2008-01-14 09:00:00 CET

2008-01-14 09:00:00 CET


Cramo Oyj - Changes board/management/auditors


MAGNUS ROSÉN RESIGNS FROM CRAMO                                                 

Magnus Rosén, Senior Vice President in the Cramo Group, has decided to leave    
Cramo for a leading position in another industry. The search for a successor    
will be commenced immediately. Mr. Rosén will remain in his present position    
until early July, or until a replacement is in place.                           "Although a regrettable decision, the continuity is well provided for", says    
Vesa Koivula in a comment. "Much to Magnus' credit there is a stable and        
professional organization in place to handle the business".                     

Magnus Rosén has been responsible for Cramo's equipment rental operations in    
Sweden since he joined the company in 1997. The last four years he has also been
chairman for the operations in Denmark and Norway. When Rakentajain             
Konevuokraamo (later renamed Cramo Plc) acquired Cramo in 2006, Magnus Rosén was
appointed Senior Vice President in the group.                                   "Under Magnus' leadership Cramo's Scandinavian operations have developed        
remarkably well", says Vesa Koivula.                                            

CRAMO PLC                                                                       

Vesa Koivula                                                                    
President and CEO                                                               

Further information                          
Vesa Koivula, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 510 5710                          

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Major media                                                                     

Cramo is a rental services company specialising in equipment rental and         
rental-related services, as well as rental and sale of modular space. As one of 
the industry's leading service providers in the Nordic countries and Central and
Eastern Europe, Cramo operates in ten countries with 260 depots. With a group   
staff of approximately 2,000, Cramo's consolidated sales for 2006 totalled EUR  
402 million. The parent company Cramo Plc is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange  
Helsinki. www.cramo.com.