2009-02-05 08:30:00 CET

2009-02-05 08:30:04 CET


Finska Engelska
UPM-Kymmene - Financial Statement Release

UPM's Financial Review 2008

UPM-Kymmene Corporation  Annual Financial Statement 5 February 2009 at 09:30

Earnings per share for 2008 were EUR -0.35 (0.16), excluding special items EUR 
0.42 (1.00). Operating profit for the year was EUR 24 million (483 million), 
excluding special items EUR 513 million (835 million).
Operating loss for the fourth quarter was EUR 286 million (profit of EUR 142 
million), excluding special items operating loss was EUR 46 million (profit of 
EUR 194 million). Operating cash flow was EUR 628 million (867 million).
High cost of wood and energy lowered profitability.

Key figures
                        Q4/    Q4/ Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                       2008   2007   2008   2007

Sales, EUR million    2,315  2,512  9,461 10,035
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  178    351  1,206  1,546
% of sales              7.7   14.0   12.7   15.4
Operating profit       -286    142     24    483
(loss), EUR million
excluding special       -46    194    513    835
items, EUR million
% of sales             -2.0    7.7    5.4    8.3
Profit (loss)          -360     92   -201    292
before tax, EUR million
excluding special      -120    144    282    644
items, EUR million
Net profit (loss)      -286     29   -180     81
for the period, EUR million
Earnings per share,   -0.56   0.06  -0.35   0.16
excluding special     -0.19   0.24   0.42   1.00
items, EUR
Diluted earnings      -0.56   0.06  -0.35   0.16
per share, EUR
Return on equity, %    neg.    1.7   neg.    1.2
excluding special      neg.    7.1    3.4    7.4
items, %
Return on capital      neg.    5.1    0.2    4.3
employed, %
excluding special      neg.    6.9    4.6    7.4
items, %
Operating cash flow    0.69   0.57   1.21   1.66
per share, EUR
Gearing ratio at         71     59     71     59
end of period, %
Shareholders'         11.74  13.21  11.74  13.21
equity per share 
at end of period, EUR
Net interest-bearing  4,321  3,973  4,321  3,973
liabilities at end
of period, EUR million
Capital employed at  11,193 11,098 11,193 11,098
end of period, EUR million
Capital expenditure,    113    173    551    708
expenditure, EUR million
Personnel at end of  24,983 26,352 24,983 26,352

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges and excluding the change in value of biological assets and the share of 
results of associated companies and joint ventures and special items.

The market in 2008

The two halves of 2008 were very different in nature. The year 2008 started 
with expectations of slower growth globally despite increasing commodity prices 
and rising inflation. The picture changed in late summer with the global 
financial crisis and downward revised economic forecasts. Consumer confidence 
in North America and Europe dropped dramatically.

Volatility characterised currency markets throughout the year. The dollar 
increased in value against the euro in the early part of the year, then 
decreased but rebounded again at the very end of the year. The UK pound and 
Swedish krona devalued against the euro, particularly in the last couple of 
months of the year.

Prices for commodities and raw materials kept rising in the early part of the 
year. However, rapidly deteriorating demand has depressed prices since late 
summer. In early December, crude oil prices plunged to less than a third from 
the record high level reached in July. Demand and prices for pulp have declined 
sharply since April due to lower paper and board demand. Wood raw material 
prices in Finland increased in the beginning of the year. Demand for wood raw 
material was still at a high level, but since early summer prices decreased due 
to lower demand. The threat of prohibitive export duties for wood raw material 
from Russia disturbed the wood markets in Finland during the year. Production 
costs for the forest industry increased considerably.

Global advertising expenditure declined on an annual basis from the previous 
year, but with large differences between different regions. Print advertising 
declined in value, but held its place as the second largest major medium. In 
value terms, newspapers and magazines suffered, but direct mail continued to 
grow. As a consequence of rapid downturn in the economy and a decline in print 
advertising the demand for graphic papers in Europe and North America declined. 
In response to the weak market balance, significant paper capacity closures and 
production curtailments were made both in Europe and in North America during 

The global retail sector faced a significant pull back in consumer spending, 
slowing down the growth of the sector. This affected packaging needs for 
consumer goods as well as the demand for self-adhesive label materials and 
advertising in the retail sector.

Housing markets deteriorated globally, taking a sharp downturn after the summer 
months and leading to a very rapid decrease in construction toward the end of 
the year. This influenced the markets for building materials, including those 
for wood based materials.

New business structure

In December, UPM adopted a new business structure. The company now consists of 
three Business Groups: Energy and pulp, Paper, and Engineered materials.

The company now reports financial information for the following seven business 
areas: Energy, Pulp, Forest and timber, Paper, Label, Plywood and Other 
operations. The comparative figures have been revised to correspond with the 
new structure.


Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

Sales for the fourth quarter of 2008 were EUR 2,315 million, 8% lower than the 
EUR 2,512 million for the fourth quarter of 2007. Sales decreased due to lower 
deliveries across all of UPM's businesses.

The operating loss was EUR 286 million, 12.4% of sales (profit of EUR 142 
million, 5.7% of sales). The operating loss excluding special items was EUR 46 
million, 2.0% of sales (profit of EUR 194 million, 7.7% of sales). Operating 
loss includes charges net of EUR 240 million as special items. This includes 
restructuring charges of EUR 143 million related to the closure of the Kajaani 
paper mill, EUR 59 million related to the closure of the Tervasaari pulp mill, 
charges of EUR 28 million related to restructuring of UPM Raflatac's European 
operations, and other restructuring charges net of EUR 10 million.

Profitability declined clearly from the same period last year. With the 
exception of Energy, all of UPM's business areas showed lower profitability. 
Lower deliveries in all of UPM's business areas and higher energy and wood 
costs had a negative impact on the results. Energy costs increased 
approximately EUR 50 million. Wood costs increased by almost EUR 60 million 
including a write down of EUR 36 million in wood inventories. Extensive 
production downtime was taken in paper, pulp and plywood mills and sawmills, 
which decreased cost efficiency of production during the quarter. Product 
inventories decreased significantly. In addition, the change in the fair value 
of biological assets net of wood harvested was EUR 2 million negative compared 
to EUR 47 million positive a year before.

The average paper price in euro increased by approximately 6% from the same 
period last year. Timber and plywood prices declined, reducing profitability in 
the respective business areas. The average price for label materials increased 
in all markets.

The share of the results of associated companies and joint ventures was EUR -16 
million (2 million).

The loss before tax was EUR 360 million (profit of EUR 92 million) and 
excluding special items EUR 120 million (profit of EUR 144 million). Interest 
and other finance costs net were EUR 60 million (46 million). Exchange rate and 
fair value gains and losses resulted in a loss of EUR 14 million (loss of EUR 4 

Income taxes were EUR 74 million positive (63 million negative). The impact on 
taxes from special items was EUR 51 million positive (40 million negative).

The loss for the fourth quarter was EUR 286 million (profit of EUR 29 million) 
and earnings per share were EUR -0.56 (0.06). Earnings per share excluding 
special items were EUR -0.19 (0.24).

2008 compared with 2007

Sales for 2008 were EUR 9,461 million, 6% lower than in 2007 (10,035 million). 
Sales decreased due to lower deliveries across all of UPM's businesses.

The operating profit was EUR 24 million (483 million), 0.3% of sales (4.8%). 
The operating profit excluding special items was EUR 513 million, 5.4% of sales 
(EUR 835 million, 8.3% of sales). The operating profit includes charges net of 
EUR 489 million as special items (charges of EUR 352 million). In Pulp special 
items of EUR 59 million relate to the closure of the Tervasaari pulp mill in 
December. This includes impairment charges of EUR 51 million and other costs 
EUR 8 million. In Forest and timber special items of EUR 36 million include 
impairment charges of EUR 31 million related to the Finnish sawmilling 
operations recognised in September, and other restructuring costs of EUR 5 
million. Special items in Paper amounted to EUR 379 million including a 
goodwill impairment charge of EUR 230 million recognised in September. In 
addition, impairment charges of EUR 101 million and other restructuring costs 
of EUR 42 million were booked related to the closure of the Kajaani paper mill 
in December. Other restructuring costs were, net of EUR 6 million. In Label 
special items of EUR 28 million recorded in December, relate to restructuring 
measures in Europe. The costs include impairment charges of EUR 7 million and 
other restructuring costs of EUR 21 million. Special items of EUR 3 million in 
Plywood relate to income on disposals. In Other operations special items 
include an adjustment of EUR 5 million to sales of disposals of 2007 and other 
restructuring income net of EUR 5 million. Restructuring costs have 
approximately EUR 70 million negative cash effect mainly for the year 2009.

Profitability declined clearly from last year. With the exception of Energy, 
all of UPM's business areas showed lower profitability. The main reason for the 
lower profitability was higher wood costs. Wood costs were approximately 
EUR 220 million higher than last year, including a write down of EUR 36 million 
in wood inventory made in the fourth quarter. Energy costs increased 
approximately EUR 100 million. Fixed costs declined markedly. The net increase 
in cost level was above 2%.

Towards the end of the year deliveries declined significantly from last year 
across all of UPM's businesses. In Paper, higher average paper prices offset 
the impact of lower paper deliveries. In the fourth quarter, UPM took extensive 
production downtime in paper, pulp and plywood mills and sawmills, which 
decreased cost efficiency of production during the quarter.

UPM's paper inventories at the end of the year were approximately 200,000 
tonnes lower than a year ago.

The change in the fair value of biological assets net of wood harvested was 
EUR 50 million (79 million).

The share of the results of associated companies and joint ventures was EUR 62 
million (43 million).

The loss before tax was EUR 201 million (profit of EUR 292 million) and
special items a profit of EUR 282 million (644 million). Interest and other 
finance costs were EUR 202 million (191 million) net. Exchange rate and fair 
value gains and losses resulted in a loss of EUR 25 million (loss of EUR 2 

Income taxes were EUR 21 million positive (EUR 211 million negative). The 
impact on taxes from special items was EUR 86 million positive (EUR 87 million 
negative). The effective tax rate excluding the impact of special items was 23% 

The loss for the year was EUR 180 million (profit of EUR 81 million) and 
earnings per share were EUR -0.35 (0.16). Earnings per share excluding special 
items were EUR 0.42 (1.00). Operating cash flow per share was EUR 1.21 (1.66).

Return on capital employed was 0.2% (4.3%) and excluding special items 4.6% 


Cash flow from operating activities, before capital expenditure and financing, 
was EUR 628 million (867 million). The increase in net working capital amounted 
to EUR 132 million (204 million), which is attributable primarily to wood
operations. The cash flow from operations was also negatively affected by a 
one-time cash contribution for changing the UK pension plans from defined 
benefit to defined contribution, and settlement of the restructuring provisions 
related to the closure of the Miramichi paper mill in 2007.

The gearing ratio as of 31 December was 71% (59% on 31 December 2007). Net 
interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the year came to EUR 4,321 million 
(3,973 million). The average maturity of interest-bearing liabilities at year 
end was 5.7 years (6.1 years).

At the end of the year the ratings for UPM's rated bonds were BBB- by S&P, and 
Baa3 by Moody's under review for a possible downgrade.


In 2008, UPM had an average of 26,017 employees (28,246). At the beginning of 
the year the number of employees was 26,352, and at the end of the year it was 
24,983. The reduction by 1,369 persons is mostly attributable to the 
Profitability Programme.

Capital expenditure

In 2008, capital expenditure, excluding acquisitions and share purchases, was 
EUR 532 million, 5.6% of sales (EUR 683 million, 6.8% of sales). Including 
acquisitions and share purchases, capital expenditure was EUR 551 million, 5.8% 
of sales (EUR 708 million, 7.1%). Operational capital expenditure was EUR 235 
million (268 million).

In April, UPM signed a shareholders' agreement to form a 50/50 joint venture 
company with the Russian Sveza Group to build a forest industry facility in the 
Vologda region of Northwest Russia. The letter of intent was signed in December 
2007. The planned industrial complex would include a modern pulp mill, a 
sawmill and an OSB building panels mill. The final investment decision is 
subject to satisfactory outcome of the final feasibility study and the 
necessary approvals from the relevant authorities.

The new self-adhesive label materials factory in Dixon, Illinois, started 
operations in February. The total investment cost was USD 100 million.

The rebuild of the recovery plant at the Kymi pulp mill was completed in June. 
The new plant improves the energy self-sufficiency and efficiency of the mill. 
In addition, CO2 and other emissions are reduced. The total cost of the project 
was EUR 360 million.

The new self-adhesive label materials factory in Wroclaw, Poland, started 
operations in November. The total investment cost was EUR 94 million.

UPM is building a new renewable energy power plant at the Caledonian mill in 
Irvine, Scotland. The total investment cost is estimated to be EUR 75 million. 
The new power plant is scheduled to start in the second quarter of 2009.

In December, Teollisuuden Voima Oy informed UPM that the supplier of the 
nuclear power plant Olkiluoto 3 has filed a request for arbitration concerning 
the delay and related costs. UPM's associated company Pohjolan Voima Oy is with 
58.12% a majority shareholder of Teollisuuden Voima Oy.


The Profitability Programme for 2006-2008 was completed. By the end of 2008, 
reduction of personnel was 4,300 and the achieved annual cost savings are 
approximately EUR 190 million compared with the cost level of 2006.

In addition to the above programme, UPM has continued with new initiatives and 
actions to improve its profitability. In December 2008 UPM closed uncompetitive 
paper and pulp capacity in Finland, including the Kajaani paper mill (annual 
capacity 640,000 tonnes of newsprint, special newsprint and uncoated magazine 
papers) and the Tervasaari pulp mill (annual capacity 210,000 tonnes of pulp). 
The closures will affect around 700 employees. The Kajaani and Tervasaari 
closures are expected to have a positive EBITDA impact.

In June, UPM closed down the Luumäki timber components and planing mill.

In December, UPM closed down the Leivonmäki sawmill (annual capacity of 80,000 
cubic metres of sawn timber).

In September UPM announced a plan for measures to improve efficiency in all of 
the company's business groups and functions. A preliminary estimate of the 
number of employees affected by these measures is around 950. The streamlining 
of operations is expected to result in annual savings of about EUR 70 million 
in fixed costs. Negotiations with the employee representatives have begun and 
expected to be concluded during the first half of 2009.

In November, UPM's Label business area announced plans to restructure its 
European operations. The plan includes reduction of coating capacity, closing 
down a number of self-adhesive labelstock production lines and reduction in 
slitting capacity in the UK, France, Germany, Hungary and Finland. The number 
of employees affected by this programme is estimated to be approximately 340. 
The final decisions will be taken after consultation and negotiation with the 
employees in the relevant countries.

The planned actions will improve the cost competitiveness and profitability of 
UPM's Label business area. The aim is to reduce operating costs annually by 
about EUR 25 million, with no material impact on the sales.


In 2008, UPM shares worth, in total EUR 10,549 million (16,472 million) were 
traded on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki stock exchange. The highest quotation was 
EUR 13.87 in January and the lowest EUR 8.15 in December.

The company's ADSs are traded on the US over-the-counter (OTC) market under a 
Level 1 sponsored American Depositary Receipt programme.

The Annual General Meeting held on 26 March 2008 approved a proposal to 
authorise the Board of Directors to decide to buy back not more than 51,000,000 
own shares. The authorisation is valid for 18 months from the date of the 

On the basis of the decisions of the Annual General Meeting of 27 March 2007, 
the Board has the authority to decide on a free issue of shares to the company 
itself so that the total number of shares to be issued to the company combined 
with the number of own shares bought back under the buyback authorisation may 
not exceed 1/10 of the total number of shares of the company.

In addition, the Board has the authority to decide to issue shares and special 
rights entitling the holder to shares of the company. The number of new shares 
to be issued, including shares to be obtained under special rights, shall be no 
more than 250,000,000. Of that, the maximum number that can be issued to the 
company's shareholders based on their pre-emptive rights is 250,000,000 shares 
and the maximum amount that can be issued deviating from the shareholders' 
pre-emptive rights in a directed share issue is 100,000,000 shares. The maximum 
number of new shares to be issued as part of the company's incentive programmes 
is 5,000,000. Furthermore, the Board is authorised to decide on the disposal of 
own shares. To date, this authorisation has not been used. These authorisations 
of the 2007 Annual General Meeting will remain valid for no more than three 
years from the date of the decision.

The meeting 27 March 2007 also decided on granting share options in connection 
with the company's share-based incentive plans. In option programmes 2007A, 
2007B and 2007C, the total number of share options is no more than 15,000,000, 
and they will entitle to subscribe for, in total, no more than 15,000,000 new 
shares of the company.

Apart from the above, the Board of Directors has no current authorisation to 
issue shares, convertible bonds, or share options.

In 2008, 7,400,768 shares were subscribed for through exercising of outstanding 
share options. The number of shares entered in the Trade Register on 31 
December 2008 was 519,970,088. Through the issuance authorisation and share 
options, the number of shares may increase to a maximum of 790,970,088.

At the end of the year the company held 15,944 of its own shares, 0.003% of the 
total number of shares, which have been granted under the Group's share reward 
scheme. These shares have been returned in connection with termination of 
service contracts.

The company has received the following notifications from shareholders: Norges 
Bank on 24 October 2008 held 5.01% of the share capital and the voting rights. 
Franklin Resources, Inc. held 9.94% of the voting rights on 3 November 2008.

Listing of UPM 2005H stock options on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki stock exchange 
commenced on 1 October 2008.

Company directors

At the Annual General Meeting Mr Matti Alahuhta, President and CEO of KONE 
Corporation, and Mr Björn Wahlroos, President and CEO of Sampo plc, were 
elected to the Board of Directors as new members. In addition, Mr Michael C. 
Bottenheim, LLM, MBA; Mr Berndt Brunow, Board member of Oy Karl Fazer Ab; Mr 
Karl Grotenfelt, LLM, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Famigro Oy; Dr 
Georg Holzhey, former Executive Vice President of UPM and Director of G. 
Haindl'sche Papierfabriken KGaA; Ms Wendy E. Lane, Chairman of American 
investment firm Lane Holdings, Inc.; Mr Jussi Pesonen, President and CEO of 
UPM; Ms Ursula Ranin, LLM, B.Sc. (Econ.); and Mr Veli-Matti Reinikkala, 
President of ABB Process Automation Division, were re-elected as members of the 
Board of Directors. The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors 
lasts until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.

At the assembly meeting of the Board of Directors, Mr Björn Wahlroos was 
elected as Chairman, and Mr Berndt Brunow and Mr Georg Holzhey were elected as 
Vice Chairmen. In addition, the Board of Directors elected from its members the 
Audit Committee with Mr Michael C. Bottenheim as Chairman, and Ms Wendy E. Lane 
and Mr Veli-Matti Reinikkala as members. The Human Resources Committee was 
elected, with Mr Berndt Brunow as Chairman, and Mr Georg Holzhey and Ms Ursula 
Ranin as members. Furthermore, the Nominating and Corporate Governance 
Committee was elected, with Mr Björn Wahlroos as Chairman, and the other 
members being Mr Matti Alahuhta and Mr Karl Grotenfelt.


Certain competition authorities are continuing investigations into alleged 
antitrust activities with respect to various products of UPM. The authorities 
have granted UPM conditional full immunity with respect to certain conduct 
disclosed to them. UPM has settled or agreed to settle the class-action 
lawsuits in the US except for those filed by indirect purchasers of labelstock. 
The remaining litigation matters may last several years. No provisions have 
been made in relation to these investigations.

Events after the balance sheet date

On 14 January 2009, UPM's associated company Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab announced the 
permanent closure of the Kaskinen pulp mill in the first quarter of 2009. The 
special charges resulting from the closure will reduce UPM's associated company 
results by approximately EUR 27 million in the first quarter of 2009. UPM's 
share in Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab is 47%.

On 15 January 2009, UPM sold its former paper mill and related assets in 
Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada, to Umoe Solar AS of Norway. The sale includes 
the closed paper mill site, woodlands operations, and two sawmills located 
nearby in Bathurst and Blackville. UPM records an income of approximately 
EUR 20 million on the sale as a special item in the first quarter of 2009.

The Group's management is not aware of any other significant events occurring 
after 31 December 2008.

Outlook for 2009

Economic growth in UPM's main markets is forecast to contract. This will have 
an impact on consumer demand, construction activity, and advertising 
expenditure in media and thus on demand for graphic papers.

Due to estimated lower demand for most of UPM's products, UPM is curtailing 
production. The company seeks cost savings through flexible ways of operating
mills and units.

Higher external sales volume is forecast in Energy for 2009 due to lower 
consumption in own production. Average market price for electricity is 
estimated to be lower.

UPM's paper deliveries for 2009 are forecast to be lower than last year. 
Deliveries for the first quarter of the year are estimated to be clearly lower 
than in the fourth quarter of 2008. In the beginning of the year the average 
price for UPM's papers is higher than during the fourth quarter 2008.

Demand for self-adhesive labelstock is estimated to decline slightly from 2008 
in all markets. On average labelstock prices are expected to remain about the 
same as last year.

Demand for birch and spruce plywood is forecast to be clearly lower than last 
year. Cost of wood raw material will gradually be lower but also pressure on 
sales prices continues.

For the group wood and other raw material costs are expected to be lower than 
2008, however, main impact would be during the second half of the year. Also 
lower fixed costs are expected. Capital expenditure for 2009 is forecast to 
be about EUR 400 million.

Dividend for 2008

The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 
25 March 2009 that a dividend of EUR 0.40 per share be paid in respect of the 
2008 financial year (EUR 0.75). It is proposed that the dividend be paid on 8 
April 2009.

Financial information in 2009

The Annual Report for 2008 will be published on the company's website 
www. upm-kymmene.com on 27 February 2009. The printed Annual Report 
will be available in the week beginning 16 March 2009.

Interim Report January-March 2009: 29 April 2009
Interim Report January-June 2009: 4 August 2009
Interim Report January-September 2009: 29 October 2009

Business area reviews

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07

Sales, EUR million     141   129   103   105   112    89    81    97
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  76    58    34    39    43    24    20    31
% of sales            53.9  45.0  33.0  37.1  38.4  27.0  24.7  32.0
Share of results of    -11    -8    -2    -5    -4    -6    -8     1
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation,           -3    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1    -3
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,       62    49    31    33    38    17    11    29
EUR million
% of sales            44.0  38.0  30.1  31.4  33.9  19.1  13.6  29.9
Special items, EUR       -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
Operating profit        62    49    31    33    38    17    11    29
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales            44.0  38.0  30.1  31.4  33.9  19.1  13.6  29.9
Electricity          2,731 2,653 2,344 2,439 2,716 2,576 2,415 2,642
deliveries, MWh

                     Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                         08     07

Sales, EUR million      478    379
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  207    118
% of sales             43.3   31.1
Share of results of     -26    -17
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation,            -6     -6
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,       175     95
EUR million
% of sales             36.6   25.1
Special items, EUR        -      -
Operating profit        175     95
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales             36.6   25.1
Electricity          10,167 10,349
deliveries, MWh
Capital employed        951    994
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special    18.4    9.6
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint venture, and special 

Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Energy was EUR 62 million, EUR 
24 million higher than last year (38 million). Sales totalled EUR 141 million 
(112 million), whereof EUR 57 million was external sales (25 million). The 
electricity sales volume was 2.7 TWh in the quarter (2.7 TWh).

Profitability improved compared with the same period last year. The main 
reasons were the high volume of hydropower and the higher average electricity 
sales price. The average electricity sales price increased by 29% to EUR 
42.3/MWh (32.9/MWh).

2008 compared with 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Energy was EUR 175 million, 
EUR 80 million higher than in 2007. Sales totalled EUR 478 million (379 
million), whereof EUR 137 million was external sales (59 million). The 
electricity sales volume was 10.2 TWh (10.3 TWh).

Profitability improved from the year 2007, mainly due to the higher average 
electricity sales price. The average electricity sales price increased by 33% 
to EUR 37.5/MWh (28.2/MWh). The hydropower volume increased by 21% to 3.8 TWh, 
which had a positive impact on the average cost of procuring electricity.

Market review

In 2008, energy markets were characterised by high volatility. The average 
price in the Nordic electricity exchange rose by 60% in 2008 from the previous 
year, to EUR 44.7/MWh (27.9/MWh). In the early part of the year oil and coal 
prices increased rapidly in the global energy markets. At the same time CO2 
emission allowance prices increased compared with 2007 as the second phase of 
the EU emission trading scheme started. The combination of higher fuel and 
CO2 prices drove the increase in electricity market prices.

In the latter part of the year fossil fuel, CO2 emission allowance and 
electricity forward prices started to decline. In December the spot electricity 
price in the Nordic power exchange was EUR 44.5/MWh and the one year forward 
price averaged EUR 39.6/MWh.

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q4/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07   08

Sales, EUR million     200   228   247   269   187   208   208   205   944
EBITDA, EUR million 1)   9    38    35    57    19    50    57    62   139
% of sales             4.5  16.7  14.2  21.2  10.2  24.0  27.4  30.2  14.7
Share of results of     -4    44    20    26     6    19    12    21    86
associated companies 
and joint ventures, 
EUR million
Depreciation,          -73   -22   -17   -16   -16   -13   -58   -14  -128
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,      -76    60    38    67     9    56    11    69    89
EUR million
% of sales           -38.0  26.3  15.4  24.9   4.8  26.9   5.3  33.7   9.4
Special items, EUR     -59     -     -     -     -     -   -43     -   -59
million 2)
Operating profit       -17    60    38    67     9    56    54    69   148
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales            -8.5  26.3  15.4  24.9   4.8  26.9  26.0  33.7  15.7
Pulp deliveries,       421   480   527   554   446   492   501   488 1,982
1,000 t
Capital employed                                                     1,674
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special items), %                                          8.8


Sales, EUR million     808
EBITDA, EUR million 1) 188
% of sales            23.3
Share of results of     58
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation,         -101
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,      145
EUR million
% of sales            17.9
Special items, EUR     -43
million 2)
Operating profit       188
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales            23.3
Pulp deliveries,     1,927
1,000 t
Capital employed     1,423
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special   13.2
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint venture, and special 
2) In 2008, special items of EUR 59 million relate to the closure of the 
Tervasaari pulp mill. Special items in 2007 comprise of a goodwill impairment 
charge of EUR 43 million.

Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Pulp declined to a loss of EUR 
17 million (profit of EUR 9 million). Sales totalled EUR 200 million (187 
million). Pulp deliveries from UPM's own pulp mills declined 6% to 421,000 
tonnes (446,000).

Profitability weakened from the previous year, mainly due to persistently high 
wood costs. Also the significant production downtime during the period had a 
negative impact on the results. All of UPM's pulp mills were shut down for at 
least a week in December.

The share of the results of the associated company Metsä-Botnia was EUR -4 
million (6 million).

2008 compared with 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Pulp declined to EUR 148 
million (188 million). Sales totalled EUR 944 million (808 million). Pulp 
deliveries from UPM's own pulp mills increased by 3% to 1,982,000 tonnes 

Profitability decreased from the year 2007, mainly due to higher wood costs.

The share of the results of the associated company Metsä-Botnia was EUR 86 
million (58 million). The improvement came from Metsä-Botnia's new pulp mill in 
Uruguay, started up in November 2007, which more than compensated for the 
weakened profitability in Metsä-Botnia's Finnish operations.

In December UPM closed down the Tervasaari pulp mill (annual capacity 210,000 
tonnes of pulp). As special items UPM booked charges of EUR 59 million 
consisting of impairment charges of EUR 51 million and other costs of EUR 8 
million related to the closure of the mill.

Market review

In the first half of 2008, chemical market pulp demand and prices increased 
from the previous year. Global chemical pulp market prices peaked during the 
second quarter in USD and in October in euro terms. Since then market pulp 
prices have fallen very rapidly as the weakening global economy led to 
decreasing pulp demand and growing pulp producer inventories.

The average softwood pulp (NBSK) market price in euro terms in 2008 was 
practically unchanged from 2007, at EUR 579/tonne. However, at the end of the 
year, the NBSK price had fallen to EUR 458/tonne, which is 21% below the year's 
average price during the year. The average hardwood pulp (BHKP) market price in 
euro terms, at EUR 536/ton, increased some 4% from 2007 (e 513/ton). However, 
at the end of the year the price stood at EUR 417/ton, 22% below the average 
price level.

Forest and timber
                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q4/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07   08    

Sales, EUR million     419   475   518   508   537   490   514   498 1,920
EBITDA, EUR million 1) -52    -4     4     4    33    22    53    51   -48
% of sales           -12.4  -0.8   0.8   0.8   6.1   4.5  10.3  10.2  -2.5
Change in fair          -2     4    20    28    47    21    14    -3    50
value of biological assets
and wood harvested, EUR million
Share of results of     -1     -     -     1     -     -     1     -     -
associated companies 
and joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation,           -6   -36    -7    -7   -26    -5    -7    -6   -56
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,      -63   -38    17    25    60    38    61    42   -59
EUR million
% of sales           -15.0  -8.0   3.3   4.9  11.2   7.8  11.9   8.4  -3.1
Special items, EUR      -2   -33     -    -1   -13     -     -     -   -36
million 2)
Operating profit       -61    -5    17    26    73    38    61    42   -23
excl. special items, EUR million
% of sales           -14.6  -1.1   3.3   5.1  13.6   7.8  11.9   8.4  -1.2
Sawn timber            421   510   628   573   537   505   666   617 2,132
deliveries, 1,000 m3
Capital employed                                                     1,878 
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special                                                   -1.2
items), %


Sales, EUR million   2,039
EBITDA, EUR million 1) 159
% of sales             7.8
Change in fair          79
value of biological assets
and wood harvested, 
EUR million
Share of results of      1
associated companies 
and joint ventures, 
EUR million
Depreciation,          -44
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,      201
EUR million
% of sales             9.9
Special items, EUR     -13
million 2)
Operating profit       214
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales            10.5
Sawn timber          2,325
deliveries, 1,000 m3
Capital employed     1,679
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special   12.7
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint venture, and special 
2) Special items in 2008 include an impairment charge of EUR 31 million related 
to fixed assets of the Finnish sawmills. In 2007, special items include 
impairment charges of EUR 19 million related mainly to Miramichi's forestry and 
sawmilling operations and a gain of EUR 6 million on sale of estate assets.

Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Forest and timber fell to a 
loss of EUR 61 million (profit of EUR 73 million). Sales declined 22% to EUR 
419 million (537 million). Sawn timber deliveries decreased by 22% to 421,000 
cubic metres (537,000 cubic metres).

Profitability contracted from the same period last year, mainly due to sharply 
lower prices of sawn timber and a write down of EUR 36 million in wood 
inventory. The average price of sawn timber declined approximately 22% from the 
same period last year.

The increase in the fair value of biological assets (growing trees) was EUR 12 
million (74 million). The cost of wood raw material harvested from the Group's 
own forests was EUR 14 million (27 million). The net effect was EUR 2 million 
negative (47 million positive).

2008 compared with 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Forest and timber declined to 
a loss of EUR 23 million (profit of EUR 214 million). Sales decreased by 6% to 
EUR 1,920 million (2,039 million). Sawn timber deliveries contracted 8% to 
2,132,000 cubic metres (2,325,000 cubic metres).

Profitability declined from the same period last year, mainly due to 
significantly lower prices of sawn timber and higher cost of wood, including a 
write down of EUR 36 million in wood inventory booked at the end of the year. 
The average price of sawn timber fell approximately 17% from the previous year.

The increase in the fair value of biological assets net of wood harvested was 
EUR 50 million (79 million), including the increase of EUR 138 million (195 
million) in the value of growing trees and the cost of EUR 88 million (116 
million) for wood harvested from own forests.

In June UPM closed down the Luumäki timber components and planing mill.

In December UPM closed down the Leivonmäki sawmill (annual capacity 80,000 
cubic metres of sawn timber).

Special items of EUR 36 million in 2008 include impairment charges of EUR 31 
million related to the Finnish sawmilling operations recognised in September, 
and other restructuring costs of EUR 5 million. The primary reasons for the 
impairment were the increased cost of wood raw material, weakened demand for 
sawn goods in the main markets and lower sales prices.

Market review

The market balance of sawn timber continued to weaken substantially throughout 
the year. Demand for both redwood and whitewood timber declined, partly due to 
the weakening situation in the construction industry. The sawn timber supply in 
Europe remained high, leading to a significant reduction in price. The decline 
in sawn timber demand and prices was further intensified towards the end of the 

In Finland fibre wood market prices remained at the high level that was reached 
in 2007 and only started declining during the fourth quarter as wood demand 
slowed down. Log market prices decreased from the previous year but at a slower 
pace than sawn timber prices.

Wood purchases in the Finnish wood market were some 25% lower than in 2007. The 
mild winter and the anticipated prohibitive Russian wood export duties 
contributed to the slow market activity and persistently high prices.

In Russia the authorities continued to implement the increase in export duties 
for round wood by raising the tariff from EUR 10 to EUR 15 per cubic metre in 
April. According to the original plan, the tariff was to be raised to EUR 50 
per cubic metre from the beginning of 2009. However, in November 2008 it was 
announced that the tariff increase has been postponed until October-December 

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07

Sales, EUR million   1,750 1,761 1,727 1,773 1,864 1,856 1,815 1,793
EBITDA, EUR million 1) 189   271   216   209   221   240   248   230
% of sales            10.8  15.4  12.5  11.8  11.9  12.9  13.7  12.8
Share of results of      1     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
associated companies 
and joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation,         -264  -388  -156  -159  -169  -167  -487  -172
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,     -126  -114    60    51   -19    73  -249    58
EUR million
% of sales            -7.2  -6.5   3.5   2.9  -1.0   3.9 -13.7   3.2
Special items, EUR    -153  -227     -     1   -71     -  -328     -
million 2)
Operating profit        27   113    60    50    52    73    79    58
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales             1.5   6.4   3.5   2.8   2.8   3.9   4.4   3.2
Deliveries,          1,809 1,760 1,749 1,772 1,940 1,933 1,872 1,785
papers, 1,000 t
Deliveries, fine       784   863   923   981   977   954   960   968
and speciality 
papers, 1,000 t
Paper deliveries     2,593 2,623 2,672 2,753 2,917 2,887 2,832 2,753
total, 1,000 t
                     Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                         08     07

Sales, EUR million    7,011  7,328
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  885    939
% of sales             12.6   12.8
Share of results of       1      -
associated companies 
and joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation,          -967   -995
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,      -129   -137
EUR million
% of sales             -1.8   -1.9
Special items, EUR     -379   -399
million 2)
Operating profit        250    262
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales              3.6    3.6
Deliveries,           7,090  7,530
papers, 1,000 t
Deliveries, fine      3,551  3,859
and speciality 
papers, 1,000 t
Paper deliveries     10,641 11,389
total, 1,000 t
Capital employed      6,503      7,317
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special     3.8        3.6
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint venture, and special 
2) In 2008, special items include the goodwill impairment charge of EUR 230 
million impairment charges of EUR 101 million and other restructuring costs of 
EUR 42 million related to the closure of the Kajaani paper mill, and other 
restructuring costs, net of EUR 6 million. Special items in 2007 include 
personnel expenses of EUR 44 million and other costs of EUR 36 million related
the closure of the Miramichi paper mill, and an income of EUR 8 million related 
to other restructuring measures. Special items also include a goodwill 
impairment charge of EUR 307 million, an impairment charge of EUR 22 million
personnel costs of EUR 10 million related to the Miramichi paper mill, and
of EUR 11 million related to impairment reversals.

Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Paper was EUR 27 million, EUR 
25 million lower than a year ago (52 million). Sales were EUR 1,750 million 
(1,864 million). Paper deliveries decreased by 11% to 2,593,000 tonnes 
(2,917,000). Paper deliveries for publication papers (magazine papers and 
newsprint) decreased by 7% and for fine and speciality papers by 20% from the 
previous year.

Profitability weakened compared with the corresponding period last year. The 
average price for all paper deliveries when translated into euros was 6% 
higher, although GBP was about 19% weaker against euro. The average paper price 
increased mainly due to the higher magazine paper prices. In response to the 
weakening market situation, extensive production downtime was taken during the 
quarter. The production cuts decreased the cost efficiency of the production. 
Energy costs were higher than a year ago. Paper inventory levels were reduced 
significantly during the quarter.

2008 compared with 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Paper was EUR 250 million, EUR 
12 million lower than in the previous year (262 million). Sales decreased to 
EUR 7,011 million (7,328 million).

Paper deliveries decreased by almost 7% to 10,641,000 tonnes (11,389,000). 
Deliveries of publication papers (magazine papers and newsprint) decreased by 
6% and those of fine and speciality papers by 8% from the previous year. At the 
end of the period, paper inventory levels were approximately 200,000 tonnes 
lower than in 2007.

Profitability decreased from the previous year, due to the markedly higher 
energy and fibre costs. Higher paper prices offset most of the negative impact 
of lower delivery volumes. The stronger euro against both GBP and USD weakened 
the profitability of exports. When translated into euros, the average price for 
all paper deliveries was over 2% higher than a year ago. The fixed costs were 
lower than in 2007.

The production of the Miramichi paper mill in Canada was stopped in August 
2007. During 2008, Kajaani mill PM4 in Finland was temporarily idled from 
March, and at Nordland fine paper mill PM2 in Germany production was 
temporarily shut down since early summer until the end of the year. In France, 
Docelles mill, there was one month production curtailment in August. In China, 
the Changshu fine paper mill took considerable production downtime during the 
fourth quarter to meet an abrupt decline in market demand.

The Kajaani paper mill in Finland, with a capacity of 640,000 t/a of newsprint, 
special newsprint and uncoated magazine papers, was shut down permanently in 
December 2008. UPM booked as a special item an approximately EUR 101 million 
write-off in fixed assets and made a provision for the layoff and other closure 
costs of approximately EUR 42 million with a cash impact mainly in 2009. 
Additionally, Paper recorded a EUR 230 million impairment charge from the 
business area's goodwill. The impairment resulted from lower-than-forecast 
newsprint market demand in Europe and continued overcapacity in Europe combined 
with increased costs.

Market review

Demand for publication papers in Europe was 2% lower than a year ago and for 
fine papers demand decreased by 3%. In North America, the demand for 
publication papers continued to decline and demand was 10% down from last year. 
In Asia demand for fine papers continued to grow although at a slower pace than 
last year.

In Europe the average market prices for magazine papers in local currencies 
increased by about 5% from 2007. The standard newsprint market prices were 8% 
lower. The average market price for coated fine papers decreased by 3% and for 
uncoated fine papers by 2% from the previous year. In North America the average 
US dollar prices for magazine papers were 20% higher. In Asia market prices for 
fine papers increased.

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q4/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07    08

Sales, EUR million     233   239   245   242   242   245   255   256   959
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  -1     9    15    11    16    19    23    27    34
% of sales            -0,4   3.8   6.1   4.5   6.6   7.8   9.0  10.5   3.5
Depreciation,          -16    -8    -7    -8    -8    -7    -7    -7   -39
amortisation and 
impairment charges,EUR million
Operating profit,      -38     1     8     3    12    12    16    20   -26
EUR million
% of sales           -16,3   0.4   3.3   1.2   5.0   4.9   6.3   7.8  -2.7
Special items, EUR     -28     -     -     -     4     -     -     -   -28
million 2)
Operating profit       -10     1     8     3     8    12    16    20     2
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales            -4.3   0.4   3.3   1.2   3.3   4.9   6.3   7.8   0.2
Capital employed                                                       510
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special                                                    0.4
items), %


Sales, EUR million     998
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  85
% of sales             8.5
Depreciation,          -29
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,       60
EUR million
% of sales             6.0
Special items, EUR       4
million 2)
Operating profit        56
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales             5.6
Capital employed       420
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special   13.3
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint venture, and special 
2) In 2008, special items of EUR 28 million relate to measures to reduce
capacity and close two slitting terminals in Europe. Special items in 2007 
include an income of EUR 4 million related to restructuring measures.

Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

The operating loss excluding special items for Label was EUR 10 million (profit 
of EUR 8 million). Sales were EUR 233 million (242 million).

The profitability of the business was clearly lower than in 2007. Material 
costs were higher and delivery volumes fell. Also depreciation of GBP had a 
negative effect on profitability. Prices increased from 2007.

Delivery volumes of self-adhesive label materials declined in both Europe and 
North America. In Asia, volumes increased even if the growth rate was much 
slower than a year before.

2008 compared with 2007

The operating profit of Label excluding special items declined to EUR 2 million 
from EUR 56 million. Sales were EUR 959 million, about 4% less than in the 
previous year (998 million).

Profitability declined as material costs increased. Also the increase in fixed 
costs related to two new factories and decline in sales volume had a negative 
effect on profitability. Sales prices continued to contract until the first 
quarter of 2008. The price increases initiated since the first quarter improved 
prices and the average price of sales when translated into euro was about the 
same as the year before.

UPM Raflatac opened two new pressure sensitive label factories. In January a 
factory in Dixon, USA, was opened and in November a factory in Wroclaw, Poland, 
was started up.

As market demand for self-adhesive labelstock began to decline, in November UPM 
announced a plan to reduce coating capacity and to close two slitting terminals 
in Europe. The aim is to secure the cost competitiveness of Label in all 
circumstances. UPM booked charges of EUR 28 million as special items related to 
the above measures.

Market review

In Europe, demand remained stable until summer but since then has contracted 
especially during the fourth quarter, reflecting a decline in consumer goods 
demand and customers' drive for inventory reductions. For the year the demand 
declined approximately 3% from last year both in Europe and North America. In 
the Asia-Pacific region, demand continued to grow but even there the pace of 
growth slowed in the autumn.

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q4/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07    08

Sales, EUR million     102   121   150   157   154   126   150   161   530
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  -5     3    22    26    20     8    20    23    46
% of sales            -4.9   2.5  14.7  16.6  13.0   6.3  13.3  14.3   8.7
Depreciation,           -5    -5    -6    -5    -5    -5    -5    -6   -21
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,      -10    -2    19    21    15     3    15    17    28
EUR million
% of sales            -9.8  -1.7  12.7  13.4   9.7   2.4  10.0  10.6   5.3
Special items, EUR       -     -     3     -     -     -     -     -     3
million 2)
Operating profit       -10    -2    16    21    15     3    15    17    25
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales            -9.8  -1.7  10.7  13.4   9.7   2.4  10.0  10.6   4.7
Deliveries,            160   188   227   231   239   204   247   255   806
plywood, 1,000 m3
Capital employed                                                       307
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special                                                    8.1
items), %

Sales, EUR million     591
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  71
% of sales            12.0
Depreciation,          -21
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,       50
EUR million
% of sales             8.5
Special items, EUR       -
million 2)
Operating profit        50
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales             8.5
Deliveries,            945
plywood, 1,000 m3
Capital employed       300
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special   16.7
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint venture, and special 
2) Special items in 2008 include reversals of provisions related to the 
disposed Kuopio plywood mill.

Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

The operating loss excluding special items for Plywood was EUR 10 million 
(profit of EUR 15 million). Sales decreased by EUR 52 million to EUR 102 
million as Plywood deliveries declined by 79,000 m3 to 160,000 m3.

Profitability for Plywood declined from last year due to lower delivery volumes 
and lower prices. The cost of wood logs was higher than in 2007. The rapid 
decline in new orders led to reduction of production at all mills.

2008 compared with 2007

The operating profit excluding special items for Plywood was EUR 25 million, 
EUR 25 million less than in 2007 (50 million). Sales were EUR 530 million (591 
million). Plywood deliveries were 806,000 m3 (945,000).

Profitability for Plywood declined during the second half of the year due to 
lower deliveries. The cost of wood logs increased from 2007. The average 
price for all plywood deliveries was higher than in 2007 although prices 
started to decline in the latter part of the year. The availability of logs 
improved and returned to normal. In the second half of the year the decline in 
new orders resulted in reduction in production at all mills, and UPM decided to 
temporarily shut down the Heinola mill from 19 January 2009 onwards.

Market review

In 2008, plywood demand was still brisk in the first half of the year but it 
has declined since then due to sharply falling construction activity in Europe. 
Transport and other industrial uses of plywood have followed the same cycle. 
Declining demand in Europe has left much idle capacity and led to reduction of 
inventory levels in all parts of the chain.

Other operations
                        Q4/    Q3/    Q2/    Q1/    Q4/    Q3/    Q2/    Q1/
                         08     08     08     08     07     07     07     07 

Sales, EUR million       34     52     66     48     80     83    160    127
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  -38      3    -13     -9     -1      3    -10     -6
% of sales           -111.8    5.8  -19.7  -18.8   -1.3    3.6   -6.3   -4.7
Share of results of      -1     -1      3      -      -      1      1     -1
associated companies 
and joint ventures, 
EUR million
Depreciation,             2     -2     -5     -3    -11     -8     -2     -7
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,       -35      4    -16     -7     27     -4     60    -14
EUR million
% of sales           -102.9    7.7  -24.2  -14.6   33.8   -4.8   37.5  -11.0
Special items, EUR        2      4     -1      5     28      -     71      -
million 2)
Operating profit        -37      0    -15    -12     -1     -4    -11    -14
excl. special items, 
EUR million
% of sales           -108.8    0.0  -22.7  -25.0   -1.3   -4.8   -6.9  -11.0

                        08    07

Sales, EUR million     200   450
EBITDA, EUR million 1) -57   -14
% of sales           -28.5  -3.1
Share of results of      1     1
associated companies 
and joint ventures, 
EUR million
Depreciation,           -8   -28
amortisation and 
impairment charges,
EUR million
Operating profit,      -54    69
EUR million
% of sales           -27.0  15.3
Special items, EUR      10    99
million 2)
Operating profit       -64   -30
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales           -32.0  -6.7
Capital employed       137   217
(average), EUR million
ROCE (excl. special  -46.7 -13.8
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint venture, and special 
2) In 2008, special items include an adjustment of EUR 5 million to sales of 
disposals of 2007 and other restructuring income net of EUR 5 million. In 2007 
special items include a capital gain of EUR 58 million on the sale of port 
operators Rauma Stevedoring and Botnia Shipping, a compensation charge of
EUR 12 
million related to class-action lawsuits in the US, and other impairment 
charges and restructuring costs of EUR 18 million. In addition, special items 
include capital gains of EUR 42 million related to the sale of UPM-Asunnot and 
EUR 29 million related to the sale of Walki Wisa.

Other operations include development units (the wood plastic composite unit 
ProFi, RFID tags, and biofuels) and corporate administration.

Q4 of 2008 compared with Q4 of 2007

Excluding special items, the operating loss for Other operations was EUR 37 
million (loss of EUR 1 million). Sales amounted to EUR 34 million (80 million). 
The result was unfavourably impacted by currency and other derivatives.

The development units incurred an operating loss. RFID and UPM ProFi expanded 
their production during the quarter.

2008 compared with 2007

Excluding special items, the operating loss of Other operations was EUR 64 
million (loss of EUR 30 million). Sales were EUR 200 million (450 million).

Operating profit and sales were affected by the following disposals made in 
2007: the real estate company UPM-Asunnot Oy in April and Walki Wisa in June 
and port operators Oy Rauma Stevedoring Ltd and Oy Botnia Shipping Ab in

Logistic services represented about half of the sales, of which a major part 
was internal. Development units made an operating loss. Development units 
continued to invest in product development. During the year UPM established a 
new UPM Biorefinery Development Centre for the research of biofuels and 
biochemicals in Lappeenranta, Finland, and opened a new state-of-the-art RFID 
manufacturing site in Guangzhou, China, and a new wood composite UPM ProFi 
factory in Bruchsal, Germany.

Helsinki, 5 February 2009
UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Board of Directors

Financial information

This Financial Review is unaudited

Consolidated income statement

EUR million             Q4/    Q4/ Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                       2008   2007   2008   2007

Sales                 2,315  2,512  9,461 10,035
Other operating           9     87     83    200
Costs and expenses   -2,227 -2,270 -8,407 -8,650
Change in fair           -2     47     50     79
value of biological 
assets and wood harvested
Share of results of     -16      2     62     43
companies and joint ventures
Depreciation,          -365   -236 -1,225 -1,224
amortisation and 
impairment charges
Operating profit       -286    142     24    483

Gains on                  -      -      2      2
investments, net
Exchange rate and       -14     -4    -25     -2
fair value gains 
and losses
Interest and other      -60    -46   -202   -191
finance costs, net
Profit (loss)          -360     92   -201    292
before tax
Income taxes             74    -63     21   -211
Profit (loss) for      -286     29   -180     81
the period
Attributable to:                                
Equity holders of      -287     32   -179     85
the parent company
Minority interest         1     -3     -1     -4
                       -286     29   -180     81

Earnings per share for profit (loss) 
attributable to the equity holders of
the parent company
Basic earnings per    -0.56   0.06  -0.35   0.16
share, EUR
Diluted earnings      -0.56   0.06  -0.35   0.16
per share, EUR

Consolidated balance sheet

EUR million                      31.12.2008 31.12.2007
Non-current assets                                   
Goodwill                               933      1,163
Other intangible assets                403        392
Property, plant and equipment        5,688      6,179
Investment property                     19         14
Biological assets                    1,133      1,095
Investments in associated            1,263      1,193
companies and joint ventures
Available-for-sale investments         116        116
Non-current financial assets           361         82
Deferred tax assets                    258        284
Other non-current assets               201        121
                                    10,375     10,639
Current assets                                       
Inventories                          1,354      1,342
Trade and other receivables          1,686      1,717
Income tax receivables                  24         18
Cash and cash equivalents              330        237
                                     3,394      3,314
Assets classified as held for sale      12          -
Total assets                        13,781     13,953

Equity attributable to equity holders 
of the parent company
Share capital                          890        890
Translation differences               -295       -158
Fair value and other reserves          130        193
Reserve for invested                 1,145      1,067
non-restricted equity
Retained earnings                    4,236      4,778
                                     6,106      6,770
Minority interest                       14         13
Total equity                         6,120      6,783

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities               658        745
Retirement benefit obligations         408        441
Provisions                             191        171
Interest-bearing liabilities         4,534      3,384
Other liabilities                       25         12
                                     5,816      4,753
Current liabilities
Current interest-bearing               537        931
Trade and other payables             1,258      1,443
Income tax payables                     33         43

                                     1,828      2,417
Liabilities related to assets           17          -
classified as held for sale
Total liabilities                    7,661      7,170
Total equity and liabilities        13,781     13,953

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                          Attributable to equity holders of the parent company
                          Share      Share   Treasury Translation       Fair
EUR million             capital    premium     shares differences value and 
                                   reserve                             other
Balance at 1 January 2007   890        826          -        -89        278
Translation differences       -          -          -        -69          -
Net investment hedge,         -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
Cash flow hedges
fair value                    -          -          -          -         68
gains/losses, net of tax
transfers from                -          -          -          -        -41
equity, net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value                    -          -          -          -          -
gains/losses, net 
of tax
transfers to income           -          -          -          -         -1
statement, net of tax
Profit for the period         -          -          -          -          -
Total recognised income       -          -          -        -69         26
and expense for the period
Share options exercised       -          -          -          -          -
Acquisition of                -          -       -266          -          -
treasury shares
Cancellation of               -          -        266          -          -
treasury shares
Share-based                   -          -          -          -         13
compensation, net of tax
Dividend paid                 -          -          -          -          -
Business combinations         -          -          -          -          -
Transfers and others          -       -826          -          -       -124
Total of other                -       -826          -          -       -111
changes in equity
Balance at 31 December 2007 890          -          -       -158        193
Translation differences       -          -          -       -193          -
Other items                   -          -          -          -          -
Net investment hedge,         -          -          -         56          -
net of tax
Cash flow hedges
fair value                    -          -          -          -         29
gains/losses, net of tax
transfers from                -          -          -          -        -62
equity, net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value                    -          -          -          -          -
gains/losses, net of tax
transfers to income           -          -          -          -          -
statement, net of tax
Loss for the period           -          -          -          -          -
Total recognised              -          -          -       -137        -33
income and expense for the period
Share options exercised       -          -          -          -          -
Acquisition of                -          -          -          -          -
treasury shares
Cancellation of               -          -          -          -          -
treasury shares
Share-based                   -          -          -          -        -29
compensation, net of tax
Dividend paid                 -          -          -          -          -
Business combinations         -          -          -          -          -
Other items                   -          -          -          -         -1
Total of other                -          -          -          -        -30
changes in equity
Balance at 31 December 2008 890          -          -       -295        130

                    Reserve for    Retained     Total   Minority      Total
                       invested    earnings             interest     equity
EUR million              equity

Balance at 1 January 2007     -      5,366      7,271         18      7,289
Translation differences       -          -        -69          -        -69
Net investment hedge,         -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
Cash flow hedges                                                           
fair value                    -          -         68          -         68
gains/losses, net of tax
transfers from                -          -        -41          -        -41
equity, net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value                    -          -          -          -          -
gains/losses, net of tax
transfers to income           -          -         -1          -         -1
statement, net of tax
Profit for the period         -         85         85         -4         81
Total recognised              -         85         42         -4         38
income and expense for the period
Share options exercised      104          -        104          -        104
Acquisition of                -          -       -266          -       -266
treasury shares
Cancellation of               -       -266          -          -          -
treasury shares
Share-based                   -          -         13          -         13
compensation, net of tax
Dividend paid                 -       -392       -392          -       -392
Business combinations         -          -          -         -1         -1
Transfers and others        963        -15         -2          -         -2
Total of other            1,067       -673       -543         -1       -544
changes in equity
Balance at                1,067      4,778      6,770         13      6,783
31 December 2007
Translation differences       -          -       -193          -       -193
Other items                   -        -12        -12          -        -12
Net investment hedge,         -          -         56          -         56
net of tax
Cash flow hedges
fair value                    -          -         29          -         29
gains/losses, net of tax
transfers from                -          -        -62          -        -62
equity, net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value                    -          -          -          -          -
gains/losses, net of tax
transfers to income           -          -          -          -          -
statement, net of tax
Loss for the period           -       -179       -179         -1       -180
Total recognised              -       -191       -361         -1       -362
income and expense for the period

Share options exercised      78          -         78          -         78
Acquisition of                -          -          -          -          -
treasury shares
Cancellation of               -          -          -          -          -
treasury shares
Share-based                   -         33          4          -          4
compensation, net of tax
Dividend paid                 -       -384       -384          -       -384
Business combinations         -          -          -          2          2
Other items                   -          -         -1          -         -1
Total of other               78       -351       -303          2       -301
changes in equity
Balance at 31             1,145      4,236      6,106         14      6,120
December 2008

Consolidated cash flow statement

                                  Year ended 31 December
EUR million                           2008       2007
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit (loss) for the period          -180         81
Adjustments to profit (loss)         1,232      1,390
for the period 1)
Interest received                        9          4
Interest paid                         -202       -191
Dividends received                      18         23
Other financial items, net             -41        -72
Income taxes paid                      -76       -164
Change in working capital 2)          -132       -204
Net cash generated                     628        867
from operating activities
Cash flow from investing activities
Acquisition of shares in               -19        -25
associated companies
Capital expenditure                   -558       -673
Proceeds from disposal of                6        205
subsidiary shares, net of cash
Proceeds from disposal of shares         4          2
in associated companies
Proceeds from disposal of                2          3
available-for-sale investments
Proceeds from sale of tangible          33         71
and intangible assets
Proceeds from non-current receivables    -          1
Increase in non-current receivables      -         -9
Net cash used in                      -532       -425
investing activities

Cash flow from financing activities
Proceeds from                        1,083        965
Payments of                           -624       -879
Proceeds from                         -153         66
(payment of) 
liabilities, net
Share options                           78        104
Dividends paid                        -384       -392
Purchase of                              -       -266
treasury shares
Other financing                         -1          -
cash flow
Net cash used in                        -1       -402
Change in cash and                      95         40
cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents              237        199
at the beginning of year
Foreign exchange effect on cash         -2         -2
Change in cash and cash equivalents     95         40
Cash and cash equivalents at year-end  330        237

Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement 
1) Adjustments to net profit (loss)
Taxes                                  -21        211
Depreciation, amortisation and       1,225      1,224
impairment charges
Share of results in associated         -62        -43
companies and joint ventures
Profits and losses                     -28       -157
on sale of non-current assets
Gains on                                -2         -2
investments, net
Finance costs, net                     227        193
Settlement of restructuring charges    -56          -
One-time contributions to              -85        -30
pension funds
Other adjustments                       34         -6
Total                                1,232      1,390
2) Change in working capital
Inventories                            -55       -152
Current receivables                    138       -129
Current non-interest bearing          -215         77
Total                                 -132       -204

Quarterly information

EUR million              Q4/     Q3/     Q2/     Q1/     Q4/     Q3/     Q2/
                          08      08      08      08      07      07      07

Sales                  2,315   2,358   2,378   2,410   2,512   2,467   2,537
Other operating            9      23      11      40      87      15      80
Costs and expenses    -2,227  -1,998  -2,074  -2,108  -2,270  -2,116  -2,145
Change in fair            -2       4      20      28      47      21      14
value of biological assets
and wood harvested
Share of results of      -16      35      21      22       2      14       6
associated companies 
and joint ventures
Depreciation,           -365    -462    -199    -199    -236    -206    -567
amortisation and 
impairment charges
Operating profit (loss) -286     -40     157     193     142     195     -75
Gains on                   -       -       2       -       -       -       -
investments, net
Exchange rate and        -14       -      -1     -10      -4      -9       8
fair value gains and losses
Interest and other       -60     -50     -43     -49     -46     -42     -54
finance costs, net
Profit (loss)           -360     -90     115     134      92     144    -121
before tax
Income taxes              74       3     -25     -31     -63     -25     -77
Profit (loss) for       -286     -87      90     103      29     119    -198
the period
Attributable to:                                                            
Equity holders of       -287     -86      92     102      32     120    -198
the parent company
Minority interest          1      -1      -2       1      -3      -1       -
                        -286     -87      90     103      29     119    -198
Basic earnings per     -0.56   -0.17    0.18    0.20    0.06    0.23   -0.38
share, EUR
Diluted earnings       -0.56   -0.17    0.18    0.20    0.06    0.23   -0.38
per share, EUR
Earnings per share,    -0.19    0.25    0.17    0.19    0.24    0.23    0.28
excluding special items, EUR
Average number of    519,979 519,999 517,622 512,581 514,085 527,012 527,111
shares basic (1,000)
Average number of    519,979 519,999 516,791 513,412 515,322 529,530 530,980
shares diluted (1,000)
Special items in        -240    -256       2       5     -52       -    -300
operating profit (loss)
Operating profit         -46     216     155     188     194     195     225
(loss), excl. special items
% of sales              -2.0     9.2     6.5     7.8     7.7     7.9     8.9
Special items           -240    -250       2       5     -52       -    -300
before tax
Profit (loss)           -120     160     113     129     144     144     179
before tax, excl. 
special items
% of sales              -5.2     6.8     4.8     5.4     5.7     5.8     7.1
Return on equity,       neg.     7.8     5.4     5.9     7.1     6.9     8.5
excl. special items, %
Return on capital       neg.     7.7     5.7     6.5     6.9     6.8     8.3
employed, excl. 
special items, %
EBITDA                   178     378     313     337     351     366     411
% of sales               7.7    16.0    13.2    14.0    14.0    14.8    16.2

Share of results of associated 
companies and joint ventures
Energy                   -11      -8      -2      -5      -4      -6      -8
Pulp                      -4      44      20      26       6      19      12
Forest and timber         -1       -       -       1       -       -       1
Paper                      1       -       -       -       -       -       -
Other operations          -1      -1       3       -       -       1       1
Total                    -16      35      21      22       2      14       6

EUR million              Q1/  Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/
                          07      08      07

Sales                  2,519   9,461  10,035
Other operating           18      83     200
Costs and expenses    -2,119  -8,407  -8,650
Change in fair            -3      50      79
value of biological assets
and wood harvested
Share of results of       21      62      43
associated companies 
and joint ventures
Depreciation,           -215  -1,225  -1,224
amortisation and 
impairment charges
Operating profit (loss)  221      24     483
Gains on                   2       2       2
investments, net
Exchange rate and          3     -25      -2
fair value gains and losses
Interest and other       -49    -202    -191
finance costs, net
Profit (loss) before tax 177    -201     292
Income taxes             -46      21    -211
Profit (loss) for        131    -180      81
the period
Attributable to:                            
Equity holders of        131    -179      85
the parent company
Minority interest          -      -1      -4
                         131    -180      81
Basic earnings per      0.25   -0.35    0.16
share, EUR
Diluted earnings        0.25   -0.35    0.16
per share, EUR
Earnings per share,     0.25    0.42    1.00
excluding special items, EUR
Average number of    523,261 517,545 522,867
shares basic (1,000)
Average number of    527,086 517,545 525,729
shares diluted (1,000)
Special items in           -    -489    -352
operating profit (loss)
Operating profit (loss), 221     513     835
excl. special items
% of sales               8.8     5.4     8.3
Special items              -    -483    -352
before tax
Profit (loss)            177     282     644
before tax, excl. special items
% of sales               7.0     3.0     6.4
Return on equity,        7.3     3.4     7.4
excl. special items, %
Return on capital        7.9     4.6     7.4
employed, excl. special items, %
EBITDA                   418   1,206   1,546
% of sales              16.6    12.7    15.4
Share of results of associated 
companies and joint ventures
Energy                     1     -26     -17
Pulp                      21      86      58
Forest and timber          -       -       1
Paper                      -       1       -
Other operations          -1       1       1
Total                     21      62      43

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07 

Electricity, MWh     2,731 2,653 2,344 2,439 2,716 2,576 2,415 2,642
Pulp, 1,000 t          421   480   527   554   446   492   501   488
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3  421   510   628   573   537   505   666   617
Publication papers,  1,809 1,760 1,749 1,772 1,940 1,933 1,872 1,785
1,000 t
Fine and speciality    784   863   923   981   977   954   960   968
papers, 1,000 t
Paper deliveries     2,593 2,623 2,672 2,753 2,917 2,887 2,832 2,753
total, 1,000 t
Plywood, 1,000 m3      160   188   227   231   239   204   247   255

                     Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                         08     07

Electricity, MWh     10,167 10,349
Pulp, 1,000 t         1,982  1,927
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3 2,132  2,325
Publication papers,   7,090  7,530
1,000 t
Fine and speciality   3,551  3,859
papers, 1,000 t
Paper deliveries     10,641 11,389
total, 1,000 t
Plywood, 1,000 m3       806    945

Quarterly segment information

EUR million            Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                        08    08    08    08    07    07    07    07
Sales by segment                                                    
Energy                 141   129   103   105   112    89    81    97
Pulp                   200   228   247   269   187   208   208   205
Forest and timber      419   475   518   508   537   490   514   498
Paper                1,750 1,761 1,727 1,773 1,864 1,856 1,815 1,793
Label                  233   239   245   242   242   245   255   256
Plywood                102   121   150   157   154   126   150   161
Other operations        34    52    66    48    80    83   160   127
Internal sales        -564  -647  -678  -692  -664  -630  -646  -618
Sales, total         2,315 2,358 2,378 2,410 2,512 2,467 2,537 2,519

Internal sales                                                      
Energy                  84    84    83    90    87    79    73    81
Pulp                   194   211   229   247   179   198   199   197
Forest and timber      220   278   278   275   284   248   237   249
Paper                   49    62    70    69    65    59    59    64
Label                    -     1     1     1     -     -     1     -
Plywood                  8    10    11    10    11     8     9     8
Other operations         9     1     6     -    38    38    68    19
Internal sales, total  564   647   678   692   664   630   646   618

EBITDA by segment                                                   
Energy                  76    58    34    39    43    24    20    31
Pulp                     9    38    35    57    19    50    57    62
Forest and timber      -52    -4     4     4    33    22    53    51
Paper                  189   271   216   209   221   240   248   230
Label                   -1     9    15    11    16    19    23    27
Plywood                 -5     3    22    26    20     8    20    23
Other operations       -38     3   -13    -9    -1     3   -10    -6
EBITDA, total          178   378   313   337   351   366   411   418

Operating profit (loss) by segment
Energy                  62    49    31    33    38    17    11    29
Pulp                   -76    60    38    67     9    56    11    69
Forest and timber      -63   -38    17    25    60    38    61    42
Paper                 -126  -114    60    51   -19    73  -249    58
Label                  -38     1     8     3    12    12    16    20
Plywood                -10    -2    19    21    15     3    15    17
Other operations       -35     4   -16    -7    27    -4    60   -14
Operating profit      -286   -40   157   193   142   195   -75   221
(loss), total
% of sales           -12.4  -1.7   6.6   8.0   5.7   7.9  -3.0   8.8

Special items by segment
Energy                   -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
Pulp                   -59     -     -     -     -     -   -43     -
Forest and timber       -2   -33     -    -1   -13     -     -     -
Paper                 -153  -227     -     1   -71     -  -328     -
Label                  -28     -     -     -     4     -     -     -
Plywood                  -     -     3     -     -     -     -     -
Other operations         2     4    -1     5    28     -    71     -
Special items, total  -240  -256     2     5   -52     -  -300     -

Operating profit (loss) excl.special items by segment
Energy                  62    49    31    33    38    17    11    29
Pulp                   -17    60    38    67     9    56    54    69
Forest and timber      -61    -5    17    26    73    38    61    42
Paper                   27   113    60    50    52    73    79    58
Label                  -10     1     8     3     8    12    16    20
Plywood                -10    -2    16    21    15     3    15    17
Other operations       -37     -   -15   -12    -1    -4   -11   -14
Operating profit       -46   216   155   188   194   195   225   221
(loss) excl. 
special items, total
% of sales            -2.0   9.2   6.5   7.8   7.7   7.9   8.9   8.8

EUR million           Q1-Q4 /Q1-Q4 /
                         08     07
Sales by segment                  
Energy                  478    379
Pulp                    944    808
Forest and timber     1,920  2,039
Paper                 7,011  7,328
Label                   959    998
Plywood                 530    591
Other operations        200    450
Internal sales       -2,581 -2,558
Sales, total          9,461 10,035

Internal sales                    
Energy                  341    320
Pulp                    881    773
Forest and timber     1,051  1,018
Paper                   250    247
Label                     3      1
Plywood                  39     36
Other operations         16    163
Internal sales, total 2,581  2,558

EBITDA by segment                 
Energy                  207    118
Pulp                    139    188
Forest and timber       -48    159
Paper                   885    939
Label                    34     85
Plywood                  46     71
Other operations        -57    -14
EBITDA, total         1,206  1,546

Operating profit (loss) by segment
Energy                  175     95
Pulp                     89    145
Forest and timber       -59    201
Paper                  -129   -137
Label                   -26     60
Plywood                  28     50
Other operations        -54     69
Operating profit         24    483
(loss), total
% of sales              0.3    4.8
Special items by segment
Energy                    -      -
Pulp                    -59    -43
Forest and timber       -36    -13
Paper                  -379   -399
Label                   -28      4
Plywood                   3      -
Other operations         10     99
Special items, total   -489   -352
Operating profit(loss) excl.special items by segment
Energy                  175     95
Pulp                    148    188
Forest and timber       -23    214
Paper                   250    262
Label                     2     56
Plywood                  25     50
Other operations        -64    -30
Operating profit (loss) 513    835
excl. special items, total
% of sales              5.4    8.3

Changes in property, plant and equipment

EUR million         Q1-Q4/Q1-Q4/
                      2008  2007

Book value at        6,179 6,500
beginning of period
Capital expenditure    471   644
Decreases              -24   -96
Depreciation          -748  -752
Impairment charges    -182   -42
Impairment reversal      -    12
Translation             -8   -87
difference and other changes
Book value at end    5,688 6,179
of period

Commitments and contingencies

EUR million           31.12.2008 31.12.2007
Own commitments                           
Mortgages 1)                 787         90
On behalf of associated 
companies and joint ventures
Guarantees for loans          10         10

On behalf of others
Other guarantees              2          3

Other own commitments
Leasing commitments          17         21
for the next 12 months
Leasing commitments          56         99
for subsequent periods
Other commitments            62         70

1) The increase in mortgages relates mainly to giving mandatory security for 
borrowing from Finnish pension insurance companies.

Capital commitments
EUR million          Completion Total cost         By     Q1-Q4/      After
                                           31.12.2007       2008 31.12.2008
Rebuild of         October 2010         30          -          1         29
debarking plant, Wisaforest
Waste water      September 2010         17          -          -         17
treatment plant, Blandin
New Bioboiler,         May 2009         75         11         48         16
Efficiency       September 2009          9          -          -          9
improvement, Chudovo
Gas usage            August2009          9          -          2          7
reduction, Schwedt

Notional amounts of derivative financial instruments

EUR million           31.12.2008 31.12.2007

Currency derivatives
Forward contracts         4,598      4,369
Options, bought               -         50
Options, written              -         60
Swaps                       508        529
Interest rate derivatives
Forward contracts         2,668      3,642
Swaps                     2,833      2,383
Other derivatives                         
Forward contracts           172         12
Options, written             78          -
Swaps                         8          3

Related party (associated companies and joint ventures) transactions and 

EUR million          Q1-Q4/Q1-Q4/
                       2008  2007

Sales to associated    138   130
Purchases from         592   500
associated companies
Trade and other         37    29
receivables at end of period
Trade and other         27    42
payables at end of period

Key exchange rates for the euro at end of period

                     31.12.2008 30.09.2008 30.06.2008 31.03.2008 31.12.2007
USD                      1.3917     1.4303     1.5764     1.5812     1.4721
CAD                      1.6998     1.4961     1.5942     1.6226     1.4449
JPY                      126.14     150.47     166.44     157.37     164.93
GBP                      0.9525     0.7903     0.7923     0.7958     0.7334
SEK                     10.8700     9.7943     9.4703     9.3970     9.4415

                     30.09.2007 30.06.2007 31.03.2007
USD                      1.4179     1.3505     1.3318
CAD                      1.4122     1.4245     1.5366
JPY                      163.55     166.63     157.32
GBP                      0.6968     0.6740     0.6798
SEK                      9.2147     9.2525     9.3462

Basis of preparation

This unaudited financial report has been prepared in accordance with the 
accounting policies set out in International Accounting Standard 34 on Interim 
Financial Reporting and in the Group's Consolidated Financial Statements for 

The Group has adopted the following standard:

IFRS 8 Operating Segments was early adopted from 1 January 2008. IFRS 8 
replaces IAS 14 Segment Reporting and aligns segment reporting with the 
requirements of the US GAAP standard SFAS 131. The new standard requires the 
‘management approach' to reporting on the financial performance of operating 
segments. The information to be reported for each segment is to be the measure 
what chief operating decision maker uses internally for evaluating segment 
performance and deciding how to allocate resources to operating segments. The 
adoption of IFRS 8 does not have a material impact on the Group's financial 
statements, since the Group has already reported segment information in a 
manner consistent with the internal reporting.

UPM's new business structure

As of 1 December 2008, UPM has been applying its new business structure. Under 
the new business structure, UPM reports financial information for the following 
segments: Energy, Pulp, Forest and timber, Paper, Label, Plywood and Other 
operations. Comparative segment information has been revised accordingly.

Calculation of key indicators

Return on equity, %:

(Profit before tax - income taxes) / Total equity (average) x 100

Return on capital employed, %:

(Profit before tax + interest expenses and other financial expenses) / (Total 
equity + interest-bearing liabilities (average)) x 100

Earnings per share:

Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent company / 
Adjusted average number of shares during the period excluding treasury shares

UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Pirkko Harrela
Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Main media

It should be noted that certain statements herein, which are not historical 
facts, including, without limitation, those regarding expectations for market 
growth and developments; expectations for growth and profitability; and 
statements preceded by “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “foresees”, or 
similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. Since these statements are 
based on current plans, estimates and projections, they involve risks and 
uncertainties which may cause actual results to materially differ from those 
expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not 
limited to: (1) operating factors such as continued success of manufacturing 
activities and the achievement of efficiencies therein including the 
availability and cost of production inputs, continued success of product 
development, acceptance of new products or services by the Group's targeted 
customers, success of the existing and future collaboration arrangements, 
changes in business strategy or development plans or targets, changes in the 
degree of protection created by the Group's patents and other intellectual 
property rights, the availability of capital on acceptable terms; (2) industry 
conditions, such as strength of product demand, intensity of competition, 
prevailing and future global market prices for the Group's products and the 
pricing pressures thereto, financial condition of the customers and the 
competitors of the Group, the potential introduction of competing products and 
technologies by competitors; and (3) general economic conditions, such as rates 
of economic growth in the Group's principal geographic markets or fluctuations 
in exchange and interest rates. For more detailed information about risk 
factors, see pages 68-70 of the company's annual report 2007.

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