosed as the Company has
not received an independent auditors report from KPMG Baltics UAB regarding
it‘s consolidated annual report and consolidated and standalone financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2015. 

According to the agreement with audit company KPMG Baltics UAB, the term to
complete audit of the Company was April 2016. However, up until current moment,
the auditor has not issued auditor‘s report regarding the annual information
for 2015. Due to above-mentioned reason the Company can not present it‘s annual
information for approval of shareholders meeting and disclose it. 

The Company strives to present to investors full and comprehensive information,
but it has no power to influence the decisions of independent auditor,
including various audit procedures and terms. 

After receipt of audit report, Agrowill Group AB will immediately convene the
shareholders meeting and present for it‘s approval the annual information for
the year ended 31 December 2015. The trading of Companies shares will resume

         Vladas Bagavičius
         Member of the Board
         tel. +370 5 233 5340