2010-09-21 14:02:26 CEST

2010-09-21 14:03:24 CEST


Islandic English
Landsvirkjun - Company Announcement

Power purchase agreement between Landsvirkjun and Alcan Iceland endorsed

Landsvirkjun and Alcan Iceland Ltd. have met or have waived the reservations
made in the power purchase agreement between the parties regarding sale of
electricity to the aluminium smelter at Straumsvík. The agreement was signed
last 15 June with specific reservations. The agreement thus comes fully into
force on 1 October 2010. 

The agreement is twofold. First, it involves a renegotiated price on current
sales of energy for the smelter‘s present production (2.932 GWh), and secondly
the provision of additional energy (658 GWh) for the smelter‘s planned
production increase.
The new energy price will take effect on 1 October 2010. The price is in USD
and connected to US Consumer Price Index (CPI). The link to aluminium prices is
removed. The contract is valid until 2036 and thus involves an almost 12 year
extension from the current contract. 

Hörður Arnarson, Landsvirkjun‘s CEO says the agreement is the first step in the
company‘s new strategy for pricing energy in Iceland in line with trends in
international markets. He says the agreement is in many ways a landmark event
in the company's energy sales. 

For more information: 
Ragna Sara Jónsdóttir
Head of Corporate Communications
+(354) 515 9000 / +(354) 849 2122