2008-06-17 12:00:00 CEST

2008-06-17 12:00:00 CEST


Suomi Englanti
PKC Group Oyj - Changes board/management/auditors


PKC Group Oyj	STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 	17 June 2008 13.00 p.m. 

MARJA SARAJÄRVI APPOINTED PKC GROUP'S CFO                                       

M.Sc. (Econ.), Marja Sarajärvi (44) has been appointed PKC Group's CFO. Her     
responsibilities shall include group's finance and HR. Sarajärvi has been with  
the group from 1995 in responsible finance and administrative duties, latest as 
group financial manager. Sarajärvi transfers to the position at the latest on 1 
September 2008.                                                                 

LL.M (with court training) Sanna Raatikainen (35) has been appointed group's    
General Counsel as of 16 June 2008. Her responsibilities shall include also     
business development and risk management. Raatikainen has been with the group   
from 1999 as legal counsel.                                                     

Sarajärvi and Raatikainen shall belong to the group's Executive Board in their  
new duties.                                                                     

PKC Group Oyj                                                                   

Harri Suutari                                                                   
President & CEO                                                                 

For additional information, contact                                             
Harri Suutari, President & CEO, PKC Group Oyj, + 358 400 384 937                

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Main media                                                                      

The PKC Group offers design and contract manufacturing services for wiring      
harnesses, cabling and electronics. The Group has production facilities in      
Finland, Brazil, China, Mexico, Estonia and Russia, and employs over 5,300      
people. The Group's net sales in 2007 totalled EUR 288.6 million. PKC Group Oyj 
is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki.