2017-08-18 16:00:01 CEST

2017-08-18 16:00:01 CEST


English Lithuanian
Zemaitijos Pienas - General meeting of shareholders

In regards to convocation of an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company

On the initiative of Board of directors and AB “ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS“ and in accordance with the resolution of the Company Board of directors of 17 August 2017 (registered address: Sedos g. 35, Telšiai, registration number of the company 180240752, hereinafter referred to as Company) an extraordinary general meeting of the Company shareholders shall be convened on 08 September 2017.


The meeting shall be held in the conference room of Public institution Telšių apskrities verslo inkubatorius, address: Sedos g. 34A, Telšiai.


The meetings shall start at 11:00 a.m. (the registration of shareholders shall start from 10.00 a.m. to 10.50 a.m., place of registration - conference room of Public institution Telšių apskrities verslo inkubatorius, address: Sedos g. 34A, Telšiai.


The record date of the meeting is 01 September 2017 (persons who are shareholders of the Company only shall have a right to take part and vote in a general meeting of shareholders at the end of the record day of the general’ meeting of shareholders or their authorized persons an agreement of transfer of a voting right has been signed with).


Agenda of the meeting:

  1. Organizational issues of the meeting;
  2. Selection of the Audit Company and determination of the essential terms and conditions of the agreement on the auditor services.

The Company does not permit to participate and vote in the meeting by using electronic means of communication.


Draft resolutions of the issues on the agenda of the meeting (enclosed as Annex No 1), documents that have been delivered to the general meeting of shareholders and information related to the exercise of shareholders’ rights have been announced following the procedure defined by legislation.


Shareholders whose held shares grant at least 1/20 of all votes may propose appending the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders and produce the draft resolution of the general meeting of shareholders for each proposed additional issue or an explanation where the resolution is not required. Proposals for appending the agenda shall be delivered in writing of sent by an electronic mail. Proposals in writing shall be served to the Company during working days or mailed by a registered mail to the registered address of the Company specified in the notice. Proposals by electronic mail shall be delivered by sending them by e-mail to the address: info@zpienas.lt. The agenda shall be appended if the proposal is received no later than 14 days until the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. Should the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders is appended the Company shall give a notice of them no later than 10 days until the meeting in the same ways as convocation of the meeting.


Shareholders whose held shares grant minimum 1/20 of all votes may make proposals of new draft resolutions on the issues that have been included or shall be included into the agenda of the meeting at any time before the general meeting of shareholders or during the meeting. Proposals may be delivered in writing or by an electronic mail. The proposals in writing shall be served to the Company during the working hours or mailed by a registered mail to the registered address of the Company specified in the notice. Proposals by an electronic mail shall be delivered by sending them by e-mail to the address: info@zpienas.lt.


Shareholders are entitled to ask questions to the Company related to the issues on the agenda of the meeting. A shareholder can deliver his/her questions in writing to the Company or send by a registered mail to the registered address of the Company specified in the notice no later than 2 working days until the meeting. The Company shall answer these questions by an electronic mail or in writing before the meeting except for the issues that are related to the Company trade (industrial) secret, confidential information or the ones that shall be delivered later than 3 working days before the meeting.


Shareholders or their proxies shall produce a document that proves his/her identity when they register for attendance in the meeting. Proxies of shareholders must present the powers of attorney issued following the procedure stipulated in legislation. A power of attorney issued by a natural person shall be certified by the notary public. A power of attorney that has been issued in a foreign country shall be translated into Lithuanian and legalized following the procedure defined by laws. A proxy can be authorized by more than just one shareholder and vote in a different way subject to the instructions given by each shareholder.


The Company does not establish a specific form for the power of attorney. A shareholder that holds shares of the Company, acquired on his/her behalf, however to the interest of other persons shall reveal to the Company the identity of the final customer, a number of shares that are used for voting and subject matter of the voting instructions given to him/her or another explanation in regards to the agreed attendance of the customer in the meeting and voting in the general meeting of shareholders prior to voting in the general meeting of shareholders. A shareholder may vote by the votes granted by such a portion of shares in a different way than the votes granted by another portion of shares.


A shareholder or his/her proxy may vote in advance in writing by filling in a general voting ballot (enclosed as Annex No 2). In case a shareholder asks in writing the Company shall send a general voting ballot by a registered letter or serve it personally by signing 10 days before the meeting at the latest. The filled in general voting ballot shall be signed by a shareholder or his/her proxy and documents supporting such authorizations shall be presented. In case a general voting ballot is signed by a proxy of the shareholder, a document confirming the right to vote shall be enclosed. The filled in general voting ballot alongside the enclosed documents (if any) shall be delivered to the registered address of the Company specified in the notice of the Company no later than before the meeting. Draft resolution of the general meeting of shareholders and other information shall be published following the procedure defined by legislation.


Shareholders of the Company will be able to get familiar with draft resolutions of the meeting and the form of the general voting ballot following the procedure defined by legislation also at the registered address of the Company: Sedos g. 35, Telšiai or on the website of the Company, address: http://www.zpienas.lt/.

         G. Keliauskas
         + 370 444 22208