2012-05-04 08:00:08 CEST

2012-05-04 08:00:17 CEST


Finnish English
Exel Composites Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Exel Composites Plc's interim report for January 1 - March 31, 2012

EXEL COMPOSITES PLC     STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                   4.5.2012 at
9.00 1 (11) 



- Net sales were EUR 20.5 (21.5) million in the first quarter of 2012, down by
-4.8 per cent on the previous year 

- Operating profit was EUR 1.8 million in the first quarter of 2012 compared to
EUR 3.1 million in the first quarter of 2011, or 8.9 (14.6) per cent of net

- Net operative cash flow was positive at EUR +1.5 (+1.6) million

- Fully diluted earnings per share were EUR 0.11 (0.20)


Major uncertainties relating to general growth prospects in the economy
continue, and these uncertainties may affect the demand for composite products.
Due to the prevailing state of the markets, the visibility is low. 

Exel Composites maintains its cautious stance in 2012, but will continue to
drive the long-term initiatives to strengthen the Company's competitive
position and to invest in growing market segments to pursue the strategy of
profitable growth. 


“The weak demand continued in the first quarter of 2012. Compared to the first
quarter of 2011, net sales decreased by 4.8 per cent. However, our net sales
improved slightly on the previous quarters and were EUR 20.5 million. Market
demand continued to be good in the building, construction and infrastructure
market segment, as well as in the electrical industry. Demand in
telecommunication products and the machine industry decreased on the previous

The Group's operating profit for the first quarter of 2012 was EUR 1.8 (3.1)
million. The decreased sales volumes and increased employee expenses were the
main reasons for the decrease in the operating profit. Moreover, increased raw
material costs and ramp-up costs of new products had an adverse effect on the
margins. We continued measures to mitigate the effects, and were able to pass
part of the rising costs to the market by increasing product prices. We shall
continue price increases to offset the negative impact. 

The ExelWay project that was launched in the latter half of 2011 was continued.
The project aims at improving co-operation and harmonizing processes between
the units. Project findings including new and efficient business processes and
best practices are to be implemented to improve productivity. 

Visibility remains low and we remain cautious. However, we will continue our
strategy of profitable growth and to invest in the development of new products,
to expand our customer base by reinforcing sales and to maintain good cost
control. We are prepared to take more efficient actions to cope with continuing
slow demand and uncertainty.” 



                                  1.1. -  1.1 - 31.3.  Change %  1.1. -
                                   31.3.         2011            31.12.
                                    2012                           2011
Net sales                           20.5         21.5      -4.8    85.1
Operating profit                     1.8          3.1     -41.7    11.1
% of net sales                       8.9         14.6              13.0
Profit for the period                1.3          2.3     -43.8     7.9
Shareholders' equity                30.3         34.0     -11.0    35.1
Net interest-bearing liabilities    -2.4         -2.4       0.3    -1.7
Capital employed                    38.4         44.2     -13.2    43.2
Return on equity, %                 16.0         28.1              23.5
Return on capital employed, %       18.1         29.1              26.1
Equity ratio, %                     51.5         57.0              61.6
Net gearing, %                      -8.1         -7.2              -5.0
Earnings per share, EUR             0.11         0.20              0.67
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR    0.11         0.20              0.67
Equity per share, EUR               2.54         2.86              2.95


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and
measurement principles of IFRS, which are the same as in the 2011 financial


The softening of the overall demand that started towards the end of 2011
continued in the first quarter of 2012. Compared to the first quarter of 2011,
net sales decreased by 4.8 per cent. However, our net sales improved slightly
on the previous quarters and were EUR 20.5 million. Since year-end the order
book increased by EUR 1.3 million to EUR 14.5 (14.4) million. Market demand
continued to be good in the building, construction and infrastructure market
segment, as well as in the electrical industry. Demand in telecommunication
products and the machine industry softened on the previous year. 

Exel Composites' operating profit for the first quarter of 2012 was EUR 1.8
(3.1) million or 8.9 (14.6) per cent of net sales. The decreased sales volumes
and increased employee expenses were the main reasons for the decrease in the
operating profit. The increased raw material costs and ramp-up costs of new
products had an adverse effect on the margins. Exel Composites continued
measures to mitigate the effects, and passed part of the rising costs to the
market by increasing product prices. Exel Composites shall continue price
increases to offset the negative impact. 

The Group's net financial expenses in the first quarter of 2012 were EUR 0.1
(0.0) million. The Group's profit before taxes was EUR 1.7 (3.1) million and
profit after taxes EUR 1.3 (2.3) million. 

Earnings per share were EUR 0.11 (0.20). Return on capital employed was 18.1
(29.1) per cent. Return on equity was 16.0 (28.1) per cent. 


Cash flow from business operations was positive at EUR 1.5 (1.6) million. Cash
flow before financing, but after capital expenditure, amounted to EUR 0.7 (1.1)

Capital expenditure was financed with cash flow from business operations. At
the end of the review period, the Group's liquid assets stood at EUR 10.6
(12.7) million. 

The Group's consolidated total assets at the end of the period under review
were EUR 58.8 (59.8) million. 

Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 8.1 (10.2) million. Net
interest-bearing liabilities were EUR -2.4 (-2.4) million. 

The dividend for 2011 resolved by the Annual General Meeting on 29 March 2012
totaling EUR 5.9 (5.9) was paid on 12 April 2012. 

Equity at the end of the first quarter of 2012 was EUR 30.3 (34.0) million and
equity ratio 51.5 (57.0) per cent. The net gearing ratio was -8.1 (-7.2) per


The capital expenditure on fixed assets amounted to EUR 0.8 (0.6) million.

Total depreciation of non-current assets during the period under review
amounted to EUR 0.7 (0.7) million. 


The number of Exel Composites Group employees on 31 March 2012 was 433 (418),
of whom 200 (196) worked in Finland and 233 (222) in other countries. The
average number of personnel during the financial year was 428 (416). 

Kim Sjödahl was appointed SVP Product and Technology Development and member of
the Group Management Team as of 1 February 2012. 

The ExelWay project that was launched in the latter half of 2011 was continued.
The project aims at improving co-operation and harmonizing processes between
the units. Project findings including new and efficient business processes and
best practices are to be implemented as the project proceeds. 


At the end of March 2012, Exel Composites' share capital was EUR 2,141,431.74
and the number of shares was 11,896,843. There were no changes in the share
capital during the review period. 

Based on the closing price on 31 March 2012, the market capitalization totaled
EUR 98.6 (110.4) million. During the reporting period 241,203 (343,137) shares
were traded, accounting for 2.0 (2.9) per cent of the average number of shares

The highest share quotation was EUR 8.79 (9.30) and the lowest EUR 7.70 (6.85).
The share price closed at EUR 8.29 (9.28). The average share price during the
period under review was EUR 8.36 (7.90). 

Own shares

Exel Composites did not hold any of its own shares during the period of review.


Exel Composites had a total of 2,726 (2,522) shareholders on 31 March 2012.
Information on Exel Composites' shareholders is available on the Company
website at www.exelcomposites.com. 

Exel Composites received no flagging notifications during the period under


Exel Composites' Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) was held on 29 March 2012. The
financial accounts of the Group were approved and the members of the Board of
Directors and the President were discharged from their liabilities for the
financial year 2011. The AGM approved the Board of Directors' proposal to
distribute a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share for the financial period that ended
on 31 December 2011. 

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to acquire the
Company's own shares by using unrestricted equity. The maximum amount to be
acquired is 600,000 shares. The authorization is valid until the next Annual
General Meeting. 

The AGM confirmed the number of the members of the Board of Directors as five
and elected a new Board. All the members of the Board of Directors were
re-elected: Heikki Hiltunen, Peter Hofvenstam, Göran Jönsson, Reima Kerttula
and Heikki Mairinoja. At the formative meeting of the Board of Directors held
after the AGM, the Board of Directors elected from among its members Peter
Hofvenstam as its Chairman. 

The AGM decided that the annual remuneration for the Board members be
unchanged, i.e. the Chairman of the Board of Directors be paid a yearly
remuneration of EUR 34,000 and additionally EUR 1,500 for attendance at Board
and committee meetings and other similar Board assignments and the other Board
members be paid a yearly remuneration of EUR 16,000 and additionally EUR 1,000
for attendance at Board and committee meetings and other similar Board
assignments and that travel expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses arising
from the Board work be compensated in accordance with the Company's established
practice and travel rules. Out of the yearly remuneration 60 per cent will be
paid in cash and 40 per cent in Exel Composites Plc shares, which were acquired
directly for and on behalf of the members of the Board of Directors during 2
April - 10 April 2012 from the stock exchange in amounts corresponding to EUR
13,600 for the Chairman and EUR 6,400 for each of the other members. 


The most significant near-term business risks are related to the general
economic development, government regulations and a possible new financial
crisis in the Euro area as well as to market demand in certain market segments.
Raw material prices, energy cost and other cost increases may continue and put
pressure on profitability. In case the European Commission decides on new
anti-dumping tariffs to be imposed on Chinese glass fiber, it may have a
negative effect on the profitability if the rising costs of glass fiber can
only be transferred partially to product prices. Currency rate changes, price
competition and alternative competing materials may also have a negative effect
on the result. The availability and cost of financing may continue to have an
effect on the demand and increase the risk of credit losses. 


Major uncertainties relating to general growth prospects in the economy
continue, and these uncertainties may affect the demand for composite products.
Due to the prevailing state of the markets, the visibility is low. 

Exel Composites maintains its cautious stance in 2012, but will continue to
drive the long-term initiatives to strengthen the Company's competitive
position and to invest in growing market segments to pursue the strategy of
profitable growth. 



EUR thousand                              1.1. -     1.1. -  Change,      1.1. -
                                           31.3.      31.3.        %      31.12.
                                            2012       2011                 2011
Net sales                                 20,519     21,548     -4.8      85,136
Materials and services                    -8,119     -8,378      3.1     -33,358
Employee benefit expenses                 -5,618     -5,221     -7.6     -21,133
Depreciation and impairment                 -742       -684     -8.5      -2,702
Other operating expenses                  -4,452     -4,262     -4.5     -17,709
Other operating income                       240        135     77.8         849
Operating profit                           1,828      3,137    -41.7      11,082
Net financial items                          -83        -23   -260.9        -284
Profit before tax                          1,745      3,115    -44.0      10,798
Income taxes                                -435       -782     44.4      -2,852
Profit/loss for the period                 1,310      2,333    -43.8       7,946
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Exchange differences on translating         -205       -867     76.4         893
 foreign operations                                                             
Other comprehen-sive income, net of            0          0        0           0
Total comprehensive income                 1,105      1,466    -24.6       8,839
Profit/loss attributable to:                                                    
Equity holders of the parent company       1,310      2,333                7,946
Comprehensive income                                                            
attributable to:                                                                
Equity holders of the parent company       1,105      1,466                8,839
Earnings per share, diluted and             0.11       0.20                 0.67
 undiluted, EUR                                                                 


EUR thousand                            31.3.2012  31.3.2011  Change  31.12.2011
Non-current assets                                                              
Goodwill                                   11,854     11,231     623      11,939
Other intangible assets                     1,803      2,203    -400       1,961
Tangible assets                            11,730     10,248   1,482      11,612
Deferred tax assets                           147      1,661  -1,514         148
Other non-current assets                       65         63       2          64
Non-current assets total                   25,600     25,406     193      25,723
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                10,278      9,480     798      10,499
Trade and other receivables                12,389     12,258     131      10,985
Cash at bank and in hand                   10,551     12,662  -2,111       9,840
Current assets total                       33,218     34,400  -1,182      31,323
Total assets                               58,818     59,805    -987      57,046
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Shareholders' equity                                                            
Share capital                               2,141      2,141       0       2,141
Other reserves                                 30         30       0          30
Invested unrestricted equity fund           8,488      8,488       0       8,488
Translation differences                     3,999      2,488   1,511       4,204
Retained earnings                          14,306     18,536  -4,230      12,309
Profit for the period                       1,310      2,333  -1,023       7,946
Total equity attributable to equity        30,274     34,017  -3,743      35,118
 holders of the parent company                                                  
Total equity                               30,274     34,017  -3,743      35,118
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Interest-bearing liabilities                8,103     10,206  -2,103       8,088
Interest-free liabilities                     400        364      36         392
Deferred tax liabilities                      520        542     -22         539
Current liabilities                                                             
Interest-bearing liabilities                   10         10       0          10
Trade and other non-current                19,512     14,667   4,845      12,900
Total liabilities                          28,544     25,788   2,756      21,928
Total equity and liabilities               58,818     59,805    -987      57,046


EUR thousand   Share     Other          Invested  Translation   Retained   Total
              Capita  Reserves      Unrestricted  Differences   Earnings        
                   l                 Equity Fund                                
Balance at 1   2,141        37             8,488        3,311     18,529  32,507
Comprehensiv       0         0                 0         -867      2,333   1,466
e result                                                                        
Other items        0        -7                 0            0         52      44
Dividend                                                    0                  0
Balance at     2,141        30             8,488        2,444     20,914  34,017
 31 March                                                                       
Balance at 1   2,141        30             8,488        4,204     20,255  35,118
Comprehensiv       0         0                 0         -205      1,310   1,105
e result                                                                        
Other items        0         0                 0            0                  0
Dividend                                                    0     -5,948  -5,948
Balance at     2,141        30             8,488  3,999           15,616  30,274
 31 March                                                                       


EUR thousand                          1.1. -      1.1. -  Change          1.1. -
                                       31.3.       31.3.              31.12.2011
                                        2012        2011                        
Cash Flow from Operating Activities                                             
Profit for the period                  1,310       2,333  -1,023           7,946
Adjustments                            1,153       1,222     -69           6,308
Change in working capital               -179      -1,605   1,426          -2,216
Cash Flow Generated by                 2,284       1,950     334          12,038
Interest paid                            -47         -50       3            -349
Interest received                         20          27      -7             129
Other financial items                     14          41     -27            -191
Income taxes paid                       -767        -337    -430          -2,067
Net Cash Flow from Operating           1,504       1,631    -127           9,560
Capital expenditure                     -790        -573    -217          -3,208
Proceeds from sale of fixed                0           0       0               0
Cash Flow from Investing                -790        -573    -217          -3,208
Cash Flow from Financing                                                        
Share issue                                0           0       0               0
Proceeds from long-term                    0           0       0               0
Instalments of long-term                   0           0       0          -2,160
Change in short-term loans                 0           0       0               0
Instalments of finance lease              -3          -2      -1             -10
Dividends paid                             0           0       0          -5,948
Net Cash Flow from Financing              -3          -2      -1          -8,118
Change in Liquid Funds                   711       1,056    -345          -1,766
Liquid funds in the beginning of       9,840      11,606  -1,766          11,606
Change in liquid funds                   711       1,056    -345          -1,766
Liquid funds at the end of            10,551      12,662  -2,111           9,840


EUR thousand                                  I/     IV/    III/     II/      I/
                                            2012    2011    2011    2011    2011
Net sales                                 20,519  19,758  20,463  23,367  21,548
Materials and services                    -8,119  -7,529  -8,156  -9,295  -8,378
Employee benefit expenses                 -5,618  -5,419  -4,820  -5,672  -5,221
Depreciation and impairment                 -742    -672    -683    -663    -684
Operating expenses                        -4,452  -4,668  -4,356  -4,424  -4,262
Other operating income                       240     284     113     317     135
Operating profit                           1,828   1,754   2,560   3,630   3,137
Net financial items                          -83     -31    -126    -104     -23
Profit before taxes                        1,745   1,723   2,434   3,527   3,115
Income taxes                                -435    -459    -664    -948    -782
Profit/loss for the period from            1,310   1,264   1,770   2,579   2,333
 continuing operations                                                          
Profit/loss for the period                 1,310   1,264   1,770   2,579   2,333
Earnings per share, EUR                     0.11    0.11    0.15    0.22    0.20
Earnings per share, EUR, diluted            0.11    0.11    0.15    0.22    0.20
Average number of shares, undiluted,                                            
                            1,000 shares  11,897  11,897  11,897  11,897  11,897
Average number of shares, diluted,                                              
                            1,000 shares  11,897  11,897  11,897  11,897  11,897
Average number of personnel                  428     433     433     432     416


EUR thousand          31.3.2012  31.3.2011
On own behalf                             
Mortgages                 2,783      2,783
Corporate mortgages      12,500     12,500
Lease liabilities                         
-  in next 12 months        934      1,068
-  in next 1-5 years      3,017      2,111
Other commitments            43          6


Nominal values             31.3.2012  31.3.2011
EUR thousand                                   
Interest rate derivatives                      
Interest rate swaps           10,000     10,000


EUR thousand                   1.1. - 31.3.  1.1. - 31.3.  Change %       1.1. -
                                       2012          2011                 31.12.
Net sales                            20,519        21,548      -4.8       85,136
Operating profit                      1,829         3,137     -41.7       11,082
% of net sales                          8.9          14.6                   13.0
Profit before tax                     1,745         3,115     -44.0       10,798
% of net sales                          8.5          14.5                   12.7
Profit for the period                 1,310         2,333     -43.8        7,946
% of net sales                          6.4          10.8                    9.3
Shareholders' equity                 30,274        34,017     -11.0       35,118
Interest-bearing liabilities          8,113        10,216     -20.6        8,098
Cash and cash equivalents            10,551        12,662     -16.7        9,840
Net interest-bearing                 -2,438        -2,446       0.3       -1,742
Capital employed                     38,387        44,232     -13.2       43,216
Return on equity, %                    16.0          28.1                   23.5
Return on capital employed, %          18.1          29.1                   26.1
Equity ratio, %                        51.5          57.0                   61.6
Net gearing, %                         -8.1          -7.2                   -5.0
Capital expenditure                     790           573      37.8        3,208
% of sales                              3.8           2.7                    3.8
Research and development                411           364      12.9        1,639
% of net sales                          2.0           1.7                    1.9
Order stock                          14,459        14,430       0.2       13,114
Earnings per share, EUR                0.11          0.20     -43.9         0.67
Earnings per share, EUR,               0.11          0.20     -43.9         0.67
Equity per share, EUR                  2.54          2.86     -11.2         2.95
Average number of shares                                                        
- cumulative                         11,897        11,897       0.0       11,897
- cumulative, diluted                11,897        11,897       0.0       11,897
Average number of employees             428           416       2.9          428


Exel Composites will hold an analyst and press conference regarding the interim
report today Friday 4 May 2012 at 12.30 p.m. in the Pavilion Cabinet of the
Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä at Simonkatu 9, Helsinki, Finland. 


Certain statements in this report, which are not historical facts, including,
without limitation, those regarding expectations for general economic
development and market situation; regarding customer industry profitability and
investment willingness; regarding Company growth, development and
profitability; regarding cost savings; regarding fluctuations in exchange rates
and interest levels; regarding the success of pending and future acquisitions
and restructurings; and statements preceded by "believes,""expects,""anticipates,""foresees" or similar expressions are forward-looking

These statements are based on current expectations and currently known facts.
Therefore, they involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results
to differ materially from results currently expected by the Company. 

Other unknown or unpredictable factors or underlying assumptions subsequently
proving to be incorrect could cause actual results to differ materially from
those in the forward-looking statements. Exel Composites does not undertake any
obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as
a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent
legally required. 

Vantaa, 4 May 2012

EXEL COMPOSITES PLC                           Vesa Korpimies

Board of Directors                                      President and CEO


Vesa Korpimies, President and CEO, tel. +358 50 590 6754, or email

Ilkka Silvanto, CFO and Administrative Director, tel. +358 50 598 9553, or
email ilkka.silvanto@exelcomposites.com 

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.
Main news media


Exel Composites (www.exelcomposites.com) is a technology company which designs,
manufactures and markets composite profiles and tubes for industrial
applications. The Group is the leading composite profile manufacturer in the
world and concentrates on growing niche segments. 

The core of the operations is based on own, internally developed composite
technology, product range based on it and a strong market position in selected
segments with a strong quality and brand image. Profitable growth is pursued by
a relentless search for new applications and development in co-operation with
customers. The personnel's expertise and high level of technology play a major
role in Exel Composites' operations. 

Exel Composites Plc share is listed in the Small Cap segment of NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Ltd.